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Chapter 49 The Quails

 "I knew the school wouldn't let us get there so easily!"

Fatty Xin's frightened and angry voice rang in his ears: "Thunder cloud layer? Does the school think we are great wizards who need to survive the tribulation? Why don't they just use thunder spells to kill us!"

"It's not just the thunder clouds," Zhang Jixin's slightly anxious voice continued: "My intuition tells me that there must be some obstacles below the clouds!"

"You two have so much fat on your body, are you still afraid of being struck by lightning?"

Compared with the two wizards, Li Meng seemed extra courageous, and there was a bit of eagerness in his chirping voice: "As for the clouds, there might be a group of big man-eating birds... just like the ones that jumped up last semester.

Those Shattucks on the pedestrian street! Although they look ugly, they must be exciting to ride!"

"Shut up." Jiang Yu scolded weakly.

Listening to the noise of his teammates, Zheng Qing subconsciously increased the supply of magic power to the flying spell - before this, due to the thin air, the two pairs of mayfly feathers behind the wizard could not fully support him to stay at high altitude, even if

Using the flying spell, the whole person was still falling downwards at an extremely high speed.

However, compared to when he was thrown out of the cabin, the flying spell allowed the young wizard to better control his posture and slightly slow down his landing speed.

The huge magic power was like a flood that opened, pouring out along the spell of the Flying Spell. After receiving this huge magic power, the magic power that originally enveloped Zheng Qing's body was like a fire that had been poured with oil, and suddenly increased several times in size.

, together with the two pairs of mayfly feathers extending from the shoulder blades behind Zheng Qing, also increased several times.

Although there is no such term as "flying bricks with great force" in the magic world, there is a similar saying - as long as the magic power is enough, any miracle can be achieved - although the air pressure at high altitude is extremely low, but with the support of abundant magic power, Zheng Qing can

The body's rapid fall was immediately restrained.

Similar to him, the other students were not idiots. Just for a moment, the empty sky became a little noisy. One after another, huge magical afterbirths bloomed at the edge of Zheng Qing's sight, and everyone no longer grudged the energy in their bodies.

With some magic power, I tried to control the speed of my fall.

Due to this accident, the Exoneration Hunting Team gathered together earlier than expected.

"I always thought we had passed through the clouds." Zheng Qing tried hard to recall the wet and cold feeling when he just fell out of the cabin, and shuddered subconsciously: "I mean, you didn't look when you just fell out of the cabin.

To the surrounding clouds? How could there be clouds below?"

He looked up.

There was nothing above the sky, not to mention the clouds, even the huge plane had long since disappeared without a trace.

"Two possibilities," Xiao Xiao shook the tail on his afterbirth clothes - he was covered with a swallow-like afterbirth clothes, and the forked swallowtail trailed behind him, as if he was wearing a slender tuxedo, which matched the book in his arms.

The black hard-shell notebook matches particularly well - a simple explanation:

"One is the magic cloud layer carried by the aircraft itself to help it park in the air; the other is the transit cloud... This means that the cloud layer we just passed through is not in the same world as the cloud layer we see under our feet now."

"The possibility of crossing the boundary cloud is very high." Jiang Yu interrupted: "Mengmeng just said that the feeling here is different from that of school... Spirit witches are very sensitive to changes in the magical environment."

The witch's afterbirth is a huge robin, with golden body, gray wings and black tail. The fluttering afterbirth shines in the sun, as if she is wearing a gorgeous neon feather coat.

"No matter what the situation is, it doesn't matter!" Zhang Jixin waved his hands anxiously and spoke quickly: "Ordinary cumulonimbus clouds are usually at an altitude of about 2,500 to 3,000 meters, and we are now..."

He looked around, as if trying to find a target.

But looking around, there was nothing all around. Except for the young wizards gathered in twos and threes, and the invisible clouds at their feet, there was only the empty sky above and the endless light cast from nowhere outside the sky.

The red-faced wizard shook his wings in frustration.

The 'Wings of Mayfly' he used is similar to the flying spells used by Xin and Zheng Qing, both related to mayflies - in fact, 'Feathers of Mayfly' and 'Wings of Mayfly' are also the most widely used flying spells in the wizarding world.

And, among the figures staying in the sky at this moment, there is a small half wizard with two pairs of transparent wings behind him.

"We are now at an altitude of more than 10,000 meters."

Xiao Xiao did not let the silence last. While fiddling with the calculation chips in his notebook, he said without raising his head: "According to the magic measurement results, my current height is 13,560."

Two meters... is in an environment of low pressure, high cold, strong wind, and lack of oxygen. Although it is protected by the magic afterbirth, the magic power is lost very quickly and cannot be maintained for long."

"...So we have to get through the clouds below as quickly as possible."

Zhang Jixin was obviously relieved: "We can't always spend huge amounts of magic power to stay in the sky. When the magic power is exhausted, we will still fall down."

"How long is the safe time left?" Zheng Qing asked directly.

Xiao Xiao dialed a few pieces of calculation chips, looked at their positions, and hesitated: "My own words, seven to ten minutes, more than ten minutes, there will be certain risks in landing after passing through the clouds... You should also be in this range.


"five minutes."

Jiang Yu decisively gave his opinion: "Li Meng is the biggest variable, so we have to leave a certain margin and the decline must start within five minutes."

"Who? Who is calling me?"

A chubby quail flapped its small wings vigorously and jumped out from under several wizards. Like an out-of-control cannonball, it hit left and right while shouting enthusiastically: "Cousin, cousin, did you see that?"

?There is a turtle dove over there! Is there such a flying spell? I also want to become a turtle dove!"

Jiang Yu glanced at her and suddenly sighed.

Zheng Qing patted her shoulder comfortingly.

A layer of pink appeared on the witch's earlobes, and the boy immediately realized his recklessness and quickly retracted his hand when the fat man next to him coughed violently.

"three minutes."

The young public-funded student raised his finger, as if he had just stretched out his hand just for this action. He looked around aimlessly and said dryly: "According to Li Meng's current situation, she will most likely not last five minutes."

Regarding this point, the other four companions had no objections and nodded in agreement.

"You can't last more than five minutes!"

The chubby quail flapped her little wings, almost touching the tip of Zheng Qing's nose. The little witch inside was full of anger: "How can I not be better than those two idiots!"

The short tail behind her tilted to the side, pointing at Fatty and Zhang Jixin.

The two wizards pretended not to see the little witch's provocation, and shrank their necks like two real quails, whispering to each other as if they were discussing some serious issue.

This chapter has been completed!
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