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Chapter 2780 Do you want to add a name?

Early last month.

That is the time of Qingming Festival.

During that time, Zheng Su Yiersan had just transformed into a big elf, and was sent to Qingqiu Mansion by Zheng Qing. Talking about this matter in dormitory 403, Xiao Xiao proposed to write based on the observation records of the elves during their transformation.

A paper can not only preserve a precious archive, but also bring a perfect end to the unfortunate fate of these little guys.

Zheng Qing is incompetent.

The premise is that he does not need to write this paper.

To be honest, with his class schedule and teaching assistant tasks this semester, he really doesn't have much time and energy to participate in another big paper assignment.

Correspondingly, Xiao Xiao's idea of ​​Zheng Qing's second work being credited was also declined by him.

After all, they are all children who have not yet emerged from the ivory tower.

Want face.

Back to business.

Because they were just chatting that day, Zheng Qing turned around and forgot about the matter. In the next few weeks, it was the school's spring hunting season, midterm exams, and being kidnapped by Thomas, etc., etc.

One bad thing after another overwhelmed the young teaching assistant classmate, and he even completely forgot what Xiao Xiao said casually that day.

Therefore, when he saw that Xiao Xiao had written a paper on a thick roll of parchment today, he was shocked.

"——Just sorting out and summarizing some information, it's not that difficult."

The fortune teller of the Forgiveness Hunting Team modestly adjusted his glasses, paused for a few seconds, and then added quite reservedly: "But I asked Sima to read her eyes a few days ago, and she felt that the content of this paper was quite groundbreaking.

Sex, so I showed it to her elders, who said she could try to submit it to the 'Alchemy' magazine..."

Before he finished speaking, a series of gasping sounds sounded in the dormitory. Not only did the fat wizard crawl out of bed, but even the fat cat Tuantuan rarely exposed his neck and looked at Xiao.


For no reason, simply because the news is so shocking.

You should know that "Alchemy" magazine is a publication on the latest research and discoveries in the field of alchemy sponsored by the International Association of Alchemists. It has published many important papers in the field of alchemy. Last year's impact factor was 95, which is the same as "Magic" of Daiichi University.

"(impact factor 597) and "Nature" (027) sponsored by the alliance are known as the three major journals in the magical world.

Of course, the term "three majors" is generally used by the International Alchemist Association - just like the First University will only say that "Magic" is the most authoritative journal in the wizarding world, the Alliance will generally say that "Magic" and "Magic" are the most authoritative journals in the wizarding world.

"Nature" is the same as the two most authoritative journals in the alliance - but no matter what, "Alchemy" is the most authoritative magazine in the field of alchemy. There is no doubt that there is no one.

In Zheng Qing's impression, most of the wizards who can publish papers in big journals like "Alchemy" have already achieved great success, and almost all of them are at the level of great wizards. A very few of them are at a lower level, and they are also outstanding geniuses.

For example, Dr. Terry Dozem.

It was because he and Professor Monteria jointly completed an important paper related to divine substances and published it in "Alchemy" that before graduation, Dr. Duzem chaired a key laboratory at First University.

, even though bad luck later led to a big fall, but after he stood up again, he immediately became an important figure in the college on the edge of First University.

And most wizards in the world are not geniuses like Dr. Duzem.

Just like Hilda.

Assistant Hilda, who was born in the Alfonso family, is considered a 'young talent' in everyone's eyes. As far as Zheng Qing knows, Hilda wrote an article about the cultivation of mutant light bugs two years ago.

The paper was published in the journal "Magical Creatures" sponsored by the Rubber Lake Institute of Magical Creatures. Because magical creatures is a relatively unknown field, the impact factor of this journal is only 1. Even so, with

Teaching assistant Hilda, who worked on this paper, has also been enjoying herself well among the teaching assistants in the past two years, and is expected to be promoted to lecturer.


Dylan, who had just climbed into bed, hung his head on the edge of the coffin. His eyes lacked focus, and his voice was filled with emotion: "If I can leave a name on "Alchemy", even if I don't get married for a hundred years, my family won't."

What are you complaining about...and you won’t just find me a zombie bride to breed with.”

Obviously, he thought about his current terrible situation.

"It's just a possibility, don't get too excited!" Fatty Xin said with a bit of sourness in his tone: "Besides, Teacher Sima is just a lecturer, how does she know the evaluation criteria of "Alchemy"..."

"So, the circle is very important."

Dylan, who was rarely serious, reminded him with sincerity: "Although Sima from the doctor's family is just a small lecturer, the Sima family is not small at all... Do you know that there is a 'Sima Institute of Magic History' at First University?

?The "History of Magic" with an impact factor of 05 is sponsored by this institute. Now, do you still think that the elders of the Sima family can't see the 'weight' of a certain article in history?"

Zheng Qing sniffed.

Suddenly I wanted to take out the hourglass, go back to a month ago, and beat myself up for refusing Dr. Xiao Da's invitation.


Face is nothing in the face of such a big honor! If you have such a big paper beside you, you can apply for graduation even if you fail two elective courses - even at First University, students who graduate normally can apply for one

Journals with an impact factor of 5 or above are considered qualified.


Enough for more than sixty people to graduate!

Just when he was feeling regretful, Xiao Xiao's question came to his ears.

"——Do you want to add names now? Before this paper is finished."

Perhaps because he was worried that everyone would lose face, Xiao Xiao added very considerately: "Don't feel any psychological pressure. Although I wrote the observation diary, the elf belongs to Brother Qing, and everyone helped before and after the transformation.

It is very reasonable to add a name... Of course, after adding a name, you all have to contribute to this paper. For example, help to search for information in the library, organize data, and collect related papers..."

Dormitory 403 fell into silence for a while.

The fat cat tugged at the corner of his mouth silently, held his paws, tilted his head, and looked at the crackling rain outside the window. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, he was still young, he would still hesitate about such a thing!

Zheng Qing could feel that the other two people seemed to be waiting for his answer.

He knew that as the master of the elves, his choices would definitely affect them. If he, the master of the elves, refused the doctor's invitation, it would naturally be difficult for others to "gassel".

After a moment of silence.

He finally shook his head——

"forget it."

This chapter has been completed!
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