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Chapter 2793 Victim

The crisp cracking sound accompanied by the spread of spider web-like cracks echoed in the fish skin tent.

Seems extremely clear.

It easily stifled the clear and ethereal voices of a dozen little fishmen, suppressed the hustle and bustle of traders outside the tent, and at the same time firmly attracted the attention of the wizards and witches in the tent.


Zheng Qing's scream came from the dark mouth of the octopus skull, short and sharp.

It put a pause on the spiderweb-like cracking sound.

Like a slug soaked in salt water, Zheng Qing slowly slid down from the large stone chair on the stage. His octopus-like skull fell with him. The eight octopus tentacles on the lower part of the skull curled up into a ball, like a ball.

It had been roasted over charcoal, and the grayish-white color had a blush, exuding a fragrance like ripe fruit.

Jiang Yu screamed and rushed forward.

Faster than her were the four big fluffy tails. They were like hunting snakes, sliding silently between the carpets, intertwining into a soft cyan blanket and spreading it under the wizard.


The old fishman priest's screams were louder and lasted longer than those of the boys. He dropped the bone staff in his hand and jumped towards the stone platform with agility that did not suit his age and image. His eyes were fixed.

'Yagneg' stared at them, as if he was planning to pluck the pale skull from the wizard's head.

But looking at the way it was gnashing its teeth, one couldn't help but wonder if it was planning to rip off the boy's head when it took off the skull sacrificial instrument.


The little fishmen in the choir were also in chaos. Most of the little fishmen were at a loss and could only hold their clean and soft fins and scream. A few were in worse condition and could not even stand firmly. They jumped from the wooden platform of the choir.

It went up and down.

The black gem cat and the white jade cat guarded Boseidong vigilantly, and the gray figure of the edamame instantly appeared in the corner of the stone platform, squatting next to Zheng Qing, with his tail between his legs and his teeth bared as he faced the old fish that was charging at him fiercely.


Although Xiao Xiao and others looked stunned, it didn't stop them from reflexively deploying the triangle battle formation, taking out the Dharma book, and then threw spells at the old fish man's head.

"Ge Zhi Tan Xi, give it to this fish!"

"Ge Zhi Tan Xi!"

"Ge Zhi Tan Xi!"

"Oracle, get out of here!"

Three light green curse lights rose from the triangular battle formation in no particular order, turning into three flexible vines of different thicknesses, twisting towards the old fish man. Then they rolled and fell amidst the old fish man's angry spell.

Returned to the triangle battle formation of the Forgiveness Hunters.

All of this happened within a few seconds after the skull was shattered.

The next second.


The half-covered fish skin tent was roughly torn apart from the outside. Almost at the same time, three figures appeared next to the stone platform, constructing a standard three-ray array - this is the advancement of the triangle battle array.

The formation of the magic circle requires more magic power support and more delicate coordination among the wizards when it is deployed. The formation of the magic circle will firmly protect the boy who fell off the stone chair, and also protect the old priest of the fishman tribe who is about to rush forward.

The bullet flew out.

"Jiebi Nanshan, Weishi Yanyan!"

"The blue bird holds the book, and the secret message is sent to the outside world!"

"The wind and rain are gone, and the birds and mice are gone!"

Three figures squeezed the spells and shouted three times in no particular order. As the curse light flickered, the phantom of a pale yellow hill suddenly fell down. At the same time, the invisible curse force spread out around, euphemistically but resolutely pushing away all the boys who tried to get closer.


Including Jiang Yu, and the big cyan fox.

At the same time, a green long-tailed bird screamed, jumped out of the three-pointed magic circle, and suddenly disappeared from everyone's sight, leaving only a clear gap in the fish-skin tent.

The owner of the tent, the old fishman priest who fell on the carpet, had no time to feel sorry for his property that was being destroyed one after another, and couldn't help but yell angrily: "You..."

As soon as these two words came out of his mouth, he was like a chicken that had its neck strangled, holding back the rest of the words.

Because at this time it had clearly seen the appearance of these uninvited guests - they were dressed in neat black robes and uniform cat-face masks. In addition to the outline of their bodies and the sound of the spell they had just recited, they could vaguely tell that one of them was a witch.

Apart from that, there is no other characteristic that identifies them.

But no one in this tent would mistake their identities.

In the entire Phuket Island, only the Special Tactics Team of First University wears this look when performing missions.

The Triangular Battle Formation of the Forgiveness Hunting Team slowly moved to Jiang Yu's side. Jiang Yu, who was originally slightly panicked, also regained his composure a little and rebuilt a four-elephant battle formation with his three companions.

The big cyan fox even retreated to Bose Dong's side early, with a serious look on his face.

Only the dog that was squatting in front of Zheng Qing began to scratch at the cursed light of the three-ray magic circle, trying to get closer to Zheng Qing again.

"Don't worry about it."

Under the shadow of the pale yellow hill, the leader of the cat-faced wizard whispered instructions.

Fatty Xin quietly poked Xiao Xiao through the interconnection between the battle formation nodes——

"what's the situation?"

He asked silently with his mouth, very curious about the strange wizards. But neither Xiao Xiao, Zhang Jixin, nor Jiang Yu made any response to his inquiry.

Everyone was a little nervous and confused at this time.



The fish-skin curtain drooping at the door swayed slightly, and with two breezes, two more figures shot in from the half-open door of the tent and landed in front of the three-ray magic circle next to the stone platform.

"——We have communicated with the school's guardian array and conducted an emergency scan of Wei City. No traces of black magic or curses were found. All 431 wizards in Wei City are registered, and no other risk factors have been found yet..."

"——The organizers of Wei City have been notified to implement a one-way closure of the entire Wei City. Both Group A and Group C have received warnings, and the therapists from the school hospital will arrive soon..."

Having said that.

But the first person to arrive at the scene was not the 'campus hospital therapist' mentioned by the cat-faced wizards, nor was it 'Team A' or 'Group C', but the senator of the Yuexia Council who was in charge of First University

The owner of Qingqiu Mansion in a laboratory.

"Who did this?!"

Red high-heeled shoes landed at the door of the tattered tent, and with an angry voice, a tall figure tore off the broken curtain and strode into the tent located in a secluded corner of Fang City.

The originally dark tent seemed to suddenly become brighter.

The aura belonging to the great wizard was unabashedly attacking in all directions like a tidal wave. Su Shijun did not wear glasses, and his eyes passed over every wizard in the tent one by one, and finally fell on the old priest of the fishman tribe: "...you are the most popular.

Give me an explanation!"

The old priest looked aggrieved.

I am the real victim of today’s accident, okay!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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