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131, manager's dilemma

 After Kaka shot, Thunder Dragon passed all the internal information of the scene to Mouse, but Mouse could not come up with any countermeasures for the time being. After letting Thunder Dragon and Huniu withdraw, he contacted the local police.

The local police were confused when they saw the scene here, so they could only turn around and call the HK police for help. The HK police then handed the matter over to the Ninth Serious Case, and then the leader of the Ninth Serious Case arrived overnight. The speedboat arrived in Macau.

After arriving here, the leader of the ninth serious case frowned and realized that the matter was not simple, so he picked up the phone and called Mouse.

Mouse received a call from Shen Yun and scratched his head after hearing his description: "Don't you Hong Kong police have your own analysis department?"

"Brother Mouse... Listen to me, it's like this... After a while, all of us in the Ninth Serious Case will go to the provincial capital to talk to the officials there about the integration of the province, Hong Kong and Macao. From now on... Ninth Serious cases are your responsibility, hehe."

Mouse was struck by lightning when he heard the news. Although he was very short of manpower now, he had a headache when he thought about the behavior of those big men in Hong Kong. They really couldn't beat or scold them. They were all new and nothing could be done. Things and tempers are not small.

"don't want."

"Brother Mouse... Brother Mouse... don't worry, don't worry, I will kneel down for you." Shen Yun said with a sad face: "I really have no choice. If this kind of thing is done in one province, Hong Kong and Macao, I will be exhausted to death. In this way... I will make a report to our superior here, that is, I will give you a salary in both Hong Kong and Macau, so Brother Mouse you can get three salaries."

"Nonsense!" Mouse frowned: "Am I doing this for money? Send me the list of the ninth most serious case later, along with the identity information and horoscopes you believe."

"Oh... ok, ok, ok."

After hanging up the phone, Shen Yun let out a long breath and went to the basement. All he saw was a huge formation, a lot of garbage, and a corpse that had turned into ashes.

When he saw these things, he knew that this was not a problem that he could handle, but he still had to take this formation back. As for how to take it, he just dug it back together with the bricks below!

A large number of manpower was organized to start digging bricks, but as they dug, they felt something was wrong, because the soil underneath was very strange, much like the kind of newly covered soil, so Shen Yun ordered not to dig out stone slabs for the time being, but to start digging soil.

As they dug and dug, the eyes of those present first grew larger, and then they all took a breath of cold air. Shen Yun covered his nose and shouted: "Back off, back off, all evacuate!"

After a while, the forensic doctor, who was fully armed and wearing protective clothing, entered the place and saw the layers of corpses under the floor. Some were already bones, some were highly decomposed, and some still looked like they had died recently.

His grandmother's matter was a big deal. In just eight hours, the police cleared out as many as 740 skeletons. The time of death ranged from ten years to twenty-four hours. Their identities were unknown. Check, although it is certain that most of them were obtained from tomb robberies, as long as one of them was murdered, then this matter can be called a serious crime.

With such a huge amount, it was no longer enough for a regional agency to handle it. The Ninth Serious Case Bureau and the local police together reported the matter.

Of course, this kind of thing cannot be exposed directly, and the whole process must be kept strictly confidential. Therefore, after many approvals came down from the top, Mouse was still unable to escape the disaster. As soon as he took a shower and was about to go to bed, he was I was transferred to Macau after a phone call.

The carriages and horses were non-stop throughout the journey, and it was already early in the morning when he arrived in Macau. As soon as he walked into the villa, he was immediately hit by a strong smell of corpses.

He stood at the door and breathed heavily, while Chen Yun, who was wearing plastic gloves and with shiny dark circles under his eyes, looked at him with joy.

"Boy, you are cheating on me."

"How dare you? You will be my superior soon." Shen Yun sat there and took off his gloves and took a sip of water: "I really can't handle the situation here. This is too much..."

"I'll be given a set of equipment later. I'll go in and take a look."

"Thanks a lot."

Mouse quickly put on a set of protective equipment and walked into the basement of the villa. There were already densely packed corpses here. Because there were too many, they could not be transported away in time. They could only be temporarily piled here and processed slowly. The corpses emitted The stench made the mice feel the odor even through the gas masks.

He randomly inspected a few corpses and found that there were no obvious abnormalities in these corpses. They should all belong to the category of normal death. From some of the corpses that were still intact, it could be seen that many of them were from Southeast Asia.

Corpses from Southeast Asia have appeared in Macau, and the batches are so large, then it is certain that someone is doing the corpse business.

And this person must be in Macau!

"It seems that our breakthrough has come." Mouse turned his head and said to Shen Yun, who was rummaging for relevant identity information: "Go and mobilize the troops for interrogation!"

"Who to interrogate?"

"Examine smugglers across Hong Kong and Macau."

"Got the order!"

The Ninth Serious Case was launched. They were all terrible cases. No matter how human beings are, the head of the police station did not dare to give them orders. He did not dare to give them orders before, and he dared not to do so now. Therefore, Shen Yun acted very fast. They He directly controlled the offices of the anti-smuggling and anti-gangster groups. Although his behavior was a bit rough, he was able to effectively avoid leaking information.

After obtaining the anti-smuggling and anti-triad watch list, the Ninth Crime Team, together with other serious crime teams and the Macau police, started a region-wide free coffee drinking event. It only took a day and a half to catch the senior smuggler. Four hundred and twenty-five people were selected, and more than 140 smugglers traveling to and from Southeast Asia were screened out.

Once caught, we started to investigate, but this time it was different from the past. We didn’t investigate any cars or motorcycles or illegal drugs, we only investigated the smuggling of corpses.

No one can withstand the interrogation of the Ninth Serious Case, because they are supernatural... No matter how strong the psychological quality of the smuggler is, he will be scared to the tailbone when faced with the ghost demanding his life.

Hundreds of people, each taking five minutes to give a confession, not to mention... quickly let Mo Zi and the others grasp clues about a series of corpse smuggling.

Corpse smuggling is actually very popular in Africa, South America and Southeast Asia because it is supported by related religions, such as Voodoo in Africa, Satanism in South America and the witchcraft system in Southeast Asia all need corpses to operate.

If there is a demand, there will be a market. Take the Philippines as an example. At least more than 5,000 corpses go missing every year, and this is far from meeting the market demand. Therefore, in order to get high rewards, those who cannot find the corpses start manufacturing

Corpses, and the same situation will happen, even in the mainland, there will be similar situations. For example, the bad habit of matching women for marriage is still common in some remote places and mountainous areas.

And with the help of the corpse ghosts summoned by the mice, they had brought the big boss of corpse smuggling in Hong Kong and Macau to the interrogation room the next morning.

At first, the big smuggler was still tough-talking, but he forgot who he was facing. He could survive three days and three nights under the hands of anti-smuggling, anti-gangsters, and serious crimes, and he could even be arrogant and domineering.

Guy, you can't survive thirty seconds under the hands of a rat and then you'll do anything.

First of all, there is indeed a trade in corpses. Originally, the demand here was not that big. A hundred or so corpses a year are enough. Most of them are for raising imps and a small part are for souls. But since February last year, the whole of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan has

Demand for this stuff skyrocketed.

Since February last year, he has sold 1,900 units in Hong Kong and Macao alone. He doesn't know if there are others.

The remaining key content was that the buyers were divided into three batches, but the old smuggler judged based on his experience that the three batches were all the same group of people, and the bosses behind these groups should be those Taiwanese guys.

As for what they want these things for, he, a businessman, doesn't know. Anyway, a corpse can be collected over there for less than two thousand dollars, but it can be resold here for thirty to fifty thousand dollars. What's the big profit?

They all make money, so he is even less likely to poach customers.

So as of now, Mouzi and the others know who is buying and selling this thing, and they also know that these people have spent at least 80 million US dollars on buying corpses...

Checking cash flow is more complicated, and I'm afraid these people don't have only one account, so it's still difficult to distinguish.

"Undercover." Shen Yun smiled and said, "I will go undercover myself."

"You are quite brave."

"Eat this bowl of rice." Shen Yun patted the uniform on his body: "If you can wear it, you don't sleep just to get rich."

The mouse raised the brim of his hat: "I'll be with you, otherwise I'm afraid you won't be able to deal with it if something happens."

"You made your promise, you can't go back on it."

Of course this matter had to be done, but people still need to rest, and Brother Zhang and the others happened to be in Macau, so Mouse and Shen Yun went to find Brother Zhang after a brief rest.

At this time, Brother Zhang was bargaining with the shop owner in the underground shopping mall with the Queen Mother of the West, whose alias was Jin Mei. Although she had always said her name was Jin Jiu Sheng before, this name did not sound good after all, so she chose it casually. The names matched.

The two of them have been wandering around every day for the past two days, just like real tourists, eating at roadside stalls, watching people setting off fireworks on the beach, buying seafood from the fisherman on the pier and then finding a place to cook by themselves. It's completely ordinary. It couldn't be more ordinary. Except for Jin Mei's appearance, which is a bit unusual, there doesn't seem to be anything that attracts attention.

"Hello? Brother Zhang, I'm in Macau, come for dinner." Mouse shouted on the phone: "Waiting for you at Pai Dong Street, and Shen Yun. The Thunder Dragon will be here soon."

"Okay." Brother Zhang looked back at Jin Mei: "Are you going?"

"I'm going." Jin Mei nodded and said, "I don't have any money. If you don't take me there, what will I eat?"

When Mouse heard this on the phone, his ears stood up immediately: "There is a woman! Who is she? Do I know her?"

Brother Zhang hung up the phone slowly, turned to Jin Mei and said, "Let's go."

This chapter has been completed!
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