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681,new seeds

 Chapter 682 New Seeds

Qing Lingzi is not afraid of this main god or that main god at all now. He is now the great emperor of the human race. With the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, all the gods and Buddhas in the sky have to give in, let alone such a subordinate subordinate, the little Karami god. Qing Lingzi

None of them can look at it with a straight eye.

If this was not the competition site and Qing Lingzi was not one of the members of the organizing committee, the few brats in front of him would not be enough to fill his teeth. They would probably have been pushed to the ground and beaten into pieces by now.

After retreating from the dependent gods, Qing Lingzi looked back at Moon God Xiaohei and said in a cold tone: "If they still come to bother you, tell me to deal with them."

"It has to be Qing Lingzi." Dahuang chuckled loudly: "I guess I saw you right."

Da Huang's words made Qing Lingzi burst into laughter, but there was no need for him to argue with a little pet, so he turned around and left the venue.

However, although the immediate crisis has been resolved, the opponent is also a main star after all, and will definitely not give up. However, Dahuang is a little thing without great wisdom but full of cleverness. After the end of this round, she ran back with Xiaohei.

After arriving at Chang'an Alley and ducking into a tavern, all problems were solved.

Because Xu Wei has to prepare for the competition these days, Brother Zhang will be here during this period. After all, the small restaurant is always popular.

There is basically no business at this time. Apart from preparing meals for the rescue team, there is basically no other work. There are only two restaurants still open in Chang'an Alley. One is Brother Zhang's small restaurant and the other is

Miss Kim's Cafe.

When Dahuang and the others came back with a roar, Brother Zhang was sitting at the counter with his head raised and watching the post-match review on TV. At the moment, the scene of Dahuang turning into a black panther was being played, and then Dahuang Benhuang suddenly jumped to his

In front of him, he transformed into a naughty cat and lay on top of it: "What's the point of watching TV? The real cat is right here. You can touch it. Please touch it quickly."

Brother Zhang pulled the rhubarb down: "Don't go to the counter, you'll lose hair."

After Dahuang went down, he climbed up again, and the door opened before he could say anything. They strolled back every year, and Little Potato was carried back by He Shuilin. It looked like he was very tired.

After putting her on the sofa to rest, Fairy Shuilin complained that she was hungry, while Brother Zhang took out the prepared food from the steamer and handed it to Xiao Hei.

"You are still complaining that you are hungry. With so many people there, you are the most embarrassed." Dahuang turned his head and shouted to He Shuilin: "If someone does something, you can run away on a bicycle."

He Shuilin spread his hands: "You all belong to this god or that god, so I just ate a peach and farted half of it. I can make up for it. It's better to be embarrassed than to be beaten all over the floor."

They seem to be the only ones in the all-girls team. No matter how good they are, they are quite attractive anyway. More importantly, they play wonderfully. Of course, we are mainly talking about the two goddesses and Xiaotuo. As for Fairy Shuilin

And every year, the main focus is a comedy.

Fairy Shuilin will not talk about her. After all, the upper and lower limits of strength are not up to standard, but Brother Zhang is really funny every year. She is not running to win, just to eat...

Haven't had any success yet.

However, it is interesting to imagine the inner shadows of the Yingsha brothers. After all, not everyone has the chance to be swallowed by the Nian beast and then spit out.

"Why not let Zhang Ruinian's name be used every year? Why not use Xu Ruinian's name?"

"Because Xu Ruinian reminds me of an old friend." Brother Zhang said with a smile: "That person is very good at playing games. And he will be admitted to college every year. It's not good to be too eye-catching."

Fairy Shuilin leaned on the counter and pointed outside: "It's like this, why don't you go to college?"

Brother Zhang glanced at the hazy sky outside and smiled: "The disaster will eventually pass."

At this moment, Dahuang had changed into a human form and changed clothes and came over. She sat down on the chair and said, "Speaking of the fact that this matter has become so big, don't you really want to deal with Qing Lingzi?"

"There's no need." Brother Zhang shook his head and said, "If it really needs to be handled, it should be handled by Dawutong. I can't control it. And it's not all a bad thing."

"Isn't this a bad thing?"

"Well, it's not all bad." Brother Zhang sat on a chair and took out a small picture album and pushed it forward: "I should be able to advance after this time."

"What does promotion mean?" Fairy Shuilin asked curiously.

Brother Zhang smiled: "The earth's civilization has been upgraded to a higher space with the current Universe Zero. All the creatures in the current Universe Zero are actually lame horses, and this upgrade will make the current universe develop in a balanced direction.

.Then advance to the next stage in a short period of time and become a truly high martial plane."

He Shuilin blinked: "I don't understand a little bit."

"It doesn't matter." Brother Zhang took out a few burritos and placed them in front of them: "It doesn't matter if you don't understand."

Brother Zhang doesn't explain a lot of things like Ying Shang does. How much he can understand after telling things depends on his understanding. And this incident is not actually a huge accident. Every time there are terrible weather and...

After geological disasters, more advanced biological species will be born.

Creatures that have escaped mass extinction will surely reach a peak of rapid development. The end of the dinosaur age has brought insects and arthropods to their peak. Several ice ages have allowed milk-feeding animals to gradually stand up. This time it is indeed more

Special, it is different from the previous situations, but humans are also different from dinosaurs and giant spiders.

The addition of the Mountain and Sea Realm will greatly accelerate the evolution of the entire civilization, and if there are no accidents, human beings will reach the top of the current universe within a hundred years. This is no joke, although the scientific community now widely believes that human beings are at the bottom of the cosmic food chain.

However, Brother Zhang can responsibly say that mankind itself is an advanced intelligent civilization, and some things cannot be solved in a long time. After all, the hundreds of millions of years of evolution of dinosaurs are still about food and sex.

And how many years does it take for humans to become advanced civilizations?

Nowadays, human genes are mixed with bacteria, technology is added with new materials from the world of mountains and seas, and an internal circulation training system with obvious personal improvement is directly made up for all the missing things. When everything is ready, all you need is the east wind.

At that time, it only took sixty years from airplane to landing on the moon, and two world wars were fought in the process.

"What happens after that?"

"After that, new seeds should sprout." Brother Zhang held his chin and looked at Rhubarb: "I once said that our story sprouted from the birth of a seed, and it will also grow from the birth of a new seed.

It sprouts and ends.”

"Then where is this seed?"

"It should be soon, I already have a premonition." Brother Zhang said softly: "Maybe it will be tomorrow, maybe next year."

Dahuang raised his head and looked at Brother Zhang: "What will happen to us after the new seeds germinate?"

"Continue living where others can't see you, continue day after day. The birth of new seeds does not necessarily mean that the branches of the past will be killed."

Fairy Shuilin suddenly felt a little emotional. She looked out the window and sighed: "But we still have a lot of things to do."

Brother Zhang didn't speak, he just lowered his head and wiped the stove with a rag, because he knew very well that the reason why the story was called a story must have happened under a fierce conflict. When everything calmed down, then

There will be a long and boring transition period.

Anyone who likes to read novels knows that no one likes to read endless repetitions of daily life, just like no one likes to see the scenery outside the same window. No matter how beautiful it is, there will eventually be a boring day, and you will be stuck in the repetitive day.

It's not called enjoyment anymore, it's called going to jail.

A story comes to an end not because it must end but because it should end. As long as life is ultimately boring, numb and repetitive.

However, after knowing the news, others were quite disappointed. However, they actually did not really understand what Brother Zhang meant by the end, because they could not feel any changes. They could do whatever they should and they could still continue as before.

If this continues, every side of them will no longer be shown.

Instead, there is a new group of people, new scenery, and new stories. Maybe there will be one or even a few of them who are somewhat similar to them, but if you look closely, it is no longer them.

Brother Zhang walked to the small record player and chose an old song. Then he made himself a cup of scented tea and sat at the window. He was not much different from him at any time in the past. Maybe there was, but

The difference may lie in whether there are more roses or more jasmine in the scented tea.

Someone greeted him outside the window. When he looked up, he saw his nine-year-old self standing outside the window holding a rhubarb and covered in mud, looking at him and smiling. He also smiled, but other people couldn't see this scene, they just felt that

His smile is getting better and better.

"I found a cat!"

My nine-year-old self stood at the window and said, "I want to name it Rhubarb."

At this time, eight-year-old Yingsha and seven-year-old Mouse ran over and wanted to hug Dahuang. Afterwards, many old friends passed by outside the window. They were all neighbors in Chang'an Lane. Some of them still live here, and some

Some have long since left, some are still young, and some are already gray-haired.

The barrier of time has no meaning to Brother Zhang. He lowered his head and took a sip of tea, then raised his head and said, "Okay, let's call it rhubarb."

Dahuang next to him: "Huh?"

The phantom of the past disappeared with this voice, and Brother Zhang just smiled and waved his hand: "It's okay, I suddenly thought of the time when I picked you up when I was nine years old."

Dahuang quickly came to Brother Zhang with a bowl and sat down: "Remember, I picked you up, not you picked me up. At that time, you were just a dirty little kid, protected by a master of the night.

You, you should be grateful."

"Yes, yes, I am grateful." Brother Zhang smiled and patted Da Huang on the head.

Dahuang raised his head proudly, while Brother Zhang leaned on the chair with his eyelids drooping: "I have spent my entire life trying to experience the lives of ordinary people, but now that I think about it, I was the most ordinary before I was fourteen."

"Then what should we do? There is nothing we can do about it. But it's good to be like this, isn't it? At least you can live the life you want in the most comfortable way. Others, even gods, don't have this power." Dahuang held his chin.

Looking at Brother Zhang: "Every gain must come with a loss."

"So, they all say I'm miserable, but what's wrong with me?" Brother Zhang raised his head: "But I also feel a little boring because there are no ups and downs. Yes, there are gains and losses."

"Then let me ask you, you said our story is almost over, when will it end?"

"Why are you asking?"

Dahuang thought for a moment, then said with a smile: "Put on beautiful makeup, wear a beautiful suit of clothes, and then say goodbye properly."

"Who are you saying goodbye to?"

"Say..." Dahuang pointed to the sky: "Say goodbye to the people who like us."


"Then you must tell me in advance, I am the waitress!"

Brother Zhang nodded: "Okay, I will only tell you."

"Yeah!" Dahuang was extremely happy: "It's agreed, meow~~~"


Maybe no one except Brother Zhang and Dahuang, who was informed by Brother Zhang, knew about this incident, because it had no impact, so they were still actively preparing for their future lives.

Just like Long Danchen, he is now working hard to actively prepare for the game, because it will be time for him to play soon. Not only does he have a lot of equipment given by Brother Zhang, but he also has their own young man Zhang Yao.

That’s Aguo.

Now the game can only be temporarily stopped due to natural disasters, so Ah Guo has devoted a lot of time to weapon development. He is a super genius. Although he does not have as good conditions as Zhang Yao, in terms of talent level alone, he can only

Said Zhang Yao is not as good as him.

Compared to Zhang Yao's steady approach, A Guo's leaping thinking sometimes amazes even Zhang Yao, so this time Long Danchen found A Guo to tailor a set of equipment for him.

"I don't care about that. The only thing I want to win when playing games is to win." Long Danchen's instructions to A Guo were very simple: "You must get me a set of guys that can kill gods."

This request is somewhat embarrassing, but A Guo is a genius after all. Since he doesn't have time to invent and create, he can modify the current equipment. Long Danchen doesn't have anything, so he just makes modifications.

What kind of innate treasures or acquired spiritual treasures are all given to me to use the cyber treasure as a quantum immortal.

Because the properties of the Qiankun Bag are very impressive, based on this condition, Aguo's products have three outstanding characteristics, one is big, the second is heavy, and the third is fierce.

Long Danchen can change atoms and molecules. He can directly combine it with the magic weapon to become one, man and machine. The huge device comes with powerful energy and terrifying flexibility. This is enough. The skills are not enough and we have the power to do it.

Take Long Danchen's strange mirror as an example. After being added with a beam amplifier (adjustable), a binding range extension device and other messy things, it grew to be 1.8 meters long and weighed 330 kilograms.

But the originally scattered light was gathered together, and after being excited, it could reach the moon from the ground, and burned three Mars satellites on the way.

There is also a stick that is on the same level as the golden cudgel. Ah Guo regards it as Long Danchen's transformation device. When the time comes, Long Danchen will be directly integrated with the stick, making Master Long taller and harder.

There are also a few yo-yo-like things. A Guo fucked them onto the grenade launcher. Just take them out and rush them without thinking. Anyway, those balls will bounce repeatedly in a small space and the speed will get faster and faster.

Accuracy is compensated by density.

Anyway, in a few days, more than 20 kinds of treasures were modified, and the main theme is a combination of science fiction and fantasy.


This chapter has been completed!
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