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399. Who doesn’t have time to be fooled?

 Regarding Qing Lingzi’s training, everything from how he treats people to the world structure is really not missed at all. In this process, Brother Zhang also roughly knows what Qing Lingzi has done in the past few years.

He spends most of his time studying, researching techniques, and can't put it down with a pistol. Then he basically does nothing else. Sai Dongfeng is in charge of everything.

In other words, Qing Lingzi has been eating soft food for several years since he woke up. Now that Sai Dongfeng is at odds with him, he realizes that he is nothing. Qing Lingzi is such an arrogant person, and this is very harmful to his self-esteem.

It was such a powerful shock that it was difficult for him to accept the reality. During this period, he stood on the balcony every night and cried out.

Again, if you are not omniscient and omnipotent, then the more knowledge you gain and the more insights you gain, the more you will feel that you are nothing. Qing Lingzi, who once competed with the First Emperor for the world, in his own words, "controls the population.

There are not as many counties as there are now. I will be the county magistrate until I die." However, the fact that he can say this is basically related to his personal character. After all, no one knows why Qing Lingzi, such an awesome person, actually

He has an inferiority complex. Apart from looking down on the Twelve Spirits, he thinks everyone else with a name is better than him.

There's really nothing to say about this. After all, he thinks it's because he thinks that few people can really do it anyway.

However, he did have a very outstanding advantage, that is, apart from his bad temper and many problems, he was very kind to the people around him, and this was probably the reason why his disciples were willing to be buried with him.

"Zhao Zheng is a dog." When Qing Lingzi mentioned this, he became furious, banged the table and cursed: "Back then, he promised me that he would let my disciple go as long as I punished him. Who would have thought that he would go back on his word? One day I will

We must dig his grave."

Apart from anything else, Qing Lingzi really wanted to dig up and loved digging up the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin. Whenever he brought it up, he would have to dig up graves, expose the corpses in the wilderness, and then take Zhao Zheng's bones.

Grind it and feed it to pigs.

In fact, sometimes people are very interesting creatures. The big devil Qing Lingzi appears completely different in other people's stereotyped images and after actually coming into contact with him.

In their stereotyped image, Qing Lingzi is just like the villains in those fantasy movies. They just keep their heads down and want to destroy the world. But after you get in touch with them, you will find that Qing Lingzi is a very strange and motivated person.

, he really doesn’t want to destroy the world at all, and it’s not that dark.

As for saying that he was murderous, it would be strange if he was not murderous. After all, in his era, one person's crime would kill everyone. It would be a bit weird to ask him, an ancient man who just climbed out of the grave, to abide by modern laws.

And Brother Zhang doesn't care about this kind of thing. It's enough to warn him not to kill innocent people indiscriminately. After all, he is not the Virgin Batman, let alone a defender of justice. Looking through his responsibilities, he can't find anything about punishing evil and promoting good.

This one.

Even Zhang Yao, who always encouraged him at the beginning that "the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility", now no longer beeps, because not only is it useless, but he will also get sprayed, which is really not worth it.

And Qing Lingzi is still a wanted criminal. If he is caught, he will go to the Crystal Prison. Even if he enters the Crystal Prison, Brother Zhang will still not come forward to get him out. The reason is that simple. Brother Zhang has always been

They are all standing in the middle and not helping each other, and this is where he should appear most. After all, he is not a judge, so what does he care about those bullshit?

"Okay, let's take a moment about digging Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum. Today's class is almost over." Yang Junfeng has also become familiar with Qing Lingzi in the past few days. Of course, he doesn't know what the big guy in front of him does, but he is sure anyway.

He's not a normal person, but he grew up in Chang'an Lane and has never seen any troubles, so he doesn't care who the girl in front of him is: "Let's go to Baizi's place for something to eat in the evening?"

"Bai Zi?"

"Bai Mengjie, the one who taught you how to make up and dress up before." Yang Junfeng raised his hand and glanced at the watch: "My brother Zhang should be here at this time, I will drive you there."

Qing Lingzi packed up her things and stood straight at the door, because she had just heard that Brother Zhang was here, so she had to go when the Holy Master was there.

Driving to Bai Mengjie's cafe, this was her helpless move after leaving the entertainment industry. She didn't have much business at ordinary times, so she relied on a few people to take care of her every month so that she wouldn't lose everything.

Because this place is relatively hidden, over time it replaced Brother Zhang's place and became the new gathering place.

Although it is a cafe, most of the time it is about hot pot. Brother Zhang was also there today. After Qing Lingzi arrived, as soon as he opened the cafe called Fat Catfish House, a group of people rushed out of it.

The smell of hot pot.

"Put it down! Put it down for me! I boiled those duck intestines!"

Along with the strong smell of hot pot, Master Pi's roar came from inside. When he looked over, he found that there were already several people sitting at a small table in the store. In addition to Brother Zhang, Master Pi, and Mr. Cai.

, Bai Mengjie and a shadowy woman.

When Qing Lingzi saw this scene, if Brother Zhang hadn't been there, he would have become a mighty Tianlong.

"Sit, sit, sit." The people inside stood up and greeted, took a stool and placed it in front of Qing Lingzi: "Come and eat, otherwise it will be gone."

The person who spoke was Bai Mengjie, and Pi Ye, who had been noisy just now, suddenly calmed down. Although he was still eating, his eyes kept drifting to Qing Lingzi. As a canine, Pi Ye's sense of smell is particularly sensitive. Although he

With my own ability, I couldn't see Qing Lingzi's golden body, but I could clearly see the strong aura of death.

This is the murderous aura soaked in the sea of ​​​​blood from the mountain of corpses in the Eight Classics. It is really beyond the reach of ordinary people. Pi Ye is a classic example of being strong on the outside but strong on the inside. He doesn't dare to bark when he sees someone like Qing Lingzi.

As for Qing Lingzi, he doesn’t eat hot pot. He even tried to dissuade Brother Zhang from eating hot pot several times because when he saw Master Pi and the strange and shadowy woman, he thought it was a human being and an animal in the same pot.

Have dinner there.

What is this concept? Only those barbarians can do this. How can people eat in the same pot as animals? What's more, with such a noble status as the Holy Lord, if it spreads that he eats in the same pot with animals, it will make people

Laughing your ass off.

Therefore, Qing Lingzi felt very uncomfortable throughout the whole process, and the people next to him thought he was embarrassed, so they kept urging him to eat. He also put two bean sprouts in the bowl out of concern for the Lord's face, but they did not move in the bowl.

, just sat there and watched, motionless.

"How's it going, Boss Zhang? My little shop is pretty good, isn't it?"

Bai Mengjie was holding a glass of wine, her face turned red. She smiled and said to Brother Zhang: "It's just that the business is not very good. I think if I can recruit you, I will definitely be able to start it."

Brother Zhang smiled and replied: "Then you have to take over my store."

"I can't afford it." Bai Mengjie waved her hand and said, "Let's drop this matter."

After that, they chatted aimlessly until about eight o'clock in the evening. By this time, Mr. Pi couldn't stand Qing Lingzi's pressure anymore and ran away in a mess. The remaining people also drank a little too much.

Then they went back each other.

On the way, Brother Zhang suddenly asked Qing Lingzi: "Why don't you eat a bite?"

"Holy Lord...I..."

"I know." Brother Zhang laughed: "Because Pippi, right, she is a fox demon."

Qing Lingzi didn't say anything but smiled awkwardly. After all, he was also a friend of the Holy Lord, but the problem was that he really couldn't compete with the animals for food.

"It doesn't matter. If you don't want to eat, don't eat. I'll treat you to a midnight snack."

Brother Zhang pointed to a small shop not far away: "Just go to that shop and have something to eat."

After ordering a few dishes and sitting at a small table in the open air, Qing Lingzi took a drink and took a sip, sipping the vegetables and rice in front of her. She was elegant and high-end, and she immediately felt like a roadside food stall.

It's raised a lot.

"My subordinates are happy that the Holy Master can have friends, but the Holy Master should also be different. How can those filthy things... how can they eat at the same table with you? This... this...

…This…this is simply…”

Brother Zhang didn't say anything. He suddenly felt funny when he saw Qing Lingzi's appearance. Now he finally understood the mood of the emperor who was persuaded by his old ministers in the previous TV series. Was Qing Lingzi wrong? In fact, he was not wrong.

What kind of vile things are those monsters in his concept? They are all things that are harmful to the world and bring disaster to the country and the people. Naturally, he is biased against monsters, and he has always been in a high status. It is normal not to see these aliens.

The two spirits are not monsters at all, they are basically at the level of gods, so they are still scolded by him like pigs and dogs.

But the problem is that Brother Zhang is different from him, and he has no concept of class status, let alone the concept of a different path for men and monsters. So when Qing Lingzi said it, he only thought it was funny, and the funny one was Qing Ling.

Son’s reaction.

"I don't care." Brother Zhang said softly, "Just like they say you are a devil, I don't care either."

"Holy Lord..." Qing Lingzi wanted to say something else, but in the end he didn't say it out: "Thanks to Holy Lord for not giving up."

Because Qing Lingzi was still fasting, the two of them had something to eat and then went out. Walking on the street with neon lights at night, they stood side by side and walked slowly. Suddenly Brother Zhang asked curiously: "What if?

If you have the opportunity to go back two thousand years ago and compete for the world again, do you have the confidence?"

"No, even though my subordinates are scolding Zhao Zheng, I know that the true dragon's destiny cannot be won by my subordinates. If there is a chance, it must be because my subordinates have learned enough here.

After that, I felt a little more confident.”

Qing Lingzi sighed: "Let's do this for now. I'm thinking about it now. After all, inheritance is very important. After the end of the Dharma Age, there will be no magic. It's better to take this opportunity to cultivate a batch of them."

Brother Zhang nodded: "Then you told me to learn from those young masters, do you still carry out it?"

"Nothing can be done... I will find another way."

Brother Zhang smiled and shook his head: "You must have not heard what they talked about today."

Qing Lingzi shook his head, and Brother Zhang had an expression of "Sure enough," and then said: "They said that if I really feel bored, I can try to see how far I can develop with a hundred yuan."

When Qing Lingzi heard this, his eyes immediately lit up: "This is good, it is indeed interesting."

"But where to start?"

The next night, Brother Zhang and Qing Lingzi started selling oden at the night market. The pot and stove used for oden were taken from Brother Zhang's warehouse, the soup base was prepared by Brother Zhang himself, and the radish was from the yard.

The kelp was bought at the vegetable market for 16 yuan, Brother Zhang bought all kinds of meat and cooked it all night for 64 yuan, and the tofu and other things were given to her by Mrs. Zhou Xishi from Tofu in the alley in the morning, which cost her the last

I bought a large bag of sour plum powder for 20 yuan and made a large vat of sour plum soup. The total cost was 100 yuan.

The two of them stood behind the cart and shouted without saying a word. It was only at 10:30 in the evening that they sold a piece of radish. Although it tasted good, they made a net profit of one dollar.

"At first glance, you two look like a young couple out to experience life. You must be able to organize things."

The elder brother who was selling grilled cold noodles next to him couldn't stand it anymore when he saw the two of them standing there like two logs, so he said: "Don't just stand here and wait. How long do you have to wait?"

Brother Zhang and Qing Lingzi looked at each other for a few times, and then Brother Zhang coughed twice: "Oden... selling Oden..."

The elder brother was dissatisfied when he heard this: "I mean you need to get a sign! You just have a small car here and there is no sign. Who knows what you are selling."

Qing Lingzi looked at Brother Zhang: "Holy Lord, if we decide on a sign, won't our one hundred yuan be enough?"

"Hmm." Brother Zhang dug in his pocket for a while and took out three steel coins: "The money I got from selling the radishes just now shouldn't be enough."

"Definitely not enough." Qing Lingzi pursed her lips, looking very embarrassed: "I have seen them in the market. At that time, they didn't even have signs, they just shouted. Holy Master, please rest, I'll come."

Brother Zhang nodded. Qing Lingzi stood next to the car and took a deep breath. Before he could speak, his face turned red. How often had he done this before... He was already ashamed even before he did it.

"Oden... selling oden..."

In the end, he bravely took this step, but his voice... was really small, and he didn't sound very smart.

How to describe it? After all, the body is not Qing Lingzi's original body. The sound of his body combined with Qing Lingzi's makes him feel like a Siberian tiger with the voice of a creamy cat, meowing.

He may have felt that he really couldn't shout out, so he could only look at Brother Zhang rather embarrassedly, but he was a Qinglingzi after all, and he was very stubborn, so he found another way, and when someone walked by, he

He would lean over and yell at people one on one with a pair of innocent eyes with a shy and uncomfortable expression.

"Want...want oden?"

His demeanor and tone were like those of a hawker who secretly sold CDs to teenagers at the gate of high school in the early years...

"Do you want oden..."

In this way, after spending his whole life on this, Qing Lingzi actually let him sell all the goods in one night. One truck cost one hundred yuan. After the cost was finally factored out, the net profit reached an astonishing one hundred yuan.

As much as eighty yuan...

Now the two of them had two hundred and eighty yuan, and after getting the money, Qing Lingzi counted it three times in his hands, and then suddenly looked up at Brother Zhang: "Holy Lord... this is too little.


Brother Zhang lowered his head and counted again: "After taking away the eighty yuan for our food expenses tomorrow, we still have two hundred yuan in capital."

This chapter has been completed!
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