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173, ordinary and busy.

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When he got up early, Brother Zhang got up and cooked an egg for Nian Nian, then made a bowl of fried dough stick soup, and finally added twelve fried dumplings. This was Nian Nian's breakfast, and then he rode his little electric donkey just like in the past.

I took Nian Nian to school.

When I got to school, I found out that school was already on summer vacation.

He looked back at Nian Nian, and Nian Nian looked up at him. The two looked at each other in silence for a long time, and finally Brother Zhang said, "You didn't tell me about your holiday."


"You hee hee..." Brother Zhang had no choice but to get on the electric car again and prepare to leave with Nian Nian. But just as he was about to start, he saw Teacher Lin walking over from a distance. He saw Brother Zhang and Nian Nian from a distance.

Every year, I raised my hand and said hello.

Brother Zhang sneaked up to Teacher Lin. After the two chatted for a while, Teacher Lin said to him with a smile: "There are very few parents like you. We had a holiday yesterday, and you still sent me here today."


"My life is a bit confusing."

Brother Zhang was a little embarrassed by what he said. After explaining a few words, he asked, "It seems that you are not in good spirits."

Teacher Lin scratched his chin and laughed: "Come and sit at my house?"

Since there was nothing to do anyway, Xiao Zhang readily agreed to Teacher Lin’s proposal, and the two of them took Nian Nian to Teacher Lin’s house. His family lived in the family area of ​​​​the school. Most students in this old school

There will be houses like this for teachers to live in. The place is only fifty or sixty square meters, a small room, but it is more than enough for one person to live in.

Teacher Lin is a very tidy person. His house is kept spotless. In the two-bedroom house, one is a bedroom and the other is a study room. There is a tea table in the study room. Teacher Lin asked Xiao Zhang and Niannian to sit on it.

After getting up, he took tea leaves from the cabinet and said with a smile: "Recently, there was a little accident. The plot in the movie made me encounter it."

Brother Zhang raised his head with interest and asked: "Scream or is death coming?"

"Hahaha, why do you expect me to die so much?" Teacher Lin sat opposite him, skillfully dividing and washing the tea: "Actually, it's a secret that cannot be told."

"Oh..." Brother Zhang blinked: "Then I won't say anything."

"Oops!" Teacher Lin said in a dumbfounded voice, "It's the movie "The Secret That Can't Be Told"."

"Oh, if you had added the title of the book earlier, I wouldn't have misunderstood it."

teacher LIN:"???"

"It's okay, you continue."

Teacher Lin took a sip of tea and told his story. In fact, it was nothing new. He was just writing letters to a woman who theoretically did not exist in this world.

There is no reason for love. Chen Ning Yang told the world that love does not matter age, Leslie Cheung told the world that love does not matter gender, and the Bengal dragon told the world that if you are really loved, you don’t have to be so beautiful.

So falling in love with a person of the opposite sex in different time and space can be said to be very romantic, but the confusion that Teacher Lin is encountering now is that he can only keep love on paper, even if it is a purely Platonic love for someone like him

For people with special circumstances, it is a luxurious enjoyment.

But the woman didn't think so. Teacher Lin's description gave the lady all the beautiful words, but it also included his troubles. For example, she was eager to see Teacher Lin and asked her to help her.

The letter vividly displayed my longing. The faint fragrance and mottled tears on the letter paper kept Teacher Lin awake all night for the past few days, and naturally he looked a lot more haggard.

"Then do you know what era she is from?"

Faced with Brother Zhang's question, Teacher Lin took out the letter written by the woman. The envelope clearly stated "Beidahuang Construction Farm", but according to relevant information, Teacher Lin showed that this farm was as early as 197

It has ceased to exist six years ago. The only farm that can be found now is the farm built by Beidahuang Agricultural Reclamation Group, but these two are completely different from each other, and they don't even have the same address.

"I checked a lot of information. This farm was a state-owned farm, where educated youths went to the mountains to go to the countryside. But then in 1970, a flash flood broke out there, and the farm was completely submerged in the mudslide." Lin

The teacher frowned when he said this: "So these letters should have been mailed before 1970."

"What do you want?"

"I want to save her." Teacher Lin had a helpless smile on his face: "But I don't know how to tell her about this. I said that they would encounter mudslides in 1970, and she told me that she never believed in these ghosts and monsters.

She also made me a little firmer in my thinking. If I couldn't be firm, she would help me become a firm materialist warrior."

Brother Zhang laughed, but these words were indeed in line with the characteristics of people of that era, simple and simple. But now based on the analysis of Teacher Lin's words, this woman who made Teacher Lin dream about should always be fixed in the 1970s.


"Then what are your plans now?"

Before Teacher Lin could speak, he and Brother Zhang looked at the desk drawer at the same time. Teacher Lin quickly stood up and walked over. Sure enough, there was a letter lying quietly inside. He opened it hurriedly and saw the writing inside.

Said: "Comrade Lin: Last time you asked me what era we are in now, I can only tell you that now is the hottest era..."

Afterwards, thousands of words were written eloquently, which contained not only love and loyalty to the country but also good expectations for the future. Anyway, Brother Zhang seemed to be a very upright person, but in addition to these, it was also very vague and careful.

Expressing his love, there is not a single word "love" in the whole text, but the whole text is describing the future to Teacher Lin.

"I hope that when I return to the city, I can teach in the same school as you. We will go to the cafeteria to eat together, prepare lessons together, and enjoy the laughter of the children together. Oh, by the way, you told me to sign the signature last time

Sometimes it is necessary to record the year, month and day. I admit that this was an oversight on my part, so I will record it this time."

After this last paragraph, the girl wrote the date and her name, "Huang Ailing, April 11, 1970."

After Brother Zhang and Teacher Lin saw this date, they both raised their heads and glanced at each other, and Brother Zhang said: "What month is the mudslide?"

"The record is July."

"You still have three months." Brother Zhang reminded: "I can't help you with this kind of thing, but..."

After saying that, he smiled, and then pushed the eDonkey key forward: "My key accidentally fell here with you."

Then he stood up, took Nian Nian's hand and walked out: "Say goodbye to Teacher Lin every year."

"Goodbye." Nian Nian waved to Teacher Lin, and then left with Brother Zhang.

Teacher Lin looked at the eDonkey key on the table in a daze. Then he felt a sudden change in his heart. He stood up, picked up the key, picked up the letters and walked out of the door. He came to the electric car of Brother Zhang downstairs and was deeply moved.

After taking a breath, he stepped forward. Just when he was worried about how to start it, Niannian suddenly ran back, leaned into his ear and said, "Speed ​​up."

After saying that, without waiting for Teacher Lin to ask her questions carefully, she fluttered away on her short legs.

Looking around and seeing no one else, Teacher Lin took a deep breath and started the electric car. Then he recklessly turned the switch to the top, and the electric car buzzed and disappeared. The speed was so fast that it was shocking.

There was no time to react.

Teacher Lin was sitting in the car and felt a fleeting light in front of him, as if he had entered a fantasy space. When he released the switch in surprise, he found that he had arrived in a strange place.

This is a place that looks like a small town. The people around him are dressed very simply, just like the old men and women dressed when his father took him to the market when he was a child. Most of the men are wearing military green cloth.

The same goes for women. At most, they only wear a floral blouse. The women on the street either have braids or ear-length hair. Not to mention any fashionable hairstyles, and you can’t even find a pair of good-looking shoes.


In comparison, Teacher Lin's combination of black suit pants, white shirt and brown leather shoes suddenly became the focus of the crowd. But when he lowered his head again, he found that the electric car under his crotch had turned into a permanent one.

brand bicycle. But even so, he seems to have become the most handsome boy on this road.


Teacher Lin was stunned. Looking back, he saw the chronological concierges and the commune cafeteria with open doors not far away. Teacher Lin, who majored in literature and history, immediately knew what era he had arrived in.

Seeing the scene in front of him, and thinking of the girl in his letter, he felt heartbroken, and then asked the fellow next to him about the way: "fellow, may I ask how to build the Hongqi Farm?"

Hearing this, the old farmer on the roadside raised his head and looked at the young man in front of him. He thought that this man was probably an official from the city. Naturally, he did not dare to neglect him, so he quickly showed him the way, and said that the place over there was not good.

Walking, there are hundreds or dozens of miles of mountain roads in the ravines. It is only convenient to hitchhike when a truck from the commune passes by.

But Teacher Lin didn't care. After understanding it, he got on his bicycle and sped away.

And just when Teacher Lin officially embarked on the road to save his beloved, Niannian looked up at Brother Zhang on the road.

"Don't look at me like that, I didn't do anything." Brother Zhang took her hand and walked forward slowly: "I just forgot to ride the electric bike back."

Nian Nian doesn't like to talk, but is very smart. She put on a shy expression towards Brother Zhang, but Brother Zhang said indifferently: "The horse may have stumbled, I'm not omnipotent. Besides,

, the established reality cannot be changed, and changing the past will only create new forks. It will not have an impact on the present."

While they were talking, they passed a small bridge. There were some old men on the bridge looking at the people under the bridge discussing. Brother Zhang looked over and found two people with their backs to him, holding up their trousers and using a

The dustpan catches something in the river.

The key point...the backs of these two people look familiar.

If you take a closer look, you will be surprised to find that the people sifting sand in the river with their butts sticking out are Yang Junfeng and Mr. Cai, a rich second generation and a grounded flight attendant. The two of them were soaking in the river like idiots.

I don't know what to do.

Brother Zhang's expression became very strange, and then he walked to the river with Nian Nian and stood not far from the two of them: "What are you doing?"

Yang Junfeng raised his head and glanced at Brother Zhang: "Why are you here? Gold mining! I heard that gold can be mined in this river. Mr. Cai found a gold ring some time ago."

Hearing these remarks, Brother Zhang thought that it was not easy for these two people to lower their heads. At this time, Mr. Cai straightened up and beat his back and said to Brother Zhang: "It's really okay. I'll do it with the first few people."

I come here to hunt for two hours every day, and my average daily income is fifty or sixty yuan, not counting the gold ring I picked up."

Hey, this is obviously just picking up rags, right?

Fortunately, the river is not deep, and it is not a sewage river. There is no silt, and most of it is sand and gravel, so they can still play happily. But Brother Zhang really doesn't know whether they have a brain problem or whether they are just idle at home.

It’s true that one becomes unconscious, mentally retarded, and contagious after a long time... Brother Zhang has traveled across the multiverse for many years. He has seen smart people, brainless people, and treacherous people, but he has never seen anything like them.

So boring.

"Okay, you guys take your time and play." Brother Zhang shook his head: "Pay attention to your safety."

"I know, don't worry, expert." Mr. Cai said confidently: "Absolutely."

Back at the milk tea shop, this was the quietest time. He turned on the computer, turned on the music, and then read the latest news.

The Internet is indeed the memory of a goldfish. The most popular news in the past few days was naturally the news about the execution of the richest man Fu. In the next few days, there will be some news about him and his family, such as the breakage of the family's interest chain and the disintegration of the family.

Content, many people started to divulge his fortune on the Internet. The hottest news in the next few days was the live broadcast debut of Ghost King Angel. Since that day, Miss Ghost King also had a live broadcast, but

There is nothing very exciting, just some interactive sessions to answer questions, such as what ghosts are, whether they exist or not, and strange questions such as whether humans and ghosts can get married.

So Ghost King also stayed on the list for a few days, and then...it was actually boring stuff.

The public accepts new things much faster than expected. In addition, if Miss Ghost King’s operation this time has a perfect score of 100, he will be at least 180, which really speeds up the speed of social operations after the recovery of spiritual energy. In fact, the voices of the general public do not have much resistance. The main concerns are about fear or things that hurt people indiscriminately.

Of course, this kind of thing cannot be solved overnight and needs to be reconciled slowly. However, I have to say that the ghost clan has made a pretty good start now. As for what the demon clan will do then, it depends on what Princess Jin Long will do. What a strategy.

The morning was quiet and long. Brother Zhang was sitting at the counter, listening to music and reading the news, which was quite leisurely.

He can't go to Zhu Zhenzhen's company, because Zhu Zhenzhen is now focused on doing big things with Zhang Yao. Because of money problems, Zhu Zhenzhen spent 20 million some time ago to sell off his company, which had just started to make profits. As a result, Brother Zhang is now Once again unemployed at home.

But who can do anything about this kind of thing? People also need to have a family life, and the world will naturally not revolve around anyone, not even little Brother Zhang.


A plump figure jumped up on the counter, squatted there and shouted.

Brother Zhang raised his head and glanced: "What?"

"Little Jackal Death wants to talk to you..."

"Xiao?" Brother Zhang was stunned: "What do you mean?"

"It's just a little one." Dahuang thought for a while: "The Jackal Death has disappeared for many years, and now his daughter is the Jackal Death. She just wants you to help."

"How can I help you?"

Dahuang thought for a moment and suddenly sighed: "We exiled gods are very pitiful. Just... I want you to help find a place for them to settle down. There is no way for them to survive above. The war in the heaven has completely destroyed us. , those angels are like doves in front of you, but in front of us, they are vultures. We have less than twenty exiled gods left... I think the only one who can protect them is you."

Brother Zhang laughed: "Is it so miserable?"

"It's miserable. It's so miserable that I have no friends. Let's think of a way. They will come tonight, and their leader is the little Jackal Death. However, I am somewhat thin-faced among them, and I can still talk to you. Then you can If you don't feel comfortable telling them anything, you can tell me the same thing."

This chapter has been completed!
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