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573, Battle between Man and God 2

 There are still two days until the Shanhai Realm comes.

Today is probably the busiest day in the world, because the first exhibition match is about to start today, and the competition method is determined by drawing lots. The rules of the game are that each side selects three players to draw lots, and then selects the opponent according to the order of the draw.

You can choose your opponent at will, but because it is an exhibition match, generally similar players will be matched up to play against each other. You want to play excitingly and beautifully, but you want to ensure safety as much as possible.

Players on both sides are actually looking forward to it, because it has been almost two thousand years since the last battle between humans and gods. It seems that there has never been a similar war in the past two thousand years, and everyone's hands are itchy.

"The winner of the first round draw is Su Ming Ming Zun, and the man who builds speed is Zuo Zhi Ming."

After this name appeared, people all over the world stared at the TV screen, wanting to see the true face of the warrior who had killed Yamata no Orochi. However, when Suzanoo came up, most of them were disappointed.

, because there is nothing special about this legendary god. He looks like a middle-aged Baga warrior, about forty years old, a bit vicissitudes of life, and not as handsome as Takeshi Kaneshiro's Onimusha costume.

However, this guy looked very arrogant. After he stepped forward, he tightened the strap around his abdomen, then leaned in front of the microphone and said contemptuously: "I want to challenge the strongest one in the human race."

After saying this, the scene was in an uproar. Many people and gods frowned. Wen Zhong and Qing Lingzi, who were sitting in the main seats, looked at each other, and the two of them smiled in unison.

Then Qing Lingzi stood up, walked around the rostrum, and whispered a few words in the host's ear. The host nodded, then stepped forward with a microphone and asked: "Are you really sure you need to challenge people?"

The best player in the world?"

"Of course, only the strong can cheer me up."

"Okay, thank you." The host took a step back: "Please prepare the human race players."

Qing Lingzi walked to the side. He suddenly pressed one hand on the ground and knelt down on one knee. Then a formation appeared with him as the center. In fact, up to this point, everyone felt that the strongest in the human race was this beautiful sister.

, when the formation was completely lit up, they realized that it was actually a teleportation formation.

After the formation was activated, Qing Lingzi took out her mobile phone and walked to the backstage, as if communicating with someone. Suzuo Norio just smiled contemptuously and walked onto the ring to wait quietly.

He is very arrogant and confident, because in his opinion, even Qing Lingzi cannot easily defeat him, because although he is at the level of a true god, his real strength can actually be calculated at the level of a main god.

"Yeah, okay. Got it."

Qing Lingzi hung up the phone and walked onto the stage: "The human race accepts the challenge."

After saying that, he took a few steps back again and came to the front of the teleportation formation. Then he clapped his hands and a figure faintly appeared in the formation. As the formation was completed, a young man who looked to be in his twenties walked out.

He came out, wearing a black down jacket with his hands in his pockets, holding a box of vegetable salad in his hand and eating it.

And when he appeared, the whole place was in an uproar, and then the buzz of discussion suddenly started.

Susanoo, who had been waiting for his opponent with his back turned, heard these unusual sounds, so he looked back.


His expression was as uncomfortable as eating shit. He turned his head to look at the gods in the audience. The group of people turned their heads to the side in tacit agreement.

"The Holy Lord of the human race, regional war god. Accept the challenge."

The host on the stage was laughing so hard, but he had to remain serious. It was really hard for him to endure it...

“Fuck me!


Long Danchen jumped up from his seat at this time and pointed at Brother Zhang, who was listening to the rules of the game under the guidance of the staff: "This is not me, Brother Zhang! When did he become the Holy Lord of the Human Race?"

"You don't know him?"

Sitting next to Long Danchen is the devil's reformer. The two of them were sentenced to being inseparable for twenty-four hours yesterday because of fighting each other. Now they have a rope tied to their hands and cannot be separated even if they poop or fart.


"Can I still recognize him? Me and him...he and me...what the hell do you care about?" Long Danchen turned his head and cursed: "Don't force me to slap you today."

The reformer sneered but said nothing, because when Suzano'o said that he wanted to challenge the strongest human race, his first reaction was Qing Lingzi, but suddenly the face of "that person" flashed in his mind.

He didn't even need to compare to know that "that person" was more terrifying than Qing Lingzi.

Now I saw that it was indeed him they called...

At this moment, Susanoo is about to cry. Isn't this the strongest human race? Who has ever heard of challenging a guardian? Crazy! Even if you are crazy, you don't dare to play like this.

At this moment, Suzano'o was panicking and his knees were a little weak... He wanted to quit the game, but he swallowed his words several times, because in their Baga culture, failure is shameful, but evading decision

Not allowed.

As the first person with complete divine status to take the stage, if he directly announces his withdrawal from the competition, and also withdraws from the exhibition match, then he may really not have a good life in the future.

"Isn't this asking for death?" The gods who were hiding in the crowd and came to watch the ceremony joked: "I don't understand what they are thinking in their old Japanese minds."

"Hahahaha..." The big white elephant laughed and laughed: "Waiting and standing at will."

At this time, the staff had already read out the rules of the competition to Brother Zhang. He ate the salad in his hand in a few bites, then took off his down jacket and replaced his leather shoes with sneakers.

After he was done, he entered the room. He stood opposite the legendary god Suzuo, smiling and nodding towards him.

Suzano'o just wants to slap him now. He didn't have to say that nonsense at the beginning. With so many people just picking one to slap, it's all over. It's ridiculous to have to cause such trouble!

However, Brother Zhang's appearance was not as enthusiastic as expected, because his identity is extremely special. Many more people in the upper three realms know him than those in the human world, so even though others say that he is the strongest person in the human world

, but people in the human world were a little dissatisfied, because Brother Zhang looked like he was here to participate in a college sports meeting, and he didn't look like a professional fighter.

They were even discussing whether this man who didn't look strong could be at odds with the god who was very capable of fighting at first glance. But in fact, only people in the upper three realms knew that a mere Suzano-o was in front of that man.

, it’s just a snack cooked medium-rare in three minutes.

"Didn't you say that the Holy Lord on earth has no fighting power? Is this possible?"

"Are you really not aware of it or not? The power of faith is designed to reach the three realms."

"So that's it..."

There were also a few people in the camp in the human world who knew about the existence of the Holy Lord, and they started discussing in a low voice. They happened to be sitting behind Long Danchen, and he heard every word of the conversation.

"I always thought Brother Zhang was a regional god of war, and sure enough! There is something wrong with him!"

The reformer next to him snorted coldly: "Even I know that he is almost invincible, but you actually say you know him."

"You seem to be capable, don't you? If you keep talking nonsense, I will twist your head off."

"I am immortal." The modified man sneered: "I am time..."

He originally said that he was a time lord, but after looking at Brother Zhang inadvertently, he quickly changed his words: "I am a time manipulator."

"I don't care what you are."

At this time, Brother Zhang had also entered the venue. According to the normal procedure, the players from both sides were required to salute. Brother Zhang nodded towards Suzanono and regarded it as a salute. This should have been considered rude, but Susanoo acted like

As if he was flattered, he drew his sword Tianzhi Congyun and held it with both hands, bowing deeply to Brother Zhang.

"Since there is no way to avoid it, please give me some advice."

Brother Zhang smiled and nodded: "Okay."

With the sound of a gong from the referee's seat in front, the first exhibition match officially began. After all, Suzano'o is one of the main gods on Baga's side, and because of his prominent reputation due to the promotion of major anime, after he started his fighting posture

He actually looks a bit handsome, with royal blue samurai gear appearing on his body, and beside him are the wearer's three samurai swords.

Regardless of national sentiments, this look is really trendy.

After arranging the formation, Suzano Nobuo said to Brother Zhang: "Please."

Brother Zhang said oh, took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He put a hand on his side and began to go through the Holy Lord's battle regulations in his mind. During this process, the other party didn't know what he was doing, so he didn't

Start attacking.

But what Suzano'o didn't expect was that the legendary figure in front of him was cramming right now.

"Oh!" Brother Zhang opened his eyes after reading it quickly: "So that's it."



Brother Zhang called out, and a melodious and deep horn horn sound suddenly came from the huge training ground. Then behind him, the sky was filled with wind and sand.

An army wearing black armor broke through the wind and sand and walked out mightily.

They were holding long axes and shields. Their faces could not be seen clearly, but their murderous intent was real. The sound of their uniform footsteps was deafening. These soldiers shouted the same chants as Brother Zhang just now, and chanted the wind song loudly, with terrifying force.

This scene appeared in everyone's eyes. Not only Suzuo'o across from him was dumbfounded, but everyone was also dumbfounded.

Summon flow?

Then a white horse sprinted forward among a group of murderous soldiers. When it came to Brother Zhang, the young general on top tightened the reins and waved the spear in his hand: "The champion, Huo Qubing!"

A name came out, followed by a spear pointing forward: "Young man of the Han family, charge with me!"

Then the place suddenly resounded with the sound of horse hooves like beating drums, and then in the vast smoke and dust, the evil star appeared, and even the dust swept up turned into the shape of a yellow dragon in the air.

In this huge momentum, hundreds of cavalry rushed towards the Japanese warriors on the opposite side. Although the opposite was a god, all the soldiers were not afraid. This scene made people's skin crawl. The whole audience stood up collectively.

, shouting at the top of his lungs along with the charging chant.

And this kind of scene was spread to every corner of the world by TV signals. Almost everyone in the country who saw this scene clenched their fists, this is so fucking handsome... This murderous aura, even if it is...

It’s hard to open your eyes even through the screen.

Compared with the bravery and murderous spirit of these soldiers, the warrior who killed Yamata no Orochi and one of the three gods all seemed too weak. Although Suzuo's ability should not be underestimated, his momentum was not.

It was a complete loss.

He killed the heroic spirits attacking him in different ways, but who knew that the more they attacked, the more densely they attacked. Under the super blessing of the power of faith, these heroic spirits turned into invincible blades, and they really regarded him as

The world BOSS was defeated.

At the last moment, when he saw that this tall and burly god who exceeded human limits was about to be killed by human heroes, he directly broke the rules and used his super kill, using up all his strength to sweep away the bunch of phantoms with real damage.

And empty.

When everything around him returned to normal, Suzano'o was already very weak. He was holding the hilt of the sword with both hands, and the sword was stuck on the ground. The artifact armor on his body was already mottled, and it was full of traces of damage from weapons.

"This is the true way to stand shoulder to shoulder with gods with a mortal body."

People outside the stadium began to sigh with emotion, but these were all foreigners, because the knowledgeable people were already sitting there in a daze, speechless at all.

Brother Zhang took a step back at this time and lowered his eyelids: "The sun, moon, mountains and rivers are still there."

There was a low groan, the roar of cannons behind him, and then bows and arrows fell like raindrops, nailing Suzano'o's body, making him look even more miserable than Oda Nobunaga of Honnoji Temple.

Then the officers and soldiers of the Shenji Battalion holding firearms slowly approached, firing with various firearms alternately. When they hit the opposite side, they could only cover their faces with armor. At this moment, the gun cavalry rushed in, and the leader held a flag in his left hand and raised it high.

He stood up, with the word "Qi" embroidered on the flag with gold thread, and held the Qiankun knife horizontally in his right hand. The sword flashed: "Japanese pirates invade the border and will be killed without mercy! Qi's army, charge!"



At this moment, a ray of light suddenly flashed, and Amaterasu, who had been hidden in the crowd for a long time, appeared in the path of the heroic spirit's charge, using her god-level power to resist this terrifying charge.

Then another divine shock gathered and dispersed the heroic spirits.

"Well..." Brother Zhang looked displeased and clenched a fist with one hand: "Brilliant..."

"Admit defeat! Admit defeat!" Suzano'o is obviously a god, but he knows that if he does it again, he will really be crushed to pieces. This is the Holy Lord Summoning Technique, isn't it... This is too scary.

Brother Zhang stopped calling, waved his arm, walked outside slowly, put on his leather shoes and down jacket, and returned to the teleportation array again. There was even a trace of disdain in his eyes when he left.

At this moment, everyone reacted. The audience at the scene and those in front of the TV started to boil on the spot. The noisy sound in the land of China seemed to poke a hole in the sky.

"Fuck, interrupted!"

Long Danchen's tightly clenched fists slowly loosened, and then he said angrily: "You're going to force Xiongjiu to cross the Yalu River in high spirits, and you're going to lift your Tianling cover?


And his resentment is also the resentment of most people, but even if he does not complete this terrible summons, it is enough to fill the morale of the entire human race with cow blood.

Just two summonses made humans finally remember how their ancestors finally won the war with gods.

"The Holy Lord is the Holy Lord after all."

Qing Lingzi sighed: "I have done so much, but it is not as effective as the Holy Master's two words."

After saying that, he threw out the hexagram sign in his hand, and then made some calculations. In less than ten minutes, the power of faith in the land of China surged to 1,420% of the previous level.

This chapter has been completed!
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