Chapter nine hundred and ninety-four gloating bystanders

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 Edna looked around and couldn't help but open her mouth slightly... Although she had seen Selune, Shar and Lansander teaming up to fight against the demon lord, she had never seen that kind of pure suppression.


Just to let the bystanders feel what powerful divine power is... Tsk, why is she looking at that thing?

But now this kind of winter wind blows, the war drums beat, and the battle with no light in the east and light in the west is more interesting!

She couldn't help but stare at Talos eagerly... Now you are getting weaker! Hurry up and use new tricks!

Is there a new boss or does he have some special tricks? Hurry up and reveal them!

Edna clenched her hands excitedly, then quickly let them go with sudden alertness, and carefully put the valuable folding fan back into the bracelet... It was already hurt not to be able to make money, but she couldn't lose money anymore.

After Edna packed her things, she suddenly realized that some people in Deepwater who were watching the excitement seemed to think they were safer here and gradually gathered around, floating near the pink clouds.

Judging from the attitude of the bronze dragon seamstress, those who dare to come to them will basically not be afraid of Gendilari's existence.

As for the few guys who were obviously dressed in black, their identities could be seen from the way they subconsciously flew behind Nasr.

Nasr is probably the most flamboyant Night Messenger now... It will probably be difficult for him to use his true identity to do dirty work in the future.

This face has probably been sent to various parts of the world by major intelligence organizations.

But there was still a group of people who silently flew to the other side, closer to the open door... Edna actually felt a little complicated... Obviously, people who were related to the Black Stick Tower or those voters chose to fly.

Go over there.

Gee, her life is really getting more and more interesting: sitting next to her is the electorate of Lansander who she didn’t even want to look at before, and there is also a high-level follower of Shar chatting and laughing next to her, and the only three mages... one of them was with her before.

The two elves, who have little to do with each other, believe in Azuth more.

Anyone who is really related to her... ah, in the past or in her future, are all carefully guarding her, for fear that if they say something wrong, she will lead the undead to attack.

Edna sighed softly, and then put back her scattered thoughts bit by bit... Just watch the fun, why bother thinking so much?

A god who can see his followers from a third-party perspective like her is probably the only one, so why not take advantage of this opportunity?

I just don’t know if these people, who may only have this chance to have close contact with Mystra, will be so angry that they hit the wall like crazy in the future?

Especially since some people are really loyal believers, Edna can still sense them at such a close distance.

She shook her head with a smile, turned her head and thought about it, took out a few iron stones containing eight-level spells from her bracelet and released them. Instead of thinking about these unfortunate things, she might as well make more preparations.

I don't know who else Talos can recruit... Edna thought for a long time. It's hard for Umberli to appear in the Sword Coast now. Moreover, that guy probably doesn't have any divine network to use. Basically, Aggar

Leia was destroyed.

There are only two suburban temples in Umberlee in the Sword Coast. Those believers who are similar to pirates have either given up their faith or packed up and fled. They are now occupied by the female believers of Orul as a 'logistics center'... This is the origin of the undead.

Well... after all, you can only count on them in winter.

Another race that is not afraid of the cold is the undead. How many people can afford to hire them to deliver goods?

Only people from Oluer can make a few copper coins.

As for Maura, Edna looked at the three ladies with extraordinary fighting abilities and really didn't think that useless god was of any use.

After all, Umberlee can still play with Flooded Waterdeep, and Maela, who can be stepped on and ravaged by Drogothos, is really a gift to be whipped.


How could that big goblin still believe Talos... Even though Talos has the deepest feelings for Oluel, this will never make him stop hurting the winter girl.

Edna tilted her head and thought, this must be the scumbag the undead call him, right? He talks sweet words, but in his hands he wants your money, your power, your life.

The most important thing is that because the power of other gods in the Destroyer camp cannot bypass Aglaia, the main city where the gods are stationed, Oulul's divine domain that has been invaded has stabilized.

After this winter girl tested the abilities of Hill and Aglaia, and then discovered that these two were much better than Talos, she directly sealed her kingdom of God and fell into complete silence before the spell plague.

She is probably waiting for an opportunity... The camp of the big goblin has always been in chaos. If Oluel wants to return to neutrality, it will be much easier than Ambry and the others.

Talos on the field persisted for a while, then turned around and shouted: "That boy from the Ban family! Are you just looking at him like this?"

"Ah?" Jai, who had the long sword in his hand across his thigh, looked confused, "If there is any cooperation between Ben and you, the person responsible is definitely not me.

Don't look for me, I don't do unnecessary work.

I have a headache now! Does everyone know that I am Ben’s subordinate?

Tsk~ It’s all in vain!”

Manx looked at him with resentment in his eyes: "Can't a little more for me?"

Jia Yi looked at her in horror: "Don't... I'm not sure whether you are a boy or a girl, young or old! Can you stop being so scary?"

Besides, even if your face is real, it has no value!

I'm not Kelemwo! I have special feelings for that face.

Tsk~ Look up at Miss Edna who is looking at you curiously, and then look at the three beauties inside...can you look in the mirror?"

"Jai! You bastard!" Manx's roar was very timely, otherwise the chain lightning in Edna's hand might have been thrown out.

"Ah... this must be a follower of Melkor!" Gendilari said with emotion, "That one is really a pity!

There is only one god who can quarrel with my lord for hundreds of years without losing a beat."

Edna turned to look at him: " he so mean-mouthed?"

Gendilari smiled... He would not accept such words.

"How do you think a god who can create something like the Wall of the Unbelieving is normal?" Nasr said in a cold tone, "How many unbelieving people can Toril find? People who have read the Book of Cyril

Neither can be done.”

Edna silently leaned back on the sofa... and silently swallowed a sentence in her throat: In fact, Midnight is not bad looking! At least she is a beauty above the standard, right?

But she looked at the three beautiful silver-haired female voters with different postures who were fighting bloody battles, and still lost her mood to speak.


"Why don't they go to the one sitting on the far left?" Edna asked weakly.

"Probably... Cyric's people. If you want him to do things, the price is a bit high." Gendilari replied with a smile.

"Ah?" Edna sat up suddenly, "Cyric? Or a Dark Sun believer?"

"Then who knows?" Gendilari raised an eyebrow, "After all, it can change at any time, right?"

"How do you know?" Nasr asked with a frown. He had already taken out a staff and a black cloak appeared on his body.

"Ah, I feel the smell of broken gems." Gendilari said with a smile, "I have encountered it quite often. Even from a few hundred meters away, I can clearly smell the evil smell."

Edna nodded understandingly... It's just that she's been beaten so many times that she can tell whose family she belongs to at a glance, right?

" can the people of Dark Sun act like they are watching the fun?" DeVos was a little confused, "Don't they like blood and strife?"

"Those are the low-level believers." Gendilari said with a hint of disgust. "Those who were attracted by Cyric's crazy moans could only hear his desire to kill.

But high-level believers actually know how to hide their existence to create disputes for others... They like to see chaos, especially chaos caused by themselves, but they do not necessarily take action openly.

Unless the benefits are big enough that Cyric will actively reward them."

Edna stared blankly over there: "Tell me, if I throw a chain lightning over him, can he turn into Cyric?"

"Edna?" The 'Old Sanda King' patted her shoulder strangely and sat next to her, "You hate Cyric?"

Edna turned her head, smiled and put her head on her friend's shoulder: "That's not true~ If he hadn't caused so many things, how could I have known Sister Sanda Wang~

I can't be what I am now.

To be honest, if magic ships could travel, Charlotte might have sent me, who knew nothing at that time, to the Tears of Selune!

But, look, the fight was so intense inside, but such an interesting guy like Cyric just watched and said nothing, what a pity!

If he gets involved, the fight will definitely be more lively."

"Tsk, tsk, this heart is so dark that it looks like the undead!" Selune sighed.

Hill smiled: "In fact, I should have learned a lot from Ms. Black Eyes. The undead are not so thoughtful in their speech."

"You can just say that she has learned to incorporate the advantages of both sides." Lansander interrupted casually. He was watching the battle on the opposite side with great excitement, "Ah! Shoot him in the throat! Shoot his one eye!

Tsk, the eye patch is useless! It’s on the body!

Hehe! That's the right arrow! Well done! Haha, it would have been nice to make him completely blind.

Hey hey~ I want to give this...Dove, right?...Dawn blessing!"

Hill looked at Ransander who was cheering loudly in confusion. He knew that Talos regarded Ransander as his enemy, but hadn't the Lord of the Dawn always been too lazy to pay attention to him?

"Wait a minute..." Hill was horrified when he saw Ransander spread his wings and seemed to be planning to give him a blessing. "Lord of the Dawn, not here! Not now!"

"Don't worry, Ao will stop him." Shar said quietly.

The big golden peacock had drooped its wings dejectedly, probably being warned.

This chapter has been completed!
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