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Chapter 667: The Science of Mo Lu and the Science of Yin Fu

"...Since we are in school, we can take it seriously this time and check it carefully."

Professor Monteria casually picked up a small knife and pulled out several beautiful knife flowers between his fingers. His attitude was kind and his tone was friendly: "Theoretically, intruders with their own 'behavioral logic' will not reveal their traces easily, so

Don’t expect that you can dig out the beans in one or two inspections... But just like the words of Alfred White that I quoted before - inferior blood will conflict with the body, and excellent blood will conflict with the body.

It will help the body remove impurities, and the great bloodline will ignite the fire of potential and melt all the principles in the world - I still believe that your body has a great power that even you don't know, and it has truly melted that bean into you.

part of..."

Looking at Professor Monteria, whose eyes were shining and he was talking endlessly, Zheng Qing finally remembered the reason why he came.

"Ah...I'm sorry, Professor, this is not why I'm looking for you!"

The young teaching assistant took a step back in horror, waved his hands repeatedly, and spoke very fast. He was afraid that he would be disemboweled if he slowed down, so he even forgot to use honorifics:

"I came to you because of that teaching plan! I am a teaching assistant for the Talisman class at Edge College! I don't know how to write a teaching plan, and I have no teaching experience! So... Professor Yao asked me to talk to you before class on Thursday.

The thing...isn't that Copper Bean...it has nothing to do with Copper Bean!"

He tried his best to explain clearly the purpose of his visit, and tried to restrain his eyes from looking at the shining knives.

The professor's hand raised in mid-air froze slightly.

"Ah, that thing."

He was obviously a little disappointed, and turned back to the desk - the experimental equipment seemed to have sensed the owner's mood, and flew feebly back to the cabinet - and then waved his hand happily: "Sit down, you also sit down, since you are here

When it comes to teaching plans, then we are colleagues, don’t be restrained like students..."

Perhaps he also felt that his performance just now was a bit embarrassing, and he struggled to squeeze out a smile from his usually stern expression, but this did not make Zheng Qing feel at ease at all, but made him feel even more horrified.

After realizing that he was not suitable for this expression, Professor Monteria quickly stopped smiling and spoke slightly faster: "...As for teaching, no one is born to be a professor. Originally, a teaching assistant was the most junior teaching position.

Assistant professors work. You are appointed as a teaching assistant because your understanding and mastery of basic talismans is excellent and you are able to meet the initial teaching requirements of Fringe College.

I might as well tell you in advance that this semester, Edge College will not recruit other real professors for the time being. I have discussed with Colma and the members of the joint meeting that during the preparatory stage, the school's teaching assistants will be responsible for their teaching

...Well, wasn't your class's volunteer service on Thursday also arranged to help out at Fringe College?

In fact, I initially thought that it would be enough to ask the students to provide support, not even teaching assistants. Whether it is Northern District wizards, Gypsy witches, or other fringe wizards, their foundations are very, very weak, and the basics that ordinary students can master

Sexual knowledge is enough for them to learn for a long time. But Kolma feels that if a college feels 'irregular' when it is first established, it will be very difficult to change everyone's perception in the future. I think her

The idea makes sense..."

Professor Monteria introduced in a few words some of the details before and after the preparations for Fringe College. Zheng Qing was like a chicken pecking at rice, nodding his head and trying to analyze it.

Although these details cannot directly tell him how to teach, they can give him a clear understanding of the educational planning of the entire marginal college.

"...So, in principle, I suggest that you start with the most basic talisman format. For example, what is a talisman head, what is a talisman gall, what is a talisman foot; such as the cutting of talisman paper, the mixing of cinnabar; and the final example

Basic spirit-sealing techniques, etc."

At this point, Professor Monteria paused and then changed the topic: "By the way, have you talked to Ms. Colma about this matter? What does she think?"

"I just flew over the paper crane in the afternoon and made an appointment to meet." Zheng Qing was quite surprised when he answered, because he only remembered the matter again in the afternoon: "Vice Dean Kolma asked me to go to Beijing after the evening class today.

Look for her..."

It's nine o'clock when evening classes end.

When he thought about having to go all the way to the North District after a day of classes, Zheng Qing felt really tired and couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh.

Professor Monteria, who was behind the desk, touched his chin and said thoughtfully: "After evening classes? Well... here are some standard teachings for the teaching assistant group, you can take them for reference... I still say the same thing

, you are free to teach however you want. In view of the uneven level of students, the college currently does not have a clear teaching syllabus. Don’t have too much psychological pressure.”

These last few sentences were probably what comforted Zheng Qing the most in this conversation.

The evening class is a lesson on ink.

The ink urn is a talisman with black ink calligraphy and painting, which is opposite to the nature of another type of alchemy calligraphy. The ancients said that the color of the alchemy book is red, and the bright fire dominates the yang; the ink urn is black, and the bright water dominates the yin.

The general idea is that red is yang and black is yin.

When writing ordinary talismans, there will be two variations of 'yin and yang' according to the differences in day and night, cold and heat, morning and evening, life and death, as well as the identity of the writer's male and female, the height difference when drawing the talisman, and the masculine runes are divided.

There are three formats of feminine runes and ordinary runes. Among them, the effects of ordinary runes are quite satisfactory, and using appropriate runes with yin and yang properties according to the environment and other conditions will have the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort.

The runes learned in this lesson of Ink Ribbon Learning are almost the same as ordinary runes. It is probably that there are one or two more twists and turns in the talisman, the ink rim at the foot of the rune is shorter, the alchemy book is longer, etc. The only difference is

In the subtleties.

But in addition, the more content of this class is to teach under what circumstances it is best to use ink baskets, under what conditions you can use ink baskets, and there are several ways to mix ink in calligraphy and painting ink baskets, which will also include some yin and yang changes.

and reconcile.

Monday night's Yin Fu Science is a different concept.

It needs to be emphasized here that Yin runes and Yin runes are two completely different concepts.

If the runes written on yellow paper such as Molu Danshu are "yang symbols", they are runes with a structure of head, gallbladder and foot; then "yin symbols" are a kind of "heart symbol",

Talismans performed through certain rituals such as Gang Steps, Mudras, Spells, and Secret Texts.

Just like the Dharma book has replaced the secret formula and the magic wand.

With the development of modern magic theory, few people use the heart talismans, which are rooted in master-disciple and occult theories. In the entire wizarding world, perhaps only the First University can completely preserve and pass on these ancient skills from the past.


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