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Chapter 455 How long does it take to tell a ghost story?

 With a plate of peanuts and two bottles of Big Green Sticks, the life of a nightclub security guard, which is absolutely impossible for thieves, begins.

The first one to tell the story was the eldest of their four-person team. Not that he was very capable, but he was older. He usually took good care of the younger ones. He was also a casual cultivator, and he was very happy after being ordered to peace.

He likes his current life, and what he likes most is showing others photos of his eleven-year-old daughter. Although his daughter is really ugly, in his eyes she is definitely the most beautiful beauty.

Of course, no one would laugh at him about this, because his daughter was eleven years ago seven years ago and is still eleven this year. Everyone feels sorry for this big brother, even the little Taoist priest who is so heartless is no exception.

"This is something I knew when I was young and traveling around the world. It was in W Xi, around 2000. One day I received a call, saying that a child at home was dying and asked me to go and have a look.

As you all know, when it is usually the turn of people like us to come on stage, it is basically a situation where they have been sent home to die after going to all the major hospitals to no avail."

The boss took a sip of wine, lit a cigarette, and recalled: "It was already past three o'clock when he called me. I actually didn't want to go, and it was my senior brother who took the job first.

, he had no choice but to look for me, and I felt that it would be useless to look for me for something that even my senior brother couldn’t resolve. But after all, it was a human life, so I simply went over and took a look."

Everyone around them fell silent and listened carefully to the boss's story. After taking a puff of cigarette, you could see through the smoke that his eyes became wandering: "That place is not far away from where I live.

It's far away. It only takes seven or eight minutes to ride a motorcycle. It's a factory-run family area. The distance between the two houses is not very big, which is less than 20 meters, maybe 13 or 4 meters at most. And the house

"It's a lot, but the place is small, so it seems very depressing and crowded, and the houses there are all in the style of the collective era of the 1970s and 1980s, and the lighting is average, so I felt very uncomfortable after I entered."

The boss seemed to be trying to recall everything he knew: "When I went to that person's house, I smelled a stink that even rosin and talisman ashes couldn't suppress as soon as I entered the house, and my senior brother

At this time, they came out and took me outside and told me some things. They said that this matter was not easy to handle and asked me to be careful. But I was young and energetic at the time and didn't care so much, so I said I would try.

Give it a try.”

"What happened next?" The little Taoist priest asked with wide eyes and curiosity: "What happened next?"

The boss took another puff of cigarette: "After I entered the house, I was taken to the room by the child's father. The child was lying upright on the bed. Although he was still breathing, he had no reaction. I went up and took a look.

I only saw that his eyes were wide open and he would not blink. His whole eyes had turned blood red, and there was a strong rancid smell in his mouth. I knew at a glance that this child was going to die, so I

I must quickly cast a spell to calm his soul. No matter what, I must let him survive tonight, otherwise it will be like destroying my own brand."

"After everything was done, I tried to close the child's eyes. It was successful this time, but I couldn't do anything else because even I couldn't see what was wrapped around the child.

, and usually when encountering this kind of situation, our approach in the industry is to untie the bell and tie the bell, to know what he has touched and encountered. If it is a monster, it is easy to say, but I am afraid of colliding with the evil gods in those places.


"Can't a righteous god do it?" The young Taoist priest was still curious: "Is it definitely an evil god?"

"The righteous gods won't, because the righteous gods won't embarrass a child like this. The only way to survive is to give his family a dream and ask them to take the child to offer some tribute and apologize. Only evil gods and ghosts will continue to do so.


"So that's it." The little Taoist priest nodded.

The boss took one look at the little Taoist priest and said: "Then I carefully asked the child where he had been during this period, who he had played with, and what he had done, but their parents didn't know anything about it because his father

My mother is a dual-career worker, busy at work, and my grandparents are not in good health, so I don’t have time to take care of the child. I just know that he will play with another child in the family area after school.”

"At dawn, I went to find the child's playmates. The parents of that family didn't know anything, but the child's eyes flickered when he faced me, so I was very suspicious at the time, so I took advantage of

When the two families there were chatting, I chatted with their son for a few words, and then I realized that just a week ago, during the Chinese New Year and winter vacation, the children of these two families secretly went to the abandoned cinema in the factory. I

I asked him if anything happened at that time, and he said nothing special. He just saw a lot of people sitting in the cinema and didn't know what they were doing. He was scared and left, and his friend was the one named Xiaoqiang.

But the child refused to leave and insisted on going in to see who was inside."

"He said, 'I went home after I came out, and I haven't seen Xiaoqiang since then. I went to play with him two days ago. His parents said that Xiaoqiang was not feeling well, but I clearly saw Xiaoqiang in the window at night.

He was also standing there, but I waved to him and pointed a laser pointer at him, but he ignored me. Later, I used the telescope at home to look over and found that Xiaoqiang was hung by his hair on the window. I told my father

When dad came over to take a look, he didn’t see anything, so he told me to go to bed quickly.'."

When the boss said this, he paused heavily, turned his head and said to the young Taoist priests: "What do you think will happen?"

"He must have been trapped."

"No, I think it must have been a collision with Guizhao."

However, the little Taoist priest frowned: "What is it that insists on killing him?"

The boss put out the cigarette butt vigorously: "I immediately went to their abandoned movie theater and found that there was nothing particularly strange about that place except that it was a bit gloomy due to lack of sunlight, so I was sure that the other child was lying.

So I asked to talk to the child alone again, and although his parents didn’t seem happy, they agreed because of the dignity of my colleagues.”

"When I was chatting with that kid alone, I cast a curse on him without anyone noticing. Only then did I know what they had done in the past few days."

When it comes to this, not only the little Taoist priests and the others are curious, but even the windows of the security room are crowded with Ah Piao. They are crowded there indistinctly, waiting for the continuation of the story.

"It turned out that the day before another child became ill, they secretly ran out of the factory to play with another classmate in the village across the road. In that village, there was a mentally retarded man in his fifties. The man's hand

Shang Tiantian hugged a pillow and told people that the pillow was his son. At that time, the three of them wanted to tease the fool, so they used candy to trick the fool into taking the pillow. After the fool found out, they kept chasing him.

They, and the boy who got sick suddenly acted mischievously and tripped the classmate from the opposite village."

"Then what?" The little Taoist priest stretched his neck: "Then what?"

"He couldn't explain what happened next, but I went to the opposite village to inquire about it, and I got connected later. That fool caught their classmate and stoned him to death. I heard that his head was damaged.

It was smashed, and the fool was taken away by Sir. The two of them were too scared to look back and threw the pillow into the fish pond at the head of the village. After that day, the two of them never saw each other again.

From this point on, the child across the street became possessed by the evil spirit. First he complained about being cold, then he had a fever at home and talked nonsense, saying that I didn't mean it. Then he fell into a coma and couldn't recover even after going to the hospital. Finally, he fell into a coma.

It became like that.”

"After I found out about this, I told the adults of the family the whole situation. I told them that it was a cause and effect and there was nothing I could do about it. But of course they refused. The elderly people in that family all knelt down in front of me.

Seeing how pitiful they were, I couldn't bear it, so I decided to give it another try. So that night I went to the house where the couple's children lived, and waited until after 11 o'clock in the evening. The child in the house was originally

I was already asleep, but suddenly I came to the window as if I was sleepwalking and started waving to the other side. I quickly went over and took a look, and found that there was indeed a person standing in the window of the family, but it was not the sick child but another person who was not there.

I knew a child who had a sunken forehead, protruding eyes, a big hole in his nose, and his mouth was torn open to the base of his ears. I thought this was the child who was killed by the fool in the village, so I hurriedly

Go back to the house opposite again."

"But it's still too late in the end. Although I don't believe in Buddhism, the karma is really too strong. It's not something I can contend with. I watched the child die in front of me, and his family was crying.

At that time, I saw two figures in the mirror standing in the middle of the crowd, the child on the bed and the child he killed that day. They held hands and looked down at the body on the bed, and then disappeared.


After the boss finished speaking, one of his colleagues curled his lips and said, "This isn't scary. I think that guy deserves to die. He did so much to the point of harming himself. Who can blame him?"

"That is, if he didn't do those things, would he be able to live like this one day?"

The little Taoist priest picked up two peanuts and chewed them in his mouth. After thinking for a long time, he asked, "Did they treat you to tofu rice?"

The boss frowned and looked at the little Taoist priest with doubts in his eyes.

"Eat tofu rice, let's have a banquet." The little Taoist thought that the boss didn't know what tofu rice was, so he explained specifically: "There is meat to eat."

"Okay, okay, boss, this is not scary, just listen to me."

The person who spoke was nicknamed Xiangu. Although he was called Xiangu, he was actually a real man. The main reason for this name was because he was taught by Xiangu and worshiped by Xiangu, so over time everyone started calling him Xiangu.

"What happened to me is much scarier than what happened to my boss, but it's not my personal experience. It happened to my college classmate's family."

Xiangu rolled up her sleeves and poured herself a cup of tea, and then she began to talk: "When I was in college, the dormitory was a six-person dormitory, and two of them were day students, so the four of us lived there all the time, and this happened.

It was at the home of the third child in our dormitory. It was the third year of my junior year. One day, the third child in the dormitory suddenly said that something happened at home, so he hurriedly asked for leave and hurried home, and then on the third day

He came back, and we asked him why he came back in the dormitory at night. He said that he asked the elderly at home to rush him back, and that he couldn't meet because of his weak character."

"You guys also know that I have been worshiping the fairy since I was a child, and I was actually quite successful when I was in college, so I knew there was something going on here as soon as I heard it, so I asked casually, and the third child started talking to us.

He said that a cousin of his family died two days ago. The cause of death was that he drove under the bed of a large truck on the highway. The small truck turned into a convertible, and the three people in the car died on the spot. And he said that there was a place in their village.

Everyone was rumoring that his cousin must have provoked something dirty that led to this end, and our third child was also a curious baby, so he pestered his parents to tell the whole story during the two days he went back.

I told him once."

After all, Xiangu has gone to college, and when she tells stories, she is much better than the boss in terms of order and organization, and her stories are more capable and thrilling than the boss's.

The summary of the plot is that before the death of Lao San's cousin, he was originally going to go back to his hometown for a blind date, but something happened at their workplace and they had to go on a business trip. Because Lao San's family is expensive and there are many mountain roads, so

The cousin decided to set off early in the morning in order not to drive all night, but no one could have imagined that there would be unforeseen circumstances. Not long after he started on the road, he encountered a heavy rainstorm, and the visibility dropped to ten meters. It was impossible to run on the highway, so the third child

My cousin could only stay temporarily in the service area.

Although it was broad daylight, there were not many people in the service area because of the rain. According to the third cousin’s colleague, they were the only two people in the entire service area that morning, and the service area looked shabby.

There wasn't even a staff member, so they didn't think much of it at the time. They were just taking shelter from the rain anyway. The rainstorm lasted for a long time, and my cousin wanted to use the toilet in the middle, so he went to the toilet in the service area. My colleague

Then wait for him in the car.

But when he came out, he seemed to be talking to someone, and then kept pointing in the direction of the car. When he came back, he first opened the passenger door and then opened the cab.

's door.

Moreover, the colleague still remembered that the third cousin was talking to himself all the time, as if he was a little bit crazy, and laughing from time to time. At that time, the colleague called him several times but there was no response, and this kind of

Under the circumstances, his colleagues did not dare to say anything, but after arriving at the destination, he made an excuse to return to the workplace and did not go with his cousin again.

What happened on the way back was that two construction workers from Party B were taken away with them.

The colleague's words made everyone in the village think that the cousin must have been fascinated by something. Then they checked the service area that the third child mentioned, but the results were surprising, because there was no service area in the place they mentioned.

, some are just abandoned gas stations, and the reason why that gas station was abandoned was because the former boss there had a grudge against one of the employees because he wanted to do something wrong, so he killed the girl and buried her body in the gas station.


The locals were quite superstitious, so even after the owner was changed, passing vehicles rarely went to that place to refuel. Over time, rumors spread that the gas station was causing trouble, which eventually led to the gas station being abandoned.

The third cousin may have encountered Ah Piao who was trapped in that place. As for why he was killed even though he helped out kindly, you have to ask Ah Piao about this.

The key is that this matter is not the end. A few days after Lao San said what he said, the people in the dormitory discovered that something was wrong with him. First of all, Lao San never talked in his sleep at night before, but from that day on he frequently

He was talking in his sleep, and the content of his sleep talk was very strange, as if he was having a conversation with his family, and he was shouting "brother" at the same time. It was almost certain that he was talking to his cousin.

But it’s not like he was possessed by evil spirits in his dream, and the fairy aunt was not good at doing anything. Until one day, the third child suddenly sat up from the bed in the middle of the night and shouted happily, "Sister-in-law is here to see me."

From this day on, strange things began to happen frequently throughout the dormitory. First of all, in the corridor of the men's dormitory, the tapping sound of women's high heels would often be heard late at night, and whispers would be heard. The third child also began to become gloomy.

And depression. What’s even more frightening is that every Thursday at eight o’clock in the evening, a woman wearing a long white dress will be photographed entering the dormitory building by surveillance, but no matter who asked the building management or the counselor on duty, they said they had never seen this woman.

Xiangu felt that this matter was starting to get out of control. He planned to take action, but after communicating with his family, his family persuaded him not to take care of this kind of thing easily, because he was a college student only born in several generations of his family. If it was due to feudalism,

If superstition is dissuaded, the whole village will be disappointed.

The fairy girl was really under a lot of pressure at that time, so she didn't take action after thinking about it for a while. In the end, the incident became more and more serious, and even the woman dared to make an official appearance in public, but there would be a sudden power outage in the cafeteria at night, and then

More than half of the people saw a woman in white clothes standing in the middle of the canteen, walking back and forth, and when the lights came on dozens of seconds later, she would disappear again.

If these alone are not a big deal, what happened later has actually developed on the expected track. After frequent strange things happened in the boys' dormitory of that building, a murder case finally occurred. A swimmer from the physical education department drowned in the bathroom of the dormitory.

, the school leaders finally paid attention to it. Not only did Sir come, but they also secretly invited several gentlemen to come and see it.

However, the opinions of those gentlemen were surprisingly unified, that is, this thing was too powerful and was not within their capabilities. Fortunately, it appeared in the men's dormitory. If it appeared in the women's dormitory, it would be a big problem.

As time passed day by day, people everywhere in the school were in panic. Even Ye Yuanyang Lake, which was the busiest place at night, was no longer there, and something happened to the third child finally one day.

The fairy said: "If the hanging lotus bag hadn't suddenly shaken, and I felt something was going to happen, I'm afraid the third child would have died. When I went back to the dormitory, the third child had been hung by a towel on the upper bunk, and his face was purple.

Although he was rescued later, he still had to stay in the hospital for a year before he recovered, and even now he can't speak clearly."

After this incident, Fairy Gu said that she had to deal with the matter properly, but she almost didn't get involved in this matter...

At this point in the story, a loud noise was suddenly heard in their shopping mall. The boss stood up and said, "I'll go take a look, you continue."

This chapter has been completed!
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