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668, people think Brother Chicken is the key

 Chapter 669: People think Brother Chicken is the key

Who is the big squid? He is the old ruler who can push Ying to the ground and rub him until he has to ask for help from Brother Zhang. In the end, he is knocked into a cage by Brother Zhang and sold as octopus feet in salad every day.

Strong, of course it is. This thing is not only physically strong, but also has mental pollution properties. After being slapped by it, Yunsheng Beast's body immediately started to have problems. His eyeballs began to tremble violently, and there was a loud noise in his ears.

He heard the chanting sound that always appeared, and then he began to find that the bricks and slates around him could already chat with him.

As a professional magic cultivator, he immediately understood that this was the result of his spirit being infected. He immediately raised his hand to stop the game, and then directly used magic to destroy both his ears and eyes, but even so, he still maintained

With enough grace and calmness, and suppressing the bloodthirsty impulse in his heart, he said to Xu Wei in a trembling tone: "My child, your technique is very dangerous, and your current mind is not enough to control it, so practice it well.


After saying that, he staggered towards the bottom of the ring. Xu Wei quickly followed, but the Yunsheng beast fell to the ground before he took two steps. For such a senior who has reached the top of martial arts, it can even be said that he has maintained the profession of mage.

The last decent senior, even those who stood in the opposing camp couldn't help but be grabbed by his fall to the ground.

Xu Wei didn't waste any time. She took out the white elephant gold pen and drew a circle on the ground to prevent others from entering. Then she pricked her finger, used the blood as ink, and started writing Yunsheng Beast's words again with the white elephant gold pen.


As the fate-rewriting ability came into play, Yunshengmon's eyes and ears began to recover, and in the end it took almost no time for him to almost completely recover.

When he stood up again, the audience burst into applause, and Yunshengshou turned back to look at Xu Wei deeply, then nodded to her, turned around and walked off the ring.

"In this round, both mages demonstrated the qualities that a practitioner should have. This reminds me of a person who was once known as the best practitioner in the world, but this person was shameless and despicable. Although his spell ability was second to none,

But the character and character are really hard to compliment. But fortunately, someone is now standing up and using practical actions to explain the true nature of Dharma practice with vast knowledge and profound thoughts: elegance, confidence, kindness, and generosity. These are the real practitioners.

It should be done.”

Huahua stood up and explained impassionedly. Although the battle just now was very fast, it was very eye-catching. It was not as boring as the previous one and the previous one. Moreover, the two people in this battle were very professional and showed sportsmanship.

came out.

It's just that the person she brought out during the explanation seemed to be somewhat familiar to everyone, but they couldn't remember who she was talking about.

"She's scolding Yingsha, right?" Xiao Ma pointed outside and asked curiously: "I know so many people. The strongest ones in the magic category are Qing Lingzi and Yingsha, and many others are a bit super.

Ability, although Qing Lingzi is sometimes disgusting, he is generally not shameless, and the only one who can be associated with shamelessness is Yingdao."

While Xiao Ma was talking, Qing Lingzi had half-footed his way into the rest room. After hearing his words, he silently retracted his feet and walked away slowly with his hands behind his back.

He originally came here to find out from whom Xu Wei learned his magic. Such evil magic should be banned in theory, but when he heard someone praising him, he decided to put the matter aside for now.

Let it go, it won’t be too late to discuss it later...

As for why we want to talk to Xu Wei, it’s just as Yunsheng Beast said, this kind of magic is very powerful but not something that most people can restrain. Xu Wei looks like a rookie who has just started, a mage.

It is a very dangerous thing in itself to control one's own spells without the full willpower, especially since she has more or less the shadow of the summoner, which is even more dangerous. Once the summoned object is out of control, it will bring

I'm afraid it's not just as simple as being injured, but it may even be backfired by the summoned object and become its puppet.

Even though this prop originally belonged to Brother Zhang, the problem is that Brother Zhang doesn't understand that what is easy for him to control may even be an insurmountable mountain for others.

Now after four rounds, the two sides were tied at 2:2, and the last round became particularly critical.

At this time, both players had begun preparations for the game. In the audience, a man wearing a sweatshirt was struggling to pass through the crowd. After finding an empty seat and sitting down, he put his hands on his knees and sat upright.

Waiting for the final round to begin.

"Dang Dang Dang"

After three beeps, the players from both sides entered the arena.

Enlightenment Beast versus Xiaotian.

At this moment, some people on the viewing platform of the Heavenly Camp exclaimed in admiration from time to time.

"Isn't that Erlang's dog? Why has it changed hands and gone to the human world now?"

"Don't you know that when Erlang got into trouble, his dog helped him avoid it?"

"Hahahaha, it's true that Erlang relies on his uncle at home, but when he goes out and has no friends, he has to rely on his own dog."

These malicious and loud ridicules reached the ears of Yang Jian in the crowd word by word. He clutched his pants with both hands, and his eyes almost burst, but in the end he still suppressed his anger quietly.

Waiting for the battle to begin.

Kaiming beasts are generally used in the mountain and sea world to guard precious phantoms. The guardian beasts of Lingshan pay attention to four words: solid skin and resistance to beatings. Although their reaction speed is relatively slow, their attack power is surprisingly high. At the same time,

A woman of this level will basically be broken into pieces after being fucked by him. Even the smelly monkey with his copper skin and iron bones would not dare to stand up to the enlightened beast.

But its resistance is very low, so the pony is its nemesis. Once it is poisoned, the combat power of the enlightened beast will be reduced by half. Then it will be paralyzed, then slowed, and finally separated from the soul. It is basically done. But the pony is unlucky.

Well, I drew the airplane cup, which directly caused Sister Gou's Tianke to be exchanged with his.

Sister Gou is a little bit nervous facing the enlightened beast when she is not satisfied with her combat power.

After the two sides started fighting, Sister Gou launched multiple attacks on Kaiming Beast with astonishing speed and agility, but with little effect. There was almost no way to break through Kaiming Beast's defense.

Seeing that the once Roaring Heavenly Dog had become so rubbish, many people in Heaven had openly ridiculed him, but these words were particularly harsh to Yang Jian's ears.

But when he saw Xiaotian fighting so hard, he was even sadder than hearing those harsh ridicules. He saw that his partners who once fought side by side were now weak and had to endure the ridicule of idlers. Yang Jian almost felt like he was

The pants were torn.

At this time, Xiaotian launched another attack. Although the movements were very gorgeous and beautiful, they lacked the power they should have. Instead, they were like meaningless tricks. They did not break the opponent's defense at all. Instead, they were almost hit by the Enlightened Beast's looking back.


The offensive intentions of both sides are obvious. Although Xiaotian is temporarily ahead in terms of offensive points, there are still thirty-seven minutes left. No one can guarantee whether Xiaotian will get a punch in these thirty-seven minutes.

Of course, with Aji's shield there, it's no problem to take a punch, but even if he wins, Yang Jian will be embarrassed, because Roaring Sky Dog and Erlang Shen have always been bound, even in a certain sense

Xiaotian is a part of Erlangshen. Without Xiaotian or Xiaotian becomes very stretched, it means that Erlangshen is no longer good.

At this time, the sarcasm in the Tianting camp became more and more obvious, and Erlang Shen became more and more angry. He, Guanjiangkou Erlang Xianshengzhenjun Yang Jian, taught three generations of disciples, and his comprehensive strength ranked among the top five among the second generation disciples.

, when have you ever been so wronged, even if it is your own dog? Besides, it is not a dog but a comrade who fights side by side. The two most glorious achievements in his life were one when he beat a monkey, and the other time when he also beat a monkey. Two

One monkey is Yuan Hong and the other is Wukong. If it weren't for Xiaotian himself, he would definitely not be able to defeat him. What are these other than close comrades?

Erlang Zhenjun couldn't bear it when his comrades were teased like this.

So after once again hearing someone mocking Xiaotian for turning into trash, Yang Jian silently took out a small medicine bottle, poured out a handful of pills and swallowed them all.

After a moment, Erlang Shen's heavenly eyes slowly opened. He quickly pulled down his hood to prevent others from noticing the golden light shining on his side. While he was transforming, the roaring dog on the field also underwent obvious changes. First of all,

She transformed from a human form into a prototype, and then the matching suit with Erlang Shen also appeared on her body.

Then the originally bright sun in the sky was gradually obscured by the evil spirit, and then the hair on Xiaotian's body also changed from pure white to jet black, his eyes also turned red, and his claws were thick and powerful, full of murderous intent.

In ancient times, there were five dog demons in the world, namely Emperor Ku's Panhu, Ksitigarbha's Tingting, Zhu Rong's Fudou, Shennong's Tengu, and Erlang Shen's Xiaotian. These five dog demons plus the Seven Monsters of Meishan

Dai Li in the story basically can no longer be judged as a pet, but as a divine general.

Xiaotian, who was suddenly filled up, raised his head and sniffed, and instantly locked onto Yang Jian's position. Yang Jian seemed unwilling to look at her, so he could only lower his head in a hurry and pull down the brim of his hat.

But just for such a moment, Xiao Tian was punched in the nose by the enlightened beast that rushed towards her. Although she was protected by a shield and was not seriously affected, the huge impact still caused her to roll on the ground several times.

At this time, Xiaotian regained his concentration, turned around and rushed towards the Kaiming Beast. The Kaiming Beast was unable to dodge and was thrown to the ground by her.

As we all know, it is very dangerous for humanoids to be knocked down by creatures such as wolves and dogs, because their throats can easily be bitten, so the enlightened beast turns into its prototype the moment it falls to the ground.

According to the records in the Book of Mountains and Seas, the enlightened beast is located in the southern abyss of Kunlun, which is three hundred feet deep. It has a body as large as a tiger and has nine heads, all of which have human faces.

In an instant, the tiger with nine human faces jumped up, and then the two giant beasts became entangled together.

Xiaotian is a thin dog with full agility and the blessing of Yang Jian's divine power. He actually fought on a par with the Nine-Headed Enlightened Beast. However, the audience outside the venue was a little confused at this time. After all, they were originally watching

It was a competition, but who knew it would turn into a dog fight...

Anyone who has seen animals fighting knows that when two beasts enter the fighting stage, unless there are special circumstances, they will fight until one party admits defeat before they separate.

The same is true between Kaiming Beast and Xiaotian. The two giant beasts rolled and roared on the ground. Every time they fought against each other, they would cause a tremor like the earth was shaking. The audience could no longer care about whispers at this moment and began to concentrate on it.

Keep an eye on the game.

After the two giant beasts writhed for a while, the four heads of the Kaiming Beast bit Xiaotian, but were isolated by her armor. At the same time, Xiaotian kicked the Kaiming Beast out with a back kick and landed heavily.


Facing the enlightened beast that landed heavily on the ground, Xiaotian raised his head and let out a high-pitched wolf howl.

Well, this voice basically woke up all the dogs in the world, because the live broadcast was watched simultaneously all over the world. The roaring voice called all the dogs who were wandering around at home in front of the TV, and they all followed.

The roaring sky led to singing, and then the voices of these dogs hooked up the dogs in the homes of people who did not watch TV. As the sound increased, those wild dogs, jackals and even wild wolves began to sing, almost

In an instant, the howling of wolves spread to all places except Antarctica. As long as there are canines, you can clearly hear the howling of wolves everywhere.

"The Dog King is still awesome." Xiao Ma looked up at Xiao Tian: "Although our dog sister ranks at the bottom among the divine dogs, in actual combat she can definitely rank among the top three. The full version of Xiao Tian

Dogs can drive monkeys away."

At this moment, Xiaotian moved, and with one swoop she pinned the Kaiming Beast under his feet as he was about to get up. After a long time before she swooped over, the air waves she raised hit the protective formation like an invisible big hand.

, causing the formation to become sparkling and looking somewhat unstable.

Seeing this scene, everyone knew that the outcome was decided, and Yang Jian was no exception. He quickly stood up, lowered his head to cover his eyes, and quickly disappeared from the venue along the way he came.

The enlightened beasts on the ground were still struggling, but the referee had already raised the chess piece and announced that Xiaotian had won the final victory. The Human Realm team finally defeated the Shanhai Realm team with 3:2 and became the team that replaced the first place in the group stage.

Qualified, this also became the first human world team to qualify.

However, discussions about them began to ferment on the Internet. Some people said that they were foreign aid invited by the human world. After all, none of these people looked human, and the human world could not win with force.

But at this moment, no one paid attention to the words of these trolls. Most people started discussions about these monsters. They all had fan groups overnight, even Aji who didn't fight back after being beaten.

Except Xiao Ma... because Xiao Ma abstains from voting, and he speaks in a very unpleasant manner, disrespects women, and is annoying...


This chapter has been completed!
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