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Chapter 2781 Everyone wants to be a vampire

The moment the words 'forget it' were spoken, Zheng Qing suddenly felt much more relaxed, and even the air in the dormitory seemed to become clearer.

The heavy rain outside the window stopped for a while, and a few rays of golden sunshine fell in the distance, and the world gradually became brighter.

Zheng Qing suddenly remembered a passage he heard when he first entered college as a freshman.

It was when several freshmen were discussing the four colleges. At that time, Downton, who was not yet the class president, made a very subjective summary of the characteristics of the students of Jiuyou College - the most fundamental reason for distinguishing Jiuyou College from other colleges is '

Pride', pride flowing in the blood, pride buried in the heart, pride imprinted in the depths of the soul.

Unknowingly, he seemed to have turned into a real Nine Guys.

"——Just hang up the second game, don't have any strange burdens." Dr. Xiao Da obviously did not expect Zheng Qing to reject his suggestion again, and there was a trace of helplessness on his face: "After all, you are one of those little elves.

Master, it is very reasonable to sign the paper..."

"Since they have successfully transformed, they are free, so don't use the word 'master' anymore." The boy corrected him very seriously.

"Your statement is really contradictory."

The fat wizard scratched his chin and said with a hint of concern in his tone: "While talking about 'freedom', he also gives 'equality' to the elves... He is really both an Alpha and a Nine... I have never seen you like this."

Freedom is the slogan of Alpha, and equality is the principle of Jiuyou. From this perspective, Zheng Qing's decision is indeed as full of entanglement as his words.

Xiao Xiao turned to look at the fat wizard who had just spoken.

"The second one for you?" He changed his target.

The fat wizard smacked his mouth, as if he had a sour plum candy in his mouth. After a long while, he shook his head with difficulty, sighed and refused: "No need... My alchemy score is just like that, even if I get a "Alchemy"

There is no point in the second work. If you are an article in a major journal such as "Crucible", "Compendium of Materia Medica" or "Samadhi Fire", I will be shameless and rubbish... My future path is really different from alchemy.

You can’t rely on anyone. And you know, I’m a journalist on the side. If someone like me, who has a poor level of alchemy but just writes an article, comes out in the future, it will be too ugly, too ugly.”

Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses and couldn't help laughing.

"Oh, I still don't believe it. No one wants a second piece of "Alchemy"?" He focused on the last member of the dormitory.

Dylan's head was hanging on the edge of the coffin, and his hanging hair covered his dark red eyes like a curtain.

He did not directly reject the doctor's kindness.

Instead, he mentioned something that seemed to have nothing to do with it.

"do you know?"

Mr. Vampire Werewolf's voice was filled with emotion: "When I was a child, I often heard the words from my brothers and sisters who were in the white world - everyone wants to be a vampire - unearned power, full of physiological pleasure in eating and first love.


He shook his head.

Zheng Qing blinked with a subtle expression. Because two vampires appeared in his mind at the same time, which seemed to fit this concept, one was a vampire in the biological sense, and the other was a vampire in the capital sense.

It must be admitted that nine years of compulsory education and three years of high school study had a profound impact on the shaping of his worldview.

"So?" Xiao Xiao stroked the fine velvet on the quill, waiting for Dylan's final answer.

"So I can't be that depraved."

Mr. Vampire Werewolf lifted up the long hair that fell in front of his eyes, his eyes were a little complicated: "Only those guys with low blood, or even no blood at all, will feel how delicious the power they get for nothing... But for the real vampires, they are

A group of puppets, cannon fodder and blood packs. I think these principles are all connected."

"What the hell!"

The fortune teller of the Exoneration Hunting Team took a long breath, shook his head, and sorted out the manuscript papers on the table, but with a smile on his face: "This is the first time I heard that students from Jiuyou Academy are not allowed to publish...

…It’s eye-opening!”

Before he finished speaking, a furry paw was placed on his arm, holding down Xiao Xiao's movement of closing the parchment paper.

The wizard lowered his head and saw a fat, furry face.

The one holding out his claws is Tuantuan.

He looked at the paw in silence, and then at his parchment.

"Do you want a second game?" He asked tentatively, somewhat unsure of his own ideas.

A friendly smile immediately appeared on the fat cat's chubby face, and his paws quickly stepped into the ink cartridge next to him, and then returned with his paws, leaving a clear paw print on the parchment.

"——Cats are more active than you!" Xiao Xiao raised his head and looked at his companions with deep meaning.

Zheng Qing pouted: "I just like to be a cat, it doesn't mean that I am a cat... It's good to be a human. As the saying goes, 'people follow the earth, the earth follows the sky, the sky follows the Tao, and the Tao follows nature', this matter

Son, just let nature take its course... Well, speaking of 'Tao follows nature', the name of the journal "Nature" comes from these four words, right? What about "Magic"?"

"Magic and laws." This kind of rare knowledge is only known to Xiao Xiao.

"Where's "Alchemy"?"

"——It can't be refining gold, it should be alchemy."

"Speaking of which, even second-year students now dare to vote for "Alchemy". A few decades ago, they would have never dared to even think about it!"

Dylan, who had already laid down in the coffin again, suddenly sighed with emotion, and his voice sounded a little muffled under the suppression of the coffin board: "Look at those who have just graduated and become senators, and those who have not graduated and have become great wizards... This

The world is really getting more and more complicated, leaving ordinary people like us with no way to survive!"

"If you were an ordinary person, then all other wizards should become magicians." Zheng Qing complained.

"But when you talk about 'volume', I saw a theory in the library a few days ago that was very interesting." Xiao Xiao, who was rolling parchment, moved slightly slower, as if he was recalling the article: "—

- It probably means that 'internal scrolling is the principle of heaven and earth', which is the most natural result, so Jiuyou Academy, which advocates 'scrolling', is the academy that is most consistent with the truth."

Zheng Qing suddenly felt the same feeling as when he first heard that "time can measure everything".

He suppressed the urge to complain in his heart and continued to listen patiently.

"——From the birth of life to the birth of the world, everything in the world was born under inner scrolling." Dr. Xiao Da continued to output his violent theory: "Far, for example, the shape of galaxies is 'rolled'; near,

For example, planets are gases, rocks, dust and other impurities that begin to involute under the action of gravity, and collide with each other to form small rocks and large rocks until they become planets. From a more microscopic perspective, from the moment life is born, genes

The shape of the 'scroll' is recorded. Therefore, between heaven and earth, there is no roll, no time, no object... roll is the truth of all things."

Zheng Qing felt a little toothache.

He had reason to suspect that this violent theory was written by an unknown researcher from the relevant department, with the purpose of exploring new ways to restrain forbidden curses.

Dylan, who had been lying in the coffin for a few minutes, suddenly poked his head out again and shouted at Zheng Qing: "Oh, by the way, Brother Ganzha, when you come back, Professor An from the Academic Affairs Office of your college asked me to remind you

, the registration for the exam to register as a shape-shifting wizard starts today, I want you to go to the office early to get the registration form..."

"Get out!"

Zheng Qing was grateful for his new nickname.

ps, actually it seems better to use "Volume is the biggest truth in the world" as the title of this chapter. But I think it would be better if everyone wants to be a vampire..._(:з」∠)_That's it.

This chapter has been completed!
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