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Chapter 62, Death is always with me like the wind

Qing Lingzi, who received a large amount of money, has now moved to the center of the city. She has changed her and Xue Taotie's new identities through the underground channels in her memory, and the previous identities are no longer used.

His new identity is that of a woman who was trafficked to the mountains, and Xue Taotie is that of a man who has been smuggling to Hong Kong for more than ten years.

With the adaptation of their new identities, their life now can be said to be quite comfortable. At this stage, they don't have to worry about money at all, let alone risk being exposed and looking for prey everywhere.

He lives in an inaccessible villa area in the city with his only subordinate and the box containing the Blood Soul Puppet. As for why this place is inaccessible, it is probably because he heard that it is not very clean.

However, no matter how unclean it is, it cannot be as unclean as Qing Lingzi, so he can be said to be very satisfied with this place. In addition, there are no neighbors around, which makes Qing Lingzi feel like a fish in water.

But he is not without worries now, that is, he can sense that there are twelve spirits in this city, and that powerful thunder spirit is sending out dangerous signals all the time.

Needless to say, the only twelve spirits with such power are the mighty Lei Fa Tianlong in the twin stars of heaven and earth. If Qing Lingzi encounters the Lei Fa Tianlong in his current state, he will be beaten to ashes within three moves.


And generally speaking, dragons and horses, dragons and tigers or dragons and snakes are often associated with each other. Wherever there is a dragon, there will be one of the three phases: horse, tiger, or snake. There may even be two or even three phases at the same time.

Qing Lingzi didn't have the confidence to confront the top ones among the twelve spirits at this time, not to mention that he still remembered the man who made him "miss a glance". If he was too arrogant, he would lead to

Lei Fa Tianlong is pretty good, he can still run away no matter what, but if he attracts that man, he may not even have a chance to escape.

As for why he refused to leave this city, it was hard to say because they were awakened here at that time. It would be okay if they were fully awakened, but because the awakening was incomplete, they needed to find a suitable body in a short time.

If they are too far away, their souls will be destroyed. Therefore, if the thirty-two zombies can be resurrected through various channels, their resurrection time will not be long and the distance will not be far.

This is why Qing Lingzi can only wait alone in this crisis-ridden city.

But today is a good day that makes him happy, because today is the day when the Blood Soul Puppet is born.

This was his first puppet after his recovery, and this puppet also consumed a lot of his energy and many medicinal materials.

So today, the day of unsealing, he was looking forward to it.

Let Xue Taotie go outside to look after the wind, while Qing Lingzi knelt on one knee next to the big box, slowly erased the talisman on the box, and then opened the diamond locks one after another until all the external seals were lifted without any accidents.

Qing Lingzi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he recited the Dharma, slowly urging the damp air from the ground to flow into the room. Soon water droplets began to appear on the surrounding walls, and the air became damp and cold. Under his urging, the people in front of him The big box also began to make a creaking and restless sound.

Warlocks do not need to recite incantations to cast spells, but Qing Lingzi still couldn't help but recite some of the incantations that his master taught him in his early years. It was of no use at all. It mainly served to heighten his current nervous mood.

Slowly, a black human hand stretched out from the gap in the box. The skin of this hand had a metallic luster, but the texture of the skin was very clear. The material of the box would even emit when scratched on his hand. A creaking sound.

Then the lid of the box suddenly popped open, flying to the ceiling and breaking into two pieces.

The puppet in the box slowly sat up. It opened its eyes, revealing its wooden eyeballs, but those eyes were fixed on Qing Lingzi.

Qing Lingzi sensed something was wrong and subconsciously took a step back. Soon after, the Blood Soul Puppet flew to his position without warning, and the fingers of both hands were like sharp steel bars inserted deeply into the floor.

Qing Lingzi took a few steps back again, and the Blood Soul Puppet moved forward step by step. His feet collided with the ground and made a crisp sound, like a moving iron plate.

"Evil beast! How dare you bite the Lord!" Qing Lingzi made a hand gesture with both hands: "Sacrifice the puppet and destroy the spirit!"

When the spell took effect, the Snow Soul Puppet knelt down uncontrollably, its whole body began to tremble violently, and its painful howling could even be heard far away.

Qing Lingzi maintained his hand skills and came to the puppet before exerting force again. The blood soul puppet's invincible body began to crackle and flicker, and thick black blood slowly flowed out from his seven orifices.

"You evil beast, you have to obey or not!" Qing Lingzi shouted loudly: "I have to obey or refuse to obey!!!"

The puppet is still struggling fiercely, and it is obviously dissatisfied, because most of these evil puppets retain the memories of their lives, and they clearly remember that the woman in front of them was bullied by him, manipulated by him, but ultimately killed him.

So when it woke up, it had only one thought in its mind, which was to completely tear the person in front of it into pieces.

But its plan failed. It never thought that a prostitute it had controlled for many years would suddenly turn into another person, a person so powerful that it didn't even dare to think about it.

“To accept is not to accept!!!!”

The opponent exerted force again, and the soul-destroying pain struck from all directions, making it unable to escape. The powerful force pressed its body to the ground, and despair gradually began to erode its thinking.

Finally, half an hour later, the Blood Soul Puppet completely lost its last trace of intelligence and became Qing Lingzi's tool. All the unwillingness in his heart disappeared with the wind, and some of him just obeyed his words.

However, Qing Lingzi was not much better. He had a fierce fight with a dying soul, and forcibly suppressed the stubborn soul with his own soul. This made him wet all over, and he took advantage of the situation. He leaned against the cold wall, his hands shaking wildly uncontrollably.

But he knew that all his efforts were worth it. Although this blood soul puppet was a hasty work, thanks to the recovery of spiritual energy, it was stronger than all the puppets he had refined.

With the power of Drought Demon upon his appearance, it can be said that he is not weaker than any of the thirty-two corpse-resolving immortals, or even stronger.

It's just that the puppet's skin turned black after possessing the power of Drought Demon, making it look like a piece of black coal.

But fortunately, this is not a problem. After all, this is GZ. There are so many people covered in black charcoal. No one will care that there is a black charcoal in the middle that is no longer a human. In addition, this puppet has cultivated into a drought demon body.

After that, his body shape skyrocketed several times, and he looked just like the Kunlun slaves all over the street.

"From today onwards, your name is Quenuer, do you hear me?"

The blood soul puppet nodded.

Seeing its obedient look, Qing Lingzi stood up from the ground, took out a dagger from his waist, made a cut on his finger, and dripped blood on the Blood Soul Puppet's forehead.

The blood drops fell, the soul returned to its original state, and the blood soul puppet's eyes gradually returned to human appearance.

This is like giving the puppet a nod, and the puppet is finally complete. As it becomes complete, its power boils again, and its whole body goes from black to red, but with the suppression of Qing Lingzi, it finally calms down.

Go down.

But when it stood up again, its muscles were bulging and its height reached about two meters. It looked like a humanoid tank.

"Okay, okay." Qing Lingzi patted his strongest blood soul puppet and laughed loudly: "You will help me."

At the same time, Zuo Danshuang was driving to the place agreed with Zhang Yao. While driving, he was chatting with the empty co-pilot. The scene was very strange.

"We're going to meet a friend later. Don't embarrass me. Hahahaha, it's okay. Don't be shy. It's okay. Okay, it's okay not to show up. I won't force you."

He kept chatting like this all the way, even when he stopped to buy something. The cashier in the small supermarket was so frightened that his hair stood on end.

Until he... They bought a lot of snacks and came to Zhang Yao's warehouse. They saw Zhang Yao, who had been living and eating here during this period, and Zhu Zhenzhen, who was resting.

"Good morning, beauties." Zuo Danshuang took out many things from the car and said to Zhang Yao with a smile on his face: "The beauties are getting more and more beautiful."

But before he could finish his words, Zuo Danshuang suddenly turned around and put his arms around something: "What's wrong with you? Don't be impulsive."

Zhu Zhenzhen didn't start to feel happy either. Zhu Zhenzhen, who was eating an energy bar, suddenly fell backwards and ran back more than ten meters, and then a blue line on the ground spread towards Zuo Danshuang.

When the line came to him, an ice wall suddenly erected in front of him, and then the ice wall turned into thousands of ice spikes, which shot towards Zuo Danshuang.

Those ice picks and ice spikes hitting the concrete floor can make big and small holes in the ground, but they can't hurt Zuo Danshuang at all. He protects his face with both arms, and the ice spikes will break into pieces before they hit him.


After Zhu Zhenzhen's first round of offensive, Zuo Danshuang suddenly started to move. He raised his fist and hit Zhu Zhenzhen. Although the two were dozens of meters apart, he still waved his fist.

At that moment, seven or eight thick ice walls appeared in front of Zhu Zhenzhen, but then she saw that the ice walls were shattered one by one, and they could not stop until the last one.

Zuo Danshuang narrowed his eyes, and a long red light emitted from his eyes, and the mark on Zhu Zhenzhen's forehead also lit up, and then she suddenly jumped into the sky, and Zuo Danshuang also jumped up, and the two sides were facing each other in mid-air.

At the moment of contact... time seemed to stand still.

Then a black figure appeared in the sky accompanied by thunder, and then passed between Zuo Danshuang and Zhu Zhenzhen. When everyone present reacted, they saw Thunder Dragon grabbing one of them with one hand and pressing them to the ground.


"It's his grandma's. I thought it was some kind of evil fight. It was you two who had been causing trouble for a long time."——

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