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209, without this transaction

 Brother Zhang didn’t prepare any live pigs, but he still came to the seller’s castle.

This is really a castle, and it is built on a reef by the sea, surrounded by dark brown rocks. The driver of Feizhou told Brother Zhang that no one in the city knew when this castle was built, as if it was built overnight.

It stood here for a long time, and after that, Ananda dragon skin could no longer be caught on the sea, and this became the only place where dragon skin could be purchased.

Because it is an exclusive sale, the price has skyrocketed by more than a hundred times. The driver of Feizhou said that he even remembers a few years ago when even ordinary people could buy a piece of skin and make soup, but now the price is no longer ordinary.

It's what people can bear.

"Just wait for me here, I'll go in by myself."

Brother Zhang said something to the driver, and then walked straight across the bridge. The gate of the castle was closed tightly. He stepped forward and clicked the door knocker. With the sound of heavy door shaft rubbing, he walked out.

An old man with one eye and a stooped body glanced around Brother Zhang with a gloomy look, and then uttered strange syllables from his throat.

"Hello, I'm here to buy the skin of the Ananda dragon."

After explaining the purpose of his visit, Brother Zhang was led into the castle by the old man. There was a strange feeling as soon as he entered the place. It was damp and sticky, like an ancient building soaked in water, covered with seaweed.

, and the moisture in the air is so high that the clothes can completely stick to the skin, making it very uncomfortable.

Follow the old man all the way into the castle. There is not a single light here, but it is not that dark. There is some kind of algae attached to the wall. This kind of algae can emit a shining green light in the dark, making the place look...

Deep and mysterious.

They walked all the way down, and Brother Zhang made a preliminary estimate that they had probably walked down more than a hundred meters. This distance was completely beyond the scope of the castle, which meant that they were actually under the sea.


But because it was surrounded by bricks and couldn't see outside, Brother Zhang didn't know where it was.

After walking like this for about ten minutes, they stopped outside a huge door. The old man called into the door a few times, and then the door slowly opened.

When Brother Zhang walked in, he felt that this place was stuffy, salty, and sticky, just like being in a smelly fish tank. Moreover, it was completely dark with no light at all, but Brother Zhang could clearly see

Seeing all the furnishings and layout here, there are no walls in this place, and there is a deep underwater world directly outside, with countless marine creatures wandering around.

And suddenly all those weird deep-sea creatures disappeared, and then there was a big guy with no end in sight in the endless darkness. From the shape of the huge head, it can be seen that it was a huge eel.

It was swimming slowly in this direction, and then part of its body was coiled around it, as if it had lost its vitality. Then Brother Zhang saw a person appearing not far in front of him.

When this person appeared, the surrounding lights lit up, and what appeared in front of Brother Zhang was a normal room and a fat and somewhat ugly man. He was sitting in front of a huge chair with his belly

Her fat body almost drooped to her knees, and she looked very impressive.

He looked at Brother Zhang without saying a word, but Brother Zhang just walked to the wall and touched it, and found that the wall did not feel like bricks, but like some kind of undersea creature, and it was covered with mucus.


"Oh, you are Ananda Dragon, right?" Brother Zhang patted the wall and said to the man: "Sell your own skin...you can still do business."

The man saw Brother Zhang in shock, opened his mouth, and then a huge eye on the wall slowly opened. Brother Zhang felt as if there was some external spiritual force trying to impact his thinking, but

This kind of impact is not as harmful to him as searching for empty fingers on the Internet...

"Don't get me wrong, I have no intention of investigating you." Brother Zhang waved his hand: "I'm just a customer here to buy dragon skin."

Seeing that his mental power could not affect the person in front of him, Ananda Long's human form seemed a little surprised. Then the huge eye slowly closed again. After it closed, the fat man in front of Brother Zhang

Only then can he speak: "What do you want to know?"

"Don't worry, I have seen creatures ten thousand times more terrifying than you." Brother Zhang waved his hand and said, "I also understand that you are actually a part of the world, and you are far kinder than most humans."

Hearing Brother Zhang's voice, Anandalong's mood gradually calmed down, and the two of them chatted for a while. When Brother Zhang told him that he was a creature ten thousand times more terrifying than Anandalong

After the image was transmitted to it, it finally calmed down completely.

Of course, Brother Zhang didn't pass on any scary images. He just passed on the body of Quetzalcoatl, the body of the black-skinned Dalai Lai, that huge creature that could stretch more than four thousand kilometers when stretched out. In comparison,

In other words, the small grid of Ananda Dragon is also a tail.

After seeing this, Anandalong probably realized who the person in front of it might be, and it became cowered, but Brother Zhang kept comforting the frightened little boy who was more than 900 kilometers long.


"I yearn for the human world. I have been in the cold ocean for too long. I want to touch this world. I have no ill intentions." Ananda Long kept explaining his motives to Brother Zhang: "Countless years have passed.

There, I only had endless darkness, and then an island grew above my head. The island was full of interesting creatures, but I knew that my appearance would frighten them."

"Well..." Brother Zhang nodded repeatedly: "I can understand."

"I listened to their songs in the deep ocean, and I yearned for them very much." Ananda Dragon suddenly became depressed: "But I have appeared several times, and all I have brought is disaster."

Well...how do I put it? The black-skinned lady is cute, right? She is even one of the original ancient gods of the earth world and one of the incarnations of the will of the earth. But the problem is that from a human perspective, the black-skinned lady is

As long as Lailai appears once, it is destined to be a terrible disaster. Every time her wings flap, it will cause a typhoon. Every time her tail sweeps across the ocean, it will cause a tsunami. When she falls to the ground, it will cause a typhoon.

If it turns into an earthquake, even if she turns over in her sleep, it is enough to destroy a civilization.

Does she have any malice? Of course not. She has no malice towards this world at all. She even loves this world more than anyone else. But being big is the original sin. The same is true for Ananda Dragon. Its size is as long as it is from the bay.

If it escapes once, all the surrounding cities and villages will be destroyed.

Therefore, Brother Zhang can deeply understand the difficulties of such giant creatures. They are also intelligent creatures and have emotions, and their senses are one million to ten million times sharper than humans. They can hear every sound on the shore in the deep seabed.

People's joys, anger, sorrows and joys can feel every vicissitudes of life, and they will also yearn for it.

These rulers of the old world usually integrate into the world in various forms and postures, such as the Ananda dragon, which entered the world as a merchant.

Brother Zhang just listened to Anandalong complaining here for a full hour. Then when he emphasized that he was here to buy dragon skin, Anandalong directly gave him a large piece of fresh skin as a thank you.

Brother Zhang could hear the distress in his heart.

"Please come here more often in the future, I like you." Ananda Long said to Brother Zhang reluctantly, "I will prepare a gift for you."

Brother Zhang laughed, waved his hand and said, "Yes."

Brother Zhang was in a very good mood after bidding farewell to Ananda Dragon, because although the big eel looked very ugly, it was really a cute big guy, and in the process of communicating with it, Brother Zhang also understood why it

The leather would be sold so expensively.

It’s really not intentional, but because it reached adulthood five years ago and completed its last molt. After that, it will also molt but the cycle will last for two thousand years, so the skin it sells now is all its own skin.

, although its regeneration ability is very strong, it will still hurt if you pull it down so hard...

It is timid and afraid of pain, so it can only be sold at a higher price so that it will not be in pain all the time. But is it okay to stop selling it? In fact, it is not impossible, but this cute big guy can't bear to be with the people on land.

It’s an opportunity for the little ones to communicate, so even though it hurts, it still grits its teeth and perseveres, selling a little bit of its own skin every month.

Brother Zhang walked out of the castle, turned around and waved goodbye to the castle. The sea under the castle suddenly rippled with waves without warning, as if in response to Brother Zhang's farewell. The sound of the waves was crisp, the sky was full of moon, and the cool breeze was blowing.

A very moving scenery.

The driver of the flying boat outside was still waiting for him. When he saw him coming out, he hurriedly greeted him: "I thought something happened to you. If you don't come out, I'm going to report it to the patrol team."

Brother Zhang smiled and said, "It's okay. I just chatted with the owner for a while. Is there anything more unique here at night? Take me for a walk. I will leave here early tomorrow morning."

The Feizhou driver quickly agreed. He took Brother Zhang to wander around the night market in the city and ate some very local food. Although it was mainly small seafood, overall Brother Zhang was very satisfied.


Early the next morning, Brother Zhang returned to the milk tea shop as scheduled. At this time, Xu Wei, who worked the night shift, had just fallen asleep. The only people who accompanied Brother Zhang to check things were Niannian and Sister Dog.

Nian Nian, the child who dislikes celebrating the New Year the most, is as happy as celebrating the New Year today.

This chapter has been completed!
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