Chapter 502 The pure white Tower of Siya

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No matter how slowly Root's team flies, the road will always become shorter and shorter.

The Tower of Seiya is there and will not retreat as they advance.

Therefore, no matter how unwilling they were, the towering magic tower caught everyone's eyes.

Sitting in his aircraft, looking at Oliva who was a little uneasy because of Aislin's silence, Root could only sigh softly: "Aislin, if she doesn't do anything, you just think

She's still Aisling."

"Teacher?" Oliva asked in surprise, "But she..."

"The things on her side are very complicated, and they are so complicated that I can't even take care of them." Root said decisively... With a mind like Oliva's, it's better not to think about such complicated things, he will only make things worse.

It's getting more and more troublesome, "If you don't want to get involved in a fight with a big shot that even I don't dare to provoke, just stay away from her, do you understand?"

"Yes, teacher." Oliva quickly lowered his head, a thin mist appeared in his eyes, and then quickly disappeared... His eight rings are different from Aislin's. He relies on himself

With his talent and hard work, he became a truly promoted eighth-ring mage.

Therefore, although he has been acting a bit confused, he can still see some things clearly... he just doesn't want to see them clearly.

Just like Aisling has been silent.

Just because he doesn't care, doesn't mean he can't see that something is wrong here.

His character has never been able to take the initiative like Aisling. A little test like he did just now is his best effort.

Unfortunately, Root cut off his temptation without mercy.

This made Oliva, who had always had a faint hope, completely give up.

He knew very well that compared to him, his senior brother who had many fights and quarrels with Aislin, Root was the one who wanted Aislin to remain Aislin the most.

However, even though there was something obviously wrong, Root still had this resolute attitude...

Oliva closed his eyes gently and decided not to mention this matter again, just take it one day at a time!

Although he couldn't tell which one was more painful, this kind of torture or a clean and tidy ending...but there was still a trace of it left, and it seemed that even the pain made him feel alive.

"Do you need to talk to Gilbert?" Oliva suddenly remembered something: he knew very well that the other junior brothers and sisters were at most a little suspicious of Aislin... But there was something wrong with Aislin.

He always gets sick every once in a while, so before confirmation, they will just treat the senior sister as they did in the past.

This is also because Aisling did not rush out to 'help' him eradicate the undead during this period.

Among Root's students, there are absolutely no idiots who would dare to publicly accuse anyone because they are suspicious. They will only be silently vigilant in their hearts, but they will never show it.

But Gilbert and Oliva can be sure that that guy must have discovered something, otherwise...

"Did you go to Gilbert's place to eavesdrop?" Root knew immediately what his student had done. "What's wrong with you and Aisling?"

Why can't you help but pay attention to what Gilbert is doing?

He is indeed the type that I admire very much, but it won't affect you, right?

Isn’t it true that Gilbert is a pure academic at first glance?

This is not the same path as you two!"

"Maybe that guy is born with a disgusting look?" Oliva himself was actually a little baffled, "I don't know why, but he just gave me a faint sense of threat.

Of course I also know that unless absolutely necessary, Gilbert would definitely prefer to study his runes and magic circles.

Moreover, he may be the one with the most promising future among the teacher's students... But after he returned to normal, he just gave people a faint... I can't describe that feeling."

Root glanced at Oliva... He would have taken a liking to Oliva who was too stable and honest among so many students back then. In fact, he also felt that he was a little sensitive to soul spells.

But later he also discovered in a daze that maybe Oliva's so-called sensitivity to the soul system was because he had a kind of defective beauty with a missing skull.

The so-called stability is actually due to Oliva's indecisiveness, and his superior talent gave him a little intuitive judgment to make up for his unchangeable shortcomings.

It was when he finally made a decision that he could choose the safer option based on the sense of crisis he felt in his soul.

Otherwise, Oliva would not have been promoted to the eighth ring so easily.

When Root discovered this, he couldn't restrain his impulse at all and studied Oliva's life over and over again... He almost thought that he had made a mistake. Oliva was the one who was subject to the will of the world.

Blessed guy.

Unfortunately, it was later discovered that Oliva's law attributes were probably biased towards the enchantment system.

What he doesn't have, supplementing it in another way is quite consistent with his talent.

However, it is normal for Gilbert Heinelson to arouse the sensitivity of him and Aisling... The kind of favored people will always attract some inexplicable attention.

The Heinalson family is now almost the last remaining human being on the side of the Defense Tower who is related to the will of the world... This is why no one would think that this family has a relationship with the inheritance of the Defense Tower.

Those people were just willing to smile in the face of death, not really crazy. They would not let Heinalson, who would be noticed wherever he went, take his family inheritance with him.

Even though the aura on Gilbert's body is very weak, archmages like them who are already connected to the laws of the world, especially those who are more sensitive to soul power, can still sense it.

Root just didn't expect that Oliva could actually do it... He thought that that sharpness had disappeared as this guy advanced to the eighth ring!

"Gilbert, no, it should be said that the people of the Heinalson family still have the aura of the defense tower in their bodies." Root thought for a moment before slowly speaking, "The original defense tower was named after the goddess

Ordered to be eradicated in the name of

Although Heinalson was just the unlucky guy who was implicated and was publicly pardoned, but... the hatred of the Lord of the World cannot be eliminated so easily as long as it has even a small amount of influence.

Russell and Feliz are much better."

"Does the failure of Gilbert's adventure have anything to do with this?" Oliva suddenly asked, "After all, soul shock during the apprenticeship does bring some dangers, but there are really very few people as miserable as Gilbert.


"Maybe... who knows?" Root just found a possible excuse to cover up Gilbert's specialness, "You don't need to say anything to Gilbert."

He couldn't help but sneered: "Gilbert, he never needs others to help him think about such low-level problems."

Oliva scratched his hair helplessly. His teacher was taking out his anger on him because he was unhappy!

Otherwise, Root rarely compares the advantages of others with his shortcomings...the shortcomings are all relative to himself, so why bother comparing with people who have done well?

Root has never asked his students to turn their shortcomings into strengths, as long as they can barely catch up with the average... To make up for the natural shortcomings to this extent, the price to pay is already very high.

And those who can achieve excellence are either born cruel, or it is not their shortcomings in the first place, but bad habits developed.

But Oliva also knew that for Root, he was the only one who could vent his resentment so unscrupulously.

His teacher was always cautious. He would indeed scold his students, but they must have really made mistakes.

Expressing anger usually only happened to him and Aisling.

And now, it's only him.

"It's coming soon." He couldn't help but look up and said, "The Tower of Siya is really white!

The white is so doesn't even reflect light."

"At the time when it was built, there were quite a lot of pure white magic materials." Root said with a hint of confusion, "It's just that others can't guarantee that this pure white will exist forever. However, your focus

Why is it so weird?

Do you need to ask why this is a magic thing?"


"Teacher." In the black spaceship in front, Carpenter also asked the same question seriously, "Why does it not reflect light when it is so white and translucent?

Logically speaking, that tower should become colorful..."

Hill blinked and then said thoughtfully: "There is a magic circle that absorbs light."

"I don't understand..." Carpenter tilted his head and asked curiously, "Doesn't this kind of magic circle also need energy?

For such a tall magic tower, if you want to ensure the current effect, how many energy crystals must be used!

The Tower of Seiya, although very rich, but...

How can there be any archmage who has seen this magic tower and is willing to serve them as their master!"

To do such an arrogant act in a world that is short of energy will indeed cause dissatisfaction among many people, even if it is only privately.

Hill didn't think of this because this amount of energy was nothing to the Princess of Hell.

And he and the Hell Princess should have something in common in this regard.

But why didn't Asmodeus stop his girl from doing such a thing?


This chapter has been completed!
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