Nine hundred and ninetieth chapters sad and angry Jay

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 Shar looked at Hill and said calmly: "The reason why Aglaia can accommodate our existence is because in Toril it is full of separation from other places. After all, Aglai, the true master of divine power,

Yah does not belong to Toril.

Therefore, the city built based on her power is like a closed space with separation walls everywhere. Even if more Toril gods come, there will be no conflict of divine powers.

Otherwise, there is no way I could have stayed in the same place with these two guys for so long, I would have exploded long ago.

Sometimes, even if we want to live in peace for a while, we can't."

Hill was stunned for a moment: "But... weren't you and Selune always together before?"

"Haha~" Selune laughed, "It's different~ Little Hill. At that time, we were the purest primitive darkness and primitive light, and our divine power was basically the same.

It's impossible now~ No matter what, it's impossible to regain such consistent strength.

Not to mention the various priesthoods that come with us.

Now, the only way for her and I to form the original chaos crystals is through direct confrontation. In the past, just by facing each other, there were a lot of them~"

Is this a good thing? Chaos crystals can directly replenish divine power! It turns out that the two of them have almost infinite power, but now they even have to save it!

Shar stared at her sister, deeply puzzled that she could actually say the above words in such a proud tone in front of her, Shar.

Even though she has tried her best to understand Selune's mind and thickness, Shar, who has a relatively high self-esteem even though she has no moral integrity, is still sometimes shocked by the Moon Maiden.

Fortunately, the floating castle did not fall into silence... Lansander didn't care about the exchanges here. Even if he was stopped by AO from his impulsive idea of ​​adding BUFF to a certain lady on the battlefield, he was still working hard to help Dove and Xin.

Bu flaps his wings to cheer up.

I almost shouted at the top of my lungs.

Hill thought for a while and asked Shar with a smile: "Ms. Night, why does Lansander hate Talos so much? Although the Storm Lord declared the Lord of the Dawn as his enemy, he didn't actually do anything, right?

Isn’t that a slogan of confrontation against the god who represents rebirth based solely on the priesthood of destruction? The kind that only shouts but does not do anything.”

"Lansendel would rather he do it." Shar couldn't help but laugh, "That would also give Talos a good beating to vent his anger.

The current situation makes him feel even more uncomfortable. After all, there is no reason to take action. No matter how random Lansander is, he is still a god of the good camp and will not easily start a war between gods."

"Lansendre is just very good at making trivial matters turn upside down." Selune added with a smile, "But it's nothing, just a few words, and he can't just use it as an excuse!

But the more this happens, the more angry it becomes, isn't it?

So I'm not surprised at all that he was very fond of Aglaia from the beginning.

You directly dealt with Umberli and Maura, and also gave Oluel the confidence to leave Talos."

Ransander couldn't continue to act stupid when his name was mentioned. He tilted his head and said loudly: "What can you do about a guy like Talos?

That guy is even more despicable than Amberli in this regard! That seaweed head sometimes dares to fight against strong men!

Look at how much Talos's Fury camp has been weakened just because of Hill's Aglaia?

But did he take action? Instead, he took the opportunity to occupy a little more of Amboli's divine power. Tsk tsk, Seaweed Head didn't know how he was feeling now.

Tsk~ Now that Talos has arrived in Waterdeep, he doesn’t even think about going over here... Tsk, it’s really useless.”

The big peacock's tone was full of regret. He really hoped that Talos would throw a few storms at Aglaia!

Hill couldn't help but turned his head and stopped looking at him... This was the scariest thing about Lansendre.

He didn't know if there were really several big storms in Talos, affecting the small villages between the two places or ordinary people on the edge of the two cities?

He knew it, but he didn't expect it.

He was clearly not a cold and heartless god, but he just couldn't remember it.

Lansander has no worries and always only looks into the distance. Even his incarnation is a peacock looking up at the sun, so he never looks down at the ants... And in the eyes of the powerful divine power, the powerless human beings are at odds with the ants.

what differences are there?

Anyway, for the current Lord of the Dawn, it would be a great thing if Talos could go crazy and throw a few big storms at Aglaia, where everyone knows that Lansander is staying... AO won't let him

If you are troubled, can you still not let him fight back?

Hill silently reminded himself in his mind: Don't think that the gods of Toril are pretty good just because of the kindness shown by these three powerful gods.

Once he is shaken, he will be the one who suffers the loss and is deceived... If you have nothing to do, you must see more of the temple in Tire.

If Hill hadn't come with the undead, this silent God of Justice who might be packing his luggage might have turned into a beauty and started fighting with Heim over Cyric... even though it was just him and Heim.

Heim's reason for fighting.

But this reason became ridiculous because the beauty turned into Cyric. It was so ridiculous... Both Tyr and Helm struggled for a long time before accepting the signal of the believer's resurrection.

From then on, both of them seemed to refuse the coming of God, preferring to lend their power to the elect.

Hill raised his chin slightly... Although Tier couldn't possibly have known what would have happened, and was extremely grateful to him as a lifesaver and name-saver, he himself was quite proud~ Hey hey~ Social death is really worse than death sometimes.

Death is still scary, especially for these powerful gods.

"Damn it! Why don't you do it?" Talos suddenly roared angrily, "Didn't you see that dead dragon was about to run away?

If you really dare to make me miserable...hehe~ your men should not go into the deep sea in the future!"

His roar proved that at least one of the three people sitting over there could participate in this worst and most ancient black dragon battle.

And that Manx obviously won't make any big moves. Mystra's soul fragment is not something that can be obtained easily. It is impossible to waste it just to deal with a Xinbu.

Anyway, as long as she does have that thing in her soul, the chosen ones of the Magic Goddess will never attack her... The AO at that time had indeed made preparations for the fate of the previous Magic Goddess.

There was such a fragment in Midnight's soul, otherwise AO wouldn't have found Mystra directly when she died.

Originally, it was possible for Midnight to become Mystra's chosen one. This would be a good ending for her who is a little willful... Compared with the seven sisters with full personalities like Alustriel, Midnight is really a loser.

little sister.

What a pity, who made Heitong become stupid and meet a crazy Heim!

Hill stared at the three people over there with wide eyes... Could it be that Cyric is really here?

Edna, who heard Talos's shouting, also stretched her neck, and the coded chain lightning in her hand loomed... If the high-level Cyric believer really took action, she would definitely try to see if she could directly electrify Xi.

Rick himself!

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and she won't even care about it even if it gets her into trouble!

Anyway... well, as for Cyric, not to mention her status as a descendant of Azuth, she had every reason to take action. Even if she didn't, no one would think it was strange that she would take action upon seeing the Dark Sun.

Several people around Edna, whether it was Gendilari, the electorate of Ransander, or Leonard, or even Nasr, had carefully prepared means of defense and attack.

Even Devis and Luca, who knew that their attacks were useless, cast several layers of protective magic on themselves.

After all, Cyric must appear in style... a full-scale attack is just a small scene.

And his high-level believers have always learned from the Lord God's will to be afraid of being ignored. If they don't take action, if they do, they will inevitably attract everyone's attention.

Yep, just like the three laughs that are bound to appear when a clown appears...that's how the Dark Sun Circus got its name.

However, Edna was still disappointed... The one who stood up was the agile and fit female warrior.

"Who is this?" Nasr loosened his grip on the staff and asked with a strange expression.

"Who are you asking?" Leonard asked sincerely.

But they were soon shocked... The already tall female warrior became taller with every step she took... The seemingly decent female symbol also disappeared directly.

She, no, let's say him, turned into a five-meter-tall half-giant, with a strong appearance and scarred appearance, with six arms wielding four scimitars and two long swords.

"Oh my God! Is this world over?" Nasr murmured in confusion, "Is this... Garagos?"

Edna looked at the former God of War who was defeated by Tempus in shock. Although there had long been rumors that he was resurrected as a demigod in Toril, but... she really didn't expect to see such a transformation.

Garagos, the female warrior!

Who was the cruel, bloodthirsty, simple-minded former God of War who was tempted and what kind of blow did he receive before he willingly turned into a woman and stayed by the side of a little girl?

"Boo!" A sharp scolding sound woke up all the frightened onlookers...including the three silver-haired beauties.

It's that poor Jai.

However, the Silverhand ladies didn't know what this Ban disciple was up to, but the people on Edna's side knew very well...Although Jay was not fooled, as long as he thought of the seductive person rubbing his shoulder with his fingers,

The woman he passed turned out to be Garagos, the giant god of war, which was enough to make him unable to maintain his calm image.

"Is Garagos trying to bring Jai into the room and beat him to death with a hammer?" Leonard asked confusedly after realizing what he saw.


Garagos shifted from Chaotic Neutral to Chaotic Evil, the former God of War.

More associated with violent wars of destruction and plunder than with tactics, strategy, or armies. People associate plunderers with the crazy bloodlust that suddenly descends on certain warriors, causing horrific massacres.

In religious art, he is depicted wearing a scarlet cloak stained with the blood of his enemies, and more recently, he is often depicted wading in a sea of ​​blood-red, also stained by the blood of the enemies he slew.


Garagos prefers to appear as a wiry, scarred giant male, wielding a different weapon in each hand. Used at will, he can grow arms from his massive shoulders, and his number of arms has never been greater.

There were less than 5. The blood droplets emanating from his weapons formed a red cloud and surrounded him. A continuous wail could be heard in this vague blood cloud. The priests of Garagos said that this sound was "

The sigh of loss is like the essence flowing out of their bodies and injected into the sea of ​​blood of fighting."

This chapter has been completed!
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