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Chapter 324 Darkness Comes

 "I have seen a movie called The Fog before, and it is a bit like this scene."

Xiao Ma stood at the window and looked out at the thick fog. He was holding a bowl of instant noodles in his hand. Although the time had pointed to 12 noon, it was still gray and white outside, with visibility less than one meter, and there were often

Hazy things flash past here, and anyone who touches the fog will be attacked by these things. If they are ordinary people, they will be eaten up like piranhas in the Amazon River.

But that's not all, because Brontosaurus said that only a small part of people will attack people with physical objects, and more of them are mental attacks or mental pollution. The polluted people will become their loyal servants, even if they look like ordinary people.

There is no difference, but essentially they have become the puppets of these twisted creatures.

"Spiritual creatures have three characteristics." Brontosaurus leaned on the sketchpad with his head lowered and described the appearance of the monsters outside: "Darkness, fog, and moisture. The places where they appear are usually related to these three elements. And it's

Spiritual creatures, there is no power in the world that can defeat them."


"Except for you, Boss Zhang, because spiritual creatures cannot defy solipsism."

Xiao Ma thought for a moment and raised his head and asked, "Then if these things contaminate the boss, isn't there no solution?"

"God said there must be light, so there was light." Thunder Dragon said without raising his head: "Brother Zhang said they are clean, they will purify themselves, even the blind and foolish god Azatos will not

You may disobey his orders. The guardian of Universe Zero is the master of this multiverse. I am not joking with you. Anything he says will become a theorem. What is a theorem? It means that one day he said that the sun will rise from the west tomorrow.

If it starts, the earth will have to rotate in the opposite direction overnight. So you think why the boss basically doesn't interfere with the operation is because the force is too strong, and sometimes when problems are discovered, it can no longer be taken back."

"Then I remember that these things have no consciousness. They can't tell who is the guardian."

"Yes, when they are in front of the boss, they will be able to tell the difference." Thunder Dragon sneered: "It doesn't matter if they can't tell the difference, it's just total destruction."

Xiao Ma pursed his lips and didn't ask any more questions. He just took the instant noodles and ate them.

He doesn't know how long he will be trapped here, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, there is a knowledgeable expert sitting here, so he will naturally not be so panicked. Although he is particularly dissatisfied with Thunder Dragon, but he is a close minister of the emperor,

The top of the Twelve Spirits, he is just a messenger among the Twelve Spirits, there is still a status gap, and there is also a gap in ability. Even though Thunder Dragon is not normal most of the time, in fact, this guy's head is surprisingly good.

Yes, we have been colleagues for thousands of years, and sometimes Ma Tahua is dissatisfied.

"Approximately how long will we be trapped?"

"Wait until the people at Peter the Great Station are willing to put down their dignity and report to their superiors to apply for military admission." Thunder Dragon raised his head and glanced out the window: "These low-level spiritual creatures are easily purified by flames, and flamethrowers can be effective.

Get rid of this fog.”


"Yes, Huo. Oh... I forgot that you don't understand anything. Come on, come on, call me brother, I will explain it to you."

Xiao Ma was disgusted by him. He clearly knew that he was not good at this field, but he still used this method to try to take advantage of himself. It was really damn...

"elder brother……"

"Oh~~~Good brother." Thunder Dragon raised his head with a smile and said, "Isn't it okay if I take it soon?"

At this moment, Xiao Ma had already gritted his teeth, silently thinking that one day in the future, when the Brontosaurus fell on his hands, he would be severely humiliated, otherwise he would not be able to bear the grievance he suffered.

"Spiritual creatures are born with consciousness. They are very similar to K-type creatures, but there are actually some differences. K-type creatures are mostly unconscious and blind. They will affect those who watch them and plunge people into chaos.

, fear and then die, but if your mind is strong enough, you can communicate with them, and then these big and ugly things will satisfy any of your demands. The reason may be just because they are particularly boring." The Brontosaurus put down the sketchbook.

He crossed his legs and said: "But filthy spiritual creatures are another kind of existence. They are dirty things transformed from desire and pain that have nowhere to put. They will actively infect any intelligent creature. They are born from humans.

They have existed since the beginning, originating from darkness, growing from mist, thriving from the unknown, and spreading from fear. In other words, fear and despair are the source of their power. In ancient times a long time ago, the synonyms of night were darkness, unknown, and confusion.

Then it gradually evolved into fear, until humans learned to use fire, and flame and fear began to compete for dominance of the night."

Thunder Dragon adjusted a comfortable posture and continued softly: "So fire became a symbol, a symbol of human beings' struggle with the unknown and fear. Over time, after gathering the consciousness of countless people, the flame itself became a

A natural sacred object, a sacred object that everyone can use, has natural restraint against these corrupted creatures, so as long as you go out holding a torch at this time, you will basically not be attacked, it's that simple."

"I know this." Xiao Ma smiled and said, "All fear comes from lack of firepower."

After Xiao Ma listened to the description of the Brontosaurus, he suddenly became less nervous, because he now knew that the things outside the window were not scary at all. To put it bluntly, they were just like the common monsters and monsters he was used to over there.

"What we have to deal with now is not the fog but the Peter the Great checkpoint. Don't they like to play this trick?" Brontosaurus got up and went to the window, opened the window and stretched it out, then grabbed one and unfolded it for a full

A half-meter-large diorama spider came in.

Seeing this terrifying spider, pony's hair stood up. Generally speaking, he is still not good at dealing with these weird creatures with many legs. Although he is not too scared, it makes him get started as directly as the Brontosaurus.

Catch... He would rather catch the toad with his bare hands.

That strange spider kept struggling in the hands of the Brontosaurus. Its body was not as hairy as an ordinary spider but covered with yellow mucus. If it weren't for the fact that it had eight thick legs and a body the size of an adult's fist,

, he is just like a facehugger.

The Brontosaurus strangled its body, and its eight legs kept struggling and tightly hugged the Brontosaurus' arm, but the Brontosaurus didn't care at all, and instead made the entire arm burn.

And at the moment when the flames appeared, this huge spider that was enough to scare people to death immediately made a tragic and sharp squeaking sound, and then melted into the air bit by bit, and in the end not even a trace was left.

The Brontosaurus shook his arm and extinguished the flame on his arm: "Look, fire is their natural enemy."

Xiao Ma rubbed his chin and thought for a long time, then turned around and looked at Hui Bai in the distance and said softly: "That's to see whether their bureaucracy is better or this unexpected disaster is better."

Just as they said, the Peter the Great Checkpoint had already discovered the problem last night. They contacted Xiao Ma immediately, but Xiao Ma expressed helplessness to their inquiry and said in a tragic tone that he had no problem at all.

There is no way to control its outbreak. The only thing he can do now is to hide in the hotel and linger, waiting for rescue.

Anyway, Xiaoma followed the instructions of his superiors and showed himself to be as incompetent as possible. However, when communicating and complaining to Mouse at the Peter the Great Checkpoint, Mouse asked them, "It's obviously a simple task you said, but it's very special."

It’s simple, as long as the handover is completed, it will end smoothly. Why is it like this now? Don’t you have an emergency management plan?”

When it comes to business matters, no one can play like a rat. These idiots can really only knock out their teeth and swallow them in their stomachs. But this world is often like this. Many times there will be some things that are so outrageous that they can even be read in novels.

I dare not write such a confusing operation. These idiots really thought that after the handover, it would be none of their business and they would not be held accountable. But they forgot that even after the handover, this thing still exists.

on their land.

Of course, maybe at the moment they handed it over, their person in charge might have thought that they had done a very beautiful thing, and even calculated the time and minute of the flight. The plane landed exactly eight hours later.

Of course, if anything happens at the other end, it will have nothing to do with them. But who knew that Xiao Ma didn't follow their procedures at all and was stranded in this place.

Well now, Moscow called to hold people accountable, but they couldn't give a reasonable explanation at all. Although they tried to blame the Chinese guy, who knew that the Mouse had already sent a letter of inquiry to the Moscow headquarters via email.

Three sharp questions were raised. First, why did the Peter the Great Checkpoint falsely report the danger level? Second, why did the Peter the Great Checkpoint not inform the handover personnel in advance when it knew it was so dangerous? Third, why did the Peter the Great Checkpoint have no related disasters?

Early warning.

As soon as the three major inquiries were over, the person in charge of the Moscow headquarters was so angry that his beard was boiling. Within a few hours, he received a report from Siberia, saying that more than 9,110 square kilometers of land were now completely covered in white fog.

The casualties are currently unknown, and we hope the headquarters will provide guidance.

Nine thousand one hundred square kilometers, if you put it in the Far East, it is actually not a big place, but it covers the entire Novosibirsk including all the surrounding areas. About 2.1 million people were affected.

Shrouded in this strange thick fog, although it is now the severe winter, almost everyone is at home and does not go out, but there are always people outside, so from the beginning to now, there have been more than 1,100 people.

People are missing, and another 70,000 people are in extreme danger.

The Moscow headquarters is now in a panic. They have called repeatedly to urge the Peter the Great Checkpoint to come up with the corresponding emergency management plan as quickly as possible. But they can come up with a hammer, and if they can come up with it, they will not come up with it.

Leave it to the bastard tricks of the Chinese.

And while they were hesitating, the scope of the fog continued to expand, because it feeds on people's fear. The more people panic, the larger its scope becomes, and the more terrifying creatures there are, and the individuals become smaller.

The stronger it becomes, if it is allowed to drag on, more than a million residents of Novosibirsk and nearly a million people in surrounding villages and towns combined, it is estimated that a brand new Old Dominator can be directly recreated...

Feeling the infinite pressure, the Peter the Great Station admitted its mistake in desperation. The Moscow headquarters has now urgently formulated three plans. One is to drop an 800,000-yield nuclear bomb directly into the center of the fog. The second is to

The first is to send troops directly into it, and the third is to ask Chinese personnel to assist in completing the current work.

They were having endless discussions internally, and while they were discussing, the Brontosaurus was already sitting on a high tower, and opposite him was a huge spider with a face similar to that of a human and eight legs of a spider.

Standing on several tall buildings around it, from the perspective of the Brontosaurus, you can't see its huge body at all. You can only see its bright face, huge eyes surrounded by fluff, and its chewing stuff all the time.

A huge mouth full of terrifying fangs.

This big spider is weaving a big web, and the scope of the big web is the scope of the fog. Compared with its huge body, even the mammoth monster that looks like a moving hill to humans is just its appetizer.

Those pickled creatures that accidentally enter this large network will become delicacies in its mouth.

But Brontosaurus looked directly at the horror in front of him without any fear. Xiao Ma stood next to him and said, "Do you want it to be so scary?"

"Shut up, we really summoned the ancient god."

The Brontosaurus scolded the pony, and now he was holding a huge torch, which looked like the goddess of Colombia. Under the light of this torch, nothing could get close to them.

The huge spider in front of it was still weaving its web, but its face was always facing the direction of the Brontosaurus and the pony. As it moved, those thick and powerful spider legs with hooks passed in front of the Brontosaurus.

With a swipe, the Brontosaurus could even see clearly what color the fluff on those legs was.

"This thing is too big."

"It seems to be particularly sensitive to sound and light, but its personality should be relatively docile. It has been paying attention to us but has not attacked." The Brontosaurus whispered, then took out his mobile phone and sent a voice message: "Call the wild boar. Call the wild boar."

,Have the information been sent over?”

Soon the Mountain King sent the information that Thunder Dragon wanted. It was a hand-drawn picture of a humanoid spider. Thunder Dragon nodded: "That's right, the Mountain King is sure that this is Atracnakya."

, The Old Ones. They are just fictional creatures, that is, standard spiritual creatures.”

After the Thunder Dragon finished speaking, he cautiously leaned forward, but suddenly the fog in front of him was broken, and then a face full of eyes appeared less than two meters in front of him. This face was as wide as

The huge face plate of more than 20 meters is inlaid with hundreds of densely packed eyeballs, or compound eyes, and the owners of these compound eyes are observing the Brontosaurus at an extremely close distance.

The Brontosaurus stretched out his hand behind his head to stop the pony's behavior, and then he also stepped back a little: "Dear ancient ruler, please allow me to call you by your name. If you are willing, I will become your loyal friend."

The Brontosaurus shouted in a language that others could not understand, but the pony could not understand what he said. He only saw the big spider in front of him suddenly approaching them again, tilting his head left and right to look at the people in front of him.

Thunder Dragon is actually lucky in his heart, because compared to other spiritual creatures, the Spider God is considered to be the most gentle, but even this top-level gentleness cannot be endured by Thunder Dragon.

And there is one thing that is particularly worth mentioning here, that is, spiritual creatures are not governed. Everyone is a restrainer, but these guys are not governed. The ones who are governed are the real celestial level ones.

The filthy things, these things are essentially created by human beliefs, obsessions, pain and fanaticism, so their power is essentially human power. According to this idea, these twisted and ominous things

Things, nameless things, are the real power of human beings, but their power is just contaminated.

When the spider crawls on various floors, its legs that are dry and slender compared to its body will make a loud clicking sound, just like the sound of a tall spider crawling across a wooden countertop at home.

"What do we do now?"

His infinite sword system has appeared behind Xiao Ma: "Do you want to force it?"

"Brother, can you calm down and stop being reckless? We can fight this thing?"

Xiao Ma pursed his lips and said, "Then you can give me some guiding advice."

Thunder Dragon was silent for a long time: "Go back first."

The two of them held torches and returned to the hotel. They sat on the sofa and let out a long breath. Thunder Dragon said: "I didn't expect that such a big guy could really be called here. Where is that box? I'll study it carefully.

one time."

Xiao Ma walked in from the small room next to him, carrying a bag of candies in his hand. Brontosaurus rolled his eyes and asked, "Where did you get this stuff from?"

"Ah?" Xiao Ma was stunned for a while, but found that his memory about the bag of candies was completely blank, as if it appeared out of thin air, but he seemed extremely natural to this appearance out of thin air.

And the moment he reacted, the giant face with compound eyes suddenly appeared in the window again. It looked at the pony and brontosaurus behind the window, and seemed to laugh mockingly.

"It's laughing at me!" Xiao Ma pointed to the window and said, "Don't hold me back, I'll go out and fuck it right now!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Ma pretended to jump out of the window. At this critical moment, he turned around and asked, "Why don't you pull me up?"

"It's not necessary, I quite like watching spiders eat." Brontosaurus sneered.

This chapter has been completed!
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