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682,Young man is so fierce

 The opponent of Twelve Spirits' team in the first rematch was Jiang Piaozhou's Five Swordsmen team. When he saw their lineup, Xiao Ma immediately thought of "Jincheng people eat very much in the morning".


This is actually quite easy to fight. Sword Immortals, as long as they don’t wield the Four Swords of Zhuxian, Trap, Kill, and Jue, they are not very good. Anyway, either the Four Swords of Zhuxian or Xuanyuan Xia Yu, other swords are simply useless.

Not looked down upon by the Twelve Spirits.

Moreover, these five sword fairies also did a trick, imitating Dahuang and others in asking for a team competition, where the five of them compete together and live and die together.

When they made this request, Xiao Ma, as the captain, was confused. He had never seen anyone actively requesting to play a team match with the Twelve Spirits in his life.

What is the concept of Twelve Spirits? A single one may be a weakling, but each time one is stacked, the strength is doubled. The attributes and abilities are all complementary. Even if there are not enough twelve people, there are five here.

T has milk and DPS, can fight, resist, increase health, advance, retreat, and resurrect. Is there something wrong with them?

When they heard their request to play in a team competition, the referee team actually persuaded them, but they couldn't help it. They were all arrogant young people. Who would obey whom? So they had to play in a team competition with Twelve Spirits.

Well, since they have such outrageous demands, Xiao Ma will definitely accept the order. After all, who doesn't want the opportunity given to them for nothing.

After that, wouldn't they go to the ring to play 5V5...

These five sword immortals were beaten by the twelve spirits. It really made those who heard it sad and those who saw it shed tears. They did not expect that the super offensive skills developed by the five of them were enough to make the graphics card display an attack. Except for Jiang Piaozhou

Except for that, no one else could break through the monk's defense. Even Jiang Piaozhou, who was holding one of the four swords of Zhu Xian, was beaten into a dog under the siege of five twelve spirits. He had no power to fight back. In fact,

It's so sad.

After Jiang rowed, he had nowhere to go, so he could only return to the sect angrily. When he returned to the sect after a long period of practice, he found that it was ice and snow outside, but inside their sect there were birds singing and flowers fragrant, and the juniors were doing their homework in the main hall.

, Master is outside feeding the little animals that have escaped from the wilderness.

After seeing the rowing boat coming, Master immediately went up to greet him: "Chuo'er."

Jiang Piaozhou frowned: "Master... why are you shouting like that with them?"

"It sounds nice, but the name is just a code name, as long as it sounds nice." Master patted Jiang Piaozhou on the shoulder: "You are really the great savior of the sect."

Jiang Piao: "???"

Seeing his look, his master knew that he was at a loss, so he patted the small tree next to him and said, "This place is great. Master, look at other places. It is covered with snow all day long, making it look like the Frozen Throne."

It seems like it, but here it is like spring all year round, which is very good. However, the network in the sect seems to have been broken recently, and I called for repairs but no one answered, which is really killing me."

"Didn't you watch the news? They have all moved away temporarily."

His master was also a fool, and he didn't even think of it for a moment. Only when he heard what the boatman said did he realize that he was in the end of the world, and he let out a long sigh: "We are not protected by the mountain god at all.

I have noticed that this place is like spring all year round, and I have forgotten the spring and autumn outside this painting."

Jiang Piaozhou threw his backpack aside: "Lost."

"If you lose, you lose. It's not shameful to lose. It's shameful if you can't afford to lose. Originally, this time you just went to have some experience and experience. There is a problem in expecting to win."

Jiang Zhouzhou didn't say anything. He stretched and walked deeper into the sect until he returned to his room. Then he went to get some water in the water tank and took a bath, then lay down on the bed.

He was not reviewing the battle situation, but thinking about the magnificent days in the past, when he was out slaying demons with his teammates. Now he seemed extremely happy.

But now that this natural disaster has come, all monsters and monsters have disappeared, and even the most sophisticated plots have turned into dust before the power of heaven and earth.

There was a solemn atmosphere outside. The street and night market that used to be bustling with people now only had an ice sculpture. As far as the eye could see, there was only darkness. To be honest, it was quite boring.

Jiang Piaoying leaned there and thought for a long time, and then suddenly felt that the so-called extreme path he was pursuing was becoming more and more stupid. The so-called immortality and Buddhahood were just an obsession.

When his thoughts hit this point, he sat up, took off his sword from the bedside, put it on his lap and stared at it for a long time. Then he sighed softly, nailed the sword to the beam, and sat cross-legged and whispered softly.

: "From today on, I will be a carefree and independent person."

This means that Jiang Piaozhou has completely given up on cultivation, no longer has hope in those illusory things, and he doesn't even bother to think about the ethics of martial arts.

Then one night later, he left the sect and began to wander in this windy and snowy world. The master did not stop him and there was no need to stop him. After all, it is very rare for him to have such a level of cultivation at his age. The way forward is

He can only rely on himself to realize it bit by bit, and there is no way to enlighten him. Although he said that he no longer practices practice, the snow and wind in the sky is not a practice for him.

Jiang rowed his boat and left. No one knew where he had gone, or whether he would appear again. Just like Lu Zhishen had passed away overnight by the Qiantang River. The news of the tide coming from the Qiantang River would tell me today.

it's me.

Brother Zhang quickly received a tip from Queen Mantis. He knew about Jiang Piaozhou's departure almost at the same time. After all, Queen Mantis was staying in Jiang Piaozhou's sect during this period, and he heard everything clearly.

After receiving the news, Brother Zhang did not express any opinions. After all, everyone has their own journey, and all their choices should be respected, unless they are really stupid.

"What? You have deleted my boating account!"

Xiaotuo, who had been awake for two days, was now filled with indignation. He angrily said to Xu Wei: "He is such a fun person, and you don't know how to let him go?"

Xu Wei was also a little embarrassed: "There's nothing we can do about it. If we're unlucky, we'll be drawn to them, and we don't want to. And we can't fake the match. The people over there are super powerful. If we're caught cheating,

We’re in big trouble.”

Brother Zhang came over now and pressed Xiaodou's head: "This is not a bad thing for him."

"Brother Zhang!" Xiaodou turned around and grabbed Brother Zhang's sleeve: "He is so stupid in rowing, and he will starve to death if he goes out in such cold weather."

And where is the rowing boat now? He is at the door, just opened the door...

He planned to come over to say goodbye to Brother Zhang, but as soon as he opened the door, he heard Xiaotuo say this to him. The hand pushing the door was frozen in mid-air, and the people in the room also saw him. Xiaotuo turned around

I found a rowing boat standing outside, and I didn't know how to deal with my emotions.

"I...Actually, I'm not that stupid." Jiang Zhouzhou walked in carefully and stood in front of the counter in embarrassment. He didn't smile or not. He felt very stiff: "I came here to follow you.

Let’s all say goodbye.”

Brother Zhang asked the boatman curiously: "Why do you want to leave all of a sudden?"

"Actually, it was just a whim. I was actually very depressed after losing yesterday. I didn't say I must win, but I didn't expect to lose so miserably. I doubted myself, and then I thought about it.

There is no need to doubt, or even practice. It is better to use your limited life to see the infinite vastness of the world. I plan to travel to the world of mountains and seas to see things that can only be seen in ancient books and legends, and then write

A travel diary.”

Jiang Piaozhou's words were very affectionate. Although I don't know what he went through, generally speaking, he just wanted to let go of his obsessions and run for a new life. However, his thoughts were naive, because the world of mountains and seas is not a peaceful and happy place.

, it is very safe in the open area, but more than 90% of the land there is a barbaric hell that is still in a barbaric state.

If he really goes there rashly, the biggest problem may be that he really can't come back alive. The next time he is discovered may be dozens or even hundreds of years later when some of his remains are found somewhere.

After some research, scientists determined that it was a traveler who entered a lost world.

Brother Zhang is someone who never pours cold water on others. He is a man known as the wishing machine, so he patted Jiang Yaoyuan on the shoulder, turned around and went to the backyard.

Boating was curious about what Brother Zhang was going to do, but he didn't ask, so he just waited there. Brother Zhang opened the door and walked into the warehouse. At this moment, the ultimate warehouse manager Yingsha was crossing his legs and cracking the tuna cans with a knife.

When he heard the noise, he immediately turned around and took a look. When he found out it was Brother Zhang, his flattering energy immediately came up: "Brother! My good brother! You finally remembered to see your little brother, brother.


Brother Zhang glanced at him sideways: "Are you still happy?"

Yingsha was stunned for a moment: "Should I be happy or unhappy?"

Isn’t this difficult? It’s not okay to say you’re happy or not. If you say you’re happy, Brother Zhang, if you continue to stay here if you say you’re happy, isn’t that unlucky? But if you say you’re not happy, Brother Zhang will say no.

Just be happy and continue to reflect here. Isn’t that nonsense?

So what should I say now to make Father Zhang forgive him?

Yingsha smiled, while Brother Zhang squatted there and rummaged through things.

"Brother...good brother." Yingsha came forward with a sneer: "Good brother, please forgive me this time. I promise there will be no next time. I will be my brother's dog from now on. If my brother asks me to go east, I will

I don’t dare to go west. If my brother asks me to eat shit, I will never eat meat.”

Brother Zhang pushed his head away: "The most basic quality of a cultivator is to be able to control one's desires. You are not only a cultivator, you are also a top cultivator. Thousands of years of rotation have not made you emotionally stable.

Come down, why should I believe your word?"


Let's all think carefully about the last time Brother Zhang said this to someone, which chapter was it? I don't think it's in my memory, right? It's hard for Yingsha to think of the last time Brother Zhang spoke so seriously.

The impression he gave everyone was that he was harmonious, quiet, calm, and easy to talk to. Even the worst thugs would not have too much hostility towards him. But just now, Yingsha felt a cold air rising from Pi Yanzi.

, ran all the way down his spine to his head, and he stood up straight, completely losing his playful smile.

"My subordinate is naughty. I beg you to see that you are working hard and fulfilling your duties. I have learned a lesson from this. If there is a next time, I don't need to punish you. I will end it on my own."

Brother Zhang's hand stopped, raised his head and glanced at Yingsha, then lowered his head again to look for things: "Go to Shanhaijie tomorrow to help the victims tide over the difficulties."

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

After saying that, Brother Zhang walked out with a backpack. When he was about to close the door, he looked back at Ying Shang and said, "There will be no next time."


After Brother Zhang walked out, he handed the bag to Jiang Piaozhou: "If you encounter any danger, open it. You can also put the necessary things in it at ordinary times."


Jiang Zhouzhou didn't refuse. He took the bag from Brother Zhang and was about to leave, but he was stopped by Brother Zhang: "Let's have a meal before leaving."


Jiang Zhouzhou finished cooking, ate a simple rice bowl with fish-flavored shredded pork, then said goodbye to everyone, and then disappeared at the end of Chang'an Lane, and finally disappeared into the wind and snow.

In fact, in comparison, Jiang Guangzhou is indeed a promising talent. Although he was very pretentious when he first appeared, in fact, at his core, he is a determined practitioner and one of the few who can combine knowing and doing.


The farthest distance in the world is not the other side of the mountains and rivers, but the gap between knowledge and action. Even Brother Zhang couldn't help feeling a little emotional when he saw the rowing boat going away.


Dahuang jumped up on the table and lay on it coquettishly: "Separation is always normal, isn't it?"

"Yeah." Brother Zhang turned his head and rubbed Dahuang's belly.

"Oh, you're seducing me!" Dahuang jumped up: "Can a girl's belly be touched casually?"

Brother Zhang nodded: "Then I'd better let you be a male cat."

"Stop! Stop!" Dahuang stepped back with great resistance: "I don't want to be a male cat anymore. All male things in the world are disgusting."

All the boys in the room turned to look at Dahuang, while Dahuang said indifferently: "I said that everyone here is happy, who supports and who opposes?"

Two minutes later, Dahuang was locked in the cat's nest by Brother Zhang, and then was taken under guard by Sister Dog, who said he would be locked up in a dark room for three days.

"By the way, I haven't seen Huang Pizi and the others for a long time. Where have they gone?" Xu Wei asked curiously after Brother Zhang locked up the cat: "Why didn't you come back to take refuge?"

"Well, Pippi took Bai Mengjie and the others to the Mountain and Sea Realm, right, Coral."

"Yes, my sister took them there to play." Coral Moon straightened up from behind: "I just went there a few days ago."

Xu Wei looked out the window and suddenly smiled: "I miss her quite a bit. It was so lively when she and Dahuang were here."


There are three titles for the new book for everyone to choose from, namely "Seriously Become a Waste", "Three Hundred Years of Guarding the Tomb at the Beginning" and "I was ostracized and sent to a barbaric land for three hundred years to be bored and only work on infrastructure".

Of course, brothers, if you have any other opinions you can express, let me see if I have any good opinions.

This chapter has been completed!
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