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Chapter 666 A small misunderstanding

Zheng Qing was a little uneasy throughout the whole magic class.

He felt that Professor Monteria must have regretted recommending him as a teaching assistant. Otherwise, why would he have looked at him more times during class, with his eyes full of blame?

Fortunately, he is now a transparent person and can pretend that he does not exist.

Yes, transparent person.

Zheng Qing, who had experienced many battles, was keenly aware of the coming doubts and uproar before the storm of public opinion arose. He wisely chose the same plan as he used to deal with the 'Su Shijun incident' last year, and began to act as an invisible man.

The advantage of doing this is that he can focus more on that scary new class schedule with many subjects; but the disadvantage is that it adds a new rumor in the school - the strength of a certain well-known senator

Under the operation, a young public-sponsored student in his sophomore year is about to receive an honorary diploma from the First University. He can be recognized by the school without registering for the wizard assessment, and can get a formal teaching position that many outstanding graduates yearn for. Recently, someone has stopped taking classes.

The best proof.

When he heard this kind of rhetoric for the first time, Zheng Qing had a smile on his face, but his heart was unmoved.

He has become desensitized to rumors of this magnitude.

But there is a difference between being a transparent person and being truly transparent. As two vice-deans of the Edge College recommended him at the same time, the dean of Jiuyou College informed him that even a teaching assistant recognized by First University could not be truly transparent.

Originally, he thought that the magic text class was over and immediately asked Professor Monteria for instructions on the syllabus. However, after the class ended, the platform was immediately crowded with a group of enthusiastic young wizards - some of whom were asking questions that they did not understand in class.

content, or questions about after-class exercises; but more people are curious about the newly established college.

Even at the door of the classroom, there were many curious people who came after hearing the news.

Professor Monteria is one of the few places where everyone can get first-hand information.

Seeing that the people around him would not leave for a while, Zheng Qing had no choice but to take a time conversion course first.

On Tuesday afternoon, there was a lesson on the cryptic text on the foot of a talisman, focusing on the content of the end of a talisman. For Zheng Qing, this was a rare and easy course. After the class, the lecturer on the stage had just left, and he

He rushed out of the classroom, ran all the way, and waited at the door of the office building in advance for Professor Monteria who had not finished class yet.

The classroom for the Rune Foot Cipher Text class is on the first floor of the teaching building.

Advanced magic texts are on the second floor of the teaching building.

Because the two classes ended at the same time, theoretically, Zheng Qing must have arrived at the office before Professor Monteria. This was also the case. When he nibbled on his third bacon sandwich at the door of the office, his expression was stern, his temples

The gray professor Shi Shiran returned to the teaching building.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Zheng Qing felt that Professor Monteria smiled at him.

This must be an illusion, the boy told himself in his heart - he once worked as an assistant in Professor Monteria's laboratory, and knew that this stern old wizard almost never smiled.

"Thanks for your hard work."

This was the first thing the professor said to Zheng Qing, and the young wizard was immediately moved.

At the same time, the boy also noticed that compared to the situation when they met at the Qingqiu Mansion some time ago, the illusory feeling that seemed to be near but actually far away around Professor Monteria was almost gone.

In my impression, it took Kolma several months to get over the abnormality after the advancement.

This is probably the difference between senior registered wizards and those who are lucky enough to advance.

"It's not hard, it's not hard."

While the above thoughts flashed through Zheng Qing's mind, he struggled to swallow the sandwich in his mouth, choked to death, and looked extremely embarrassed: "You...you know I'm waiting for you here? I mean..."

"I just met Professor Yi when I went downstairs. He suggested that I go back to the office and find someone."

Professor Monteria pushed open the office door, motioned for the boys to come in, and then hung the pointed hat on the hanger at the door: "If he hadn't reminded me, I would have gone to the Sakura Tavern by now... Well, I probably guessed your

What’s the purpose of your visit... Clear tea? Black tea? Sorry, these are the only two drinks in the office... I heard from Lao Yao that you have classes in the evening, so thank you for your hard work."

Accompanying these words, which sounded casual but were actually compact, two glasses filled with different drinks clinked in front of Zheng Qing, splashing water, but miraculously not a drop of tea spilled out.

Like two highly skilled acrobats.

The young wizard respectfully took the cup of green tea.

"It's not hard, it's not hard..." He repeated these words indistinctly like a repeater. He took a few sips of tea and finally felt that his throat was no longer so blocked.

Since there was only one hour of rest between afternoon classes and evening classes, he had to seize every minute and every second, including dinner, which he had asked Fatty Xin to help buy in advance.

"Hard work is hard work, don't do this to your body."

Professor Monteria suddenly stopped, turned around, and pinched Zheng Qing's arms and shoulders twice. His blue-grey eyes stared at the young wizard in front of him like an eagle eye, looking up and down: "I found something abnormal.


The muscles in Zheng Qing's arms tensed subconsciously, and the glass in his hand immediately made an inaudible cracking sound. He blinked, a little embarrassed on his face.

He knew that the cup in his hand seemed to be in good condition, but it was broken inside. It would probably break when he was making tea, and the elves would be covered with glass shards.

Professor Monteria raised his eyebrows, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but it disappeared immediately.

"No, there is nothing unusual." Zheng Qing hugged the tea cup, his aura suddenly became cautious, and murmured: "Hug, I'm sorry, Professor, I didn't mean it..."

"But it's much better than before, right."

The professor waved happily, and the door of a standing cabinet in the distance opened with a roar, and rows of shiny laboratory tools flew out from the cabinet, like a group of little angels with open wings: "Same as last time in Qingqiu Mansion

Compared to this time, at least you didn't crush the cup directly. This is a very gratifying progress, isn't it? So, do you want to do a further inspection this time? Indeed, compared with the outside, the school's inspection conditions

It’s better, and the inspections we can do are more comprehensive.”

Zheng Qing slowly realized that Professor Monteria seemed to have misunderstood his purpose.

At the same time, out of the corner of his eye, he also noticed that among the experimental supplies flying out of the cabinet in neat rows, there were dozens of knives of different models, large and small. His eyes widened as he looked at them.

The two streams were fighting, and the image of himself lying on the experimental table being sliced ​​into small pieces suddenly appeared in his mind.

This chapter has been completed!
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