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Chapter 450 Oh my god! Big fly!

 Sitting on the way to work, the little Taoist priest looked out the window at the big city. Her mind was confused. She felt that she was confused. She was born in a confusion, grew up in a confusion, lost her home in a confusion, went out in a confusion, and went to work in a confusion.


She was born in a daze because she didn't know who her biological parents were. Anyway, she has only had one master around her since she can remember. She grew up in a daze because she had no concept of growing up. She seemed to be living day by day, and suddenly,

It got bigger. He lost his home in a daze because that day he just went down the mountain to buy a few kilograms of rice and some vegetables. When he went back, the owner of the small Taoist temple in the mountain had changed, and the master was nowhere to be found. He went out in a daze because she heard that

Many people in the town talked about going to GZ to work. Growing up, she had always had the idea that GZ was the most prosperous metropolis in the world, so she started walking to GZ. And she went to work in a daze, just like today.

, I got into the car for no apparent reason and then was dragged to a place for no apparent reason.

But even so, she still put on her best clothes, which were the clothes her master bought her when she was eighteen, a black sweatshirt with a hood, and a pair of jeans, although the sweatshirt was already balled up

, the jeans were also washed until they turned white, but compared with the other clothes she brought, they were obviously very high-end.

By the way, she specially washed her hair yesterday. The shower was so comfortable that she couldn't help but wash it off. She got up late when she went out today, so she didn't tie her hair up and came out disheveled.

Looking at her reflection in the car window, she felt that she must be particularly sloppy today.

When he arrived at his workplace, he found that he was actually in a building in the city. Looking at the tall buildings around him, the little Taoist felt a little dizzy. He could only retract his vision and follow the flow of people getting off the bus into the building.

"All new employees come to the front first to get their job numbers."

As someone in front shouted, the little Taoist followed the crowd and walked over and successfully received her work number. Looking at the badge with the number 444, she wiped it twice with her sleeves before putting it on her chest.

"Colleagues with numbers 1 to 200 will go to the 12th floor, those with numbers 201 to 400 will go to the 13th floor, and those with numbers 400 and later will go to the 14th floor."

Standing in the huge hall, the little Taoist priest seemed a little nervous because she couldn't find the stairs to go upstairs at all, and she had never taken an elevator before, so she was a little scared...

But there is always a first time for everything. She observed the colleagues around her little by little and followed their queue into the elevator. Watching the numbers in the elevator increase little by little, she felt a little heavier.

It was as if she was being sucked into the elevator, which made her so nervous that her breathing became rapid.

Fortunately, the elevator was very fast, and she quickly reached the fourteenth floor, where there were already many people wandering around. They were either lowering their heads and fiddling with their phones or looking up at the ceiling in a daze.

The little Taoist priest stood there without daring to move. She finally found a window at the corner, but there were a few big men standing there smoking. She observed for a while and then walked up: "Brothers, what's going on?

That’s a different thing.”

One of the men glanced at her, then leaned back against the wall: "Zhao'an, it seems to say that we will be sent to all parts of the country. I don't know the details. It seems that there will be positions later.

Let’s get some safety training.”

"???" The little Taoist priest stood there with eyes full of doubts. She didn't know what the imperial edict was or what job training it was...

At this moment, the loudspeaker on the fourteenth floor rang: "Employees after number 400, please quickly enter the reporting hall of 1409 and repeat..."

The few men who were smoking stubbed out their cigarettes and followed them upstairs. The little Taoist priest was not afraid of people but these weird things. As long as someone took her with her, she didn't panic, so she quickly followed these big brothers in.

Arrive in the reporting hall.

After finding a seat inside, a woman walked up quickly. She stood in front of a table, looking down at the manuscript in her hand, and then looking down at the situation from time to time.

When everyone was almost here, she said at the microphone: "Hello, new colleagues, welcome to join our group. Let me first introduce to you the general situation of our group."

The name of the group is Anshun Group, and it is a serious group. It has five main business directions, namely security, property, warehousing, pawns and logistics. Everyone present is an employee of the security business.

Of course, the so-called security is just a cover for the outside world. To put it bluntly, Anshun Group is an enterprise group independently established by a certain department of the state. The woman on the stage also explained it relatively. Of course, it will not be so straightforward.

White, but that’s what it means.

Generally speaking, directly-affiliated departments will only be stationed in provincial capitals and municipalities, and the rest of the places will depend on the reach of the Anshun Group. Moreover, the responsibilities of the five branches are different. For example, the main responsibility of their security department is

Cooperate with the local security department to handle some security work, such as the security work of some large shopping malls and dense commercial streets. In other words, it is the first line of defense for supernatural crimes, mainly responsible for handling simple problems and delaying time.

After that, there are several other departments. From what the woman on the stage said, it seems that the order of defense is security, property, logistics, and warehousing. Logistics, warehousing, and pawns are responsible for recovering supernatural items in addition to defense.

When the entire system is completed, it will form what Mouse calls an all-weather defense network, which will absorb a large number of people. Anyway, preliminary estimates indicate that Anshun's employees nationwide will need about 200,000 to 300,000, or even more.


Where the money is spent, this exaggerated figure is enough to explain everything. Food, drink and food for these two to three hundred thousand people are a huge expense in one month, and a large amount of related infrastructure construction and these hundreds of thousands of people have to be completed.

Special human equipment.

In other words, this is a brand new national security force whose role is no less than that of any conventional combat force.

"The company's remuneration is relatively good. In addition to the basic salary, there are certain business bonuses every month, and all meals and lodging are included. According to the instructions of the leader, the accommodation conditions for our Anshun employees are leading. Regardless of your future,

Wherever you will be assigned, you will be provided with a single room per person in terms of accommodation, and in terms of food, we have initially set a meal price of 75 yuan per person per meal."

"Huh?" The little Taoist priest was stunned when he heard this: "What good food should I eat? Seventy-five..."

"Everyone must be curious about what you can get at the standard of 75 yuan."

The lady on the stage seemed to have seen through what everyone was most curious about, so she smiled and pressed the remote control in her hand, and the current daily meal standards immediately appeared on the projection in front.

At this time, more than half of the people began to stare at the content on the wall and study it carefully. Monday's lunch menu was a meat dish of braised prawns, eel segments, braised chicken legs, fish head with chopped peppers, spicy bullfrog, and vegetables.

Dried celery and beans, milky pumpkin, spinach in oil, lettuce in oyster sauce, tiger pepper. The staple food includes rice, noodles, rice noodles, steamed buns, flower rolls and big meat buns.

And in the evening there was another batch of new meals, and they were completely different the next day...

The only thing that is repetitive is breakfast. Except for a few occasional items, other breakfast items are fixed, such as beef noodles, dumplings, wontons, bread, milk, eggs, yogurt and fruits. These are all fixed and changeable.

The dishes are nothing more than mutton soup, rib soup, beef patties, cream salad, etc. switching back and forth.

Seeing these things, although she hadn't eaten them yet, the little Taoist priest's saliva was already wet. She wiped her mouth with her sleeve and sniffed, as if she could smell the fragrance of the food.

However, this meal standard is no joke. It was really set by Mouse after he went to the Mountain King for information. This is because whether a practitioner or a person with superpowers, the energy intake per meal is much greater than that of ordinary people. One is not very strong.

A person with superpowers may consume up to 4,500 calories in one meal. Eating vegetables and radishes is definitely not acceptable.

So in the end, after many statistics, we finally set a meal price index that equals that of fighter pilots. Moreover, this meal price does not take into account processing fees, transportation fees, warehousing fees, venue fees and other messy miscellaneous expenses. It is pure food money.

.The purpose is to give the best treatment to these young men and girls who are fighting on the front line.

Moreover, they will also have their own single apartments in various places. Because they are specially approved by the top administrative departments, their apartments are all municipal construction and are subsidized by the local finance.

Moreover, they also purchase and sell various high-value insurances, and the level is based on 300% of the average level of local civil servants. When Chen Ding went to apply, the superiors asked him why he spent so much money.

It is said that Chen Ting slammed the table in the ministry and said that this was the treatment they paid for their lives. Anyone who disagreed would be given a holiday by the secret service in that place.

Those who had doubts at that time all held their noses in recognition and signed their names honestly.

Of course, is this treatment good? It is really good. If nothing happens, they are the most comfortable group of people in the world. But if you want to say whether this treatment is worth it, it must be worth it, because they face it directly.

Last year, 775 Secret Service personnel died in the line of duty, 1,120 were disabled, and more than 5,900 were injured. However, except for their families, no one knew of their existence.

After the introduction, the little Taoist priest took a job training class there, and then went to the cafeteria with the army to eat. The standard of the food was really the same as the introduction, and there were no limits!

There are not many people like the little Taoist who came from a bitter background. Many people ate until they couldn't stand up at noon that day. The little Taoist was one of them. She ate four chicken legs, two portions of fried pork ribs, three quails and a large bowl of beef noodles.

And a big bowl full of white fungus soup...

In the afternoon, Chen Ting came to speak to them personally and gave everyone a sterling silver badge with a shield and an eagle pattern on it.

Although the specific work arrangements have not been finalized, there is still a steak that is bigger than the face in the evening. This makes the little Taoist priest who has never seen the world feel that life is suddenly complete and there is nothing left to covet...

Returning to the single dormitory, she carefully recalled what happened today, but her mind was filled with roast duck, steak, and braised chicken legs. She fell on the bed with great satisfaction and continued to imagine her master's meals and sleeping in the open. Suddenly she felt full of energy.


After about three days of training, her work arrangement was decided. She was not very lucky. She was not assigned to GZ but to another city. Before leaving, her bachelor apartment was repossessed and she was cleaning it up.

I cried so hard when I was picking up things.

But when she arrived at her new dormitory that afternoon, all her sadness was swept away because the new dormitory was better than the previous one. It even had a balcony and even a computer was installed there.

Only then did she realize that she had arrived in Gan Z, where she was waiting for new orders.

This is a small town, just like the small town in her hometown. There are not many adults and not many people. It is not as prosperous as GZ, but this small place gives her a complete sense of security, because she is in

I grew up in a place like this.

Not far from the town, you can see a large area of ​​crops that are very beautiful. Farther away there is a farm full of trees.

After eating, she went for a walk and was lying outside the farm fence to amuse the little local dog inside. At this time, she saw a woman coming out with something. As soon as she saw the woman, she felt something was wrong and took a closer look.

After a while, he suddenly became excited: "It's you!"

The woman she saw was Miss Succubus. She was keeping accounts on the farm today. Suddenly, a voice came from behind and startled her. When she turned around, she saw

She was a little Taoist priest, and she remembered that this little Taoist priest with dark skin and big eyes was the guy who scared Nian Nian out of his original shape. Why is this guy here? Isn't she so persistent?

"Oh! It's you! Why are you still haunting me?" Miss Succubus walked over angrily and said, "What do you want to do? Catching monsters?"

"No way." The little Taoist priest shook his head: "I won't let you catch me. If you say you act without permission, you will be expelled. If you are expelled, you won't be able to eat chicken legs."

At this time, the Mantis Queen happened to come to eat. The sound of her wings was buzzing. The little Taoist looked up and couldn't help shouting: "Ah!!! Big fly!"

Queen Mantis has already studied in the third grade of elementary school and has long been able to understand human language. When someone called her a big fly, she turned her head and replied angrily: "Backlash!"

This chapter has been completed!
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