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290, the evolutionary path of superpowers

 At this time, ordinary people must not be able to stop it, and if the person on the ground is stepped on by that brown sugar cake-like thing, the crab roe will definitely be stepped on. People in the cafeteria exclaimed, there are some cowards.

Some even simply covered their eyes.

But Thunder Dragon continued to eat as if he didn't see it, until the brown sugar cake came closer, and Thunder Dragon finally started to move. But before he could make a move, the brown sugar cake was already frozen in mid-air.

Then I saw a female voice not far away who looked like a new student raising her hands towards the brown sugar cake. She kept moving her hands, as if she wanted to move the brown sugar cake away, but her power was obviously only able to control the brown sugar cake to stay in the air, and to hold the cake in place.

It was obvious to the naked eye that he was starting to lose control, and the girl's face turned red from holding it back.

"Superpower person." Thunder Dragon whispered to his little brother: "Both."

After saying that, he stretched out his hand and flicked it, and an undetectable small ball of light flew toward the brown sugar cake like a firefly. When the small ball of light touched the cake, his body suddenly looked like a

It looked like he had been kicked violently by something, and he flew backwards and hit the wall.

The girl who controlled him looked at her hand in astonishment, with disbelief on her face. But the next second, the fat boy came back again. This time, he went directly to the girl, and the girl didn't either.

She just pushed and flicked her hand hard, and Fa Gao, who was still more than ten meters away, was knocked to the ground and knocked over a bunch of tables and chairs.

However, this time the hair loss did not come up again, but slowly returned to the appearance of a boy. He was completely naked and did not look like the hair pain just now. Although the girl's face was covered with sweat, she looked like a boy.

I can still hold on.

At this moment, the belated school security rushed in and pulled the boy up from the ground with all his hands. Then he tied up the boy who was shaking with a rope and took him away. Then in the cafeteria

Everyone gave the girl warm applause.

Although people with superpowers are gradually awakening now, the proportion among the population is still very low. There are only one or two out of 10,000 people. This proportion is lower than AIDS. Some people who are unlucky may not be able to truly meet them in their lifetime.

to a superpower.

"When you see something like this in the future, the first thing you do is turn around and run away." Thunder Dragon said to his three little brothers: "Don't try to show off."

Seeing the traces on the ground and the damage caused by the confrontation between the two superpowers, they immediately nodded seriously. That power was not something ordinary people could contend with.

The slap will make you half-paralyzed even if you don't die, which can be said to be very scary.

Zhou Miao looked over at this time: "Why don't you let me touch that person?"

"There are many different types of superpowers. There are those who you can't tell, just like the little sister just now. They control the flow, and you won't be able to tell if they don't use their powers. There is also the kind who just had a bad habit. He

It belongs to the mutation stream. You will know after watching the Hulk. This kind of thing has no emotions at all after mutation, and you don't want to be kicked by something like the Hulk."

Zhou Miao nodded silently, but just now she could clearly feel that Thunder Dragon had taken action, but his action was really hidden. No one noticed what he had done in full view of the public, and he suddenly

That strange-shaped thing was bounced away, and its power was very terrifying.

"Keep a low profile as much as possible." Thunder Dragon told Zhou Miao before leaving: "Don't be exposed easily."

Zhou Miao raised her head and glanced at him. Before she could speak, Thunder Dragon had already left the cafeteria with his younger brothers.

After going back, a series of conversations started in Thunder Dragon's dormitory. Most of them asked what happened to Thunder Dragon just now, and Thunder Dragon also answered them one by one. However, the super power side only recovered with the spiritual energy.

Almost everything Lei Long knew about the schools that emerged came from Zhang Yao.

However, not long after Thunder Dragon returned to the dormitory and was preparing to start today's live broadcast, Brother Zhang's call came. Brother Zhang said on the phone: "Zhou Miao called me just now."

"She sued me, didn't she?"

"Yeah." Brother Zhang chuckled, but he didn't blame Thunder Dragon. He just said: "I know you still can't let go, but people still have to accept the reality slowly, and don't be too rough with her.

Okay, let’s guide it slowly.”


"Okay, you two are feeling aggrieved. This is unnecessary." Brother Zhang smiled and said, "I will tell her and you can adjust yourself."

Thunder Dragon groaned, and then he said: "Today, there was a situation where super powers were out of control in this school."

"Yeah." Brother Zhang responded: "The rat is right next to me. He has already told me that it is a Class E incident."

As soon as he finished speaking, Mouse took the phone and said to Thunder Dragon: "This year's moon phase shows that in the next three months, there will be a wave of spiritual energy recovery, and there will be a group of superpowers in these three months.

The person awakens, and then the value will stabilize, and the disturbance caused by this wave peak will be greater than ever before. The influence of superpowers will reach its peak within the next few years, and then it will slowly stabilize."


"You should also be prepared at all times. Later I will give you a copy of the super disaster level classification table we have developed here. You can make your own judgment and intervene in incidents above level C at will."

Thunder Dragon hung up the phone, then leaned on the bed and read the classification of super power out-of-control disaster levels sent by Mouse. The disasters were divided into six levels. There were six levels of A, B, C, D, E, and J, arranged from high to low, with the highest

The definition of Class A is that it can cause large-scale unrest and threaten all mankind. Class B is that it can cause devastating harm to multiple cities or urban agglomerations and conventional weapons cannot effectively kill it. The next Class C is that it can cause damage to the city itself.

Produces devastating harm and conventional weapons cannot effectively kill.

Starting from D level, it is relatively simple. For example, D level will cause certain damage to a city and conventional weapons can have a certain killing effect. E level will cause destruction and panic within a certain range, and conventional weapons can have a certain killing effect.

Effective killing and stopping effects, the last level is basically cannon fodder, the definition is that it will cause harm to individuals, conventional weapons and devices can kill and control.

"Is Grade A so awesome?"

"Well, Qing Lingzi, for example, is Grade A. And Jiang Shang, who was knocked down, is also Grade A or even above. Don't take it lightly."

On the VX, Mouse told Thunder Dragon: "If there are multiple Level C and above, you must report it as soon as possible. Don't be crazy, you may not be able to handle it."

"Oh, I see."

Thunder Dragon turned off the phone, leaned on the bedside and was silent for a while, then raised his head and said to the boys in the dormitory: "Get ready, you will be my teaching assistant starting today, and I will teach you how to practice."

The younger brothers became excited when they heard this: "Really?"

"Stop talking nonsense and be prepared."

And just when Thunder Dragon was cleaning up his dormitory and preparing to broadcast live, Brother Zhang in the small restaurant was watching TV. On the news, Class C superpowers had appeared in other countries, and they had caused very serious conflicts with the local military and police.


"The C-level ones are so powerful. To reach the A-level ones, that would be too scary." Xu Wei shook her head and sighed: "We won't show up now, right?"

Mouse raised his head slowly: "There are five Class A in Chang'an Alley, three Super Class A, and one...high level."

"Ah? Five Class A?"

"Well, the blue and white snakes, Chen Shi, Nian Nian, zombies. The super armors are Golden Rose, Quetzalcoatl and Rhubarb."


Mouse was silent for a moment, looked up at Dahuang who was looking at him from the ceiling fan, and then said to him: "You have been given a grade of A, so don't mess around."


"Because your scarabs can spread plague, your plague is incurable." The mouse said, "Large-scale plague and radiation can be classified as Class A."

"Aw..." Dahuang licked his paws: "Then be more polite to me from now on."

"Haha, do you want to go to the Crystal Prison?"

Dahuang stretched out his paw and pointed at the mouse and said to Brother Zhang: "He threatens me!"

Brother Zhang laughed: "Okay, stop making trouble."

Xu Wei happily pointed at Brother Zhang and said, "So he is the highest level?"

"No." Mouse shook his head: "He has not been graded. The highest grade is the big sycamore tree in the middle."

Xu Wei: "???Big sycamore?"

Brother Zhang then answered: "The big phoenix tree is the spirit of the earth, but it is always sleeping."

It was really hard for Xu Wei to imagine that, apart from Brother Zhang, the second most popular tree in this place was actually that big tree. It was such a scary tree, but Xu Wei saw the little bastards in Chang'an Lane climbing on it every day.

Climbing around, picking leaves and breaking branches, Chen Shi sometimes even slept on the branches...

"It was transplanted from the mountains and seas." Mouse turned sideways and looked at the big sycamore tree not far away: "It is also called Phoenix Breath. The mother tree is a tree from the mountains and seas, and you can understand it as the world tree. Back then, the fox tribe thanked the saint

With the grace of the Lord, I invited a branch from the world of mountains and seas, and it became the big sycamore tree it is today. You see, the word is "please", even the fox royal family can only use the word "please".

"Oh... I understand, it seems I still know very little." Xu Wei sighed: "I just said that I am not worthy of the title of Thunder Dragon."

"Take your time, it will be fine." The mouse said with a smile: "You have made rapid progress, compared with..."

When Mouse said this, he shook his head: "I'm afraid it will be difficult for her to grow up if she doesn't have a great opportunity."

Brother Zhang was sitting there and suddenly received a text message. He clicked it and found that it was sent to him by Jin Mei. The content was about inviting him to go to the food court to eat delicious food tomorrow. It should be that she was browsing short videos.

I saw an advertisement that made me excited.

"Okay." Brother Zhang replied with one word to her, and after sending it, he raised his head and asked the two people who were discussing the big sycamore tree outside: "Let me ask... how to reject others tactfully? I don't really want to

Go to the food court, the food there is terrible.”

Mouse raised his hand: "My mother's womb solo..."

Xu Wei also shook her head: "The only time I fell in love, the man wanted to slap my head..."

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