Turn off the lights
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Chapter 61: Everything is like the wind.

 Today is quite leisurely. Brother Zhang is sitting at the counter reading novels. Although he has a light and uncontroversial personality, he actually likes to read refreshing novels. Recently, he has been reading a book called "The Frightening Big Brother".

"Senior Brother", sometimes I would sit there alone and laugh out loud when I saw something interesting.

The past few days have been quiet. The thunder dragon will not come out for another day and a half. Yang Junfeng will not come back until next month when he returns to his hometown. Mr. Pi doesn’t know what he is busy with and hasn’t appeared for a long time. Even the mouse went to meet people from other places overnight.

The expert team went to analyze the case.

Xiao Ma comes often, but he seems to be quite busy recently. Brother Zhang didn't ask him what he was doing. Anyway, it's better to be busy than idle.

Except for a few of them, Zhu Zhenzhen not only didn't come here in the past two days, she didn't even go to work. Zhang Yao also didn't show up for a long time, but she would send a few messages to Brother Zhang every day to talk about things.

Maybe it’s because it’s winter, and it’s extremely cold this year, so business is not so good at night. Brother Zhang and Xu Wei sit in the store at night. Sometimes Sister Gou will come out to have a drink if she’s in a good mood.

, but most of the time the dog sister would soak in the hot spring in the backyard and refuse to move.

"Brother Zhang, Brother Zhang."

Xu Wei leaned on the table and looked at the blurry night outside. She hadn't stepped out of this door for three or four months, and she was almost unfamiliar with the outside world. The few pleasures she had every day were talking to Brother Zhang.

Chat and play mobile games.

"Huh?" Brother Zhang raised his head and looked at her: "What's wrong?"

"Tell me, why are there so many bad people in the world? How can they do such cruel things?"

Brother Zhang pondered for a while, then suddenly laughed, sat on his little stool, and fiddled with a small bell restlessly: "Actually, I quite agree with the Western concept of the Seven Deadly Sins."

"I know, I know." Xu Wei said quickly: "Arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony and lust. Right?"


"Basically all the sins in the world were born because of these factors. In our cultural system, there are actually similar ones, but they cover a wider range of aspects, which is a bit too harsh. So the seven deadly sins

It's relatively tolerant." Brother Zhang raised his head and thought for a while: "So we have always emphasized self-denial in the process of practice. This self-denial is actually to curb one's desire for these original sins to a certain extent."

"What about you?" Xu Wei asked curiously: "You don't seem to be interested in anything, so what is your goal?"

"Love this world." Brother Zhang showed a particularly gentle smile: "and be loved by it."

"Ah? Loved by the world? Where is the form of expression?"

Brother Zhang didn't answer. He just turned off the lights and turned the fire in the chicken roasting fireplace to the maximum. There was a crackling sound from inside. But at this moment, a strong wind blew outside, and then there was no warning.

of heavy rain.

The dim lights, the warm fireplace, and the strong wind and rain outside the window made Xu Wei suddenly shiver uncontrollably, and then she lay limply on the table: "It's so comfortable..."

Brother Zhang slowly turned on the light, then said with a smile: "This is the person who is favored by the world."

"Don't turn on the light, don't turn on the light... let me enjoy it for a while."

But Brother Zhang shook his head: "Strong winds and showers will cause trouble for those who return late."

The wind stopped and the rain stopped outside, and everything returned to its calm state. Xu Wei looked at Brother Zhang in a daze for a moment, and suddenly said: "So this is the way you love the world?"

"One." Brother Zhang still chuckled: "When you become one with it, you will understand. Exclusive preference is actually a kind of harm."

"So you will choose to turn a blind eye to the good and the bad..." Xu Wei suddenly slapped his head: "This is what the world is unkind and treats all things like rotten dogs, right?"

"No, this is just my own choice. Each of you should have your own way. I won't stop Mouse from pursuing his justice, nor will I let Hu Niu stop chasing the top. Since I don't stop them, then I

Therefore, I am not qualified to stop anyone. Whether the final outcome is good or bad is actually chosen by people step by step." Brother Zhang took a pot of rice wine and poured it into two cups, and handed one cup to Xu Wei.

Holding it in hand: "I will not define good or bad for anyone, and righteousness and villain have no meaning to me. Because any good or bad that is praised by others is also a part of the world, and what I think is that the two do not help each other.

The goal I pursue, but I can’t do it now, I will still help the people close to me, and this in itself means that I am not that pure yet.”

"You are already good enough. If it were me and you... I tell you, conquering the world is easy. I have to conquer the entire galaxy." Xu Wei raised her fist and said seriously: "By the way.

Those who rebel against me will perish!"

Brother Zhang burst out laughing, then shook his head: "Okay, come on."

"Brother Zhang... if such a person really appears, will you step in to stop him?"

"I have thought about this issue." Brother Zhang nodded and said, "When I think a certain force should not appear, I will stop it or even eliminate it."

"But shouldn't it be your subjective judgment whether this power should appear?"

After Brother Zhang pondered this problem for a long time, he took out something like a thermometer from the drawer, except that the thing in the center was not mercury but a metal rod of about fifteen centimeters. The lower part of the metal rod was

It is red and the upper half is silvery white, and this thing has a scale every centimeter or so. The scale has no numbers, just a scale.

Now the red part is roughly in the center, and it looks like this thing is half white and half red.

"When the red part exceeds ten or falls below five." Brother Zhang raised his eyes and looked at Xu Wei: "I am about to change my form."

"What's this?"

"It's a world balance indicator. I made it myself." Brother Zhang said with a smile: "If it's higher than ten, it means the thing on your head has come out. If it's lower than five, it means the end of the spiritual energy has come."

"The thing on the head..."

"look up."

Xu Wei looked up and suddenly saw an endless space appearing on the ceiling, and above the space there was a huge peak in the shape of a cone floating there. The peak was so huge that it seemed that the end could not be seen at a glance, but there were vaguely visible houses on it.

There are clouds and mist, and there are white clouds floating in the sky, and there are colorful rays of light flying up and down inside, which is dazzling.

Seeing the scene in front of her, Xu Wei was almost addicted. She swore that she had never seen such a beautiful scene in her life.

But just when she was in a daze, two tangled lights appeared on the mountain peak, running straight towards her.

Soon after that, Brother Zhang snapped his fingers. In an instant, the light dissipated, the ceiling became a ceiling again, and everything just disappeared like a mirage.

Xu Wei raised her head and couldn't recover for a long time. The shock in her heart could not be greater. She even vaguely heard the distant and loud sound of bells in the deep blue sky, and the lingering sound lingered like a beam and refused to disperse.

After a long time, Xu Wei took in a breath with all her strength. Her face turned red from holding it in, and her whole body seemed as if she had just emerged from the water.

"What is that...so...so beautiful."

Brother Zhang smiled: "That's something that shouldn't belong to this world."

Xu Wei didn't answer after hearing this. She just continued to look up at the ceiling, even though there was nothing above.

At this moment, Zhu Zhenzhen, who was receiving special training from Pi Ye, was so tired that she collapsed on the river.

She was just sitting like that, and in the gurgling water beneath her feet was an ice pillar that was much higher than the water. But if you look at it with the naked eye, it would be as if she was floating directly above the water.

"I can't run anymore..."

"Okay, it's not too early today." Master Pi took out his phone and took a look at it: "I'll catch up tomorrow."

Zhu Zhenzhen let out a long sigh. She stood up and ran quickly from the river to the shore. Every time she raised her feet, an ice pillar would grow out of the water to give her a foothold, so even in the water she could not stand.

Still on the same level.

"This is still in the water. I'll have to teach you how to fly in the air in a few days."

"Royal in the sky?"

"Just fly!"

"Oh..." Zhu Zhenzhen asked curiously: "Can I really fly?"

"You can really fly." Master Pi nodded: "Not only can you fly, but you can also fly very fast. But with your current proficiency, I'm afraid it won't work."

While the two of them were discussing flying, Zhang Yao walked out of the warehouse, took a sip and said to them: "Zuo Danshuang called me just now and said mysteriously that he wanted to meet me tomorrow.

I asked him and he didn't say anything, he just said he would know when we meet tomorrow."

"What good things can his brain come up with?" Zhu Zhenzhen yawned and said, "No, I'm going back to sleep..."

"You might as well move to my place." Zhang Yao crossed her arms and said to Zhu Zhenzhen: "You need to grow up quickly in your current state. It just so happens that Pippi is here to teach you."

"I'm so tired. Please forgive me, but why are you so concerned about this kind of thing all of a sudden?"

"What kind of thing?" Zhang Yao asked back: "Oh... you said you want to start this non-governmental organization, right? I actually just want to prove to Brother Zhang that with greater ability comes greater responsibility. It is absolutely correct."

"But people don't care about you."

When Zhu Zhenzhen said this, Zhang Yao was obviously unhappy: "I don't care, anyway, I will do it as I said! I can't let him look down on me all the time."

Master Pi curled his lips next to him: "He won't look down on you, he won't even look at you..."


"Okay, okay, I know you want to be strong." Pi Ye waved his hand and said: "Come on, as long as your salary is mine, I will do it with you."

This chapter has been completed!
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