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Chapter 68, Two-game losing streak

 Looking at Quenu'er who ran back, Qing Lingzi was almost in disbelief. He could not believe that a demon god could have such great power.

Quenu'er is his most proud blood soul puppet, invulnerable to invulnerability, fire and water, so why was he dismantled like this?

No part of its body was intact, like a banana that had been run over by a steamroller. Although the banana was not completely destroyed in the end because of King Kong's invincible skin, it was no longer the same after running back.

It will take some time to repair it, but what makes Qing Lingzi more strange than the damage suffered by a puppet is the power of the demon.

It's not that he has never come into contact with demon gods, it can even be said that he has come into contact with many demon gods, but there are very few demon gods who have such power.

But now that he thought about it carefully, he felt that there should be a complete logical line here.

First of all, this level of demon god should be almost at the level of the Lord of Heavenly Demons, right? Since it is a demon god at the level of Lord of Heavenly Demons, it must not be the same group as the Twelve Spirits. But if they are not the same group, why can the Twelve Spirits tolerate it?

What about the existence of a demon of this level?

The answer is ready to come out, that is, the twelve spirits are not in a complete state now. They have not been integrated yet, and there are only two or three, and no more than six at most, alive.

The second is that since the Twelve Spirits are unable to do anything to this demon, then if you integrate this demon with your own blood soul puppet, does that mean you can go directly to the hometown of the Twelve Spirits?

But after all, this is just an idea. Qing Lingzi just wanted to bring all the demons at first, but he didn't expect that he would encounter a tough problem in the first battle after his resurrection. His mother's idea was too tough...

Fortunately, there is an alternative plan, because a few days ago, he sensed that in addition to this demon god, there is another demon god who also exists in the world.

There was a brief confrontation between this ice demon god and that demon god. It seems that these two demon gods are not in the same group. The two demon gods will definitely fight when they meet. But as for why they failed to fight, Qing Lingzi thinks that they should

The devil has already wandered into the human world and has become conscious, so he has to be careful, or... it should be said that he is afraid of that "missing sight".

After making up his mind, Qing Lingzi called Xue Taotie, whispered a few words in his ear, then reached out and wiped a handful of plaster on the wall and then wiped a handful of Xue Taotie's face, and wiped him

Everything from his appearance to his body shape has changed into a completely different look.

After receiving the order, Xue Taotie left happily and ran towards the suburbs until he came to a strange tube building. Xue Taotie licked his lips and murmured to himself: "I haven't tasted the taste of the devil yet.

Woolen cloth."

But as soon as he finished speaking, his body was punched and flew out, smashing a section of the wall. Then suddenly a black shadow fell from the sky and stood in front of him.

"You said he smells disgusting?"

The speaker seemed to be muttering to the air, but it seemed as if he was talking to someone.

"Eating people! That's really disgusting...what can I say, brother."

"Okay, let's get started!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the temperament of the man in front of Xue Taotie suddenly changed. His body was wrapped in a thick black shadow, and his body completely changed his appearance, turning into a man whose whole body was covered with bone armor. His face

The head was hazy and unclear, constantly changing its appearance, and there were also raised sharp horns on its head.

Along with the change in form, Zuo Danshuang's body has also undergone tremendous changes. He was originally just an ordinary strong man but now he is nearly three meters tall.

Seeing the opponent in front of him, Xue Taotie was also a classic reckless man. Although he was knocked to the ground at the first blow, after all, he was the ceiling of combat power in the Thirty-Two Corpse Relief Immortal League. If he was willing to admit defeat, he would not be qualified.

It's called bloody gluttony.

As the Demon God revealed his true face, Bloody Taotie's eyes gradually became crazy. He bit his lip in excitement, and after the blood gushes out, he hissed in his throat, like an enraged snake.

Then he stood on the ground with one hand and jumped up high. The blood-condensed claw in his left hand struck the demon god's chest with lightning speed.

But this time he miscalculated. The bloody claws that originally cut muscles and bones only made a white mark on the Demon God's armor. The Demon God was obviously angered by this provocative behavior, and punched him with a punch.

Well, then the Demon God was like driving a wooden stake, and Ola Ola's punches were more than a hundred times, and the last punch was so powerful that it even broke the sound barrier.

This circle hit Xue Taotie, and he was shot hundreds of meters away like a cannonball on the spot. He hit his head on a small hill, raising layers of sand and gravel.

However, Xue Taotie still resisted the beating. Even after being forced like this, he was still able to stand up and scream to his satisfaction. As more and more places on his body bleed, his strength further strengthened.

This time, he no longer waited passively, but took the initiative to jump up and meet the high-jumping Demon God in the air. The two bodies collided hard together, and then landed on the ground at the same time.

The Bloody Taotie and the Demon God began to punch to the flesh in a manly manner in the pit they made. It was basically a turn-based system. Each person punched each other, and no one was beeping. The one who couldn't bear it would die first.

The pain caused by each punch made Xue Taotie stronger and his body stronger, but the Demon God's strength was not weak at all. Both parties found this simple and stupid fighting method very satisfying.

So he kept increasing the strength in his hands.

The Demon God's chest will make a rumbling sound when being beaten by the Blood Taotie. When the Blood Taotie eats the Demon God, there will be a crisp sound of bones exploding.

However, the Demon God's ability to resist blows and the Blood Taotie's recovery ability were both top-notch, and the two bulky guys continued to fight like this for twenty minutes.

Finally, the demon god's excitement reached its peak, and he suddenly jumped out of the pit, leaped high with his hands clasped in fists, and smashed down on the bloody glutton.

Xue Taotie didn't listen. He also stood up to fight. The two sides collided in mid-air again, but this time the force was dozens of times greater than before. The impact of the two sides directly shattered all the glass products in the tube building.

, the explosion of this impact could be heard even five kilometers away.

It's just that the enjoyment was enjoyable, but the Blood Taotie could not compete with the Demon God in terms of strength after all. He was smashed into the pit and never got up again, while the Demon God was just thrown aside, although he also smashed a large body.

He piled things up, but his chest was only slightly dented, and he was still able to stand up.

The Demon God slowly walked to the pit, looked at the bloody Taotie, and sneered at the corner of his mouth. He picked up his feet and threw him forcefully in the direction of the garbage dump outside the city.

"Trash." The devil's hoarse voice was like sandpaper rubbing against a blackboard, making people's ears hurt.

The thrown-out Bloody Taotie landed directly in the center of the garbage dump after flying for three minutes and twenty-seven seconds. He was lying on top of a pile of garbage. Although he was not dead, he had lost his ability to fight.

All the bones in his body were shattered into pieces, and his enviable self-healing ability did not allow him to recover. The pain no longer became the driving force for his expansion, it was just pure pain.

The sky gradually became brighter. Qing Lingzi pinched his nose and found the inhuman-looking Blood Taotie in the garbage. At this time, the Blood Taotie even gave him a thumbs up and said in an almost inaudible voice: "


After bringing the stinking Blood Taotie back to his residence, and looking at the Blood Soul Puppet that was crushed into an acorn and banana and the Blood Taotie that was beaten like a boneless chicken fillet, Qing Lingzi began to doubt life for the first time.

What the hell kind of demon is this? Can a normal demon have this ability? Isn't this the Lord of Forgotten River? Or maybe it's Shura from the Shura Dao.

He recognized one if it was like this, and if both were like this, was this world already so terrifying? Didn't the spiritual energy just revive? How could a monster of this level appear?

Will we be able to reach the levels of Huanglong, Yinglong, and Zhulong in a few days? Will there be a god damn list in the end?

Qing Lingzi is very confused now. The first time he took the initiative, he suffered two consecutive defeats. His morale was destroyed on the spot. Who the hell do you want to get rid of the twelve spirits? According to the strength of this server, let alone aspire to the world.

, if you really go out to have a delicious meal, you won’t be able to save your ashes, but someone will have your ashes spread out.

Qing Lingzi, who was sitting on a small stool, took out a cigarette that he had taken out of the massage master's pocket when he was doing massage. He slowly lit the cigarette with his fingers and took a deep breath. He looked in front of him sadly.

The two of them were lying on the waste that was slowly recovering, and their hearts were full of melancholy...

How should I put it? It’s not Qing Lingzi’s fault. It can really only be described as unfair fate.

The two demon gods he chose... Let's put it this way, they are at a level where even the Lord of Forgotten River would have his legs trembling when he came over.

One is strengthened by the rule-level word spirit. He is at his peak when he appears and possesses endless ice power. Even if half of his power is given to his beloved girl, this half of the power is still powerful enough, not to mention when someone encounters an emergency.

He can also combine the two powers into one at any time and control the host's body to fight on his behalf.

As for the other one, he is the most powerful demon in the past seventeen hundred years. He is the king of ghosts who needs to be saved by Brother Zhang personally in order to smooth out his evil spirit. I can’t tell who the soul is, but the last one can break up with it.

The one with the wrist is the Great Demon King Bai Qi.

Xue Taotie is at this level now, which is not inferior to the Great Demon King Bai Qi. Even if he has no anger, his foundation is still there. How can a mere Yakuza who just borrowed a corpse and resurrected his soul be able to compete with him.

So the loser was not unfair, but Qing Lingzi was a bit pitiful. He had just recalled the Blood Taotie and made a top-notch puppet. He was full of confidence. He returned to the pre-liberation period overnight. In addition to sitting there smoking and worrying, he also had to take care of

Two pieces of trash.

"I'm so stupid, really. If I had known that Zhao Gao was a treacherous villain, I would not have believed him. I would not have trusted him. Qin would not be able to conquer the world. If Qin could not conquer the world, I would not be

Guard the underground. If the underground is not suppressed, it will not appear here. If it does not appear here, there will be no need to deal with those monsters. I should have become an immortal long ago." Qing Lingzi looked ahead with empty eyes and said to himself: "

I am so silly……"

This chapter has been completed!
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