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Chapter 442 Another goal of the professor

 After the elective course, Gan Ning left the classroom and did not go back to the office or the laboratory. Instead, he wandered slowly to the pedestrian street and bought a pack of more than 100 flavored bullet candies at Shuangtangji. He smacked the strange ones in his mouth while

The smell, while slipping into the wandering bar.

On Wednesday evening, there were still very few students in the Wandering Bar.

On the contrary, many young faculty and staff from the school gathered together in twos and threes, holding their own wine glasses, whispering to each other, and looking at every figure who entered the door with a careful look.

Some of them are spies from the school, some are just here to drink, some are looking for an affair, and of course, more of them are here to inquire about scrap information and purchase certain magic materials that are difficult to obtain through formal channels. Regardless of the purpose,

Wandering wizards can always treat everyone equally and provide corresponding services based on the amount of gold the other party has.

Gan Ning strongly suspected that if a spy was willing to provide enough gold, the wandering wizard would not mind selling every living thing in the bar except for him - including the light bugs hanging under the ceiling.

Therefore, he has always had reservations about the professor choosing this "notorious" dark wizard as his partner. Every time he comes to the wandering wizard's shop, he always becomes more vigilant.

"A glass of golden siren, thank you."

The young lecturer knocked on the bar. The tall, multi-armed bartender behind the bar quickly grabbed a bottle of Kraken Rum and a bottle of Amber Light from the wine rack, then crushed a lemon and mixed them with the clear wine.

The fire dragon egg whites are mixed together and poured into a cup full of magic.

White waves, blue base, and drops of golden amber light like a siren swirling and chasing in the cup, filled with a sense of urgency.

"Your guest is on the second floor." The multi-armed waiter calmly pushed the glass of wine in front of the young wizard and asked in a very soft voice: "Do you need to add some honey?"

"no thanks."

Gan Ning didn't like the taste of the contents in the cup that was too soft, so he refused politely but firmly. He threw a hundred-flavored bullet candy into his mouth, then picked up his golden siren from the bar, turned around, and quietly walked to the second

Go upstairs.

The melodious and leisurely blues flow from the morning glory hanging from the ceiling, as if mocking every wizard who walks into this bar——

"...Lilith came in in the evening,

Holding the contract of silence in my hand,

She is wearing a red dress,

flowing like blood,

As hot as magma,

She holds an hourglass full of time,

Then tell me, one day, you..."

Gan Ning did not hear what Lilith said at the end. When he opened the door and entered the fixed small private room, the hustle and bustle of the wandering bar was immediately shut out.

In addition to Professor Monteria, there were two other wizards in the room - one of them was the owner of the bar, and the other was a gray-haired wizard who looked both old and young, giving people a strange contradiction.


When Gan Ning walked into the room, he happened to hear the professor's last words: "...Believe me, no one wants to bring things to this level."

There is no doubt about this.

Just like what the professor said at the beginning, the crows have only one ultimate goal, which is to collect part of Zhu Si's blood that contains the concept of the "Philosopher's Stone".

However, because the target's identity was too sensitive, in order to confuse the fortune-tellers in their subsequent tracing, the professor had to contact other collaborators to increase the variables in the fortune-telling as much as possible.

And each collaborator has their own goal - the Lich in the Withered Land wants to conduct a practical test on the modified bodies in the laboratory, the people in the Dark Council want to test the situation of the Rat Immortal, and the Moon Council simply wants to

Contact was made with the Rat Immortal, and some unidentified radicals clamored to burn a young man to death - which caused this interconnected plan to accidentally become larger and more confusing.

Noticing the young man entering the door, the two guests of the professor fell silent in unison. The wandering wizard nodded slightly to Gan Ning and gradually disappeared from the spot. The other gray-haired wizard put on his hood and silently turned around and left the room.

The moment he passed by, Gan Ning smelled a strong smell of La Plata water, which is a neutralizing agent commonly used in alchemy, so he immediately thought of a name.

"I'm glad you're safe."

Professor Monteria nodded slightly to his apprentice and went straight to the point: "Now, tell me the details of what happened that day..."

Similar to Zheng Qing, Gan Ning also just finished the school's health and safety assessment at noon today; but unlike the students, as a faculty member of First University, he does not need to sign a strict silence contract, and therefore,

Only he can bring the professor first-hand witness materials from the scene.

Upon hearing the professor's request, the lecturer of magical biology was silent for a moment and did not speak immediately.

After a pause, he asked as if to verify: "Professor, if I remember correctly, you gave up the idea of ​​using the power of the stars to reconcile the blood of demons a long time ago... Why did you release these failed experiments this time?


This was something he had never thought about.

If you just want to disturb the fortune teller, there are more and better choices besides Starry Sky. Whether it is the Withered Land or the Dark Parliament, they are both good scapegoats.

But the starry sky?

Except for madmen, no normal wizard would deal with them.

Professor Monteria glanced at the young wizard in surprise, turned the wine glass in his hand thoughtfully, paused, and then slowly said: "No experiment is meaningless, and failed experiments also have their own value... The meaning of the starry sky

It lies in its elusive nature, and my other goal is also very elusive."

"Do you want to recruit Zheng Qing to join your laboratory?"

Gan Ning finally expressed a thought that had been swirling in his heart for a long time: "I noticed the magic lines you left on the skin of that ogre experimental subject... Those magic lines once made classmate Zheng Qing very obsessed..."

When confronting the monster, he clearly felt that the young publicly funded student next to him was experiencing some kind of temptation. Professor Monteria seemed to clearly show his path in front of the publicly funded student.

"You are still the young man you were before, as sharp as ever."

The professor nodded appreciatively and did not deny: "Yes, no matter in terms of blood or strength, that child can bring great help to our cause... Of course, I don't expect that a few beautiful magic patterns can help

He was sincerely convinced...but as I just said, this goal is very elusive, and I am willing to add a little bit of insignificant uncertainty to this huge uncertainty."

This chapter has been completed!
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