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Chapter 2782 The Eleventh Weekend

Examination is something that every No. 1 university student who is about to graduate needs to pay attention to.

Similar to 'Registered Talisman Painter' or 'Chartered Talisman Maker', wizards who master the transformation technique can also get two credits awarded by the school if they are willing to register with the alliance.

Su Shijun reminded Zheng Qing about this at the beginning of school.

Zheng Qing also included these two credits into his graduation plan early, so when he heard Professor An inform him that registration for the Transfiguration Wizard Examination had begun, he immediately felt as if the fruit had finally ripened and fallen into the basket.

"It seems obvious that the Alliance's control over the wizards is getting stronger and stronger."

Before the evening class meeting started, Zhang Jixin looked at Zheng Qing's 'Transformation Wizard Assessment Registration Form' in his hand, shook his head and commented: "In the past, wizards were extremely careful in practicing transformation, hiding everything, lest others know that they had transformed.

Now, more and more people are used to reporting to the alliance...Have you heard of a case a few years ago? It was Miss Rita of the Skeeter family of Great Britain, who had offended her enemies.

, after being transformed, he was stuffed into a drifting bottle and floated from the North Sea to the Gold Coast, almost becoming a mummy."

"Is that the witch who turned into a beetle?"

The fat wizard immediately became interested and subconsciously took out his quill and stroked it: "——The verdict of that case was also very interesting. The young wizards who taught Miss Rita a lesson claimed that they were just doing magic experiments.

They didn't know that the bug was a wizard, and the bug was not covered by the "Code", so this incident was an 'accident'; but the Skeeter family provided evidence of a conflict of interest between the two parties, trying to prove that this was

A case of intentional injury... Dan Hager finally chose to give fifty to each, believing that the young wizards had committed a crime of "negligence", and Miss Rita did not register her transformed form with the alliance, and she also had to bear half of the responsibility for the accident.

Responsibility. Since this case, the number of registered shape-shifting wizards in the alliance has increased significantly, and everyone has learned to spread the risk - or in other words, let the alliance and the "Code" bear part of the risks they may encounter after transforming..."

Zheng Qing felt drowsy after hearing this.

He didn't know why the two of them could talk so passionately about such a dry topic.

"Aren't you working as an assistant in the 'Will' office recently?" Zheng Qing poked Zhang Jixin, expressing curiosity that he came to the classroom so early today.

The red-faced wizard shrugged his shoulders.

"Summer vacation will be in less than two months," he knocked on the window, as if he wanted to remind Zheng Qing to look at the season outside: "——My brother will resign next semester, and I will most likely not have the chance.

We are competing to hire the next Lei Zhe. So there is no point in continuing to stay in that office. As for you, do you have any other plans after graduation? "

Obviously, he didn't want to continue the topic related to his brother.

"Brother Zha, isn't he a school assistant? He's already got the best golden job in the league, so what other plans are needed!" The fat wizard said with a hint of admiration in his tone.

"How did I hear that you are getting married after graduation?" Zhang Jixin quickly glanced at the front row of the classroom and pointed carefully in the direction of the west area of ​​Beta Town.

Qingqiu Mansion is located in the west area of ​​Beta Town.

Zheng Qing had quick eyesight and quick hands. The moment the word 'marriage' popped out of Zhang Jixin's mouth, he put up a soundproof barrier. Fortunately, because the next second, the fat wizard's scream stung his eardrums.

"Marry? With whom? Councilor Su or Squad Leader Jiang? There can't be anyone else! Wait, are you sure you're marrying someone?" Fatty Xin looked excited, talking nonstop, and looked at Zheng Qing,

After realizing that nothing could be found from his mouth, he immediately set his sights on Zhang Jixin: "——Where did you hear this news?"

"Everyone said so privately."

The red-faced wizard spoke vaguely, but kept glancing at Zheng Qing: "It is said that there is news in the parliament next month that Councilor Su will get married in a few months..."

"I don't know, I don't know, I haven't heard of it."

Zheng Qing kept a straight face and denied it three times, but he was a little panicked in his heart - Su Shijun did say something similar before school started, but he said it in a joking tone. Now it sounded so conclusive that he couldn't help but think about it.

——He squinted, looking at the way several of his classmates almost stretched their heads to his desk, and finally couldn't help scolding: "Just now you said that summer vacation will be in more than a month...the sophomore year is about to end.

It’s the final promotion exam, but you guys are here all day long caring about gossip, don’t you have any sense of urgency?”

"The elder said two months, how come it becomes more than a month in your mouth?" The fat wizard curled his lips silently.

"——To be precise, you still have six weeks of study time, including review. In the last week, which is the eighteenth week of school, there will be a final exam, and you have no more time to study."

On the podium, Lao Yao also reminded students in tonight's class meeting to pay attention to the time of the final exam: "The reason why I emphasize this matter so early is because in the next period of time, the focus of the school's work will be the establishment of the Edge College. This matter

It has been prepared for a long time, and I think everyone is mentally prepared. It is no exaggeration to say that this is the most important event for First University in the past few hundred years... The last time a new college was established dates back to three hundred years ago.

, the four colleges of Jiuyou, Alpha, Atlas, and Starry Sky have joined together to form the First University. Therefore, I believe that I don’t need to repeat too much about the impact and significance of the establishment of Fringe College.

Because this matter is so important, the school will become a little noisy in the next period of time - which happens to be when you are preparing for the final exam. This noise may be caused by guests from outside the school who come to attend the founding ceremony of Fringe College.

, it may be the sound of private discussions in newspapers, magazines, or even student clubs, or it may be the petty actions of some people who do not like the New College.

In any case, I hope you will not be disturbed by these noises and concentrate on your studies. You are students, and students’ main job is to study. Does the establishment of Edge College have any direct relationship with you? Yes, not much. As a member of the Nine

Students in a college should not care about the activities of other colleges. It is your responsibility to everyone to focus on the final exam.

Finally, there is one more thing I want to remind you.

Next Thursday, there will be a 'Quan Ke Lai' outside the school. It is a small-scale fair held by the aquatic magic race every year. I believe some students may have received the invitation... I only emphasize one point, pay attention to safety.

You are not an aquatic species, so there is no harm in preparing a few more gillweeds or mangosteens before going into the water."

This chapter has been completed!
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