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Chapter 443 Nothing can't be changed

 The young magical biology lecturer opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but suddenly closed his mouth again, but his expression was much darker.

Whether he was using the power of the stars to harmonize the demon bloodline or trying to drag his student into the crow, the methods seemed a bit radical.

Professor Monteria glanced at him and seemed to have guessed the word in his mind: "There is no point in panicking because you are too radical."

"But you said that everything has meaning." Gan Ning murmured, squeezing the sugar bag in his hand.

The professor shook his head: "Darkness is not as dangerous as you think... A small thought in our mind spreads out, gets lost in the sea of ​​souls, and sees sights we have never seen before. This is not depravity... it is just...

Exhaust its instinct of exploration...and then create new sparks with thinking. This is beneficial to our work."

"But where that thought arrives and what it creates may become the poison that kills us." The young wizard raised his voice slightly and immediately denied himself: "No, it's not possible... it's certain. It will definitely turn into poison! You

I have also said that any thoughts that go into darkness will completely corrupt the original clear soul when it returns. This is a fact that no matter how much snake oil you apply and how much Lourdes holy water you pour, it cannot change."

Snake oil is a common elixir used by old-school wizards, and Lourdes' holy water has miraculous effects on pollution from the stars.

Professor Monteria let out a strange laugh.

The young wizard looked at him in shock.

"There is no fact that cannot be changed, day or night, light or dark,"

The professor restrained his smile, his attitude was gentle, and his words were meaningful. There was a hint of relief and a hint of reminder in his tone, and he repeated what he just said: "...There is nothing that cannot be changed. Glory, status, wealth, everything.

It's all just a matter of a moment. Only truth can bring eternity... This is my biggest gain on the battlefield of Black Prison... Don't forget our goal. What we want to take is a dead end that has not been taken by our predecessors.

So any method that can help us clear the way is worth sparing no effort or trying."

As he spoke, he made a series of strange and melodious sounds, like the chirping of birds and insects, and then the sound returned to normal again:

"...This is a proverb in the ancient Atlantean priest language, which means 'Where no one has gone, that is where the truth exists'... And the exploration of the unknown will always require the help of the unknown."

The professor said similar words more than once.

It relieves his anxiety every time, but today the effect is not that great.

The young lecturer forced a smile and said, "...it's strange that the school's General Knowledge Formation failed to translate what you just said...I've never seen anything like this before."

"The Universal Knowledge Array will only translate languages ​​that are grammatically complete and still have vitality."

The professor sighed softly: "A dead language like Atlantean Priestly Language with only a few fragments left is not used by anyone, so naturally it will not be included in it."


A few short chirps of insects interrupted the chatter in the room.

The two wizards raised their heads and looked in the direction from which the insect chirping came. Under the ceiling, they saw a light bug hanging on a vine struggling to flap its wings.

But it was too old, and its wings had curled up and degenerated into two pieces of cotton rope-like existence. Even if it tried its best, it could not find the magic power that made it fly.

Neither of them spoke, and they watched quietly as the firefly inflated its belly before death, emitting a bloody orange-red light.

Then the light became darker and fainter, as if the afterglow of the setting sun was gradually sinking below the horizon, and like a candle that was about to burn out its wax.

When the last ray of light dissipated, the light bug died.

Other fireflies swarmed up, swarming around, and sent the dead fireflies deep into the swarm. The lecturer of magical biology knew that according to the ancient tradition of the fireflies, the dead fireflies would be buried in a secret place.

corner, following nature's rituals, and returning to the bellies of its companions.

Then, a young light bug staggered up the vine, occupying the previous position of the dead light bug, vibrating its wings, making a sweet sound from its mouthparts, its belly bulged slightly, and shed a soft and bright light.

These rays of light dispelled most of the gloom on the young wizard's face.

"The hired hunters of Wandering Bar are not good partners."

Gan Ning finally turned his attention back to business and restarted the topic that should have been started a long time ago: "They did not abide by the contract and wanted more. I think this contempt for the rules may be the main factor that caused them to eventually lose control...


He described in detail what he saw and heard during this mission.

They didn't talk about the Sin Hunting Team, Zheng Qing, the young wizard's powerful rune gun and the mysterious and powerful magic he could use. They just focused on the primary goal of this mission.

"...the mission target was easily captured, and there was no unexpected interference - including the school and her father, who did not appear - I think three possibilities exist, one is that her father is in the advanced stage

There is no time to take into account the key nodes; one is that our preventive measures in advance are effective and can cause a certain degree of interference to the existence of the legend; the other is that the mission launch time is advanced, which is beyond our plan and certainly beyond the expectation of those interferences.



There was an unfathomable expression on Professor Monteria's face: "Actually, this is what I care about the most. Even if several legends in the school leave Phuket Island, there is still plenty of energy left to send some great wizards into the Silent Forest, but

They kept quiet..."

"Perhaps it's because the existence that came that day was too dangerous?" Gan Ning thought of the huge palm falling from the sky and murmured with more than enough heart.

"Maybe." The professor was noncommittal and skipped the topic: "What about other matters? Is there anything else we need to pay attention to?"

The young wizard hesitated for a few seconds.

"After the target lost blood, his body returned to his juvenile form... This change was not what we expected."

"Well, is there anything else?"

"There are also those hired hunters. In addition to losing the prosthetic bodies we provided, their bodies may also be contaminated by the starry sky."

"Hunter for hire?"

There was a trace of coldness on the professor's face: "There is a saying in the Gospel of Matthew - if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better to lose one of your bodies than to have your whole body go to hell - not to mention, they are still there

It’s not our left and right hands, it’s just a pair of gloves at best.”

This chapter has been completed!
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