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Chapter 501 Aislin is in a dilemma

 Standing in front of the window and staring quietly behind, Root once again felt the sourness in his heart. [.\nCOM Situ’s updated chapters are the most complete and comprehensive, and the error-free content is repaired in the most timely manner. Due to caching reasons, browser access is recommended.

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This is already the third attack by the chaotic undead.

From the fact that the number was only half of the first attack, it can be seen that the mastermind behind the scenes is almost unable to hold on.

Whether she felt that such an attack was not worth the gain or that there were not enough undead to control, it could only prove one thing: Aisling was still persisting.

Especially, in the third attack, which was obviously coming to an end, 'Aisling' still did not appear on the battlefield.

The current situation is quite suitable for Root: those relatively shabby aircraft, which can even barely connect to the traveling circle, have been completely scrapped in several consecutive attacks.

Those undead that were covered in mess and covered with disgusting traces were obviously different from the normal skeletons and undead controlled by the people in the Tower of the Dead.

When they attack, they will only attack the aircraft with the most flaws according to instinct, rather than the larger and newer one in the middle that looks complete but is actually not very flexible because it is loaded with too many things.


Therefore, those who really died in this attack were basically apprentices and low-level mages.

Although several mid-level mages also lost their lives, Root still knew in his heart whose hands those guys died.

The two patrols in Oliva also knew what was going on, but after the other party gave enough reward, they didn't care about the dog-eat-dog behavior of those people.

None of them are good things, they are just black and white.

As for what those people do, Oliva doesn't care.

That group of people didn't have enough carrying space, so the spell materials and a large amount of food in the fallen aircraft naturally belonged to the patrol team.

In the opinion of Oliva and his men, the things that these outer ring mages would rob like crazy were of little value to them, but these materials were more useful.

Moreover, they also have enough storage space.

Oliva could even guess what they were robbing... He glanced over and knew that those who died were the ones who had spent most of their wealth to buy the soul potion.

The kind Rolando took was worth a lot of money.

Those who took action must have already thought about using other people's money to buy their own goods, otherwise they would not have done it so neatly.

Root had already told him how to handle this kind of thing: let them go.

The darker the heart and the deeper the desire, the faster they will be corroded by the soul potion.

They are all seeking death on their own, there is no need to worry about it.

Just in time, it can also make the mastermind behind the Tower of Siya feel more at ease... After all, the mages of the Lute faction are indeed the ones who take the soul potion at least.

Even though some people still collected it secretly, Root had no intention of publicly stopping or even condemning these students who always wanted to prepare for unexpected events.

Some people can die calmly to ensure that they are still themselves, while others naturally feel that there is nothing worth cherishing before death.

He has made all the consequences clear. Which path to choose is the students' own business.

Root didn't think that the Tower of Theia would suspect him because his students didn't use soul potions... No serious mage would take foreign potions at will.

It is normal to see some movement after observing for a period of time.

But yes, it's better than nothing.


Why are you thinking about these useless things again?

If you want to divert your emotions, you don't have to worry about unnecessary things... Who doesn't know that Root is a cautious person who never goes one step too far when doing things!

Root shook his head helplessly. He became like this because he was shaken by Aislin who had persisted until now.

That girl's sincerity can be felt from the fact that she still sticks to her own aircraft.

It was obvious that the appearance of these undead souls was due to many calculations by those behind the scenes, but the unmoving Aislin made all these plans come to nothing.

Apart from actually helping Root and the others to go into battle lightly, it is really useless.

As for whether Oliva can gain any good reputation... With his cold attitude, it would be strange if he didn't get scolded behind his back until his ears fell off when he allowed his patrols to blackmail those troublemaking Outer Circle mages.


But Oliva's behavior is the normal attitude of the inner circle mage towards the black-hearted people in the outer circle.

Root shook his head gently... No matter how far Aislin could persist, it was not something he could interfere with.

But as long as the child was still there looking at him and Root silently patted the window, he would do nothing for the time being!——

Sure enough, after this attack, no new enemies appeared.

How could a real thief attack a team led by a nine-ring mage and patrolled by an eighth-ring mage?

But because of the previous sneak attacks, the flying team of the Black Mystery Tower has been flying at the slowest speed... After all, part of the energy of the aircraft is used to power the defense ring.

Originally, the only one who wanted to reach the Tower of Theia quickly was Aislin, who was influenced by her subconscious.

But Ms. Aislin, who now knows what happened and is using all her willpower to fight against herself, will not care how slow the team moves.

And the true self in her soul doesn't care about that... If she can't completely tear the false mask into pieces and crush it into slag before arriving at the Tower of Theia, her end will probably not be much better!

The mages in this world may not be able to see her current condition, but there are still Fongo and his men in the Tower of Siya!

Not to mention, several of Gracia's favored attendants were also there.

The biggest skill of the pretty boys Gracia raised was the speed of spreading words... In order to win Gracia's attention, almost all of their abilities were used on their various, um, original attributes, and naturally they were also good-mouthed.

All practiced well.

Even if Gracia's attention is not focused on this world at this time, with them here, they will definitely know what happened as quickly as possible.

Although there are many beautiful memories of those beautiful boys in her own memory, at this moment, 'Aislin' can only think of their harmfulness.

She stared at her soul quietly, trying to figure out why this happened... How did a mask that could be torn off at any time get stuck on her soul?

Logically speaking, she has ensured that her own will is the sole owner of this soul... This is the result of her many years of research: using a trace of her own soul as the core, a pure white to transparent soul is wrapped around it, just like an egg.

Likewise, no matter how much egg white there is outside, the chicks that will grow out will only have egg yolks as the main ingredient.

Gracia conducted many experiments with other souls until she ensured a success rate of more than 95% before using it on herself.

It stands to reason that she has succeeded!

It's not like she didn't wake up at all...she wasn't so confident that there would be no accidents after such a long time.

How could it suddenly become like this?

Could it be because...'Aislin' frowned...she had indeed heard that the eighth ring could not be advanced at will.

The Eighth Ring is when it is most closely connected with the laws of the world and can easily cause some essential changes.

But, Aislin... this kind of eight rings, which is not serious at all, can't do it either?

'Aislin' didn't know how to deal with the situation in front of her for a moment... She had actually thought about avoiding the hidden dangers of the eighth ring, and did not let Aislin learn the real eighth ring spell.

As a result, it still doesn’t work?

How can all the tiny claws on the soul and the false mask that are so densely connected outside be dissolved at once?

It's not like she really can't do it.

But in this case, it would be too easy to attract the attention of the Tower of Siya!

Damn...what should she do?


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