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559, the Qing Dynasty fell

Although Qing Lingzi has always been around, his popularity has never been high. Most of the time, he only appeared in everyone's praises as a villain, but this time he beat up the new NZ leader and completely exposed him to the public.

within sight.

Because it was a live broadcast, although it was not for the whole world, at least everyone in their small circle knew it, and when they realized that this girl with explosive power was not only the top leader of the two special departments and one department,

They are still the pioneers who almost single-handedly created a unified civilization, and their energy is coming.

Many people have tried to dig up information about Lingzi, but there are almost no records about him in history books. There are only certain records about him in some classics and unofficial histories, especially about some magic books. People always feel that

The reason why this name is very familiar is because almost 60% of the prefaces in the ancient secret law collections are signed with three words - Qinglingzi.

And his name has been throughout the history of the pre-Qin Dynasty. His name is found in hundreds of schools of thought, including Confucianism, Legalism, Taoism, Mohism, and the military. Even the unification of the First Emperor has his name behind it. It can be said that he ended it

The enfeoffment system allowed the feudal dynasty to exist in name only during the Qin Dynasty, allowing the land of China to become a truly centralized area, and laid the foundation for the prosperity of future generations for a thousand years.

After collecting information from all parties, it was discovered that Qing Lingzi was opposed to enfeoffment from the beginning, and was the first to mention the legal system of sharing meals between families and integrating the country. This influenced many generations of kings and finally laid the foundation of the legal system. Although two generations later

It has been more than a thousand years, but it has never been freed from its larger framework. This has formed the characteristics of civilization that are chaotic and continuous.

And this is why this land, which is about the same size as Europe, has never broken out of the framework of unity despite going through ups and downs and many civil strife over the years. No matter how absurd the emperor is, he cannot break this tight relationship.

And in some of the orphan classics of the Zajia family, these meddlesome people even found an article written by Qing Lingzi called "The Governance of Mountains, Rivers and Rivers". This can basically be judged as the earliest geographical paper based on facts.

The 47,000-word article describes the geographical location of various countries in the pre-Qin period, and also hypothesizes how to divide the regions after a unified country is formed in the future. The regions divided using his theory are almost indistinguishable from the current provincial administrative map.


The most interesting sentence he said in this article is "I am among you, there is no chasm to defend, there are no mountains as a screen, and the people are divided as swords against the border people." And look at the current situation

Looking at the map, you can immediately understand what "Ganlong is not big, it creates a myth".

Later, people discovered Qing Lingzi's writings in Taoist classics. This article was called "Silver Water Theory" and contained a total of 19,270 words. It discussed the conclusions he obtained through experiments using animals.

Conclusion: The silver lead water extracted from the cinnabar commonly used by alchemists is highly toxic. Not only will it not lead to immortality after taking it, it will also cause convulsions. Moreover, he provides a very detailed process of refining the cinnabar and how to prevent it.

The mercury evaporated, and he even recorded animal experiments he conducted with chickens, dogs, pigs, and sheep to demonstrate the symptoms of mercury poisoning in varying degrees.

There are also Legalist classics... Confucian classics... Mohist's, novelists'...

Yes, if what he wrote is published now, it is no surprise that he will become the first person to write a novel in the world, and it is 1,500 years earlier than the recognized earliest novel "The Tale of Genji", which is also a serialized science fiction genre.


Yes, science fiction. Because in it, Qing Lingzi describes people's lives in the future, mentions takeout, and mentions collecting thunder and lightning to make iron rods shine instead of candles to make the night as bright as day, and a copper bull with fire in its belly.

The cultivated land has thousands of slopes. People live in residences that are hundreds of feet high, and they can easily get up and down with a wooden board tied with a heavy object at one end.

Although he was not able to describe the principles of these things in detail due to the limitations of the times, at least the things he once imagined have now been realized, and this... was in the fifth century BC. At that time, other civilizations

I'm still imagining that gods and humans will give birth to a lot of little monsters.

The more these guys dig out, the more they think they are fake. They even set up a super chat on a certain blog #有什么有什么不做他#. The number of updates in it exceeded 5,000 in one day, and more and more people started posting from all kinds of weird and weird things.

I found the name of this legendary elder in a certain place. His shadow even appears in Zhang Qian's Yanxuan and Zheng He's excellent products. I don't know about Zheng He, but Zhang Qian's road map is based on the basis of Qing Lingzi hundreds of years earlier.

The frontier fortress maps drawn by famous mountains and rivers are almost identical.

"That's outrageous. What kind of immortal ancestor is this?"

"What's even more outrageous is that this ancestor is still alive."

"Not only is she still alive, she is also a woman! Are you angry, men? Who says women can't do it?"

Although it was outrageous to punch Qing Lingzi on the head, what is even more outrageous is that someone has already started to create a second creation. They drew a cartoon image of Qing Lingzi and gave her various costumes.

Xu went to Qing Lingzi to drink Ma Hanhai and then to Qing Lingzi to march north...


When Qing Lingzi saw these second-generation cartoon images, she slapped her phone on the table: "You just let them do whatever they want?"

Sister Longlong, who was lying lazily on the sofa next to her, sneered: "Don't be too old-fashioned. Young people are expressing love in their own way. You have to understand and accept it. You are the superhero of this land.


"They've almost dug out all my secrets!"

Qing Lingzi's face turned red with anger, and he leaned up and down on his chest: "If you continue like this, do you know how dangerous I am?"

"Oh come on, those who can beat you are in the sky, and there are not many people on the ground who can be your opponent." Sister Longlong said with an indifferent expression: "But looking at it this way, you are still a big man.

The main template. Oh, by the way, you are from the royal family, right, hahaha... The royal family who follows the mass line, you have betrayed the class. No, I have to post a post saying that you are not only a legend, but also a member of the Zhou Dynasty


Qing Lingzi hissed: "What a nonsense, what a nonsense."

"It's really okay for you to listen to me. The boss won't say anything, and now we need a national idol. I was a national idol for a while, but I was made to look like an entertainment star. You are different, you

A true all-around octagon fighter, the more you tell your stories, the more awesome you become. Every era with you has been prosperous, but without you, every era has been stumbling. Who the hell said that times make heroes? You are just like that.

Get rid of the gods who create momentum."

Qing Lingzi was dumbfounded by what he said: "Are you making fun of me?"

"Why am I making fun of you? Look at all those European and American heroes on TV now. We must have a hero who can correctly spread our values. And you, my friend, you are the only one alive in Night City.


"What a mess..." Qing Lingzi shook his head.

"Oh! Da Lingzi, let me ask you. How do you understand so much? I saw what they posted and realized that all the octagonal warriors look down on you. You are simply a circle."

"Life is long, and thousands of years of idleness are idle." Qing Lingzi looked out the window, and his eyes seemed to have returned to the green years of the past: "When you are young, you cannot see the filth of the world, and those who have the world in mind cannot see the suffering of the people. I have been since the tenth century.

Since I was six years old, I have sworn to save all the people from fire and water and save the building from collapse."

"It failed."

Qing Lingzi lowered her eyelids and did not speak. She just smiled slightly, and there was a hint of Yan Liang's helplessness in her smile.

"But you are already awesome enough. There are really few people in the world who are better than you. You can go down in the annals of history if you take any one of them. If you take all of them, people will just think you are bragging."

After Qing Lingzi heard what Sister Longlong said, his mood became bad. Didn't he know that he was awesome? But such an awesome person did not become the emperor in the end. You must know that he is immortal.

If he becomes emperor, who knows what direction history will take.

"You are holding back your emotions. I am a loyal fatalist. My destiny is destined by God. You can't accept it. Some people are destined to be emperors when they are born, even if they beg for food in a ruined temple. Some people are destined to be promiscuous, even if they are born to be emperors.

Prince, this thing about destiny is really... hard to say. You, you are not destined to be an emperor, but I would say you have no problem becoming an idol."


"Listen to me and let me analyze it carefully. Although you are cruel, lawless and uninhibited, it is not important. Your ability is not bad. Although you are just average with me, you are not so good with others.

I don’t know how powerful it is, but aren’t you worried that your Great Lingzi Sect has no one left, why don’t you hurry up and recruit a group of younger brothers?”

Qing Lingzi was obviously not someone who could be lobbied by lobbyists. If it had been anyone else, she would have been led by Sister Longlong, but Qing Lingzi was not moved at all. He even mistook the voices from the other side as farts.

"Okay, you can do it. Just pretend you didn't hear what I said." Yingsha sat up from the sofa: "If you don't create an idol, how can you fight a public opinion war with others? Nowadays, we still have control over the battlefield of public opinion.

In the hands of others, our business has developed to this point, but when people mention it, they still say that they are awesome, and it is obvious that what they did is not bullshit. Just look at the kid you beat, he is just a German stick,

As for their Black Death, there is no need for the Secret Service to deal with them. One-third of the group's strength can destroy them. But look at how well they publicize it. When everyone mentions them, they are the best.


Qing Lingzi still didn't say anything, but he stopped what he was doing and seemed to no longer think that Ying Shang was farting.

"And over there at the Lighthouse, how good are they in this area? But if you look at their recent movies, they brag so hard that it's shameless. If you look at our side, I'd say it's the best in the world.

Isn’t there a problem with a strong super system? But who knows? As soon as you see it on the Internet, you will scold someone for a bad thing, and then you will say that so and so is awesome, and the public opinion position will be completely lost."

Qing Lingzi was leaning on the chair now, and he seemed to be thinking about this issue.

"There are some things that the enemy will occupy if you don't occupy them. The simplest and fastest way to achieve this is to set an example, then dig deep into this character, and then extend this person as an IP."

He is a typical example of someone who doesn't know how to give up: "The most suitable person I can think of right now is you, and no one else can do it. Your Corpse Execution Immortal team is all crooked, and the Twelve Spirits team is even more bizarre.

You can’t let your Holy Master do this, right?”

Qing Lingzi's eyes were swollen, and he stared at Ying Shang Yin Feng with murderous intent: "You are so courageous."

"Come on, you know very well in your heart that even if you let him do this, he can turn the hero's growth documentary into Chang'an Lane on the tip of your tongue. Do you know the four ways to make a flounder?"

Even Qing Lingzi couldn't help laughing when he said this. Although he knew that this was disrespectful to the Holy Lord, he could not deny that what he said was the truth. The Holy Lord's character was not explosive enough. Although this is what a high-ranking person said.

He must have composure and calmness, but as a representative used to express tension and tenacity, it seems a bit weak, unless the Holy Master is asked to perform a demolition of the three realms with his bare hands.

But this is simply impossible to achieve, so...

"I can't." Qing Lingzi shook his head and said, "I can't be exposed to others."

"Well, to put it bluntly, you are just born a coward."

Regarding Qing Lingzi's coercion, Lei Long really understood. Everyone knew that he was invincible below the main god, and could occasionally change for one above the main god. In addition, he was not afraid of anyone including Black Guanyin and Gemini. But he did not even dare to let himself

His reputation was too great. If Sister Longlong hadn't stopped him, he would have called a certain blogger to threaten them to withdraw the hot search...

"I have my own way."

Qing Lingzi rolled her eyes, then looked at Sister Longlong: "You come with me."

After saying that, he took Ying Shang's arm, and the two of them disappeared into the house in three steps.

The next moment, they appeared in a rural place. At first glance, it seemed that there were Huizhou-style buildings everywhere, surrounded by tea mountains. On a big tree not far away, a tall and thin man was sitting on it, picking tea from the tree.

The beautiful beetle was teasing the children under the tree. There was a man lying on it and floating in the rippling blue river, while someone was fishing not far away from them.

"This place is nice." Yingsha looked around: "But why did you bring me here so suddenly?"

While he was talking, the man who was playing with the children on the tree fell down in a somersault, and aggressively came to Qing Lingzi, and then took out the stick from his ear in front of him and Ying Shang...

"Zhoucao, great sage..." Yingsha took a step back, then looked back at Qing Lingzi: "You don't want to fire his IP, do you?"

And at this moment, the "floating corpse" and the old fisherman in the river came over. They looked at Qing Lingzi with unkind expressions, and Sister Longlong yelled: "Dig, this is not the God of War."

A trio."

This chapter has been completed!
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