Turn off the lights
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Chapter 325

On the third day when the fog shrouded the city, the city's heating stopped. The Brontosaurus hid on the hotel bed and refused to come down. The extremely cold weather coupled with the lack of heating, reached minus 57 degrees Celsius, almost reaching the Antarctic.

Xiao Ma stood at the window holding a cup of hot coffee and wearing his classic sweatshirt, looking at the fog that still hadn't cleared outside. To him, the temperature of more than 50 degrees below zero seemed like the warmth of spring, and he could clearly breathe out.

He even had an ice pick on his stubble, but he was so content.

On the contrary, Thunder Dragon, in order to reduce the loss of energy as much as possible, has wrapped himself in everything that can be wrapped around him. This is annoying for mages, because energy in nature will instinctively flow from more to less, so the extremely cold

Under the temperature, the outside space will actively seize energy from the Brontosaurus, so now only two nostrils are left outside, and the rest are nothing.

"I remember that your body temperature remains above 40 degrees like a bat all year round, right?" Xiao Ma put down the coffee in his hand, exhaled a breath of white breath and turned to look at the Brontosaurus: "So can I understand this?

, you have so many ex-girlfriends, in fact, a large part of it is because of your body temperature that you can't live without you. After all, thick, long and not rare, red-hot iron rods are rare species."

In order to maintain energy, Thunder Dragon's heart rate has dropped to fourteen beats per minute, almost like a hibernating toad, and four of its seven orifices have been sealed with magic. He can now hear, breathe, and eat, but nothing else.

No, just to maintain a low energy consumption state, even if the pony tried to squeeze him, he didn't react at all.

"Oh... Extreme cold is your natural enemy. That's really embarrassing." Xiao Ma sneered: "This is my home court."

However, although Pony is not afraid of the cold, the problem is that he has no way to go out now. In a few days, the power will be cut off. With the heating and power cut off, the entire area covered by thick fog is filled with despair.

, and this place full of despair happens to be the nourishment of the fog. If there are no accidents, it will continue to expand to the entire Far East region.

If this matter had happened before, it would really have caused a stir in the whole world, but this time it seems that it did not cause any big disturbance, because Europe was in trouble due to energy issues, and the roar of the war covered up this

Everyone is concerned about the fog that descends on this obscure little place. Everyone is concerned about the bombs falling from the sky every day, but few pay attention to the fact that a group of people in this place are trapped in the fog.

The big spider outside seemed to be getting bigger and bigger. Pony could vaguely see something huge flashing past in the thick fog that made him unable to see his fingers. If there were no accidents, it was the big spider's leg.

The big spider who loves the art of weaving has been weaving the huge web without stopping. He doesn't know what he is going to do, but according to what the Brontosaurus said before, if the web is completed, it will be the end of the world.

Xiao Ma thought it was a fart. If he had the guts, he would try to put it into the Chang'an Alley Network. Not to mention Brother Zhang, Jin Mei could pull it over and stew it in a pot. These fanatical believers could easily destroy the world with this evil god.

When that terror comes, they have never seen big terror, and they don't know that besides terror there is also the kind of super terror that even terror dares not to terrorize.

In a blink of an eye, the fifth day came. Thanks to the almighty Zhang Yao, he airdropped a high-pressure oil and gas stove, which finally revived the Thunder Dragon with full health. The temperature in the room also rose to 32 degrees Celsius. The energy efficiency of this stove was very high.

Forty liters of oil can be burned all night, and it can heat the temperature from more than 50 degrees below zero to 80 degrees. The level of comfort is comparable to that of the Maldives, and even makes Brontosaurus want to eat a popsicle.

At this time, the situation outside was not much better. In addition, as Xiao Ma expected, the power supply was finally cut off after the heating was cut off, and darkness completely covered the city. This was when the real nightmare came.

"Have you calculated how many people are going to die?"

Xiao Ma and Brontosaurus were sitting next to the stove. The high-pressure nozzle in the stove kept spraying atomized gasoline. The whole room was lit up with blazing fire. They were eating teppanyaki meat with the help of the heat.

Except for the stove, the room was completely dark.

Brontosaurus got up to refill the fuel tank, and then lowered the temperature of the stove by ten degrees Celsius. This could slow down the consumption to a great extent, so that he would not have to get up to refill the thing at night.

This high-pressure furnace is said to be part of Zhang Yao's plan to rebuild civilization - when human civilization is destroyed, electricity becomes a luxury, and only easily accessible fossil energy is the last hope for the fire of civilization.

Although I don’t know if what she said is right, she has been suffering from some problems since she woke up from a vegetative state. Before, she was always thinking about leading mankind to the vast universe of stars, but then she lowered her head and looked at her feet with all her heart.

Studying how to allow humans to retain the last source of fire.

But one thing to say is that this stove is indeed easy to use. Its energy efficiency ratio is unimaginably high. The high-pressure spray and direct combustion technologies are both top-notch and advanced. Zhang Yao even unconditionally transferred 100% of the patents here to

The only condition for aerospace and disaster emergency management systems is that these technologies cannot be used for profit.

This stove alone solves survival problems such as heating, lighting, cooking and even basic smelting. In other words, if a person wakes up and finds that the end of the world has arrived, as long as he has knowledge and this multi-functional fossil energy stove, he can rebuild

Civilization can start from scratch. After all, only people who survive can have DPS.

Of course, the Doomsday series is far more than just this furnace. Anyway, as Zhang Yao himself said, it is to use secret methods and science to create a new concept system, subvert all the imagination of the past, and strive to enable mankind to stand up again after the end of the world.

Anyway, she must have been stimulated by something, but she couldn't say what it was.

"How many people died? Who knows, but believe it or not, in the end, not many people died at all, ten thousand? That's almost it. The last time the Tokyo Zombie accident was as serious as that, the total number of people was only more than 120,000. In Tokyo,

The population density is so high. There are probably two million people here in total, and the coverage is so wide. Human beings have very strong adaptability." Thunder Dragon smiled and said: "Don't think that this small problem can defeat everyone."

"Is this a small problem?"

"Yes, that's a small problem." Thunder Dragon smiled: "That big spider is a bit fierce, but this kind of spiritual creature is actually quite principled, and once it exceeds the limit, guess what will happen."

Xiao Ma crossed his legs and stood up: "Then there will be nothing wrong with us."

Thunder Dragon said as he took out an ugly indicator from his arms. The scale on it was at the ten position: "It's almost, it's almost, I can't wait for another three days at most."

Xiao Ma stopped talking when he saw that thing, because as long as the power range exceeds the critical value, someone will come to deal with them, and he just came here to perform a simple task this time, which has nothing to do with him at all. Thunder Dragon is here

It's just that the organization sent someone to assist him in his work. After all, Xiao Ma has always been more reckless, and Thunder Dragon is relatively more mature in this regard. Although both of them have a mission success rate of almost zero, Thunder Dragon almost never breaks through.


Time flew by quickly, and it was another three days. This was the eighth day of Xiao Ma's field trip. At this time, the fog outside had begun to turn red and turned dark again, and the glass outside was clanging.

, some of them cannot hold up and cracks have appeared.

Pony and Brontosaurus were lighting the stove in the room, staring at the scale with four eyes, watching it run all the way to a little bit below the red line scale, and at this time, there was also an unknown cry outside.

, there were also heavy footsteps on the ground.

But the problem is that the hazard level seems to not go up, and is stuck just a little below the restricted level. The glass is almost shattered, but the level has not gone up.

"What to do?"

"Add a fire." Thunder Dragon looked down at the spare stove next to him, and then carved a few symbols on it with his nails. Then he opened the window and threw the stove out with lightning speed.

"Work harder!"

After Thunder Dragon finished speaking, Xiao Ma immediately understood. He put his hands together, and a hammer flew out and hit the stove. The stove disappeared into the sky in an instant. Thunder Dragon said it as soon as it was delayed, and quickly made the trick.

A bolt of blue thunder directly pierced the fog and hit the stove in mid-air. Forty liters of fuel was instantly ignited and exploded into a cloud of sparks in the air.

The burning liquid fell down and fell on the big fog spider. It was huge, but it was very uncomfortable to be burned like this, just like a person being burned by a cigarette butt.

The weird-looking giant spider was obviously irritated. It quickly fluttered away the flames on its body, then turned and rushed in the direction of the Brontosaurus and the pony. However, the Brontosaurus had already used its own blood as a medium to seal it.

All the doors and windows in the house can only be broken through by force.

One of the tentacles of the big spider has taken on a human shape, and it is roaring in a painful manner. The tentacles control this thing to continuously hit the window. Every time it hits, the seal on it will flash once, creating a tense atmosphere.

The child came out.

The moment the window was opened, the diffuse mist poured into the room, and then the tentacles of the big spider followed. In addition to the human-shaped tentacles, there were also countless cubs.

Those spider monsters with a length of more than 80 centimeters after spreading their legs swarmed over the hotel room. The walls and the floor of the hotel room were covered in layers. The texture of flesh and blood made the place immediately turn into a windy hell.

Thunder Dragon sniffed and said to Pony: "You carry that stove and don't let it go out."

"What are you going to do?"

Before he finished speaking, Brontosaurus jumped up to the window and laughed loudly and shouted outside: "Grandpa is here!"

After saying that, he jumped deep, and the pony quickly ran over to take a look, but found that the falling Brontosaurus was suddenly pierced by a long thorn-like thing, and was then taken into the mist.

At the moment when the Brontosaurus was stabbed, the scale on the ugly metal rod clicked past the warning line like a clock after twelve o'clock.

The moment the scale crossed the warning line, Brother Zhang in Chang'an Lane looked up, then put down the spatula in his hand, slowly stepped back a few steps, and then disappeared into the restaurant.

The next moment, the big spider who was about to enjoy the delicious food was suddenly hit by an electric car and hit that...that upper chin.

The ratio between the electric car and it is like a toothpick and a basketball player who is 2.26 meters tall, but this did not delay the big spider from being knocked over by the electric car.

The big spider is a spiritual creature. It has no fear, because its original power is fear, but it will be angry. After being offended, it becomes boundless angry. This anger makes it throw away the food in its hand and use all the tentacles on its body.

It rushed towards the thing that made it feel angry.

There are tens of thousands of eyes on the tentacles, and each small eye is flashing with a terrifying light, but when they break through the fog and surround Little Brother Zhang, Little Brother Zhang just raised his hand gently, and then a large

The fog was cleared, and right below him was the huge spider that was as big as ten football fields.

"That's right! This is what it feels like!!!"

The Thunder Dragon with a hole in his stomach clenched his fist and exclaimed. He looked up at Brother Zhang high in the sky, and the sense of security brought by Brother Zhang had no upper limit. The moment he appeared,

The result no longer matters.

But the big spider didn't care about that. After rolling around on the ground, it jumped directly in the direction of Brother Zhang. Its eight thick legs and countless terrifying tentacles could be clearly seen in the thick fog.

Brother Zhang lowered his eyelids and slowly landed on a tall building next to him. Then when the big spider was approaching, a big black hand suddenly appeared from the void. The big hand held the spider tightly.

The body, and then the big hands gradually transformed into tentacles, and in the space beyond the endless tentacles was a mouth huge enough to swallow the planet.

This is a part of Azathoth, a part of the indescribable thing. It is composed of two shells supporting countless pairs of soft legs. Several knobby cylindrical pseudopods rise from the half-open shell,

Its tip is a polyp-like tentacle, and in the darkness inside the shell is a terrifying and ferocious mouthless face with deep-set eyes covered by shiny black hair.

But rather than saying that it has no mouth, it is better to say that it has a mouth itself, the mouth of Azathoth, the founder of these dirty things.

After being clung to by leech-like tentacles, the war between the spider and the shell began. Both sides tried to devour the other as much as possible, but not surprisingly, a spiritual creature similar to an ancient god could not compete with the real one wandering in the universe.

A confrontation between dirty gods.

Soon, the spider was swallowed bit by bit by the dirty thing. The huge spider gradually curled up into a ball and was dragged bit by bit into the huge mouth that was shaped like an abyss. The next moment the abyss disappeared, and Xiao Zhang

Brother followed closely and disappeared without a trace.

"I knew it!" Brontosaurus covered his abdomen and shouted excitedly: "Awesome!"

At this time, Xiao Ma came to the Thunder Dragon without knowing it. While he was killing the little monsters next to him, he said to the Thunder Dragon: "Your intestines are leaking out and they are all rubbed to the ground. You are not going to care."


Thunder Dragon looked down: "Hold the grass..."

This chapter has been completed!
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