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Chapter 634 Overtime Rescue Plan

Although Hu Deyou didn't know why the teacher only gave him thirty people to break into the dragon's pond and tiger's den, he knew that even if one person refused to let him go, he had to go. There was no other reason, and that was his own life.

It was all given by his master. Even if he was allowed to die, he should be grateful that he could live for so long and still live so well.

It is about 600 kilometers from SH to Shangrao. This is not a tolerant distance. If the whole journey requires walking at night and riding a motorcycle, it will be a big test for Hu Deyou, because as long as he enters Zhejiang

After entering the territory, the mountain road became rugged, and there were many bandits lurking around. These bandits were basically made up of bald troops, and their combat effectiveness was still considerable. Hu Deyou did not dare to advance rashly.

So he set off for Shangrao half a month in advance, and it was quite a journey. However, with the skills he had developed during this period, there were no dangers along the way.

He set off from SH on August 27 and arrived in Shangrao on September 10. This place belongs to the bald area. Compared with the Japanese-occupied area of ​​​​SH, this place is so relaxed that it even makes Hu Deyou feel like he is here for vacation, even if it is like

A person like him who came here after a long journey was not embarrassed when entering the city. After giving him a little bribe, he left more smoothly than anyone else.

However, it is easy to enter the city. It is not an easy task to rescue Commander Ye. The bald man certainly knows the value of Commander Ye, so he was imprisoned in Zhoutian Prison in Shangrao Concentration Camp and was closely guarded. According to Hu Deyou's investigation,

There were actually as many as two battalions of people responsible for guarding Commander Ye.

With nearly a thousand guards and city defense troops, you can imagine how difficult it is to rescue them. Moreover, from the conversations with the surrounding villagers, it can be concluded that comrades from the underground front have been coming to rescue them during this period.

Rescue operations were launched, but all failed without exception, and nearly a hundred people died.

In the following days, Hu Deyou conducted a comprehensive survey around Zhoutian Prison and mapped out an escape route. Although he knew that once he started taking action, the probability of him being able to escape was slim, but he did not want to give up even if there was a glimmer of hope. If he could use

If he exchanged his life for Commander Ye's, he might even be included in the Martyrs Cemetery. This would be regarded as a name that would last forever.

On September 14, Hu Deyou received a message from his master, asking him to go to a safe place to wait for support. The safe place was on a hill near Zhoutian Prison, about 800 meters away from the cell where Commander Ye was imprisoned.

And it is the enemy's visual blind spot.

At about eight o'clock in the evening, the enemy's sentry changed defenses. Hu Deyou held a sniper rifle in his hand and held his breath. In his imagination, the thirty people supporting him should slowly come up from a certain direction, and all he needed to do was

Guard the support team's butts.

But when 9 o'clock arrived, a shrill scream suddenly came from the sky. Almost at the same time, the enemy troops here turned on their searchlights and started searching and turned off all the lights.

Not long after, thirty white cylinders fell from the sky and were lined up neatly in a row outside Zhoutian Prison, with half of them already embedded in the soil.

After seeing these thirty cylinders, Hu Deyou was as confused as the enemy...

But just when the enemy was about to touch them to check the situation, the front of the thirty cylinders suddenly made a clanging sound, and then the hatch slowly opened, and out came thirty men of the same height, the same clothes, and even the same appearance.


Hu Deyou could see very clearly in the sniper scope. These thirty reinforcements really just looked like people. They were all covered with very strange armor. If Hu Deyou were a modern person, he would be able to tell at a glance.

Typical sci-fi style, pure cyber warrior.

These strange soldiers did not have weapons in their hands, but they had nice-looking breathing lights on their bodies. The moment they walked out, the enemy had already opened fire, but what was outrageous was that the bullets hitting these people had no effect.

The night was filled with sparks.

At this moment, the stunned Hu Deyou suddenly felt the watch on his hand vibrate. He raised his hand and took a look, only to see that the interface above had changed and turned into a radar mode.

Not only him, but all the war miracles began to raise their hands to look at their watches, their movements were very unified, and they still braved the enemy's bullets...

"Start combat mode."

As the cold start-up sound came out, the breathing lights on all those strange warriors turned dazzling red, and then they began to move.

In the sniper scope, Hu Deyou could not see any figures at all. He could only see streaks of red light floating in the air like fluorescent duckweeds, screams, and gunshots, among which there were three racers.

Warrior Bo went directly to the door of Commander Ye's cell and broke the lock on the outside of the cage. Then the three of them guarded Commander Ye in the cell in a "pin" shape.

Hu Deyou couldn't hear what Commander Ye was shouting, but he could probably guess it, because this place not only imprisoned Commander Ye, but also his comrades.

If you don’t say that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, the scene below was so chaotic. Hu Deyou put away his gun and rushed over. He used his agility to continuously weave in the dark and rugged alleys. When he saw someone

Just shoot at the lock of the locked room. The generals who were captured in the Wannan Incident were imprisoned here. These people were not vegetarians. They immediately started fighting after they were released.

At this time, the twenty-seven cyber warriors had forced nearly 700 people to retreat. At this time, their support troops also arrived. Seeing the enemy's large-scale armed force, all war miracles stopped their activities.

"A large number of enemies detected, activate annihilation mode."

As the annihilation mode started, the light on these cyber warriors turned into a very short and rapid orange-yellow flashing light, and then their bodies began to be covered with a thick layer of armor. The twenty-seven war machines almost

It started in an instant.

The first round of twenty-seven sonic booms produced when breaking the sound barrier had already overturned a group of enemies, and they could not even see the enemies, let alone shoot. Then there was almost a flash of light, and these soldiers were

It was smashed into pieces.

Don't underestimate the impact, you bastard. When the Trisolarans destroyed the Earth's United Fleet, they just hit it hard with water droplets. Compared with fancy attack skills, high-speed impact will always be the most effective attack method for mankind now and even in the future, because even hydrogen bombs

It's also a particle collision, isn't it?

The bodies of the twenty-seven killing machines rubbed against the air and turned into a ball of flame, and each impact of this ball of flame would take away a piece of it, and it could even be said that no bones were left after being hit.

At this moment, Commander Ye has been taken out of the danger range. The reaction speed of these cyber warriors is very fast. They can block all bullets fired in this direction. Although Zhang Yao is disgusted with humanoid robots, she has to admit that under certain special circumstances

Next, the human form is always the best to use.

"Commander Ye?"

Hu Deyou carried a gun and followed the instructions on his watch and ran all the way to catch up with Commander Ye. After seeing Commander Ye, he took off the disguise on his head and said: "Commander Ye, follow me."

Hu Deyou never expected that the escape route he had planned would actually be used... The situation that was originally a life-and-death situation was so easily resolved by those who couldn't understand what it was.

No wonder Master only sent thirty of them. Hu Deyou felt that five of them were enough...

Soon Hu Deyou led Commander Ye to a safe escape range. At this time, those war-god-like things began to slowly disappear, and then disappeared completely, as if they had not appeared at all.

Commander Ye frowned when he saw this scene: "What is that?"

"It's hard to explain..."

Hu Deyou smiled bitterly in his heart, and then pushed out the motorcycle that had been prepared from the grass next to him. He looked back at Commander Ye and said, "Commander Ye, get in the car! I'll explain to you on the way."

At this time, Commander Ye didn't care to ask anything anymore. He got on Hu Deyou's off-road motorcycle and the two of them sped towards the base area.

It was definitely not possible to walk on the main road, but fortunately Hu Deyou had excellent driving skills and managed to find a way along the waterway in the mountain. They took a rest in the middle. The two of them did not dare to light a fire in the mountains, but Hu Deyou started from his car.

I took out two portions of self-heating rice from the bag.

Commander Ye leaned on the big rock and looked at the young man in front of him. It could be seen from his movements and eyes that he was definitely an agent who had received considerable professional training. Moreover, during the rescue operation just now, his movements and behavior were all impressed by Commander Ye.

Seeing this, Commander Ye no longer has to worry about what it was that rescued him just now.

"Whose person are you? Monk Xu? No, your skills are not as good as Monk Xu's."

Hu Deyou smiled and shook his head and said: "I was invited by Lao Wu to save people with ten pounds of gold. I am not one of your people."

Commander Ye sighed: "It's a pity, the young man is really good."

Even Hu Deyou has been trained by Xiao Ma and Ying Shang for such a long time. To be praised by such a big person unexpectedly, Duo Shao was still a little happy in his heart. He smiled and was waiting for the self-heating rice to finish heating.

When I was free, I told everything about my life experience.

"Those people just now, my master said they were called Anti-Japanese Heroes. They are a group of people who travel around the world."

Commander Ye is a staunch materialist warrior, but at this moment he has no way to explain the scene he just saw. Since everyone has said so, he should regard this incident as a memorable scene in his brilliant life.

So he changed the topic and pointed to the self-heating rice in front of Hu Deyou: "This is?"

"Self-heating rice." Hu Deyou carefully brought the rice and vegetables to Commander Ye: "Commander Ye, please use it."

Commander Ye carefully took the food, took a bite, then raised his head in disbelief and said, "It's still hot. There's no fire here."

Hu Deyou began to explain the principle of this thing to Commander Ye, and after listening to Commander Ye's silence for a long time, he sighed: "It would be great if we could have such a thing..."

Hu Deyou laughed a few times: "It will happen in the future."

While they were resting here, the old man in the mountain city was hung up by a phone call. When the call said that Commander Ye had been rescued, the bald man dropped the phone to the ground, frothing at the mouth.

I scolded him for half an hour.

After learning that the other party's rescue had even caused losses to their two battalions and nearly two thousand city defenses, the bald man laughed and said to his wife who came after hearing the news: "Mother Xipi, you are incompetent, and you still use this excuse!


In fact, it’s not the bald head’s fault for this matter. No one can believe it. Unless you witness it with your own eyes, it’s beyond description. This is why Commander Ye no longer cares about it, otherwise he will tell it.

People might have gone crazy because he was put in jail.

What happened after that was a bit ridiculous, because Baldhead personally directed the search operation.

Micro-management, absolute micro-management. I’m not saying it’s embarrassing, because this is the normal operation of the bald head. He will personally direct it when he is in a hurry, and his level of meticulousness can basically ask the front line to move ten meters forward to a certain point through the phone.

In a pit.

But they moved ten meters on one side and trekked on the other side. Commander Ye had already arrived in Zhejiang Province, and then evacuated all the way through the local underground organization. It is expected that they will reach the base in Jurong in about five days.


Of course Lao Wu was the most excited when he heard the news, but his excitement was nothing more than drinking a few more bowls of wine. But after the news reached the border area, it was full of joy.

Because Commander Ye's resurgence not only allowed an excellent military strategist to return to his job, it also greatly improved the morale of the entire red camp. It is no exaggeration to say that under the influence of one thing and another, this wave of morale

After such a blow, Baldhead may never get up again.

And just after the news spread that Commander Ye had safely arrived at the base area, the border area launched an unprecedented fierce attack on the area occupied by Bald Head.

Although the border areas are still not wealthy, they are still willing to risk their lives just for this breath.

The intensity of this all-out confrontation was so high that the Baldheads were defeated step by step, and even had to ask for help from the Japanese. But just as Baga was about to react, a huge change came from the SH end. To put it simply, Ye

The commander began a targeted attack on the main Japanese divisions stationed around SH.

With brand-new tactical thinking and advanced weapons, it only took seven days to defeat the seven, ninth, eleventh, and fourteenth main divisions of the Japanese army, opening the way for the encirclement of the base area.

Teared apart.

The current situation is not very optimistic for the Japanese army in SH, because with Commander Ye's tactical thinking, this is just an appetizer, and the best is yet to come.

This chapter has been completed!
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