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210, new products on the shelves

 When describing the situation of this outing, Brother Zhang seemed very happy because he saw a completely different scenery and tasted completely different food. This can definitely be called a healing experience in a completely different world.

It is actually a very interesting thing to experience different lives.

“I can go more often in the future.”

Jin Mei was the first person invited to try out the new product. She watched Brother Zhang cooking delicious food and listened to him describe his experiences in another world. It felt as if she had also gone for a tour.


To sum up, it is beautiful. A kind of beauty that makes people feel comfortable.

Of course, Brother Zhang also described the dark side of that world and the chilling details, but Jin Mei didn't care about those. She only cared about all the beautiful things and food that Brother Zhang encountered.

"Is this thing a little too dark?"

In the afternoon, Brother Zhang's wonderful recipe from another world was officially placed on the table. The fried insect eggs made Xu Wei's scalp go numb, but Jin Mei was the first to put that thing into her mouth.

After biting it, the delicious juice inside burst out, and the sweet and juicy meaty flavor lingered between the lips and teeth, with the aroma of oil. The perfect fusion of protein and oil under high temperature made this dark-looking dish seem like

With a soul.


Jin Mei's affirmation was undoubtedly due to the quality of this dish. Although Xu Wei was very scared, she still took a quick bite, and after this quick move, she could no longer stop.

It’s really hard for meat eaters to resist this feeling. It tastes like a cicada pupa but is far more flavorful than a cicada pupa. Especially the satisfying feeling of eating meat that radiates from the inside out after taking it into your mouth is even more satisfying.

It’s hard to help yourself. Although this thing looks like an eyeball when fried, but...if you put aside the appearance, this is really a legendary dish to go with drinks.

The next dish was the special drink that Brother Zhang had there. Although the boss didn't tell him the recipe, he still copied everything in it with his keenness as a cook and made it for the first time in the morning.

At that time, I found that the taste was not good enough. After several taste tests, I discovered that the boss's so-called secret seasoning should be cane sugar and coconut milk.

Because sugar is a rare thing in that world, the source of sweetness for most people is fruits and vegetables, but those sweetnesses contain their own taste and are not as simple sweetness as sucrose, so when Xiao Zhang goes

After adding sucrose inside, the taste inside has been restored to the same level.

This drink is really refreshing. After drinking it, Xu Wei, who had been suffering from rhinitis, suddenly felt that all her orifices were open and her breathing was extremely comfortable. Even without adding any ice cubes, she could still feel the coolness and refreshment of it. Summer

A drink is worth its weight in gold.

After that, Brother Zhang perfectly reproduced several other "medicinal diets" except Anandalong's dragon skin soup. The first is several dishes prepared by Long Xixiang. The first is using fresh Long Xiang.

The salad you made, because fresh dragon's breath cannot be cooked with fire. After all, it is a thing that grows in magma, and fire is completely ineffective against it. Therefore, fresh dragon's breath can only be used with fruits and vegetables.

Serve cold.

Not to mention, from the results of the tasting, the lowest score of 59 points was removed, and the person who gave this low score was Sister Gou, because Sister Gou is not vegetarian. The highest score was removed, and the person who gave this score was Wen.

Guang Kun came to enjoy the aroma of his rice. Because this guy can cook three pounds of cake even if it doesn't stink, his score is meaningless. The final average score of this dish was as high as ninety-seven points.

The second dish is still a dragon's breath product, but this time it uses a thick paste of dragon's breath. Not to mention that Ms. Salamander's technique is really very clever. The thick syrup looks like orange honey.

But it tasted like a strong dragon's breath fragrance, so strong that it made people dizzy, so this little brother Zhang decided to put it in Baihua Nong. This Baihua Nong itself is a sweet soup because of the addition of dragon's breath.

After breathing it in, the fragrance is so strong that it is like millions of flowers blooming in a hut. Moreover, the processed dragon breath has a special effect, that is, after eating it, the whole body will exude a special fragrance.

The floral fragrance lasts for up to ten hours.

All the girls gave this dish a hundred points, even every year.

The third dish is spicy bugs. This dish is very dark from the name to the shape, but the taste is very good. It is a dish that meat eaters must not miss. Although it has no special effects, a plate of this dish tastes really good.

It's so cool. The compatibility between this kind of bug and pepper is also very high. It's an instant explosion and endless aftertaste. Sister Gou gave it a perfect score of 100 points, but Xu Wei gave it the lowest score, because this girl may not

It’s so easy to accept its shape…

The fourth dish is a special dish. Because Brother Zhang could not find a substitute for the bones of the handsome boy from Skull Island, he could only figure out a dish by himself. It is said that it can have the effect of increasing power, but after trying it, it seems that it does not work.

No one has any obvious feelings, but the smell is still good, but in comparison, it is not as amazing as the Dragon Breath series.

The last dish cannot be finished yet. Brother Zhang has already started to dehydrate the dragon skin, but this is a time-consuming job and will not be ready for a while.

"It's a pity that I didn't get the dish that increases my personal abilities this time." Brother Zhang looked at the empty plates on the table and said with emotion: "And I don't really like the kind of dishes that require the exchange of other lives.


"Then we won't develop it." After Jin Mei finished speaking, she suddenly raised her head and said, "What do you think of the ginseng fruit?"

"Huh?" Brother Zhang was stunned: "Ginseng fruit?"

"Ordinary people can't eat flat peaches, but ginseng fruit can. You can go to Zhen Yuanzi to get some, and then just add a little bit as seasoning. After all, it's still very useful."

Brother Zhang waved his hand: "I asked, the ginseng fruit tree has withered long ago."

"What a pity." Jin Mei curled her lips: "Then do you think flat peach will work?"

After saying that, she took out a peach from somewhere. This peach was about the size of an eight-inch cake. It was pink and white all over. When she took it out, it had a delicate fragrance that made people salivate.

"It smells so good." Xu Wei's saliva fell on the table: "This smell... I can't stand it."

Guang Kun looked Jin Mei up and down: "Where did you take it out?"

Jin Mei hit him in the chest with an elbow, causing Guang Kun to jump forward.

At this moment, Xu Wei had already stretched out her hand to the peach. After all, the taste was irresistible to mortals. However, before her hand could reach the position, she was slapped by Jin Mei: "You will die if you eat it."


Xu Wei retracted her hand in pain and asked curiously: "Why?"

"This thing is not something that mortals can eat. It is actually a fruit condensed with spiritual power. It will explode in one bite."

Xu Wei pointed at Guangkun: "But he..."

Jin Mei looked back, only to find that the dead monk Guang Kun had already eaten most of the flat peach she had put aside without any side effects. Jin Mei frowned and gave him another elbow.

"He's fine." Jin Mei said angrily, "This man is not a mortal."

"Hey, hey, stop, stop, stop." Guang Kun stood up immediately: "It's almost done, don't continue talking. You are busy, I should go out to sleep."

In the end, Brother Zhang gave up on the peach, and put aside the things that improve his abilities for the time being. The new dishes were enough for him to toss around for a while.

The day after the tasting, Brother Zhang's Super Palace Snack Bar officially opened for business. According to the previous idea, Xu Wei was in charge of the old area, specializing in serving meals for ordinary people. Brother Zhang also shared his secrets.

Thank you, Xu Wei doesn't have any big problems now, and Xiao Zhang is responsible for the new department planning in the new area.

However, on the first day of opening, there didn’t seem to be much business. Brother Zhang sat in front of the brand new kitchen counter, holding a fly swatter, and waited until 12:30. In the middle of the day, a man who had eaten roast chicken came to visit.

Pippi came to play with him, and then several new fairies from the Jinmei family came to see the guardian in a team.

"Why is this business so bad?" Brother Zhang sat there scratching his head, but looking at the business in front of him, it was still the same as before, so he curiously asked Da Huang who was lying on the electric fan above his head: "What do you think?


Dahuang raised his head and glanced at him: "Cook me a meal and I'll tell you."

"What do you want to eat? Tell me."

"I want to eat the bug eggs you brought back." Dahuang licked his lips as he spoke: "Don't be spicy, don't be numb, put more bug eggs."

Brother Zhang sighed, and then got him a portion. After the dead cat ate the whole plate, he licked his lips again and said: "If you want to ask why there is no business, you yourself

Think about it, have you advertised?"

Brother Zhang slapped his forehead: "I forgot."

The next day, on the blackboard at the entrance of the milk tea shop, it was clearly written, "The special new product "Southern Style" set meal is online, everyone is welcome to taste it."

Sure enough, there were more customers this time, but in a southern style, most of them ate fruits they had never eaten before, drank some juices and drinks, and a few ordered fish and insect eggs.

For ordinary people, eating here is just a novelty, but whenever a stranger or demon comes over, Dahuang, who is temporarily acting as a lucky cat at the door, will say in a very arrogant tone: "There are good goods!"

Those who didn't know it thought that Brother Zhang was selling something.

Until nearly one o'clock in the night, a demon spirit walked in slowly. His face didn't look very good. He sat there and asked Brother Zhang and ordered a piece of fruit. Seeing his appearance, Brother Zhang smiled and said

: "You look like you are sick?"

"Well, it's an old problem." We are all neighbors in Chang'an Lane, and there is nothing to hide: "When I was a little demon, I was beaten by a Taoist priest. Now it happens every full moon."

Brother Zhang immediately took the opportunity to sell: "I have a special medicinal diet here, do you want to try it?"

This chapter has been completed!
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