Turn off the lights
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Chapter 310 Brother, don’t do this.

 "Brother, rich people wouldn't be like this."

At that critical moment, Brother Zhang was pulled aside by someone, and the person who pulled him was one of the young men who were in the restaurant just now. The flashlight on his wrist also turned red.

Several of them were relying on nearby objects for tactical evasion, and from time to time they leaned out to fight back.

"How the hell have any of them rich people ever seen this?" The burly Tie Zhi next to him, who had just said he wanted to raise pigs scientifically, stood up and shot down a Pegasus knight who was rushing toward them with a gun in each hand.

He said, "Wars are the dirty work of people like us."

After he finished speaking, the weapon in his hand was about to be recharged. He very skillfully took out two batteries from his waist and inserted them into his weapon. Then he continued to shoot until the gun body overheated, and then he hid back in the bunker for a while.

Take a rest.

These people look like gangsters, but they have very high combat literacy, are very proficient in the use of weapons, and can effectively launch a three-three system charge against the enemy. This seems both abrupt and reasonable in such a cyberpunk civilization.


Situations like this are not uncommon around the streets, where citizens are everywhere relying on the terrain to fight back. Even the Kingdom Guards were not dispatched, and more than half of the attack was repelled.

At this time, the drones in the sky and the armored troop carriers arrived from behind, and they began to carry out an all-round encirclement and suppression of the invading Pegasus knights. After they drove all the enemies on the periphery to a safe place, Brother Zhang discovered

The green lights on the wrists of the three boys next to them turned green again, and their weapons immediately became ineffective.

They naturally retracted their weapons, and one of them patted Brother Zhang on the shoulder and said, "Hey, rich man, I saved your life, do you have to express your gratitude? I know there is a very good bar around here."

Brother Zhang smiled and returned: "Is the big bird going around?"

Those people looked at him with confused expressions, then raised their arms and pressed a few buttons. Then several flashy motorcycles drove over in unmanned mode. They got on the cars and gave Brother Zhang a look.

Head: "Rich man, let's go. It's time for you to treat me."

In fact, although these guys are vulgar and uneducated, they are still very interesting people. They really have no money, so they always try their best to get something, such as saving Xiao Zhang's life.

I begged him for a drink.

The bar they came to had not officially opened yet. The owner was a fat man who looked like a rhinoceros. His limbs had been replaced with mechanical bodies to be able to bear his weight. After he saw these boys,

He immediately roared: "You guys still dare to come, how much money do you owe?"

"Haha, don't worry, fat man, we brought the boss here this time. The old rules, triple the passion for heaven, a cup of saltwater crocodile. Remember it for the rich man."

Brother Zhang looked at the surrounding environment carefully before following them and sitting at the bar. This should be a striptease bar, very exciting and sexy. It should be very lively at night, but now there are only a few scattered staff cleaning.


And those three poor boys are obviously regular customers here, and they are regular customers who refuse to pay back their money. Although the fat boss looks very vicious, a person who can make people owe dozens of drinks should not be too bad.

"Fat man, we got the pass!" The short man took out the pass and waved it in front of the bar owner: "Look."

The fat boss took the pass and punched it several times. After confirming that it was not forged, he quickly folded it and stuffed it into the short man's pocket: "If anyone sees this, you will stink in the garbage station tomorrow.


"This is from a rich man. This is a farm heir from the country. He is very rich."

Brother Zhang couldn't help but laugh when he heard them introducing himself like this. After all, he didn't say where he was from, but he was called a farmer from the countryside...

But that's right, the way I dress is incompatible with this city. It's like someone wearing a raincoat and walking barefoot on the streets of Lujiazui. This is the most normal attire in the mountainous area, but it becomes a performance art there.

The fat bar owner handed the mixed drink to Brother Zhang, and then showed a disdainful smile on his face: "I said, what are you doing, giving such a precious pass to these three losers, you know that the pass is now

How much does one cost?”

"I advise you to shut up, otherwise we will definitely burn down your shabby shop before we leave."

"Then I want to see if you can go back alive."

It seems that it is normal for them to threaten each other. It can be seen that these people should be very good friends, so Brother Zhang did not interrupt. He was just curious about why they were not surprised at all by the sudden attack just now. After all, this

Many people were injured or even killed in the attack.

"Oh, by the way, why were all the weapons suddenly unlocked just now?" The fat boss suddenly asked: "Is it a sudden crisis?"

"Yes, there were strange things pouring out of the portal, but the three of us took care of them."

"Fart." The fat boss obviously didn't believe it: "If the three of you can solve the problem, then it won't be all unlocked. It must be a major accidental invasion."

After that, they had a heated discussion, but Brother Zhang sat there quietly drinking a cocktail called Saltwater Crocodile. The taste of this wine is very special, with a salty smell of seaweed.

With the addition of a bit of mint, the alcohol becomes a blood-flavored drink with a Gulf style. It's strange but the taste is okay.

Until they changed the topic to Brother Zhang, the fat boss asked again why he was willing to give the pass worth a whole set of real estate to these three losers. Brother Zhang did not answer, but just smiled lightly.

The fat boss probably thought he was quite boring, so he didn't ask any more questions. He just turned around and asked the three people: "When do you plan to leave?"

"This is the first batch of high-class passes. They should leave tomorrow."

After that, they started chatting about strange topics again, and after Xiao Zhang finished drinking, he raised his head and asked curiously: "Why do you not look nervous at all when such a big thing happened?"

"What's the big deal?" the fat boss asked.

Brother Zhang blinked a few times and said, "Didn't there still be casualties in the portal invasion?"

"That's normal, isn't it? Maybe to the people in that world, we are the monsters. And the first exchange between two civilizations will most likely start with a war. Our ancestors used to be like this, but we are no longer like this.

For the survival of the race, such grievances are not unbearable." The fat boss handed Brother Zhang a brand new drink: "Try it, this is the wine I specially prepared for the exploration team, it's called Another World."

Brother Zhang raised his eyebrows, then took a sip of the new wine, and found that it was very spicy in the mouth. Capsaicin should have been added to it, but after that, he tasted a mixture of bitter and sweet, as well as some strange spices.

The wine is very strong and very special, not difficult to drink and very exciting.

"The taste of each bite is very random. Does it symbolize the unknown ahead?"

The fat boss glanced at Brother Zhang, and then actually laughed: "It seems that you are a farmer who has gone to school, unlike these trash, they will only tell me 'what the hell is going on here'."

Brother Zhang put the empty glass on the table, and when he recalled it, the spicy taste of that glass of wine filled his nose.

At this moment, there was a buzzing sound in the sky, and the three suffering brothers ran out quickly. Standing on the street, they looked up and saw a huge, unimaginable ship through the gaps between the dense buildings.

The spaceship is slowly passing through the huge portal.

It was surrounded by many cargo ships with square heads and square heads that were not aerodynamic. Several spaceships that were not small in size but looked like they were combat ships passed by first.

"Heroic! This is the first time I've seen it."

When Brother Zhang heard the shouts from the idiot trio next to him, he pointed and asked, "That one?"

"Yes, we have only seen it in the news before. It is the most advanced planet-class pioneer ship. It has all the technology, landmark transformation tools, and also integrates hospitals and experimental rice fields. Four universes after landing,

It can be expanded into a city. Those small ones next to it are Centaur-class destroyers. It is said that the firepower of one can destroy an entire fleet!"

It is indeed the first time for Brother Zhang to see this ship. The size of this ship is indeed a bit large. The length is more than 80 kilometers, or it should be said that it is a basic unit of 1,400 centaurs. It is like a quilt.

The technological capabilities of the city integrated in the spacecraft are really amazing. In comparison, the good neighbors of the centaurs and the people on earth who have been with them for tens of thousands of years are like children who have just learned to build blocks. Everything seems so immature.


But it should be said that the reason why those civilized pirates gave up the centaurs and went to the earth is probably because they could no longer win. Neither culture nor force can hold this civilization hostage anymore...

Then, the instant messaging device on everyone's wrist began to broadcast, to the effect that they needed to leave early, and those with passes needed to report to the assembly area immediately to pass.

The trio of idiots exclaimed, got on their motorcycles and left. Brother Zhang watched the three idiots leave and just smiled before turning back and entering the bar. The fat boss was sitting inside and looking at Xiao Zhang.

elder brother.

"Aren't you going?"

"Actually, I am also from Earth." The fat boss suddenly looked up at Brother Zhang: "I knew you were from there when I saw your clothes."

Then he continued: "I was sent here because I accidentally entered the collection ship here when I was ten years old. What about you? How did you get here?"

When Brother Zhang heard the news, he found it interesting: "How old are you?"

"One hundred seventeen or one hundred and eighty, I can't remember clearly. I keep transforming my body in exchange for lifespan, using a lot of black market technology." The fat boss said with a smile: "But an earthling can actually have so many passes.

You are definitely not simple."

Brother Zhang pointed to a bottle of wine behind him: "Bring me a portion of that wine, and how much money they owe, and I'll give it to you for them."

"Forget it." The fat boss waved his hand and said, "Those little bastards have been sneaking around here since they were four or five years old, and I watched them grow up."

"Isn't there an orphanage here?"

"Yes, it's just that they prefer freedom."

Brother Zhang drank all afternoon and chatted with the fat boss for a long time. He left the bar when night was about to fall, and passed directly through the portal and entered the world over there.

Not far from the portal was the place where the heroic level was deployed. Brother Zhang slowly landed on a mountain and watched the spaceship slowly turn into a city. When he came, the power of the civilian facilities was connected.

, the lights were brightly lit for a moment.

After the city gradually began to take shape, cargo ships in the sky also began to dock, and then a large amount of materials were delivered into the city, and destroyers flying in the sky also docked and docked in every corner of the city, becoming part of the city.

The modular devices were disassembled and installed at peripheral defense firepower points. Those super destroyers that were said to be able to destroy a fleet with one ship now seem to be made up of various large and small weapon modules. Each one

Ships can integrate into the city in a short time.

This kind of versatility can really show the wisdom of civilization.

When the city expanded to 80%, basic functions were gradually rolled out. More than 30 small ambassador-class spacecraft appeared in the city and drove quickly around. This should be the first time they tried to follow the surroundings.

to communicate with each other.

Brother Zhang had already arrived at the edge of this steel city. When he wanted to enter, the surrounding sentries spotted him, and his information should have been circulated internally. When all the sentries saw him,

There will be no warning but a direct salute and release.

Brother Zhang was able to enter this city very smoothly. This suddenly appeared city is 84 kilometers long from north to south and 47 kilometers wide from north to south. The functions in the city are very complete, and it is only the first batch of pioneers.

The tourists haven't arrived yet, so now the city looks empty.

Brother Zhang stood on the top of the highest building and looked into the distance. There was a sky full of stars above his head and a dense forest of steel beneath his feet. It made people feel like they were hanging upside down in the stars.

After watching for a while, Brother Zhang opened his arms and slowly fell from the more than 3,000-meter-high building. He enjoyed the feeling of free fall. He was obviously falling, but the unclear boundary between heaven and earth made him

He had the illusion of falling into the starry sky. He closed his eyes until he completely fell to the ground. After bouncing on the heavy steel plate a few times, he slowly stood up and looked back at the shallow figure on the ground.

Damn it, Brother Zhang laughed.

He knew that he couldn't die, but it was nice to experience the feeling of death sinking into the abyss.

But at this time, an automatic cleaning robot next to it saw Brother Zhang falling from the top, making a hole in the ground, then standing up and walking away. The robot could no longer hold the vacuum cleaner firmly. Xiao Zhang

When I experienced death, a robot 14111, which did not even have a name, acquired the unique human emotion "fear".

This chapter has been completed!
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