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Chapter 2792 Cracks

The old fishman priest asked the guest when he got this oracle.

The guest replied, "I want to see it with my own eyes."

From any angle, this is a very classic 'Answer that does not answer the question', but in this smoke-filled fish skin tent, Zheng Qing's somewhat vague answer did not arouse any doubts.

None of the adult wizards present had any deviation in their understanding.

Everyone looked at the stone platform at the end of the long table - while Zheng Qing was looking at the stone platform, he also glanced at the choir composed of small fishmen. If I remember correctly, what happened next

Sacrifice requires them to sing hymns.

But at this glance, the boy's back felt a little cold.

The little fish people didn't have any trouble. They were staring at each other with big eyes and small eyes, competing with each other for endurance. What made Zheng Qing chill was that the claw-and-paw game between the two cats - the black gem cat and the white jade cat was still going on.

, but this time, there is an abrupt tail tip between the two small paws.

A green, fluffy tip of the tail.

Playing flexibly and happily between the two little paws.

The boy didn't need to 'swim up' along the tip of the tail to guess who its owner was. To be precise, this was not a guess, but a sign. He subconsciously rolled his eyes and looked at the seat.

The big fox on the other side of him saw that she still looked lazy and reserved, as if he didn't know that she had a tail that was playing games with everyone on her back.

The boy quickly withdrew his gaze, looking at his nose and nose, focusing on ending today's grueling trip to the fairgrounds as soon as possible.

"…Would you like to see it with your own eyes?"

The voice of the old fish-man priest came from across the long table. It touched the pocket that had just stuffed the jade coins, let out a long breath, and its expression changed from a philistine to a solemn one again: "——Yagnegg! Yagnegg!

Geneg! Our God!"

These words are like the bell before class or the professor's whip.

The little fish people who were staring at the little fox all stood up straight, taking small steps in an orderly manner, folding their hands in front of their stomachs, raising their heads and chests, gathering their clean and soft fins, and using crisp and ethereal words.

The voice sang——

"Agneg! Yagneg!"

"Our God!"

“Every knee shall bow before me!”

"Every tongue will confess to me..."

The old fishman grabbed the bone staff, stood up with great effort, took a breath, and slowly moved to the stone platform, then lifted up his shabby robe, revealing his bony blue-black knees, and kowtowed tremblingly in front of the stone platform.

At a certain moment, Zheng Qing was very worried that it would knock it down and never get up again.

Fortunately no such tragedy occurred.

After getting up again, the old fishman priest stroked the heavy cloak on the stone platform, muttered prayers in his mouth, and danced awkwardly and weirdly. Finally, he took the bone staff handed over by the little fishman and lifted the cloak.

Lift up, revealing the 'Yagneg' on the stone platform.

A skull resembling an octopus.

The upper part of Him is a human skull, and the lower part is crawling with eight octopus tentacles. After the cloak was lifted, the tentacles that had been 'sleeping' came to life one after another, and squirmed feebly on the stone platform.

The old priest took out a few pieces of dry moss from his sleeve.

Throwing it into the stone plates on the handrails on both sides of the stone platform, blue-black flames suddenly stood up, twisting and dancing in the stone plate, making a tiny beeping sound.

It threw in a few more animal bones and bamboo tablets.

Rich smoke immediately rose from the plate and filled the entire tent in an instant.

The old priest took a deep breath, held up Yagneg's skull, and motioned for Zheng Qing to come forward. But in front of the stone platform, it hunched its back and lowered its head, and did not immediately put the skull on the boy.

On the head.

It looked at the young wizard in front of it, its cloudy eyes seemed a little dull, but its voice had a sharpness it had never had before: "——Dear guest, I don't know where your divination comes from, and I don't know where it comes from.

I know what you want to see, and I don’t know how many lives will be involved in that whirlpool of war and blood. But I can see caution, uneasiness, and vague but firm anger in your eyes."

Having said this, it paused, and its eyes slid over the other young wizards in the tent one by one, and finally landed on the big cyan fox. It lowered its head again: "——As we all know, 'Mei' has the ability to heal the mind.

The magic power. Just like 'love'. Beauty and ugliness, love and hate, these ancient and monotonous words all have very powerful magic power. A heart full of anger can destroy the world, and similarly, a heart full of joy and forgiveness

A heart that can eliminate all sorrow and disputes..."

The young wizards in the tent exchanged glances with each other awkwardly.

No matter how much philistinism this old fish man showed before, he is after all a well-known fortune teller and the spokesperson of a totem god. No one knows how much spiritual awareness the god it worships has given it, allowing it to see.

How many terrible scenes made him say such a cautious but tactful reminder in front of a great wizard.

"whispering sound--"

The big fox opened his eyes slightly, with a hint of disdain in his tone: "Do you know who the tone of your words reminds me of? Those crows that caused trouble in school a few days ago."

As soon as the word 'crow' was spoken, except for the little fishmen and Bose Dong who were immersed in the hymn, all the wizards in the tent had serious expressions. Some people, such as Zheng Qing, even held their breath.

It's a pity that the big fox did not continue to discuss this word, and the conversation changed slightly.

"——There is always no shortage of people in the alliance who think they are saviors. Over hundreds or even thousands of years, new organizations and new groups of believers will always appear...with stupid and simple beliefs, feeling that they are different from the others.

Different. But in fact, everyone is the same."

Having said this, she took a deep look at the old fish-man priest and shook her ears: "... Same stupidity, same slowness, making the same mistakes over and over again. Do you know what the mistakes are?"

She suddenly tilted her head and looked at Zheng Qing.

The boy shook his head decisively.

"It's arrogance."

The big cyan fox stared into the boy's eyes and said softly: "Denial, atonement, and seeking forgiveness are all arrogant behaviors of the perpetrator. As the old saying goes, weakness and ignorance are not reasons to be disgusted, arrogance is.


The old priest sighed heavily again.

"Just sit on it."

It said to Zheng Qing.

Following Xiao Xiao's instructions in his memory, the wizard climbed onto the stone chair on the stone platform, took the 'Yagneg Essence' from the little fish people, held his nose and poured it into his mouth - the bowl of bright

The fish roe tastes okay.

Jiang Yu kept a straight face and said nothing like last year. But unlike last year, she didn't need to cover Bose Dong's eyes this year, because there were several big fluffy tails that did it for her.

The big cyan fox squinted his eyes and looked at the old fish man with a somewhat unhappy expression.

Before Zheng Qing could drop the small bowl in his hand, the old fish man quickly placed the skull of 'Yagneg' on his head.

The eight tentacles of the octopus skull trembled violently like an electric shock, straightened, then went limp, and then trembled again. The whole process did not last long, until a contented sigh came from the black hole in the mouth of the octopus skull:



Two completely opposite voices sounded almost at the same time.

In the dumbfounded gaze of everyone.

A subtle but deep crack appeared on the skull of Yagneg, the god worshiped by the fish people. This crack spread quickly and turned into a spider web in an instant.

This chapter has been completed!
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