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181, everyone is not normal


The masked man came to Brother Zhang, sat down gracefully and said hello, then he looked at the menu and nodded with his gloved fingers: "Is there steak?"

Brother Zhang raised his head and glanced at him and nodded: "But I don't recommend you order this, it's frozen. If you want to eat fresh, you have to go to the tea restaurant at the entrance of the alley."

But the person who came did not give up. He raised his head and read the light sign above: "Pork is also acceptable."

This time, Brother Zhang didn't say anything else. He took out a piece of fresh meat from the refrigerator and cut it into about five centimeters thick slices with a swish of a kitchen knife. Then he put the square pot for frying steak on the stove and wiped it.

He poured some lard, and when the lard started to smoke, he spread a large piece of pork on top of it, and the fat on the pork began to make a sizzling sound, and Brother Zhang

When you see that the oil is almost there, remove the fat, pull it aside, and start cooking mainly the lean meat.

He used a knife to cut a few slits on the pork chop, and then spread the seasoning on it. The pork gave off a burst of fat aroma, and during this gap, Brother Zhang started to deal with the side dishes. Tomatoes, cucumbers and purple cabbage were quickly eaten.

Cut it and put it on a plate with mayonnaise.

One side of the pork here is almost done. Brother Zhang flipped it over with a shovel and pressed it down. He heard a cheerful sizzling sound and the room was immediately filled with the aroma of meat.

After a while, Brother Zhang started to season the pork chop. Because the meat was very fresh, he seasoned it very lightly, with only a little salt and a little ginger and garlic juice. When he finally put the pork chop in front of that person, the pork chop was still sizzling.

The sound of oil.

After taking the knife and fork, the man took off his mask and started eating. The blue-gray skin on his body was exposed, and the teeth in his mouth were jagged like a shark, which looked very scary.

Call him scary, but he eats very elegantly and looks very good. After eating, he will even take out the handkerchief he carries with him to wipe his mouth, and thank Brother Zhang and praise the delicious food.

"Please give me another glass of pomegranate juice, thank you." He sat there and wiped his mouth with satisfaction and said to Brother Zhang: "If it is convenient for you, please add some salt to my pomegranate juice, less, maybe

...Just the concentration of normal saline is fine.”

Brother Zhang naturally would not refuse such a simple request. After Brother Zhang handed him the drink, he immediately began to taste it slowly. As he sucked, the originally wrinkled skin began to gradually fill up, and that

The blue-gray color is also much lighter, but it is still far from the skin color of ordinary people.

"Sorry, I have a skin disease." The man took out his mobile phone and asked, "How much does it cost?"


He quickly left the hotel after scanning the QR code, and the gossip trio just walked in and looked at Brother Zhang curiously.

"What are you going to do?"

Yang Junfeng first asked: "That person just now was not a human. Did he say anything to you?"

Brother Zhang nodded: "I know, but he didn't say anything, he just ate something."

"Then did he realize that this is actually not an ordinary store?" Pi Ye asked the second time. She didn't realize that this was not an ordinary store when she first came here. She was still acting wild here when she first came here, and was later arrested.

She would never forget the incident of Miss Dog pressing her to the ground and rubbing her.

"No." Brother Zhang shook his head and said, "It should be hard to find."

This is true. Although this place is full of formations, it is not only the strongest base camp of the Twelve Spirits, but also the protective fortress of Brother Zhang. But in fact, not everyone can notice its horror, especially after years of experience by magic madmen.

After the improvements and improvements of Thunder Dragon and Formation Master Mouse and Zhang Yao's complete overhaul, this place is no longer any different from an ordinary store. There was some smell of formation before, but now it is gone at all.


"It seems like he just comes here to have a meal."

Master Pi turned his head and said to Sister Dog: "Do you think he heard us talking about him?"

"It must not be." Sister Gou also raised her head and glanced at Yang Junfeng: "Right."

"Well, probably not." Yang Junfeng sat down and asked Brother Zhang: "How does he feel? Is it scary or scary?"

Brother Zhang shook his head: "He is very polite and elegant, even elegant. He makes no sound when cutting steaks, and he drinks drinks quietly. Except for the strange color of his skin, there is nothing special about him."

The arrival of a new monster will naturally trigger a discussion, but judging from the current situation, due to the different systems, the zombie brother may not realize that he is actually in a monster den. He repeatedly

The reason for emphasizing that he has skin disease is probably because he wants to hide it better, but... to a certain extent, he is a bit too underestimated of the world's heroes.

"No, I'm going to see what he does."

Master Pi suddenly transformed into a little fox the size of a palm, spread his legs and slipped out of the crack of the door like a mouse without anyone trying to stop him.

When she came outside the room, she squatted on the window sill and peeked inside secretly. She saw that the zombie brother had unwrapped his clothes and was sitting in the room wearing a vest. His room was empty.

Apart from a wardrobe, there is only a computer desk with a computer on the table. There is not even a bed, only a few boards put together on a stool left by the previous owner, which is considered a bed.

There was a pack of cigarettes and an ashtray in front of the computer desk, and this zombie brother was sitting there clicking the keyboard. Mr. Pi had good eyes, and he immediately discovered that this zombie brother was actually writing a novel, and from the protagonist's

You can tell from the name Pi Ye at a glance. He writes the supernatural horror novel "The Biography of Horror" which has become very popular recently and she is also following it.

When Mr. Pi saw this, he turned around and went back to report the news.

"Here comes the great god! He turns out to be a novelist!"

Master Pi rushed into the milk tea shop as if he had discovered a new world. He jumped onto the chair in one stride and said with a dance: "The most popular book recently was written by him! Let me just say, how could a person write it?"

So true, it turns out to be a zombie."

Brother Zhang laughed: "Is it over to pry into people's privacy?"

"It's over, it's over, I'm very satisfied." Mr. Pi chuckled and said, "But his life is so simple. He only has a wardrobe and a computer, and nothing else."

"The undead creatures are like this. They have a lot less desires than living creatures." Sister Dog explained at this time: "They can calm down and do the same thing for a long time."

"Then will he be in charge of flowers and flowers?"

Sister Gou shook her head and said: "Zombies are something between humans, ghosts and demons. We all call them Sangui."

"Wouldn't that be very happy?" Master Pi sighed: "It's not like me, who has to take care of everyone."

"No matter? No matter you, you are still selling picture packages." Yang Junfeng hit Master Pi on the arm with a chopstick: "I can't afford you or what? You have to do that kind of thing behind my back."

"You have nothing to do with it." Mr. Pi raised his head stubbornly: "If it weren't for you, I would be a beautiful woman who would dominate the country! Are you still talking about me?"

"Okay." Brother Zhang handed over a few drinks: "There's no point in talking about this now. Just don't deliberately try to squeeze the newcomers."

Sister Gou continued: "Do you think it's really good to have no regard for others? If you were bullied in the mortal world, many people would stand up for you. The fox tribe and monsters are all your backers. But no one cares about no regard for you.

, naturally there is no backer, and it will be very miserable if someone targets you."

"No wonder he hides."

In the next few days, they all paid attention to this new zombie brother, but he really lived in seclusion and never saw anyone during the day. He would only come out to have a meal with Brother Zhang at dusk.

Sometimes he would order a pork chop or a steak, and sometimes he would order a chicken, but he would always order a glass of pomegranate juice with salt. After drinking, he would give the money and leave, never chatting much or doing anything.

Stay longer.

However, if someone talks to him, he will not shut them away coldly. Although he repeatedly emphasizes that he has a skin disease, it can actually be seen from his temperament and tone of voice that he has a very gentle personality.


Three days later in the evening, he came to Brother Zhang's shop for dinner as usual, but when he entered, he was accidentally hung up by a coat hook on the wall, and the mask and hat around his neck fell off. Although he

The crowd was immediately surrounded again, but many people still saw his face.

His skin was that gray color, which looked very eerie and weird, and a piece of his head was missing, with no hair or even scalp, just a palm-sized white bone exposed there.

After he put it back on, he found that many people around him were looking at him. He finally realized that he had been exposed. He stood there very awkwardly, not knowing whether to leave or continue to order food. Although he was wearing

But Brother Zhang could see embarrassment, uneasiness, and a little fear from his expression.

At this time, the guy sitting closest to him suddenly laughed, then put his hand into his pants and took out a loose cat tail from his butt, while the handsome guy opposite him also took off the tail from his neck.

scarf, revealing a circle of fish scales.

Mr. Pi, who was sitting in the front, even managed to cover up his three tails and waggled them around. Only Yang Junfeng did nothing. He turned around with a beer and shouted to the guys behind him: "Hey, you guys are almost ready."

Yeah, I'm just a human being."

"Come on, you don't look like a human being. The gold panning in the river made the news a few days ago. You yourself said that this is something that humans can do?"

The room immediately burst into laughter, and Yang Junfeng spat: "You guys know nothing."

The zombie guy looked around, then suddenly laughed, then took off his mask, and said generously: "Boss, let's have a roast chicken. I have a friend coming later, and I recommended this place to her."

Yes, she also likes eating chicken."

This chapter has been completed!
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