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Chapter 2650 Arrangement (Part 2)

If it weren't for Xiao Xiao's last words of advice, Zheng Qing would have really planned to find Jiang Yu halfway.

In his opinion, if Jiang Yu is willing to take in these elves, it would be more suitable than putting them in Qingqiu Mansion.

On the one hand, Su Shijun's identity is relatively sensitive - this sensitivity is purely related to the relationship between men and women - although Zheng Qing does not have the courage to actually cut off with the senator lady, but in this matter, he skipped Jiang Yu and asked Qingqiu for help

The mansion gave him an inexplicable feeling that he was really a scumbag.

Especially when the three great elves were happily shouting the word "Zha Zha" in his ears.

On the other hand, it is also because Jiang Yu has been helping Zheng Qing organize the elves since the beginning of their treatment. Whether it was initially going to Beta Town to visit Dr. Duzem, or later providing beautiful paper houses for the elves,

She has always cared about these little guys and provided a lot of help, so now that they have successfully transformed, he wants to share this surprise with her.

In addition, Zheng Qing also has a little selfishness.

The elves are very capable of assisting in daily life. I think it will be even better after becoming a big elf. Jiang Yu has thirty classes per week this semester. If these elves can help her every day, it will definitely save her a lot.

Energy. In addition, she had just given herself a furry dragon bracelet not long ago, so handing these big and small elves to her was considered a return gift in a sense.

However, even though I have thought about it a lot.

But out of respect for the fortune teller of the Forgiveness Hunting Team and the time factor, Zheng Qing did not go to the girls' dormitory in the end, but went straight out of the school gate and came to Qingqiu Mansion.

Fortunately he did.

When Zheng Qing came to Qingqiu Mansion, Su Shijun was not at home, and it was Su Ya who opened the door for him. Zheng Qing did not see Bo Saidong, but he noticed Maodou wagging his tail at him in the small garden behind the fence, so he

I guess the little fox may be playing in the yard catching flower sperm or grass sperm.

Cross the stream in front of the door.

Zheng Qing immediately removed the invisibility charms hanging on the bodies of several great elves.

Before he could speak, Su Ya's two furry ears suddenly popped out of her hair, and at the same time, her big tail also fell out of her skirt with a roar.

"You and Miss have given birth to three more babies? Or have they already transformed?" she screamed, completely ignoring how many gossipy glances her exclamation instantly attracted from the porch windowsill.

Zheng Qing was stunned by these two rhetorical questions.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'm warning you not to talk nonsense!"

He looked at the fox maid angrily, then raised his head and looked around, quite panicked: "Don't listen to her nonsense... This is slander! She slandered me!"

Zheng Qing didn't know what the other maids in the mansion were thinking, but the expression of Maodou, who was wagging her tail and tilting her head, made Zheng Qing feel a little worried.

At the same time, Poseidon, wearing a beautiful little skirt, also jumped out of the garden, with a screaming flower sperm lying on his head and a few dead leaves on his tail. He rushed towards several big elves excitedly.


"Isn't it with the young lady?"

Su Ya instantly understood the reason for the wizard's rebuttal, and then used her walnut-sized brain to come up with a logical answer: "...That means you betrayed the lady with other naughty foxes? You betrayed the lady!"

She jumped back, raised her ears, and pointed her righteous words at the guest who was standing alone at the door.


A white figure jumped past the fox maid.

Bosai slammed into Zheng Qing's arms with a "dong" sound, making his already depressed heart even more clogged. But the little fox didn't know it, squeaking, patting his chest with his paws, and happily matching the one beside Zheng Qing.

The big elves greeted each other like elder sisters.

The three big elves tugged on Zheng Qing's clothes and looked at this beautiful garden with curious and timid eyes. The beautiful fox maid in front of them and the little fox who was greeting them felt inexplicably close to them.

The elves who came with them were originally hanging on them in twos and threes, but when frightened by Bose Dong, they fluttered their wings and hovered in the air for several weeks before falling down again in fear, but they were even more hidden.

A little bit.

"Scumbag!" Su Ya's tone became more severe.

Her accusation seemed to shock the great elves.

The three great elves subconsciously took a step back, holding Zheng Qing's hand tighter and tighter, and at the same time, they unanimously uttered the nickname that Zheng Qing hated -



"Hug, scum~!"

Su Ya looked at Zheng Qing with disdain, as if she had obtained some ironclad evidence.

From the corner of his eye, Zheng Qing saw Bo Saidong lying in his arms, greeting left and right with an excited face, and suddenly felt very tired.

"How many times have I told you, don't call me 'Zhazha', call me 'Brother Qing' or 'Brother Zheng'." He looked at the three big elves hiding behind him with a tired look, feeling the warnings all the way.

Completely in vain.

Then he looked at Su Ya again and denied it very firmly: "Also, stop talking nonsense..."

"She's not talking nonsense."

A familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ears. At the same time, including Su Ya, the maids of the mansion all around bowed to welcome the return of the mansion owner. Maodou disappeared without a trace in an instant and hid in Zheng Qinghuai.

The smile on Bo Saidong's face froze, his head lowered, and he got into Zheng Qing's arms, pretending not to hear Su Shijun's voice.

On the other hand, the flower sperm lying on her head was trembling with fear, as if it might stop breathing at any moment.

Zheng Qing turned his head in shock and looked at Su Shijun.

The owner of Qingqiu Mansion did not know when he appeared beside him. He touched the head of one of the big elves with a smile. He seemed to be aware of the wizard's confusion and wrote lightly: "Don't you think they look a little bit like me?"

Is it like that? It’s not entirely her fault that Su Ya looks bad.”

Zheng Qing's open mouth slowly closed, his eyes wandering between the great elf and Su Shijun.

Then his mouth opened again bit by bit unconsciously.

Originally, he just thought that these big elves were very beautiful, and they were very familiar with their beauty - in his opinion, ugly monsters each have their own ugliness, and beautiful people are all equally beautiful, so there is no need to care about this kind of thing - but now he carefully

By comparison, he suddenly realized that the familiarity was due to the fact that there were undoubtedly some similarities between their eyebrows and Su Shijun's.

Even the aura of the great elves has a vague feeling of Qingqiu maids.

When they were elves, their faces were only the size of fingernails and their appearance was not clear. But when they grew up, their eyebrows and eyes were clear, and the similarities in their faces were revealed.

"This is impossible..." The wizard's voice was a little hard.

"Why is it impossible?" Su Shijun glanced at him, and his tone was not reproachful, but just a little curious: "Have you really forgotten the origins of these elves?"

(End of chapter)

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