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490,The ravine is difficult to level.

 "I remember it was said in the classics, are all you immortals so desireless? I can't give up desires or anything like that. I want too many things, and everyone wants to get rid of their inner demons.

When it comes to me, I am the inner demon."

Fairy Shuilin sat on the edge of the balcony and looked at Brother Zhang and said: "In the early years, I also thought about what would happen if I became an immortal. Now that I think about it, it's just like that. It's nothing special. The world is so wonderful. It makes me wonder.

If I let it go, I definitely won’t be able to let it go.”

Brother Zhang put down the book and said with some helplessness: "I'm much better now. A few years ago I didn't even have emotions."

"What do you mean you have no emotions? Don't you know how to laugh?"

"Yes, but I won't be happy or sad. I won't have sympathy, likes or dislikes."

Fairy Shuilin thought for a while and then shook her head: "Then your life is so boring. You have no relatives, friends or enemies, so how can you live?"

"Actually, I have lived like this for many years, and I can read books."

"Reading is so boring." Fairy Shuilin narrowed her eyes and said after a moment of silence: "I know a place. It is the place where I sent my ancestors to experience their mental states. Once you enter, inner demons will arise. Oh, they are called inner demons. In fact, they are called inner demons.

It’s what we call desire, and all kinds of desires will come out.”

"it's useless."

Brother Zhang put down his cell phone completely and raised his head with a smile: "I have tried many methods. I am immune to all poisons, no disease, no life and death, no lust, no likes and dislikes. I even took aphrodisiacs to a lethal dose a thousand times."

, it still doesn’t work.”

"This is troublesome."

Fairy Shuilin circled around Brother Zhang in a contemplative manner. She actually didn't know how to solve such a problem. After all, he had never even seen people like Brother Zhang, and it was even difficult for him to understand.


"Then what is your strongest ability?"

"What is the most."

"Ah..." Fairy Shuilin was stunned for a moment: "What do you mean?"

Brother Zhang shook his head and said, "I can't explain it clearly."

"Oh!!! I probably know, that is, you are too strong, right? So strong that there is no way to summarize it." Fairy Shuilin laughed and clapped her hands: "This is actually simple."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Fairy Shuilin suddenly said mysteriously: "Let me ask you a question, are you planning to accept a new version of yourself?"

Brother Zhang pursed his lips and thought for a moment: "No, I'm actually a little scared."

"I know what you are afraid of. Although you say that your ability has gradually turned you into a monster without emotions, in fact you are very dependent on your ability. What you are more afraid of is being hurt rather than having no emotions.


After listening to this, Brother Zhang suddenly froze. After carefully chewing Fairy Shuilin's words, he immediately understood why he kept adding restrictions to himself but failed in the end. It was because he was subconsciously afraid of being hurt, and

If you want to avoid being harmed, you have to rely on your own perverted abilities, so no matter how many seals you set for yourself or you give yourself psychological hints, in the end you can't escape the cowardice rooted in your subconscious.

"So I asked you what your strongest ability is. If you know how to clone yourself, I might be able to help you solve this problem."

"Huh? What should I say?" Brother Zhang suddenly became curious: "You? Can you help me?"

"I'm not sure, I'm just giving it a try. This is a method I came up with while watching American TV series." Fairy Shuilin said with a smile: "Actually, it's not just you, many people are troubled by overly strong and uncontrollable abilities.

Superpower is actually a double-edged sword. It can bring people everything they want, but at the same time it can really deprive a person of his happiness. This thing is so contradictory."

"Yeah." Brother Zhang agreed: "I have actually felt that my life is very boring a long time ago. Even thinking about it makes me feel irritable."

Fairy Shuilin chuckled, and then sat on the chair: "My plan is that you first separate ninety-nine clones, and you put those clones in a safe place, leaving only your own consciousness in your body.

But you don’t have any ability. Aren’t you afraid of death? Don’t be afraid at this time. As long as your body dies, a clone will be activated immediately, and then the clone will continue to maintain the status quo. In this way, you will be resurrected and can enjoy the resurrection enhancement. Every time

Dying once will make you stronger. After you die ninety-nine times, you will regain your original abilities. After solving the current problem, you can divide into ninety-nine clones again. In this way, you

Being able to experience the pleasures of the human world and being resurrected infinitely, I named this ability reincarnation! This is just one of my delusional spells."

"A collection of delusional spells?"

"Well, I'm a physical practitioner, and I don't know magic. What I'm good at is drinking water. As you can see, I used it to drink water for you two days ago. So when I'm not doing anything, I always imagine that I can do all kinds of things.

Spells, this is one of them."

"Can you show it to me?"


Fairy Shuilin seemed particularly excited when she mentioned it. She handed the memo on her mobile phone to Brother Zhang. Brother Zhang saw dozens of strange spells recorded on it, many of which could be described as unconstrained.

In addition to the "Reincarnation Born" with a strong second-level aura above, there is also a skill called Feng Wu Jiutian. The skill introduction is to increase the blood volume by 10% and increase the attack speed by 10% every time he dies. Within a day,

The skill can be triggered nine times, and after nine times it will enter a 24-hour cooldown. After the skill is activated, the body will emit a dazzling light like a phoenix, which can effectively confuse the enemy's attacks, etc...

As for the collection of delusions, there are many skills that obviously destroy the balance, but most of the skills are related to rebirth and immortality. You can imagine how much Shui Lin wants to live longer.

Brother Zhang raised his eyes and looked at Fairy Shuilin: "Where is the inner demon cave you mentioned?"

"are you going?"

"Try, if it doesn't work, I'll use your reincarnation."


Shuilin unfolded the map and found an unnamed island through the longitude and latitude lines. This island was on the high seas. It was a bare, uninhabited island of only three square kilometers. There was nothing on it except a cave.

And this seemingly inconspicuous cave is the Heart Demon Cave.

After confirming the location, Brother Zhang confirmed: "Is that so?"


"Let's go."

Before Fairy Shui Lin could say "How to get there?", the Lingxu Illusion Realm had already been activated, and brought Brother Zhang and Fairy Shui Lin to the entrance of the Heart Demon Cave. Fairy Shui Lin exclaimed: "Is it so magical?


"It's nothing." Brother Zhang said, pointing to the hole and asking, "Is this it?"

"Yes, I came here once with Master when I was a child. At that time, Master was training there. She failed. After she came out..."


"Just...she ran away from the sect and went down the mountain to remarry. She said she couldn't bear it anymore and wanted a man."

Brother Zhang knew that he shouldn't laugh at this time, but he still couldn't hold back his laughter. Fairy Shuilin smiled helplessly: "Then I gave birth to twins, and now I have opened a nursery, and my life is pretty good."

"Help me start it."


Brother Zhang walked in, and Fairy Shuilin started looking for traps around the entrance of the cave according to the records on her mobile phone. She was still chanting: "Upper left, upper right, upper left front, lower left front, back, upper right, lower right..."

After pressing sixty-four switches, the cave finally lit up. She poked her head in to take a look, but Brother Zhang pressed her face and pushed her out: "You can't look."

After saying that, Brother Zhang walked in and closed the dragon-breaking stone at the entrance of the cave. After walking inside, he seemed to be in an illusory space, surrounded by stars, and it looked like a blurred beauty.

He found a place to sit down and quietly felt the changes around him.

The five senses and six senses must be affected first, so the first change that Brother Zhang felt was the whispers in his ears. He had also heard the whispers of the ancient gods before, but those whispers were empty, hypocritical, and almost professional.

Designing charming words for believers is of no use to Brother Zhang, but now the whispers he receives are completely concrete.

The whispering description words will quickly enter the mind, leading people to imagine in that direction, there is food, money, power, sensuality, and all the corruption and mud that make people want to stop.

When the whispering description triggered people's reverie, then hallucinations appeared. Originally, it was impossible for Brother Zhang to be affected by these things, but just because of the conversation with Fairy Shuilin, Brother Zhang gave up all his abilities, even if

It doesn't matter if these things kill him or not.

This matter is very dangerous. Even the sensible Qing Lingzi would probably beat his chest if he knew about it, but this is a rare act of bravery on the part of Brother Zhang.

Practitioners come here to fight against inner demons, but Brother Zhang comes here to indulge in, enjoy, and be intoxicated by inner demons. He does not feel any pain at all. On the contrary, when he is immersed in desire, he

I felt unprecedented happiness.

At first, Xiao Zhang thought that the inner demon was a person's deep fear that repeatedly showed up, thus breaking the person's mind. But now he fully understood, and it was almost five hundred chapters later that he realized that fear cannot truly control the person's mind.

The only thing that can destroy a person is happiness, never-ending happiness. If a practitioner cannot overcome his greed for happiness, he will not be able to make any progress in his cultivation.

But Brother Zhang is different. This is simply the best place for him. He even felt for a moment that he should stay here forever. What kind of demon cave is this? This is clearly Xiao Zhang’s happy house!

He lay there with his mind completely relaxed, and was led by the power of the inner demon cave to walk through the virtual illusion over and over again. Things that were once nothing to him, such as greed for money, lust, food and laziness, were nothing to him now.

It's extremely joyful to say.

The emotional system that had been closed began to be reactivated after releasing his abilities. He suddenly felt that he was real. This feeling was so endearing and addictive.

After a long, long time, about two days, Brother Zhang still didn't come out. Fairy Shuilin sat at the entrance of the cave, hugging her knees and lighting a bonfire with a few fish and a plucked seabird on the bonfire.

There was a pot made of stone standing next to it, and a fire was lit under the pot, and salt was boiling in it. She sat there motionless until the bird eggs next to the fire popped out, and she slowly broke them.

Peel the eggshell clean and put it in your mouth.

"Well, it's a bit fishy."

Fairy Shuilin muttered a few words, and then sat there with her legs crossed again, looking at the sea of ​​stars in the distance. It was really a sea of ​​stars.

At this moment, the Broken Dragon Stone was slowly opened, and Brother Zhang walked out of it, and then he collapsed to the ground. Fairy Shuilin wanted to help her, but Brother Zhang frowned: "Don't come close to me.


"What's wrong?"

Brother Zhang closed his eyes and slowly activated all his abilities. Then he opened his eyes again and took a deep breath: "That's it."

Fairy Shuilin just watched helplessly as he slowly turned into that ascetic face again, and suddenly became a little curious: "What did you experience inside?"

Brother Zhang waved his hand: "Don't ask."

After saying that, he snapped his fingers, and the clothes all over his body were updated. He even took a shower and sprayed on fragrant water...

"Wow...come on for a while, too."

Brother Zhang also snapped his fingers at her, and Fairy Shuilin was refreshed on the spot. She took a bath, changed into clean clothes, and sprayed herself with fragrant water.

At this time, Brother Zhang stood up and said, "Let's go and teach me in detail how to use your reincarnation."

"Then you have to find a safe place to store the clone first."

Brother Zhang nodded and put one hand on the ground: "Buzhou Mountain!"

Fairy Shuilin suddenly felt her head pounding, and her eyes went dark. When she regained her sight, she found that she had arrived at a place filled with fairy spirit, surrounded by seas of clouds, pavilions and pavilions, and all kinds of flowers planted in the distance.

There are trees, and there are colorful clouds in the sky. It can be said that the scenery is boundless.

"Wow, what kind of place is this?"

Fairy Shuilin was astonished by the wonderful scenery of this place, and even wanted to take a sip in the pool next to it. After all, the water looked very clean, and it gave people the urge to drink at a glance.

"It's safe here." Brother Zhang said, "You can teach me."

Fairy Shuilin didn't talk nonsense at all, she just told Brother Zhang some key points, and then she saw tens of thousands of Brother Zhang suddenly appear in this empty fairyland without any warning.

Then these clones began to march into the void with uniform steps as Fairy Shuilin said, and then entered a wider space. After these clones sat down, each unconscious clone appeared.

a number.

Fairy Shuilin got goosebumps when she saw the densely packed Little Brother Zhang. She was silent for a long time before saying, "Do you need so many? Your ability needs to be diluted by tens of thousands of parts?"

After Brother Zhang was silent for a moment, he clapped his hands gently, and then tens of thousands more clones appeared here: "That should be enough."

"What are you going to do next?" Fairy Shuilin asked curiously.

But Brother Zhang just smiled: "Let's go to Xiao Zhang's Happy House again."



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