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Chapter 635 Making money is my job

The fighting outside was very enjoyable, with flowers blooming everywhere. Although in the end, the base area could not keep up with the number of people and training, so after a few rounds of victorious battles, they had to return to the base area to continue to recuperate, and the Japanese troops in East China were suppressed.

I also had to start a round of recuperation.

However, everything seems to be calm, but because the Pacific War has not broken out, the Japanese have gradually begun to retract their tentacles that were originally intended to extend to the Pacific and even the Indian Ocean. The number of Japanese troops in China increased instead of falling. In September 1941

It has reached an astonishing 1.9 million people per month.

With so many people cooperating with nearly three million puppet troops and bald troops, the situation in the border area will only become more complicated, definitely not easier. Even though they have won a few battles, the days to come will still be very difficult.


But at this time, Yingsheng proposed not to provide the base area with weapons and equipment exceeding the limit for the time being, but to only provide them with ammunition and food, because judging from the previous battlefield conditions, most comrades in the base area had no understanding of new weapons and equipment.

Due to lack of proficiency and corresponding training, no matter how good they are, they can only stay at home without getting out, and Xiaoma's 59 plan needs to be put on hold for the time being.

"We have to start throwing money out now, right?"

Yingsha took out the account book and looked around: "Now that Wang Puppet's banknotes are still strong, it's time for us to make a profit."

Because Yingsha used Yingsha's method, the base area obtained a large number of silver reserve certificates, and all of these silver reserve certificates came to Yingsha and Xiao Ma as payment for goods.

Now they have enough money to bring down the entire reserve bond market in one wave.

People who are still stocking up like crazy don’t actually know how hot the things in their hands will turn into by then.

"Now when you look at the map, you can see that there are Puppet Manchukuo in the northeast, Puppet Mongolia in the north, Japs in the east, Baldheads in the south, southwest, border areas in the northwest, and other scattered warlords. This stalemate will last for about two days.

To three years.”

Don't look at Xiao Ma. He just follows rats around to do business, but in fact he is a serious war talent. He can play weapons, tactics, etc. very smoothly. As for financial leverage, it is not a problem. Compared with Ying Shang

For this reckless man, Mr. Ma's meticulousness is probably second only to Qing Lingzi.

Therefore, his strategic layout is better than that of the best staff officers in the world, and he has a clear understanding of the future direction and development of the war. He can even accurately predict which direction this situation that has never appeared in history textbooks will go.


"The point of the war has not yet reached. Although it is blooming everywhere now, all parties will soon re-enter a state of confrontation because of the stalemate." Xiao Ma wrote on the map: "First of all, Shanxi, where the Puppet and Mengxia are connected.

It is a very important opening to connect Bald Head and Baga to the left and Puppet Manchukuo on the right. However, neither Bald Head nor Baga can break this opening, so Yan Laoxi is probably going to have a lot of money at this moment.


"Then there is Fubei. This place is geographically stuck in the middle of the southeast and northwest. It is now a military powerhouse. It is impossible to break this node for the time being."

"After that are Guangdong A and SH, which belong to the financial district. Guangdong A and HK are the springboards to Southeast Asia and important strategic material distribution centers. There is also SH, the financial and intelligence center of the Far East. It is a very interesting place.

, everyone knows that this small place is not particularly useful for the development of the war, but everyone has a special liking for it because it represents the financial circulation, which is money. Now Baga has absolute control here

Power, Wang Puppet, and the rest are under the control of the big trading houses."

Yingsha also came over and looked at the map: "Then what are we going to do next?"

"Continue to push grain out, and continue to push up the value of silver reserve certificates." Xiao Ma raised his head when he said this: "The current exchange rate of legal currency against the US dollar is 5.3, and the current exchange rate between silver reserve certificates and legal currency is 2:1, which has increased from the previous price of waste paper.

It's a lot. This is because bulk supplies in the base area are settled with savings certificates. We continue to push it out. When the ratio reaches 1:1, it's time for them to die."

"Then let's continue to observe?" Yingsha nodded: "I have nothing to do now, I will go out for a walk."


Ying Shang put on a crisp suit and carried a rather impressive briefcase in his hand. He looked like a super young man who had returned from abroad, and his identity had been forged a long time ago. He was from Germany who came here.

researcher, and his identity has been registered in Germany a few months ago. In addition, he can switch between multiple languages ​​at will. He is the darling of the upper class wherever he goes.

"By the way, the boss has special instructions." Xiao Ma turned his head and said, "Don't fucking fall in love here, do you hear me?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Yingsha straightened his tie, opened the door and walked out: "Don't fucking complain to me, otherwise my brother won't be able to do anything."

As soon as Ying Sha went out, Xiao Ma immediately picked up the phone: "Boss, Ying Sha..."

As soon as he finished speaking, his mouth was suddenly covered by someone, and then Yingsha appeared from behind him and took the microphone: "I just told him that I missed you, and he insisted on telling you, you see, this person is really

… Emotionally delicate.”

Brother Zhang's voice also came over: "You must be doing something, right? Don't fall in love. Emotional bonds will cause the fusion of dual time and space. When you come back, your universe may merge with Universe Zero. If

If something like that really happens, I will lock you out and you will stay there forever."

Ying Shang shuddered: "Follow your orders! Resolutely obey the leadership's arrangements."

After hanging up the phone, Yingsha took a deep breath: "Ma Tahua... you..."

"I saved you." Xiao Ma said calmly, "You heard what the boss said just now, I didn't make it up."

Yingsha sighed: "I still want to see the Shili Foreign Market in Dashantan, but it can't be done now."

"I didn't say I wouldn't let you p."

When Yingsha heard this, he laughed: "If you let me do it, you might as well just give me your balls. Forget it, I'll just go out for a walk. It's been a long time and I haven't been to the legendary SH Beach."

Went for a walk."

With Brother Zhang's warning, Yingsha is naturally very honest, so just treat it as a trip.

After walking out of this place, Yingsha already had a high rate of turning heads while walking on the road. What he saw here was not a place with singing and dancing birds, wine ponds and meat forests, but a ruined place with broken eaves and broken walls everywhere.

They are all homeless, and it is not an exaggeration to describe them as devastated.

These are all traces left by the Japanese bombings. They are beasts who don't think about reconstruction, let alone the people's livelihood. Therefore, the feasting and feasting of old Shanghai in all novels and movies can only be seen in the concession. Those who were

The envious rich ladies also step on the hungry bellies of thousands of ordinary people outside and enjoy themselves night after night.

Although Yingsha is unreliable most of the time, don't forget his identity. He was born into the totem of this nation and has an indescribable love for this land, so when he walked around and saw

After seeing the desolate scenes of people's livelihood around him, he felt that his blood was boiling.

Oh... don't feel it, it's really boiling, because when he walked past the telephone pole, it was arcing. If he hadn't discovered it early, a dry land thunderstorm would have happened.

"Stay fucking calm!"

Pony's voice came from the communicator in Ying's ear: "Strong energy release has been detected, you are about to interfere with the operation of the low-level world!"

After taking a deep breath, Yingsha pressed the earphone and said: "Damn it, if I hadn't been bound by rules, I would have let the entire Baga region experience the 6,800-degree autumn in advance today."

"Okay, okay, I know you're angry. Have you ever seen the Holocaust Memorial Museum?"

"No, I don't dare to go. I'm afraid I can't control it."

"Then you must not go to NJ. I took a look at it when I was adjusting the information about this time and space. Anyway..." Xiao Ma coughed and then shut up.

"Are we fucking brothers? You're hiding it from me, right?"

Xiao Ma was silent for a moment: "While you were sleeping, I dropped an apocalypse into Mount Fuji."

"Aren't you afraid of the turbulence of time and space?"

"It's okay. I set up a delayed explosion. It will explode three months after we leave."

"Ma Tiahua, you are really the number one yin of the Twelve Spirits."

"Haha...praise, reward."

Yingsha smiled, very happily, and his mood suddenly improved: "By the way, how much is the equivalent of Revelation?"

"It's not big, it's small. It's only about 20 million. It's enough to set off the volcano." Xiao Ma said with a smile: "And I also put alarm horns in every corner over there."

"What's the meaning?"

"Thirty minutes before the nuclear bomb, there will be jasmine flowers resounding throughout Tokyo, which is about 170 decibels throughout the city. The sound quality is lossless. I found the lossless sound source after searching for it."

"Zhoucao... you know how to be romantic."

At this moment, because Yingsha kept talking into the earphone, he actually attracted the attention of several patrolling Japanese soldiers. They quickly caught up with Yingsha and told him to stop.

Yingsha looked at the short Japanese soldier in front of him and said in fluent Japanese: "If you don't want to die, stay away from me."

The Japanese military policeman was also a traitor. He was used to being arrogant here. And when he heard that Yingsha was speaking in Chinese just now, he naturally couldn't give in at all. When he raised his hand, several Japanese military policemen behind him immediately raised their hands.

He raised his gun and pointed it at Ying Shang.

"Fuck you."

Yingsha cursed in a low voice, then looked around and found that there were not many people around, so he smiled and leaned down and said in the ear of the Japanese military policeman holding a gun: "Private Marseille."

After saying this, the bodies of these military policemen were suddenly overloaded, and instantly turned into blood mist, and then turned into elementary particles without leaving any residue behind.

This process was so fast that no one even saw what happened. They just saw that the few military police who were standing just now disappeared. Yingsha didn't even get his clothes dirty, he just patted himself.

The non-existent dust continued to move forward.

"What did you do just now? Why were you so disturbed?"

"Oh, I dealt with a few people." Yingsha said to Xiao Ma, "So this is the world of low martial arts."

"Try not to mess around as much as possible. If there is too much interference, we may really have to stay here with this Gouba Warehouse."

Yingsha smacked his lips and said, "Don't worry, I'm measured."

"You have a sense of proportion. I would rather believe in Brother Zhang's crossdressing than believe that you have sense of proportion."

Ying Sha changed his hands and cut off the earphones, and then continued to walk forward. After wandering around for a while, he wandered to the concession. As soon as he entered, it was indeed different from other places. There were no broken eaves or broken walls.

Some of them are rich in the style of old Shanghai. The little girls and the old sisters-in-law are wearing cheongsams one by one. They are so bright that even the nostrils of the rickshaw pullers in the concession are almost hanging to the sky.

After arriving here, Yingsha looked back and saw that although the two places were separated by a river, the river felt like the Milky Way, which was insurmountable.

But let’s be honest, it’s true that things are going on here just like the rumors. There’s a dance hall and a restaurant every five steps away. All kinds of cars that can’t be seen outside are going back and forth, and patrolmen patrolling the concession with sticks are strolling around.

There were no poor people around who were hungry and naked. The dancing girl who had just woken up from her sleep was standing upstairs smoking a cigarette and looking sleepily at the surging river not far away.

Even so, it was rare to see an upper-class gentleman like Ying Shang wearing a new style of suit that they had never seen before, with brand new first-layer calf leather on his feet. All the traders on the roadside were particularly enthusiastic about Ying Shang.

In the end, Yingsha chose a coffee shop and walked in, then sat at the window seat and placed an order. Unexpectedly, the waiter here spoke standard Japanese when he came up: "Sir, what do you want?"

Yingsha raised his head and frowned and said: "Do I look like a Japanese? Don't force me to slap you. Apologize to me."

When the waiter heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then Ying frowned: "You can't fucking understand, can you? Apologize!"

Obviously in this era, being recognized as Japanese is a very honorable thing, otherwise he wouldn't be so familiar with it, but why is the big brother who suddenly comes so cute?

"I'm sorry, sir. The young man is not sensible. He is Japanese and does not mean any harm."

At this moment, a person came next to him, smiled and said to Yingsha: "Let me apologize for him."

Yingsha raised his head and took a look, with a smile on his face: "Yuan Shu, I know you."

"Oh? You know me?"

Yingsha smiled happily, then opened the bag and took out a candy produced by the production line sold in the canteen in the base area and put it on the table: "Would you like some candy?"

Yuan Shu had sharp eyesight and quick hands, so he calmly caught the candy, and then said with a smile: "This gentleman is really in a good mood. Today's bill will be mine."

After saying that, he turned around and said a few words in Japanese to the waiter, then he sat down in front of Yingsha and glanced behind him.

"Oh, that person is a Japanese spy." Yingsha said in a loud voice: "It doesn't look like he's polite."

Yuan Shu's face turned green and he immediately looked back, but found that the waiters behind him didn't seem to have heard.

"Don't worry." Yingsha picked up the coffee and took a sip: "What he heard is different from what I told you. I came here just to see the great hero Comrade Yuan Shu with my own eyes."

Yuan Shu was stunned for a moment, but Yingsha continued: "Eat something first and talk while eating."

This chapter has been completed!
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