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Chapter 69, Offended People

 "It's definitely not human!"

Zhu Zhenzhen came to the milk tea shop early the next morning to tell her story about yesterday. In the middle of telling her story, Zuo Danshuang also came. They put it all together, and hehe... they encountered the same experience.

"That man was so fast, swishing." Zuo Danshuang said: "But my good brother is not a vegetarian either. He just did it all at once, and then threw the man into the garbage."

"I ran away anyway, but I didn't dare to step forward."

In response to the descriptions of the two of them, the mouse sat there and used a sketchbook to draw a reconstruction of the situation they met yesterday, including the reconstruction of the two people.

The face of Zhu Zhenzhen's attacker could not be seen clearly, but he could be seen to be a strong black man about two meters tall. The attacker of Zuo Danshuang was a thin, stooped man who looked like a little old man. His facial features were compact but his eyebrows were upturned.

Around fifteen degrees is very unnatural.

"Yes, yes, he looks like the protagonist of the Lion Boy. I remember him." Zuo Dan clapped his hands on his thighs and said, "The eyes are slender, and the eyebrows are particularly wide and upturned."

As he spoke, he raised the corners of his eyes: "It's like this, it looks very uncomfortable."

After Mouse revised it several times, he took out the picture and showed it to him. After looking at it for a while, Zuo Danshuang nodded repeatedly, then made signs on his chest and said: "He likes to scratch people, but it doesn't hurt when he scratches, and it hurts a little when he hits, but

I feel so good after the pain is over.”

At this time, Pi Ye woke up by the stove. She stretched her limbs and shook the hair on her body. Then she suddenly turned into a human form, yawned and walked up to them: "What are you talking about so early in the morning?


Zuo Danshuang and Zhu Zhenzhen recounted what had just happened to her again, but Master Pi sat there in silence for a long time before saying: "No need to draw, it's useless."

The mouse turned his head and asked curiously: "Why?"

Mr. Pi lay limply on the table, his face pressed against the tabletop and squeezed flat, and he weakly said: "There are classics in our clan, and there is a very famous monster named Raccoon Dog in the classics, do you know?"

"The one that's like a bird of a feather?" asked the mouse.

"Hmm." Mr. Pi said while shaking his head back and forth: "The one that later spread to Japan. Some people say that raccoons are good at illusions. No, foxes are good at illusions, and raccoons are good at changing forms."

"I think I've heard of it." Mouse said to Master Pi, "Then what?"

"Then people learned the skills of raccoon dogs. My sister told me that more than a thousand years ago before I was born, there were alchemists and warlocks who imitated us. Later, various spells and alchemy appeared one after another.

It ranges from illusions to Wu Qin Xi. Then what you see is one of them called raccoon fans."

"A fan of raccoon dogs?" Mouse turned his head and listened carefully: "What's your explanation?"

Mr. Pi raised a finger: "If you look at 12% or even hundreds of thousands, it's the art of disguise. Use your brain. Who would do bad things with such an obvious face? At least you have to bring someone with you.

Mask, right? If people dare to show you such an ugly face, it means they don’t care. But why do they have to be so sneaky? Then they still care? If they care and show you their faces, it means they are fake faces, raccoon fans.

The art of."

When Mouse heard this, a string of inspiration suddenly lit up in his mind, and he said to Zhu Zhenzhen and Zuo Danshuang: "You guys take a rest here, I'll be back soon."

Quickly returning home, Mouse rummaged through the boxes and cabinets to find his father's classics, and started searching according to the catalog above. Unexpectedly, he actually found the analysis of the raccoon dog's art.

In fact, the art of raccoon dog mystery is not a particularly clever one. It mainly allows people to disguise themselves. It is said that an advanced warlock can completely change their appearance, voice, appearance, body and even gender. As long as a powerful warlock wants to hide it

If he gets up, almost no one can find him.

But this technology has been completely lost with the decline of warlocks.

Master Pi is still very trustworthy on this issue, because although she has serious brain circuit problems, her identity is indeed a fox from Qingqiu. She does not need to lie about this. The Qingqiu fox tribe is also a highly modern goblin tribe, similar to humans.

Living together for more than three thousand years, they record a lot of information that has long been lost in human society.

So just as Mr. Pi said, this is the raccoon dog's magic. Mouse can be sure that this must be someone among the group of magic souls who have returned to their souls one after another, and their goal last night was also very clear, which was to rush in with a white face.

Went with two demons.

Once the combination of the warlock and the demon god is successfully connected, it is no exaggeration to say that unless Brother Zhang takes action personally, only the Thunder Dragon and the elder sister can withstand it with full firepower.

Moreover, after learning about this raccoon dog mystery, Mouse also had a clear understanding of other cases. Only then did he realize that all his previous efforts were in vain because he had gone in the wrong direction.

What he really needs to investigate now is the opponent's trajectory rather than his identity. In this era, it is too easy to falsify the identity, but it is too difficult to falsify the trajectory.

At this moment, Brother Zhang was being pulled by his colleague Xiao Xiao to sit in the herbal tea shop downstairs.

Xiaoxiao asked him with a mysterious face: "What method did you use?"


"After listening to what you said, I really vomited a lot of those bugs out of my stomach. I checked, but no one knew what bugs they were!"

After hearing her say this, Brother Zhang remembered what he had told her before, which was about her eating all day long.

At that time, Brother Zhang knew that she did not simply eat too much, but actually won a prize.

Although I don’t know exactly what the award is, it is probably something only found in certain places in Southeast Asia.

"Maybe it's because I've seen something similar before."

Brother Zhang answered the little question truthfully. He had indeed seen something similar before, but when he was seven years old, someone came to his father's Taoist temple for help, saying that he was eating more and more every day, and even

It was more than three normal people, and the hospital couldn't find anything at all. Later, my father prescribed the medicine to the man and he almost recovered after taking it a few times. I also heard that he vomited some bugs.

At that time, Xiao Zhang used Hui Meng to go back to that time and saw the prescription prescribed by his father, and then gave it to Xiao Xiao. Unexpectedly, it actually worked.

"Really?" Xiaoxiao looked at Brother Zhang with surprise: "Like me?"

"Have you been to Southeast Asia?" Brother Zhang raised his head and asked, "The person I met went to Indonesia, and your symptoms appeared after he came back."

Xiaoxiao looked shocked: "Me too! I just went on a trip a few years ago, and then it became like this."

"Well, it should be fine now." Brother Zhang nodded and said, "But you still have to be careful, because I'm not sure. I can ask my friend for the specific details."

Although Brother Zhang's father is Thunder Dragon's master and Mouse's uncle, Brother Zhang is not his senior brother with them, because Brother Zhang is not suitable for cultivation and has no outstanding talent, so they are considered senior brothers.

, while the mouse calls Brother Zhang brother, and the thunder dragon calls Brother Zhang brother boss.

He actually doesn't know much about this aspect. Most of his knowledge comes from what he has witnessed over the years, so for details about small things, he still has to ask Mouse or the Mountain King Zhang Jun.

Xiaoxiao looked at Brother Zhang with a look of admiration at this moment, and asked him with a smile on his face: "Can I treat you to dinner this weekend to say thank you?"

"It's not good." Brother Zhang shook his head and said, "Let's do it later."

While she was talking, Brother Zhang noticed a black shadow on the ground slowly moving to the soles of her feet, and crawled up her ankles and onto her skin.

Brother Zhang frowned, raised his head and asked, "Did you feel anything special just now?"

"Feeling?" A confused expression appeared on Xiaoxiao's face, then he shook his head and said, "No, what's wrong?"

Brother Zhang didn't answer, he just watched the black line slowly poke out from her chest, wrap around her chin, and then slowly wrap around her face.

"What's wrong? Is there something on my face?"

Brother Zhang slowly shook his head and said, "Did you offend someone?"

"Ah? What's wrong?"

Although Brother Zhang is still not sure what the situation is, judging from this performance, Xiao Xiao must have offended someone. This is obviously a head-dropping technique.

Brother Zhang's field of vision is a real field of vision, and he can see things that others cannot see, so he can see the black line, and if there are no accidents, this black line will cause the little snack to be hungry again after a while.

, will eventually slowly wither and die.

"Then you come with me first. My friend should know what's going on."

This time, Xiaoxiao did not take Brother Zhang’s e-mule, but rented an electric car and followed him to the milk tea shop.

At this moment, Thunder Dragon was squatting at the door eating lunch. He saw Brother Zhang coming back at this time, followed by a petite and exquisite girl. Thunder Dragon opened his mouth to tease him, but before the words came out, he immediately realized what was going on and shut up.


"What kind of hatred is this?"

Thunder Dragon jumped up from the steps and circled Xiaoxiao twice: "If you want to cast a spell, cast a spell, and if you lower your head, you will lower your head. What kind of genre is this two-in-one?"

"You know?" Brother Zhang turned his head and glanced at Thunder Dragon: "Isn't the mouse here?"

"Boss, you look down on people so much, okay? I'm a senior brother after all, so I can't see this kind of thing." Thunder Dragon stretched out his two fingers and made a gesture on his small forehead: "Haitelfish spots."

Then he moved it to behind her ear: "Plum Blossom Seal."

Then his hand moved down and made a gesture on her shoulder: "Ghost face pattern."

"It's inconvenient for me to make gestures further down." Thunder Dragon pointed to the small lower abdomen: "Zombie Qi knot, and there is a ghost fetal tooth on the thigh. Isn't this a complete set of head-lowering techniques? Look at her face again.

, the eyes are blue and the tongue is black, isn’t this a sign of being cursed by the hunger poison.”

This chapter has been completed!
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