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Chapter 48 Above the Clouds

 "He was actually thrown out of the plane!"

"Is this the time to fall into pieces?!"

"Mayfly Wings, Caicai Clothes!!"

"What the hell, why do my Mayfly Wings only have one pair of wings?"

"Cang Geng flies, his feathers shine!"

"As quails run, magpies are strong!"

"It's done! I can fly! Wahahahaha! I can fly!"

"When the geese are flying, keep their feathers in check!"

"According to the previous plan, line up and don't mess up!"

"Will soar and soar!"

"Will soar! Will soar! Will soar!... This spell is half missing! Damn it, does the school want to murder me, a genius!!"

"Help! Yaoshou! My spell is out of control!!"

"The bird sings like a dove, and the Han flies to the sky!"


"...Huh? Why am I imitating the chirping of birds? Does this spell have such side effects?"

"The male pheasant is flying, letting out its feathers!"

"Wow, these feathers are so beautiful... I really want to pick out a few and make quills."

A variety of flying curses entered Zheng Qing's ears one after another, mixed with many complaints, complaints and even curses from familiar voices.

Zheng Qing was stunned for a moment before he came back to his senses - he originally thought that 'Yan Yan is flying, its sound is up and down' can only communicate with each other between fixed individuals, but unexpectedly, this auxiliary spell is like a large radio, and any sound can be heard Entering his ears - it was like the sounds he just heard were from his classmates who fell from the sky with him.

He subconsciously looked around, and as far as he could see, there were magical afterbirths that were ignited in stages, or birds, or flying insects, and even two bats.

The bloody bat must be Matthew Cullen, but I don’t know who is wrapped in the black bat.

But no matter the birds, insects, or the two bats, there was no sense of freedom in flying in the air at this moment. Instead, just like Zheng Qing, they were falling downwards like meteors.

This is the common choice of everyone - to shrink the wings, lower the altitude, and then choose an opportunity to land slowly, not only to compete for the first place, but also to save magic power.

Thinking of this, the young public-sponsored student shook his head, and while trying to get rid of the messy sounds that penetrated his ears, he looked left and right, trying to find the figures of the other companions of the Exoneration Hunting Team in the passing light.

Soon, he realized that he didn't need to work so hard.


"Can you hear it? Did you hear everything?"

Xiao Xiao seemed to be trying out a microphone that could easily overwhelm the overlapping noise and sounded clearly in Zheng Qing's ears. With his voice, the noise of other students was immediately isolated and quickly faded away, gradually becoming inaudible.

The young public-funded student showed a hint of relief and surprise on his face, but before he could speak, another cheerful scream came from his ears:

"I heard it! I heard it!"

"Huh? I can actually hear my words...Wow! My voice is so loud!!"

"I mean, my voice is really nice!"

The young government-funded student subconsciously tilted his head to the other side, trying to avoid Li Meng's joyful screams. Several dull chuckles sounded in his ears at the same time, as well as Jiang Yu's low-pitched scolding:

"Li Meng, please be quiet!"

"Hello, hello?" Xiao Xiao didn't seem to notice the brief farce caused by the little witch, and still tried to speak unhurriedly: "If you hear it, please reply. If you hear it, please reply immediately."

"Li Meng received it!" Li Meng was still the first to agree. Across the empty sky, Zheng Qing seemed to see her raising her little hand solemnly.

He couldn't help but smile and replied: "Zheng Qing received it."

While he was answering, a meteor-like figure flashed past him. Zheng Qing looked sideways and could vaguely see a vague figure waving to him in the burning fireball, but he didn't know who it was.

In my ears, several hunters from the Forgiveness Hunting Team responded one after another:

"Jiang Yu received it!"

"Elder, received it," Zhang Jixin responded and started to criticize as usual: "I said, can you be more serious? Although it is not a hunting competition, for safety reasons, it is best for us to use code names when communicating."

"I got it, Fatty...but I don't think you can make Brother Zha call him Brother Zha." Fatty chuckled, and his answer was as unbeatable as ever.

"Agreed to use the code name," Xiao Xiao did not dwell on such details. After appeasing the main hunter of the hunting team, he immediately changed the topic to more important matters:

"Have you all cast the flying spell normally? Very good... The magic power that escapes when the flying spell is running will form a relatively stable magic afterbirth outside our bodies. The shape of the afterbirth is related to the spell... This afterbirth can maintain our survival at high altitudes.

, so don’t expose it casually.”

"Who would do such a stupid thing?" Zheng Qing heard the fat man's low voice complaining.

But immediately, classmate Li Meng yelled like a hair-splitting man: "What is stupidity! I have the spirit of magical exploration! Shouldn't we boldly explore unknown things..."

All the hunters in the Forgiveness Hunting Team fell silent.

Although the little witch's attitude was very tough, everyone could tell that she was not that confident. Moreover, as she spoke just now, her voice seemed farther away, and the faint sound of air leakage could be heard.

After a while, Jiang Yu's slightly tired voice sounded: "It's okay... She just poked a small hole in her afterbirth and has already patched it up. Li Meng, please be honest!"

"I'm very honest." Li Meng's whisper continued to ring in Zheng Qing's ears.

Xiao Xiao sighed heavily and raised his voice slightly: "Very good, since the flying spell and the contact spell are OK, now, please control the speed of descent slightly, follow the direction guided by the contact spell, and start gathering with me as the center.

...Don't be afraid of wasting your magic power, gathering together is definitely better than being alone."

"Can't we gather together after landing?" Fatty questioned habitually.

"Everyone lowered their heads and looked down," Xiao Xiao spoke a little faster: "The dark thing below us is not land, but clouds. I guess there is a high probability that we will pass through cumulonimbus clouds... If there is no thunder and lightning by then

Come over, I will crush the turtle shell in my arms and eat it into my stomach."

Zheng Qing immediately lowered his head and looked down.

Sure enough, the darkness he thought was the ground was becoming clearer and clearer as he continued to fall. The rolling clouds were like a roaring sea, rolling and roaring beneath his feet.


Jiang Yu's whisper came to his ears, and Zheng Qing knew what she was surprised about.

During the moment when several hunters from the Forgiveness Hunting Team were communicating, a classmate with the fastest landing speed - vaguely the figure that just passed by Zheng Qing - had already crashed through the thick clouds and was trying to penetrate the clouds.

And passed.

At the gap opened by him, several slender silvery-white lightnings silently entangled themselves.

Behind the gap, the sea of ​​clouds rolled, easily covering up this scene. Just like pebbles falling into quicksand or raindrops hitting the water, the classmate disappeared in an instant.

Many people saw this scene.

This chapter has been completed!
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