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Chapter 451 Confusing Life

"Then you are usually here? This mountain is full of monsters? No wonder, no wonder I came here just to watch you."

The little Taoist priest was lying on the railing chatting with Miss Succubus. She naively thought that she and her colleagues were here to see Miss Succubus and the monsters headed by the big fly, and her eyes flashed with insight into everything.

"What are you talking about in your sleep?" Miss Succubus said angrily: "It's just those three melons and two dates here. Do you know what's in this place? You're still looking at us. If you didn't get eaten in the past, it was just a bad thing.


"No way." The little Taoist curled his lips and said, "I'm very powerful."

"It's not illegal to brag anyway. Just brag and you're done." Miss Succubus looked her up and down: "Why are you still wearing these shabby clothes? Your company didn't give you any clothes?"

"I got it, but the clothes are too new. I plan to wear them during the Chinese New Year." The little Taoist priest lowered his head and glanced at his clothes: "I think they are quite good, but they are broken. I have mended all the breaks."

"You are quite frugal. Let me ask you, how many people are here this time?"

"Well...it's just one car, there seem to be more than thirty people in it."

"That's right, then I guess they raised you here to make a living." Miss Succubus nodded: "My friend from SH said that they have thousands of people there."

"Where is SH? Is it as big as GZ?"

"I don't know how big or small it is, but SH is much more prosperous than GZ. Even the air there smells of banknotes." Miss Succubus made a gesture of counting money with her hands: "I'll make more money in the future.

If you don’t have enough money, go buy a house there.”

"Haha, you still want to buy your house, but I have a house for free."

Miss Succubus didn't know how to answer her for a moment, and it was hard to tell the difference between her house and her dormitory by looking at her.

Suddenly, the little Taoist saw Queen Mantis flying towards the mountains after finishing her meal. She waved to Queen Mantis: "Goodbye, big fly."

The Mantis Queen turned to look at her, snorted and buzzed away, not to mention the movement, it really looked like a big fly...

"It's getting late, I have to go back."

"go Go."

The little Taoist priest picked an unknown wild flower and wandered back along the path. At this time, Xiaoxiao also walked out of the house and saw Miss Succubus still standing over the fence, so he asked

Said: "Friend? Why don't you invite him to come in and sit down?"

"Just a little country girl." Miss Succubus waved her hand: "Not really a friend."

Not long after the little Taoist priest returned to the dormitory, he received news that the unit would organize a personnel ability test tomorrow, and asked them to prepare tonight and not stay up late to maintain a good condition, because the final results of the ability test will be included in the assessment.

If the content is public, the value is too low, or the average ability is very poor, it may be returned to the headquarters.

The little Taoist priest was very nervous when she saw the news. Her mood was like the night before taking the college entrance examination, where she was nervous and confused. Although she had not taken the college entrance examination, this feeling was in place.

With a last-minute mentality, she quickly went to bed to meditate, and then carefully prepared her charms and copper coin sword, and then silently went through what her master taught her in her mind, and then just like that

I sat there until dawn.

At seven o'clock in the morning, it was gray outside because of the rain, but the alarm clock on the phone had already rang. The little Taoist priest quickly got up, washed her face and brushed her teeth, and then went to the cafeteria with her rice bowl, which was several times bigger than her face.

This morning she ate a portion of hot and sour noodles, four large beef buns, two chicken rolls and a large piece of fried pork chop. Since she would have a test later, she only ate until she was seventy percent full, and then sat there and listened.

Colleagues around discuss testing matters.

"Well, it seems to be a comprehensive test, and there is a battle event at the end. I heard that those who fail will be returned. If they return, they will have to re-attend the training camp and then be assigned to basic units."

"Isn't the treatment much different?"

"Of course, I heard at the basic unit that the food standard per person per meal is only 40 yuan, which is almost half less. The salary is also much lower, and the accommodation conditions are also poor. We live in a four-person dormitory."

"Good boy, is that little girl going to die?"

As they talked, they looked at the little Taoist priest not far away who was listening to their chat with his ears pricked up. When the little Taoist priest heard this, he almost burst into tears. After all, the food expenses for a day were halved... and he still had to live in a four-person room.

, that would be too miserable.

So she came over with a rice bowl and asked timidly: "Brother, big brother, is this difficult? Can I pass it?"

"Who knows? Come on."

These words frightened the little Taoist priest. She Niu, who used to chat with everyone she met, was now directly frightened by Gan Chengshe. From the time she had eaten until the meeting started at the other end, she didn't say a word.

He kept his lips pursed the whole time and his face was full of anxiety.

When they entered the unit's indoor stadium, the person in charge came over, took a form and counted the heads. When he saw that everyone was here, he said: "Dear colleagues, today we are going to start

Don't be nervous about the evaluation work. Just follow your usual level. Okay, now everyone is ready. Those whose names are called by me will go to the front."

Because the ability measurement is confidential, the lighting session was done in a small room. Unfortunately, the little Taoist priest's name was called the second time. She was small and looked a little bit...

Nervous, almost everyone had little hope for her.

She nervously followed the person in charge to the small room. The moment she closed the door, her hands began to tremble. The person in charge next to her smiled and said: "Xiao Jin, please relax, it's nothing. At most, you can go back to the training camp."

.It's fine."

When she heard about the training camp, she became even more nervous...

After arriving in front of the light bulb counter, she steeled herself, recited the Heart Sutra silently to calm herself down, and then started to run the exercises and put her hands on them. She closed her eyes tightly and continued to increase her power.

She didn't know how long it took, but she felt that she was almost exhausted, and then the person in charge said, "That's it."

She then opened her eyes and looked at the value of 4.3 displayed on the light bulb counter. She turned her head and looked at the person in charge curiously, and the person in charge pursed her lips: "Go to the canteen to eat something to replenish your strength. I will join you later."

Physical fitness test.”

She didn't know the result, but she just walked out of the house obediently. After she left, the second-in-command of the unit came over and asked, "How is this child?"

"Child? You call this a child?" The person in charge showed him the record sheet: "Have you ever seen a child with a age of 4.3?"

"Fuck...I'm only two point six."

"What kind of monster is this?" The person in charge put an asterisk after her name: "I guess it is ranked high in the country."

"I estimate that apart from the big guys from the Fourth and Seventh Bureaus, she can be ranked in the top five."

"This is really a monster. Let's see her physical ability and actual combat later."

At this time, the little Taoist priest already felt that he was definitely doomed. With tears in his eyes, he fucked twelve eggs and drank a liter of milk, thinking that he could eat as much as he could, because he would definitely not be able to drink it in the future...

Soon, the tests of more than 30 people here were over, and then they entered the physical fitness stage. The physical fitness stage is divided into three categories: reaction speed, endurance and explosive power. These are also carried out in a relatively private environment.

No one else knows the exact value.

The reaction speed will include a screen with small flashing dots on it. The person being tested needs to keep clicking on those small dots with their fingers, and the bright spots will gradually increase in speed until they cannot be captured by the naked eye at all.

After the little Taoist priest passed by, she started clicking the Eye-Brighting Curse as soon as she turned on it. It was normal at first, but then her speed became faster and faster, and the clicking sound on the screen changed from the initial click sound to a continuous sound.

A buzzing sound.

"Okay, okay, okay!" The person in charge quickly stopped her movements: "How did you practice before?"

The little Taoist priest groaned and scratched his head: "My master asked me to go outside and hit raindrops, so that no raindrops would occupy the place where my punches hit."

"Are you... so perverted? Okay, let's take the endurance test. How much weight can you choose?"

"A weight? What a weight?"

The person in charge took her to the weight selection area. The lightest was 20 kilograms and the highest was 180 kilograms. She tried it in turn and finally felt that 180 kilograms was okay, so she chose

The heaviest weight bar.

"Are you okay?"


She didn't seem to feel any discomfort at all when carrying the 360-pound weight bar, and she was actually quite comfortable. She stepped on the treadmill and drove directly to the highest speed. But it's no wonder that it took nine days to hike from CD to GZ.

Moreover, these nine days are still in the inediate state, so these tests are easy to come by.

Seeing that she was about to step on the smoking treadmill, the person in charge added a star to her record sheet again and called her off.

The final explosive test is actually very simple, but her explosive power is not as strong as expected. Compared with her abnormal reaction speed and endurance, it is a notch behind, but it is enough. After all, her energy storage is

His punch weight has reached over 600 kilograms, which is similar to Tyson's. He can easily knock away an adult.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, I hit it wrong just now." She looked very unaccustomed to wearing boxing gloves. She stepped forward and stopped the supervisor to record: "I'll hit it again."

As she spoke, she took off her gloves, moved her wrists, looked at the dynamometer and punched out with a fist. The dynamometer buzzed, and the screen went dark for a few seconds before turning on, and then the data displayed on it was 700.

Twenty-two kilograms…

"Well, it's okay." The little Taoist priest seemed very satisfied: "I can only fight so much. My master can crack mountains and crack rocks."

The supervisor next to me had a weird expression, and that "only" really hurt people's self-esteem.

Next came the battle stage, and the one they were fighting against was the deputy director. His light number was 2.6. Basically, most of the people here were easily controlled by him, except for a few.

It can pose a certain threat to him.

Only when the little Taoist priest came on stage, his smile was a little stiff... After holding it in for a long time, he said: "Spells are not allowed in this game, only physical skills will be used."

The people below thought he was letting this kid off, but only he knew how miserable he was. He was 4.3... He was only 2.6, but there was a gap of 1.7. What is 1.7 multiplied by 20? A gap of thirty-four times.

, Thirty-four times...Use magic to remove hair.


The little Taoist priest was very honest. She didn't have any particular doubts when she heard this request. Then she put aside the one hundred and seventy-two talismans and copper coin swords she had on her body, rolled up her sleeves and bent one leg forward in a starting pose.


Seeing her posture, the deputy director swallowed silently and then also made a start gesture. The two of them seemed to be in a still picture. Then the deputy director suddenly stepped forward and elbowed the little Taoist priest, but the little Taoist priest responded with

After using the curved arm to defend, he then clasped the shoulder with one hand and pushed his knee straight towards the deputy director's lower abdomen.

The deputy supervisor tightened his abdomen and retreated, but this gave the little Taoist priest space. Within 0.02 seconds, she gathered her strength and kicked her feet forward, directly kicking the deputy supervisor away. Fortunately, because the deputy supervisor was experienced, he took advantage of the situation.

He rolled up his strength and stood up with one hand on the ground, and the two entered into a confrontation again.

The audience suddenly became quiet, because they all saw clearly below that the little girl's offense and defense were almost integrated, and she didn't even give the opponent a chance to take advantage of her.

Then the deputy director launched another attack, and the little Taoist priest received a hook and high kick that hit him directly in the face. This time, the deputy director caught the opponent's gap and pressed forward to avoid the kick, and hugged the little Taoist priest with both hands.

The other leg, but the leg on the deputy director's shoulder suddenly turned sideways and bent to hook his neck. He pressed down with his body and then reversed with all his strength, directly forming a scissor leg and twisting the deputy director on his neck.

on the ground.

The moment she landed on the ground, she pressed her thumb on the deputy director's middle finger and forcefully broke his hand away. Then she locked her legs and straightened his left hand, and put her right knee on his neck to prevent him.

break free.

This situation became a dead end. The deputy director immediately gave up and gave up all his strength.

The little Taoist then let him stand up, then put his hands on his hips and let out a cry, looking at the audience with a shy smile, but this time the whole audience was silent... After all, she was the only one who won the title of deputy director today.

"Okay, let's go and have a rest. Tomorrow morning we will assign positions to everyone based on their ratings." The supervisor came up and clapped his hands and said.

Then he patted the deputy director on the back, and the two of them left. After arriving at the office, the deputy director rubbed his neck and sighed: "She is very cruel."

"I have already reported this little girl, and my superiors have decided to let her hone her skills at the grassroots level. She has good abilities but a bad temperament, and is not capable of dealing with high-intensity conflicts."

"That's alright, our little place has found a treasure. Take good care of this aunt, and we will be promoted soon."

"Hahaha, that's not true. This is our ultimate treasure."

The little Taoist priest, who didn't know what was going on with him during the entire process, wasn't sure whether he would be sent back until he returned to the dormitory, and he felt very anxious... He didn't even have a good night's sleep at night.

However, the little Taoist priest's data is really eye-catching. There are not many in the country. There are only fourteen people who are similar to her, so her data was quickly sent to the mouse. The mouse carefully compared the fourteen

After collecting his personal data, he leaned back in his chair and pondered for a moment, then said: "I didn't expect to find so many treasures, it's beyond my expectation. But this little girl named Jin is the apprentice of the Corpse Execution Fairy."

"Then her ability is not surprising. Corpse Execution Immortal comes from a big boss, especially one of the level of Xian Lingzhi." Xiao Ma nodded and said: "Xian Lingzhi, if she really slipped through the net,

With more than two thousand years of skill there, I’m afraid no one can be her opponent except Qing Lingzi herself.”

"There were not many people who were her opponents before." Xiao Ma leaned on the carpet and said jokingly: "If you can't catch the fairy Ganoderma lucidum, it would be good to get her little apprentice. Let me tell you, if this child is really

As a direct disciple of Xian Lingzhi, her abilities are a bit weak."

"I asked them to stay and observe. There may be surprises in the future."

This chapter has been completed!
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