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Chapter 70, The Second of the Five Prisons

 "Is there such a thing?"

The mouse who was handling the case was shocked when he got the news, because a normal person would have been injured three feet high after being hit by so many tricks.

And this girl can still be so alive and kicking for several years, which is a miracle in itself.

But another thing that surprises Mouse is that as a colleague of Brother Zhang, she works with such an auspicious person every day and can still fall into so many tricks. Is this because her fate is hard or her fate is evil?

In addition to Mouse, Zhu Zhenzhen also ran over from Zhang Yao. After all, Xiaoxiao was her subordinate. Although she had a vague feeling that something was wrong with this girl before, she did not expect that something was wrong to this extent.

"Brother Zhang, why did it take you so long to find out? Aren't her symptoms quite obvious?"

"Blame me." Brother Zhang smiled dumbly: "Because I have no curiosity..."

What can he do? He is just a person without curiosity. If a person is not curious, he will not understand those novel things in depth. Today, I happened to see that black shadow belt wrapped around Xiaoxiao. Otherwise, even tomorrow

He saw a black streak on her head, and Brother Zhang only noticed it because it was caused by her yoga practice last night.

Of course, if Brother Zhang went to do a full body scan on her, he would be able to find it. But come on, that would be very rude, okay?

"That's wrong, it's strange."

The mouse walked around Xiaoxiao several times, and even Zhu Zhenzhen couldn't stand it anymore. She shouted to the mouse: "If you want to say something, say it quickly, I'm so anxious."

"With so many things, it seems that she is not simply offending someone, but someone is cultivating a poison in her body." Mouse slapped his forehead, and then asked Xiaoxiao seriously: "This may have nothing to do with Southeast Asia. When did you start to have strange feelings?"


"Three years ago?" Xiaoxiao thought for a while and said, "It's been like this since I moved here."

The mouse glanced at the Brontosaurus, then coughed and said to Xiaoxiao: "Take me to where you live."

Today Mouse was not wearing work clothes and appeared in plain clothes, so Xiaoxiao didn't know what his identity was, but seeing his professional appearance, he thought he was the expert that Brother Zhang was talking about.

Out of her trust in Brother Zhang and her trust in her boss, she took Mouse to her rented place.

Zhu Zhenzhen insisted on going with her, which made Mouse quite helpless, but it wasn't a bad thing to take her there, and she could also get a ride...

Soon, a group of them came to Xiaoxiao's rental place. This place was a classic GD old building. Judging from the surrounding streets and decorations, this building was probably over a hundred years old, but although it was slightly older,

It's a bit noisy, but overall it's okay and the location is quite lively.

"This is my home."

Xiaoxiao brought the boss and Mouse to her home, and Mouse immediately started wandering around like an occupational disease. Zhu Zhenzhen, on the other hand, kept comforting Xiaoxiao, telling her not to worry, and if it didn't work, just ask for leave. Without deducting wages, it would only be so big.


After wandering around for a long time, the mouse stopped at a window. The window faced the old building opposite. That building and this building should be sister buildings, but obviously because that building did not face the street, it did not get it.

Too much attention, even though they are only about ten meters apart, the two buildings before and after them are like the two worlds of Yin and Yang.

Mouse carefully looked at the building opposite. Before he could speak, the peach blossom tattooed on the ring finger of his left hand opened.

"So fierce?" Mouse lowered his head and glanced at the peach blossoms blooming on his fingers, then took out the stick from his waist and said, "I'll go to the building opposite to have a look. You guys stay here."

But Mouse was not a reckless man. When he got downstairs, he saw that three flowers had bloomed on the five fingers of his left hand. He realized that this trip might be dangerous, so he made a video call to all of them.


"Just give me a thumbs up, I'm in the rankings."

"Are you uncomfortable if you don't say a few dirty words?" Mouse pointed the camera at the gloomy building in front of him: "Come or not? It's thrilling and exciting."

As he spoke, he gave Thunder Dragon a look at the fourth flower that was slowly blooming in his left hand.

"Mom, what are you talking about? Four flowers?" After the thunder dragon finished scolding, he finished the game and said, "Here he comes."

Thunder Dragon was always quick and resolute in his work, and after a few seconds, this rough egg appeared in front of his junior brother. Seeing the smoking shoes on his feet, you knew that he had run all the way here again.

"You're not afraid of others seeing you either."

"Look at the hammer." Brontosaurus wiped his nose: "Up?"

"There are four flowers, I don't dare to go up."

Mo Zi has a clear understanding of his own combat power. He is the best at mental activities among the twelve spirits, but his combat power is one, two or three from the bottom. In order to allow himself to perceive danger more clearly, he uses secret techniques to

Plant seven flowers in your hand.

He can handle one, two or three flowers, but if there are more than four flowers, he will have to find helpers. Although this method is sometimes ineffective, such as the last time he dealt with the resurrection spirit, it had no effect, but it is still better than nothing.

This skill alone has saved mice at least eight times.

Now four of the flowers in my hand have bloomed, and the fifth one is also in bud. It might be okay if a mouse of this level is desperate, but it really can't be done... After all, why bother when it can be solved with a phone call, right?

Anyway, Thunder Dragon is idle. If he were to come, all seven of them would be broken into pieces by his thunder.

The two slowly entered the old building. Seeing the dull and dull colors around them, Mouse instinctively felt uncomfortable.

Most of the people living in the building are old people. They maintain the living habits of half a century ago, and they even feel as if they have traveled through time. It is precisely because of this, and the severe lack of light, that this old building is destined to be exposed to the sun.

Lack of energy.

This kind of dark and humid place is the easiest place to breed some strange things. Many people who play with evil things also like to stay in this kind of place, such as raising ghosts and cultivating ghosts, which is popular in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Hong Kong, WW and other places.

, most of them are in places like this.

"Oh, why hasn't this place been demolished yet?" Thunder Dragon left and complained, "It stinks."

"Old buildings are like this, the musty smell is relatively strong." Mouse also covered his mouth and nose with one hand: "It's just that the smell in this place is particularly strong..."

"It smells like carrion." Brontosaurus joked: "Do you think it can be obtained without any effort?"

"What's the meaning?"

"Aren't you always looking for people who are involved with overseas cults? I think this one here is possible."

"If that's true, I might have to go on a business trip."

"Will you take me with you on a business trip?"

"I'll take care of Brother Zhang!" Mouse replied without thinking: "You are somewhat unreliable, but taking care of Brother Zhang is different."

"Do you want to take me with you? You won't take me back with you." Thunder Dragon cursed and said: "B*tch, I'm here to help you work hard. I want to go on a business trip with you. You go and fight it yourself. If you die, let the boss do it.

You are resurrected."

"You're talking nonsense because you want me to die, right?" Mouse pointed at the Thunder Dragon and cursed.

Their noisy sounds were particularly clear in this old and dilapidated building, and the surrounding echoes even had a somewhat strange tone.

When they arrived at the corresponding floor, before they could go up the stairs, the mouse suddenly raised his hand to signal the Brontosaurus to pay attention. The two of them, who were still talking and laughing, suddenly held their breath.

The atmosphere on this floor is completely different from the one below. There are some old people walking down the corridor chatting, but this floor highlights a dead atmosphere. Even if it is sunny outside, there is no sunshine here. The big star in the vestibule

The canopy of the banyan tree just blocks out all the sunlight on this floor, and this is also the top floor. The old and disrepaired roof is leaking seriously, so this floor is covered with moss, making it look like a dilapidated house that has been abandoned for a long time.


They walked slowly in the corridor, with dead leaves crunching under their feet. Thunder Dragon couldn't help but said, "Do you think this looks like Silent Hill?"

"Like." The mouse nodded and said, "Stop talking nonsense, lest you end up making something you shouldn't make."


The two continued to move forward. The mouse came to the middle section and took out a positioning compass. Following the instructions of the compass, he took a few steps forward and found that this position was facing a window on the opposite side. A closer look revealed that

It can be seen that the window is the small bedroom of Brother Zhang's colleague.

"Hey." The mouse smiled, turned around and looked at the green-painted iron door in front of him. Although it was rusty, the mouse still shouted to the inside: "You are surrounded, you can't run away."


After saying that, he glanced at Brontosaurus. Brontosaurus put a finger on the door, and only heard a click from behind, and the door was opened by Brontosaurus.

"Have you gone to the office to file a case?" Mouse looked at Thunder Dragon and said, "Come and file a case when you have time."

"Why do you talk so much nonsense? You can't stop talking."

Thunder Dragon cursed and kicked open the door, but the next moment he wanted to complain, Thunder Dragon closed his mouth instantly because he felt that if he took one more breath, he might be poisoned by corpse poison...

This room is very large and eerie inside, and it is full of wooden shelves. The wooden shelves are filled with all kinds of bottles and cans, and there are also all kinds of bizarre creatures soaking in them. There is never enough.

From a 1-month-old baby to a complete black-backed dog, and even a human head...

When Mouzi saw the scene in front of him, he didn't care anymore and took out his cell phone to call for reinforcements.

"I think that head should belong to FJ." Brontosaurus covered his mouth and nose with one hand but still couldn't stop his bitch: "Now the GD people are really killing the FJ people."

"Can you stop talking nonsense!"

"Okay, okay..." Brontosaurus raised a finger, and the electric light on it flashed for a while, and then his finger actually lit up like a light bulb.

And the moment it lit up, the Thunder Dragon spat it out with a loud sound...

Mo Zi was more resistant. He turned on his cell phone and said: "Bureau Chen, the hell of bowel-extracting has been discovered."

This chapter has been completed!
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