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Chapter 637 For Victory

 The war gradually calmed down from the initial period of fierce confrontation. Ordinary people looked at it and thought that the war was about to end. In fact, on the contrary, the real war was just like before the storm formed, it was gathering strength, waiting to be violent at the right time.

burst out.

At this moment, protests broke out all over the country to protest against the ceding of Bald Heads, and SH was no exception. Progressive students and some advanced young people took to the streets to protest against separatism in their own way.

These protesting voices disturbed the aunts and ladies in the room who were playing mahjong. They were wearing cheongsam and playing mahjong. They disliked the noise outside for interrupting their thoughts of playing cards, and they kept complaining that no one was taking care of them.

Next to them, men were standing at the window looking at the crowds of people outside. One of them was Du Yuesheng, a well-known gangster, and standing next to him was Yuan Shu.

"Something's going to happen."

Du Yuesheng's voice was that kind of soft and hoarse, and it sounded sinister. He looked at the growing number of protestors outside worriedly, and whispered to Yuan Shu: "If we continue to make trouble like this,

Something big is going to happen."

"What can happen to a group of children?"

Yuan Shu folded his arms and looked at the young man below with a smile on his face: "The Japanese have no time to take care of this place now, otherwise they would have opened fire like they did a few years ago."

"They don't care, but if they don't care, do I still want to do my business?"

Du Yuesheng frowned, and his face, wearing a long gown, became increasingly gloomy.

"What? You want to take action?"

"It kind of means that." Du Yuesheng nodded, but it seemed that he was still wavering and had not made up his mind.

Yuan Shu glanced at him and then slowly lowered his eyelids: "Then you have to think carefully. There are too many people. If something happens, someone will take the blame. Do you think it is the Wang family or the Japanese who take the blame?


Du Yuesheng took a long puff of cigarette and put out the cigarette butt on the window sill: "Then what can you do?"

"No, I had a meeting in the morning, and we were talking about this matter at the meeting. No one wants to take the blame now. The Japanese are gradually moving northward, trying to encircle Maozi with the Germans, but they can't spare any effort. Wang Mansion

Now I can't protect myself, let alone take the blame. If you really let them take advantage of it, they will definitely not leave you a chance."

After hearing Yuan Shu's words, Du Yuesheng's brows knitted together: "I did it more than ten years ago, and I can still do it now."

Hearing this sentence, Yuan Shu was shocked and felt a thump. He quickly asked: "What do you mean..."

"Let's try our old tricks again."

Yuan Shu knew what his old tricks were. In 1927, he buried Wang Shouhua, the leader of the SH movement, alive, and then sent rogue teams to attack pickets everywhere and killed many GCD people. He was responsible for the SH movement that year.

It must be bloody.

Now he's taking action again.

Yuan Shu could be sure that there was someone behind Du Yuesheng who had given him some advice. Although there were always rumors among the people that although Du Yuesheng was a gangster, he was eager for justice and willing to do good deeds.

Fart, this is pure fart. Yuan Shu, who is well versed in the inside story, is called a Menqing. These hooligans are hooligans from the beginning to the end. Although on the surface they have done a lot to break into the upper class, in essence they are still hooligans.

In times of chaos, they become more and more rampant, killing people is as easy as killing a dog.

"Then protect yourself." Yuan Shu whispered: "Keep it secret."

Just when he finished saying this, he suddenly noticed that Du Yuesheng glanced at him calmly. The thread in Yuan Shu's heart was suddenly stretched tightly, and an almost instinctive idea appeared in his head.


"Don't worry, it's definitely a secret."

"Well, that's fine." Yuan Shu said and looked at the clock: "Let's go and have a drink with them."

Du Yuesheng waved his hand: "I'm not in the mood, so I won't drink today, and don't go out at night. Just have a light meal here with me."

"Okay, I still have to listen to Brother Du's orders."

Except for that look in his eyes that made Yuan Shu feel something was wrong, everything else was as usual. Because Yuan Shu was more than twenty years younger than Du Yuesheng, there wasn't much they could talk about. They mainly talked about some business dealings with Wang Puppet.

policies and news.

After finishing the meal, Yuan Shu drove home by himself, driving as fast as possible without stopping for a moment. Although Du Yuesheng's performance was not obvious, Yuan Shu judged from his many years of experience that this old fox was 80%

It's because he has doubts about himself.

Sure enough, when he successfully arrived at the door of his house, he discovered the secret whistles hidden in the corners. Although these secret whistles were deeply hidden, it was Yuan Shu's almost instinctive reaction to check this matter.

As someone who had been in charge of Wang's pseudo-intelligence agency, he naturally knew what the secret sentry at this distance was doing, which was to monitor his daily comings and goings, who he had seen, what time he went out, what time he came home, what time he turned off the lights, etc.

This kind of person is not scary. What is really scary is that he has been suspected, and he still doesn't know who is the person behind Du Yuesheng who is giving him advice, but it is no exaggeration to say that no matter which side it is.

As long as someone is found to have a problem with him, he will never survive until the next day, and may be secretly executed overnight.

Firstly, he knew too much, and secondly, those people couldn't afford to lose face.

Yuan Shu did not show any abnormality in the next few days. He went to work normally, met with the people he should meet, and went to socialize with others. During this period, news of the murder of student leaders and some social media came one after another.

Progressives also appear to be missing out on continuity.

"Brother Yuan!"

Yuan Shu was at work that day, and suddenly Tian Wen hurried in and said breathlessly: "Why didn't we get the information?"

Yuan Shu did not answer directly, but just asked him to sit down and poured him a cup of tea and said: "I got it, but we can't do anything."


Yuan Shu's expression was solemn: "I'm being targeted."

Tian Wen's eyes suddenly widened. Just as he was about to speak, there was a knock on the door from Secretary Yuan Shu.

"Come in."

After Yuan Shu said this, Tian Wen immediately began to complain: "We have been classmates since we were in Japan. You are going too far to block my account like this. I can't start my work at all."

"Minister Yuan, someone is looking for you outside."

"Wait a minute, I'll go right away." After Yuan Shu finished speaking, he glanced at the secretary, and Tian Wen immediately understood: "Brother Yuan, if you don't approve this matter for me today, I won't leave here.


"If you don't want to leave, there's nothing I can do about it. I'll go see the guests first."

When Yuan Shu came back after seeing the guests, Tian Wen was still sitting there. After he closed the door, he said to Tian Wen: "All activities are suspended during this period. The person who came to me just now is Tian Zhong from the special high school class."

"Why did he come to you?"

"A comrade was arrested in another department, but that was not from our line. He came here to understand the situation with me."

Yuan Shu's face didn't look very good. He had actually discovered that the rumors on the underground front during this period were even more tense than before. This may be related to the arrival of several new intelligence officials from Japan.

Don't underestimate the Japanese. They are far from the end of the war, especially because of their previous consecutive defeats. They have temporarily abandoned their Pacific plans and invested a lot of resources in the Asian battlefield. Although there are always "future people"

", but the overall situation of the battle still shows that the Japanese have the upper hand.

However, this requires giving the border area some time. After the team's training and armament levels improve, they will definitely be able to drive the Japanese out, but not now, it is not the time yet.

Although he did not ask the future people about the specific time of victory, judging from the current situation, Yuan Shu should wait for about three years, that is, 1945. Because giving the border area three years, he will almost be able to have enough military capital.

Can fight against bald heads and Japanese at the same time.

But now he can only wait. Even though he knows that Du Yuesheng may have colluded with the Japanese, he still has to wait. Even if he has to watch the progressive young people being killed, he has nothing to do at this moment.

"Several important figures in the SH Youth Club have not been discovered yet. What should we do?" Tian Wen asked anxiously: "But it is only a matter of time before they are discovered. We cannot just watch our comrades sacrifice!"

Yuan Shu frowned and looked out the window without knowing what he was thinking. After a long time, he lowered his voice and said to Tian Wen: "Let's see what Comrade Hu can do."

At the same time, Li Yingsha in the canteen was watching a movie on his tablet. Xiao Ma came over and took a look: "Hey, where are you saving your anger?"

"Yeah." Yingsha raised his head and glanced at him: "When will you give me the tank? I'm so anxious."

"Don't worry." Xiao Ma sat down and took a sip of water, and said in a calm tone: "You can't use it now. Let's wait for them to train with Japanese tanks for a while. You have to know that before this year, they didn't even have rifles.

If they are not matched properly, if you suddenly take too big a step, you will be in trouble. Hu Deyou said that the border area is now adapting to weapons and equipment as quickly as possible. You fool."

Yingsha sighed: "I'm really worried about you, damn..."

While they were talking, they saw Hu Deyou wandering around their window, seemingly looking for them. At this moment, Ying opened the door and grabbed him inside: "What are you doing, sneaky?"

"Master Wen, Master Ma, just now Tian Wen came to me and asked me if there was any way to save some progressive college students."

"Go ahead." Yingsha asked puzzledly, "Why do you come to ask us about this?"

"Tian Wen said those people should be bait, but he couldn't just watch them being harmed. So he asked me if there was anything I could do."

"Bait? What do you mean?" Xiao Ma turned around: "Does it mean you have been targeted?"

"Well, Brother Yuan has been targeted. There are already spies following his house."

This chapter has been completed!
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