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Chapter 638 For Victory 2

 "Don't worry about rescuing people. There's a batch of goods you need to make a run for."

Xiao Ma was about to say to let him do whatever he wanted, but Ying Sha suddenly interrupted: "Don't worry about the things here. Someone has set up a trap for you, so wouldn't you be stupid if you try to force your way in?"

Hu Deyou pursed his lips, seemingly reluctantly: "But..."

"I told you to leave it alone." Yingsha turned his head and smiled: "I'll do it myself."

"Yingsha! You are crazy!!!"

Xiao Ma scolded: "We can't participate directly. Do you want to be trapped here without being able to go back?"

Yingsha placed the tablet playing "Black Sun 731" on the table: "If you can't go back, you can't go back! I missed it once, how can I let the Japanese bully me a second time?"

Xiao Ma frowned and walked to Hu Deyou and said to him: "Tomorrow you will go on a field trip to the base area in Jurong. New supplies will be sent there to let the comrades there have a good New Year."


"Here... I heard that Master..."

"Don't worry about it." Xiao Ma patted him on the shoulder: "Protect yourself, there is someone who can cure this reckless man."

Hu Deyou nodded, and then Xiao Ma said to Yingsha: "I am the orthodox descendant of the Kunlun Mountains of Great China. I have experienced 1,800 calamities and been granted the title of god and immortal. Later, I was granted the title of Noon of the Twelve Earthly Branches and guarded China for 2917 years.

, I have no less feelings for this land than you do, and I can understand your feelings, but can you respect the rules?"

"Gui your mother." Ying Shang cursed and picked up the phone: "Brother Zhang..."

"I know." Brother Zhang said before Yingsha finished speaking: "You can't go."

Ying succumbed to the shock: "Brother... I just beg you this time, I feel so uncomfortable holding it in."

Brother Zhang seemed to be silent for a while, and then said: "I understand, wait a moment."

After saying that, Brother Zhang hung up the phone, and he waited for eight hours, and it was completely dark. Yingsha sat there and waited bitterly until the door of the canteen was opened, and then from

A man walked in from outside.

Yingsha and Xiaoma were stunned when they saw the person coming, and then they discovered that the person who came was none other than Qing Lingzi, who was wearing a small suit. Qing Lingzi walked into the room, and the atmosphere suddenly became chilly.

"Isn't this little Aqing?" Yingsha laughed: "Why is it you?"

Qing Lingzi just glanced at it, then turned around and exited. Yingsha sighed, but the next moment Zhang Yao walked in while chatting: "Hello everyone."

Hamster Yao! It’s over.

The two of them felt a thump in their hearts. If Hamster Yao knew that they had provided military aid to her things, wouldn't she lose her temper?

"Why are you here to help? Aren't you Qing Lingzi?"

"It was Qing Lingzi who chose the person. Brother Zhang asked Qing Lingzi to choose someone to help. In the end, he chose me. But it took me a long time to prepare. I'm sorry." Zhang Yao said and started to take off her clothes.

"You don't have to be so polite, do you? Take off your clothes when we meet?"

Zhang Yao let out a sigh, but she didn't stop moving her hands. She quickly pulled down all her clothes and pants, and then what appeared in front of Ying Shang and Xiao Ma was a complete cyborg.

Already cyberpunk.

"How's it going? Is the combat status okay? I replaced all the parts that could hurt me. My whole body is covered with alien chitin. Inside is a secret energy furnace. My arms have been transformed through alienation and can transform."

Xiao Ma was originally a military fan. When he saw the almost perfect humanoid weapon in front of him, he couldn't help but want to touch it. But almost in an instant, Zhang Yao's armed mode was already close to his.

, the speed surprised Pony, who always wins with speed, but he is the Twelve Spirits after all. At this moment, his steel needle was already pressed against Zhang Yao's waist: "Hey, my attack instinct has been triggered.

, Muscle memory, I didn’t mean to attack you.”

Zhang Yao slapped his hand away: "I know you are fast. I heard Ying Sha say that you are the fastest among the twelve spirits."

"Yingsha!" Xiao Ma turned around and said, "You are making disgraceful rumors about me, right?"

Yingsha raised his head and looked at the ceiling, as if he was looking at the scenery.

"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore."

Zhang Yao scratched her arm with her fingers, and the material on her body automatically transformed into a set of casual clothes that has been the longest in this era. She moved her arms: "Tell me, what is the mission goal."

"Why is it okay for her to come but not for me?"

"I am not within the Five Elements. I am a non-staff member of the world." Zhang Yao smiled and said, "There will not be too much pollution."

Yingsha suddenly realized: "So that's it, I understand."

"Look, look." Xiao Ma said from the side: "Look how stable my brother Zhang is."

However, what Xiao Ma said is almost nonsense. Brother Zhang can see every possibility in the past, present and future. He can automatically filter out the best and worst results. It is not a matter of stability.

He is the only true God in the world, the world itself, the heaven in the way of heaven, and the rule in the rules.

"Rescue these people, right?"

Zhang Yao just glanced around with his eyes, and then wrote down all these people. Then he suddenly turned into a person holding a small bag in his hand, wearing a cheongsam, and a big wave on his head in front of the mirror.

, this seems to belong to the most common occupation in old SH - Kun.

"Where did everything you wear come from?"

"Alien chitin can change its composition and arrangement, and can simulate external things through electrical signals. The principle is similar to that of a chameleon, but more advanced." Zhang Yao fiddled with her hair, then took a deep breath and closed her eyes, waiting for her.

When he opened his eyes again, his whole temperament also changed. Before, he still looked like a Kun, but now he became a Kun from the inside out.

"No, are you so professional?"

"Get out of here." Hamster Yao fiddled with her hair: "The battle will end before tomorrow morning."

After saying that, she went out, and when she went out again, it became night SH night SH you are a city that never sleeps. She smoked a cigarette, twisted her hips, and walked on the road. The smell of chicken essence really tickled her.

When those gangsters passed by her, they couldn't help but look back. If it hadn't been for the concession, they would have probably taken action.

Zhang Yao was walking leisurely like this, but when he passed by a mansion, he met a group of patrolling Baga gendarmerie. The gendarmerie captain turned his head and looked at Zhang Yao, with a smile on his face, and then said to

After muttering a few words to the few military policemen behind him, the others patrolled forward as normal while he went straight to Zhang Yao.

Then the plot is very simple. He Baga did this kind of thing in the street not once or twice. He dragged Zhang Yao and wanted to go to the house next to him, regardless of whether Zhang Yao was resisting or not.

After entering, the military policeman took out his gun and asked the family in the house to get out first. Then he slammed the door and was about to start, but when he reached out to tear Zhang Yao's clothes, he found that he couldn't tear them apart...

It couldn't be torn apart at all, it felt like tearing the sailcloth off a ship.

He raised his head in astonishment, raised the gun and put it against Zhang Yao's forehead, babbled a lot of Japanese, but Zhang Yao held his hand with a smile and pulled the trigger, and the bullet hit the

However, there was not even a white mark on Zhang Yao's head. She even caught the crushed shrapnel with her hands.

At this time, the captain of the military police squad was surprised and fired several times, but the sound seemed not to be transmitted. Everything was as usual outside, but Zhang Yao didn't even hide at all. She just grabbed the military policeman by the collar: "I didn't mean to

Is it exciting? Then it’s exciting.”

As she spoke, Zhang Yao pressed a finger on his temple, and then dozens of white silk threads like hair stretched out from the end of her finger, and there was light on them, and then these threads penetrated directly into the brain of the military policeman.

, directly connected to all his brain nerves, and then she began to read the memory.

After searching around, Zhang Yao hummed and took back the fiber optic filaments, got up and left.

The captain of the gendarmerie, who was disheveled and confused at the moment, also followed him. He staggered over to catch up with the patrolling team as if he was drunk. The low-level soldiers were whispering and laughing at him for being so slow. Unexpectedly, he was here.

At this time, the blood vessels all over the captain's body suddenly started to glow red and shiny, one by one exposed outside the skin. Seeing that something was wrong, the other Japanese soldiers quickly stepped forward to help him, but this support did not matter, it was really hot to the touch.

Just when they were about to check on the captain, the body of the military police captain suddenly glowed brightly, and then exploded with a bang. Everything within an eight-meter radius disappeared, including a car.

, a telephone pole and eight Japanese soldiers.

Suddenly the alarm sounded throughout the concession, and a large group of Japanese military police rushed towards the direction of the explosion from all over the place. They just passed Zhang Yao, but Zhang Yao just laughed.

Soon, Zhang Yao came to the place where the first arrested progressive young man was imprisoned. This was a Japanese concession prison, where some necessary and important people were imprisoned. Zhang Yao stood at the door and lit up a cigarette, staring playfully.

Looking at Jingwei at the door, after a while she threw down her cigarette butts and walked slowly into the prison. When she was about to walk under the streetlight, her body gradually began to become transparent, and then she walked in majestically.

Got to prison.

When she came to the prison, she was like placing a poison on people, implanting that kind of super serum into every Japanese soldier here. However, this serum was not the same as Captain America's, but a very unspeakable kind of serum.

Takeru's serum will quickly make people lose all muscle control, and then transform a person into a living bomb in a short period of time. What's even more frightening is that the time of this living bomb is still controllable. You can use it whenever you want.

You can explode it whenever you want.

Just like that, Zhang Yao used a big wave to inject the living bomb serum into all the guards in the prison without anyone seeing it. Then she walked to the place where the prisoners were detained and got them all out.

Anyway, no matter what, there is actually no need to be too selective about people who can be imprisoned in such a place by the Japanese.

It's just that there is really no way to rescue a few of them, because they have already entered a state of near-death during the execution by the Japanese. They are still breathing, but as long as they cannot get very thorough care immediately, they are basically completely cold and still alive.

Some even had their limbs, tongues, and eyes dug out, and were left there to die.

For people like this who can no longer be cured, Zhang Yao also gives a very pleasant treatment, which is to give the person a small injection and all neurofeedback will be cut off in a few tenths of a second, and then he will die painlessly.

Without saying a word, Zhang Yao walked out with six people who were in relatively good condition. People on the road were very shocked when they saw them. At this time, a military policeman also discovered them and blew the whistle.

But almost at the next moment, these military policemen would have a red mark on their foreheads, and then they would fall to the ground unconscious.

Zhang Yao led these six people without saying a word and walked into the alley next to her. Then she opened the door accurately and walked into an deserted yard, temporarily settling down the six people.

, and then inject recovery medicine into them one by one.

"When you recover, you can find a way to evacuate and don't get caught again."

After Zhang Yao finished speaking, she left. At the door, she put down three automatic shooting robots. One was only as big as a cantaloupe, but it could automatically hover in a hidden place. As long as someone came over and was recognized as an enemy, it would automatically


After finishing this job, the concession was already in chaos, and Zhang Yao walked to the entrance of the alley leisurely and snapped his fingers. Suddenly, explosions sounded one after another, and the Japanese soldiers who had been planted with the serum began to explode.

There was a violent explosion, and half of the sky at night was illuminated by the fireball raised into the sky by the explosion.

After creating such a series of explosions, Zhang Yao continued to the next target. The dense insect drones she released earlier had already deployed a temporary network navigation system over the entire SH, facial recognition of all the people who could be identified.

, as long as the person appears in the photo, the location will be recorded.

Zhang Yao followed the location information and found him. It was easier than using Skynet T2000 to find someone.

She was unhurried, calm and elegant from beginning to end. Although she smelled very chicken, elegance was elegance.

Finally, she found three of the important people in a factory that had ceased production. She didn't say much and just left one sentence: "They were sent by the organization, follow me."

These people didn't talk nonsense and followed Zhang Yao out. Because of the temporary network, Zhang Yao strolled through the city and quickly avoided all monitored locations.

If she hadn't cheated, the probability of avoiding them all would be about one in 65 million, and the probability of life being born on earth is only one in 60 million.

In this way, she took the people all the way outside the city to a safer place: "Okay, you can run all the way to the southwest and you will reach your destination soon. I wish you good luck."


The censorship is too tight, and some plots can only be skipped directly, alas...

This chapter has been completed!
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