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Chapter 311

"If he doesn't come back, we will be in big trouble."

On the fifteenth day of Brother Zhang's departure, the Mid-Autumn Festival has passed, but he still doesn't know where he is wandering. And now the flower plague has completely reduced the mortality rate to zero. Every day, major platforms are full of people trying to commit suicide.

How could a person jump into molten steel in a steel plant, jump down from an altitude of 10,000 meters wearing a pair of underpants, challenge 300,000 fire ants naked, and use his body to test a .50-caliber sniper rifle?

Anyway, people seem to be enjoying the benefits of immortality crazily, but behind the carnival of ordinary people is an extremely terrifying crisis, because the whole world has become immortal at the same time, and the number of living things is only increasing.

In just a few dozen days, the oxygen concentration on the earth soared from an average of about 21% to 27%, and this value is still soaring. Laboratory data shows that in such an oxygen-rich environment, plants and animals, especially insects,

Characteristics of gigantism have begun to appear, and animals have also begun to exhibit atavism.

"At first, no one cared about this disaster. It was just a wildfire, a drought, the extinction of a species, the disappearance of a city, until this disaster was closely related to everyone..."

Yingsha was sitting under the big sycamore tree reading a novel, and at this moment, a spider with a body larger than his palm, with eight legs spread out to only more than 70 centimeters, slowly and leisurely climbed from it to the tree. It was as tall as a coconut.

The crab-like body really startled the Brontosaurus. Not long after, the clicking sound passed over the top of his head.

Seeing this big guy, Brontosaurus probably knew that if Brother Zhang didn't come back, it wouldn't be long before the damn dinosaur might be resurrected again.

And all of this just started from an accident that night.

Now everyone has a clear idea of ​​how terrifying the power of the Guardian is. The power of just one word is about to bring the earth back to the Jurassic Period, and most people are still unsure about this coming disaster.

Knowing nothing, they are immersed in the illusion of immortality and cannot extricate themselves.

"What's wrong? Why did you suddenly become a botanist?"

Yingsha saw Mouse squatting next to a flowerpot on the roadside, looking at the flowers that were growing like crazy, with a sad look on his face.

Mouse stood up and walked over to Yingsha and sat down. He stopped talking several times, but then he could only turn into a wry smile.

"Come on, come on, tell your father Ying if you have any troubles."

Mouse rolled his eyes and looked at Ying Shang, then took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. When he lit the cigarette, he had obviously adjusted the air pressure to the minimum, but the flame was still much higher than before.

After lighting up his cigarette, Mouse squatted there and said helplessly: "You said he didn't leave early in the morning and wouldn't leave until late. What does he mean by leaving suddenly at this time and for such a long time?"

Yingsha touched the mouse's head: "Among the people we grew up together, who is the smartest?"

"He." Mouse said with some frustration, "He has always been the boss, hasn't he?"

"Then do you know how smart he is?"

"I don't know, who knows." The mouse raised his head and looked at Yingsha: "What are you going to fart again?"

"Wait, God has his own arrangements." Yingsha smiled and said: "All results will be the best results."

Of course, this kind of metaphysical content cannot fool a mouse, but Yingsha laughed loudly: "It's interesting that he left at this juncture, right?"

"Aren't you avoiding that dead fox?"

"Then you know that the problem of cause and effect is never one cause and one effect. It may be one cause and multiple effects, multiple causes and multiple effects, multiple causes and one effect." Yingsha picked up a handful of stones and threw them at the big spider on the tree.

The spider couldn't bear the humiliation, so he climbed to the top of the big sycamore tree, and then hid in a tree hole: "Can he see the future? He said he couldn't, but I think it should be possible, because to him, being able and not is just a matter of

Thinking or not, a person who can see the future cannot predict the current situation, but he still chooses to avoid it even though he knows it, guess why?"


Mouse, who always prided himself on being far-sighted, was a little confused at this time, but Yingsha, who was careless, seemed confident: "Wait, there will be an answer in the end."

The disaster is still going on, but life is also going on. When the disaster and life gradually began to merge, suddenly on the 82nd day, the flower cancer disappeared. It disappeared without warning, as if people all over the world were sleeping

When I woke up, disease and pain, death and farewell came again. The whole world suddenly became a mess, and all countries were not spared from the wave of death.

Many Internet celebrities who have broadcast live broadcasts of committing suicide have completed the last death performance in their lives early in the morning, and those who should have died long ago due to illness can finally leave normally.

The crematoriums in the city were operating at full capacity, and the smell of burning protein wafted vaguely throughout the city. There were cries and cries in the hospital, and everything was more chaotic than chaos.

But the chaos did not last long. In about seven days, the originally chaotic rules gradually got on track, the medical system gradually returned to normal, and the ratio of deaths and births gradually returned to its previous state.

It has been three full months, three months since the world will not die, and people's habits and ways of getting along with nature have gradually changed.

People are discussing flower cancer enthusiastically, and many people miss it. After all, for individuals, who cares about breaking the rules of nature? Those who truly fall into immortality are the fundamental interests. There are countless

People are trying to find ways to crack it, because no matter in any era, immortality will always be the eternal exploration of mankind. From Egyptian legends to Eastern myths, immortality is regarded as the highest pursuit in the world without exception.

But they didn't expect that what followed was not the rapid advancement of mankind they expected, but the despotic power of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

The first problem appeared in Eastern Europe. Three months happened to be the best planting period for food. At that time, people were obsessed with immortality and ignored the most fertile black soil in the world. But now the revenge from the earth has begun, and the weather has changed rapidly.

It is cold and the food reserves are almost equal to no harvest. This is undoubtedly the most terrifying fact for the people who have been caught up in the carnival before. Everything in this world can be lost, but only food cannot be missing.

The food crisis in Europe is just around the corner. After the oligarchs in the market realized this, they began to purchase a large amount of food, causing prices to skyrocket. The price of a pound of bread in Eastern Europe, which was already poor, was eleven times higher than before.

From doubling to eleven times, only eighteen hours passed.

Next, the war in Africa once again entered everyone's field of vision. In just a few days, hundreds of thousands of people died in the ethnic war, and the scale of the war is still expanding, from Zimbabwe to South Africa, from Tanzania to Morocco

, the flames of war burned across the vast Africa in an instant, because the previous flower cancer had accumulated their hatred and anger to the extreme. Now that the flower cancer has disappeared, they can finally take revenge and complain.

Until now, people have not noticed anything strange. The Bund is still crowded with tourists, Broadway is still full of white legs, people are still enjoying singing and dancing, and almost no one cares about the hungry stomachs of the small Eastern European countries and the blood flow on the African continent.

into a river.

Until one day, in the distant New York City, a man was suddenly sent to the emergency room due to some unknown disease. After experiencing forty-eight hours of pain, he finally passed away due to internal bleeding.

Then more and more people with such symptoms began to appear, and a large amount of medical resources were occupied. But until then, the whole world was still unaware of it, because people were used to various diseases that appeared every year, and this seemed to be just a weakening of the disease.

Dengue fever, influenza, leptospirosis, measles, scarlet fever, typhoid, malaria, yellow fever, etc.

But when people discovered that this disease could not be cured based on past experience, they began to panic. But at this time, the disease had begun to spread from the Americas, to Europe, to Asia, to Africa. Almost as soon as they reported the new type

At the same time as the epidemic, this disease has blossomed everywhere.

And until this point, most people still don't realize that disaster has befallen everyone. Some people are complacent that they are not in the cities where the disease is concentrated. Some people sneer at the people who are anxious for help, and some people are indifferent to what has already happened.

signs of.

And because of these carelessness and arrogance, on the 127th day after the guardian disappeared, the whole world jointly announced that the great plague of the century was epidemic, and at the same time, worldwide famine and energy shortage also followed.


The once arrogant and arrogant human beings finally began to realize their own weakness and powerlessness. People who once thought they could dominate the world are now being manipulated by the world into submission.

At the same time that the worldwide plague began to spread, Europe ushered in their first piece of bread in winter. In Berlin, the price of a piece of wheat cake has soared from 0.9 euros to 17 euros. In Denmark, people had to start over.

As forests are cut down to prepare for the coming harsh winter, robberies and homicides are reaching new highs every day in Paris, and sometimes a person will sacrifice his life just to grab a hard baguette.

Famine, plague and war have come to the world at the same time, and what they bring is bound to be death. A large number of additional deaths have begun to impact the nerves of everyone in the world. In such a state of unpreparedness, helplessness is spreading everywhere.

Xiao Baga had just recovered from the previous ghoul plague, and this time he was knocked to the ground with a heavy hammer. They lacked natural gas and coal, and in this cold winter, the medical system suffered a serious crisis.


However, it is not appropriate for anyone to laugh at this point, because no one can laugh out loud during this crisis. From the country to the individual, everyone is under unlimited pressure.

Schools are closed, factories are shut down, shops are closed, and transportation and logistics have almost stopped. Everyone is sitting at home and keeping silent. It is not sure how long it will last, but now people finally realize that something really seems to be wrong with this world.


This winter is very difficult, but the little bastards who don’t have to go to school are always so happy. It snowed in GZ this year. It seems that autumn has passed in a flash. Time seems to have pressed the fast forward button. The originally bustling streets have now become

It was empty, but there were a few brave children walking back and forth in Chang'an Lane making snowmen.

This year is another extremely cold weather, even more exaggerated than in previous years, because we have arrived in GZ, and the snow can even reach the calf. All the adults are worried, but it seems to be so useless.

"The whole world has stopped."

Zhang Yao walked into the small restaurant, wiped the snow off her body, and sat in front of Xu Wei: "A roasted grass jelly milk tea, hot, polysaccharide, with pearls and milk cap."

Xu Wei looked at the time and saw that it was already half past six in the afternoon. However, there was only one customer coming to the store today. Probably because of the snowstorm and the spread of the plague, even the small restaurant, which was as busy as ever, was deserted.

"It's pretty good here. I went to New York a few days ago, and the situation there was almost the same as the day after tomorrow. There was already 1.4 meters of snow, and it's still going on. In Europe, the price of electricity per kilowatt hour has risen to 4 euros.

, a set meal that used to cost 19 euros has now risen to almost 200 euros. The situation is very bad. I have used all my working capital to buy materials. If there are no accidents, when spring comes, the price of materials will rise to

Go to heaven."

Xu Wei sat at the counter and glanced at the quiet and sleepy back room: "He hasn't come back yet."

"Yeah, I haven't come back yet."

Zhang Yao turned around and glanced at the place where Brother Zhang often sat. There was no one else there except Yu Heng, who had nowhere to go because of the heavy snow. He was thinking about sword moves. Dahuang jumped from one fan to another at this moment.

On the fan, it's like playing.

"Where's Huang Pizi? Is she still trapped in there?"

"Well, she still hasn't come out. I went to see it a few days ago, but it was no use. I couldn't enter its dreamland."

The two were talking when a person with bulging clothes came in. It was none other than the little snake who had been trapped here for nearly two months because she came back for the holidays. After she came in, she took off her hat and gloves and sat down.

Wei let out a long breath and said, "I'm finally alive. Sister Wei, please give me a cup of hot water."

Xu Wei handed her a cup of hot water and asked curiously: "Where have you been?"

"I didn't go anywhere. I just stood at the entrance of the alley for a while. I was almost going crazy." The little snake sighed: "I still have a lot of movies to watch, a lot of scripts to kill and play, and I even said I would take the dog with me.

The boss went to trim his hair, and it has grown from a short-haired dog to a golden retriever."

"Don't even count on it. The shops are all closed and we can't walk out of Chang'an Lane." Zhang Yao leaned there and sighed: "I don't know when it will end."

"What do you think is going on in this world?" Little Snake asked curiously: "Is this a test?"

Everyone present shook their heads, because no one knew what the situation was, and if the disaster continues, by next spring, many countries may not be able to survive, and it takes three months for a country to make a piece of bread.

When your salary goes to buy and sell, that's basically where the war begins.

"Test? This test is a bit scary." Zhang Yao smiled helplessly: "I hope it is just a test. If not, we will witness history when spring begins."

"Isn't that the case now? We are all people in the history books." Xu Wei shook her head and said, "I don't know where I am. It would be great if he was here."

This chapter has been completed!
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