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Chapter 151 Pre-exam Mode

 Examinations are the biggest challenge that students of Jiuyou College will always face from enrollment to graduation.

Continuous, without beginning or end.

From basic exams, to in-class exams, to monthly exams, quarterly exams, practical exams, professional ability tests, midterm exams, final exams, etc. There are many types of exams.

But in the final analysis, Jiuyou Academy tests students' mastery of various magical knowledge through examinations. In addition, examinations are also a means of classifying students into grades, eliminating the bad and keeping the good.

Among all these exams, the final exam is the culmination of all exams. It has the highest weight in the transcripts of students at Jiuyou College and is highly valued, so it is also called the ‘big exam’.

Zheng Qing felt this deeply at the beginning of the sixteenth week of school.

Previous exams, such as the various preliminary exams conducted at the beginning of the school year to identify students' foundation, or the class exams in various subjects during the learning process, or the midterm exam two months ago - no matter what the name is, in

In the eyes of the students, after all, it is just a process of checking and filling in the gaps. If you do well in the exam, you will naturally be happy; if you do not do well in the exam, there will be no big trouble, and it will be nothing more than sighing and complaining in front of your friends.

Beautiful words like 'falling asleep during the exam'.

But the upcoming final exam is completely different.

It's like the feeling of a carp leaping over a dragon's gate, about to flick its tail and jump forward. When you jump over, you will be in a new and relaxed world; if you can't cross it, you will face an abyss.

"This is the first big test you will face after entering First University and Jiuyou College. What is assessed is how much you have really learned since you entered school; what is assessed is whether you have wasted your time and whether you have truly understood the meaning of the university.

Implications. Each of you here needs to seriously think about these issues in your heart."

Professor Yao chewed on his empty pipe and talked about such a serious topic in a casual and vague tone. At the same time, he was still sorting out the lecture notes in front of him.

It can be seen that after many years of teaching, he is very comfortable in facing the first major exam for freshmen, or facing the final exam: "...There are too many words, I won't say it. You are all adults and you must learn to be responsible for yourselves.

.Next, as your spells professor, let us review the spells you have learned in the past six months."

"Open your copy of "Standard Spells: First Year in College" and let's go through the table of contents."

Following the professor's instructions, the classroom suddenly resounded with the sound of turning textbook pages. Several waiters took advantage of this gap, fluttering their wings and dragging hot towels and heavy brass teapots.

The professor standing on the podium poured a full cup of hot tea.

In the cold winter, drinking hot tea is indeed a very pleasant thing. It can make people feel much better.

Professor Yao held the tea cup, smiled and nodded to the elves, thanking them silently. The elves did not make a sound, and dragged the teapot, towels and other things again, happily and quietly flew away from the classroom.

There was a little stick figure behind the door who wanted to make a sound. However, as soon as he opened his mouth, before he could make a sound, he was hit by a piece of chalk flying from the podium at lightning speed.

——The piece of chalk hit the simple drawing and instantly turned into a cloud of powder, covering the little stick figure behind it.

Soon, the sound of turning books in the classroom gradually became silent.

Professor Yao snapped his fingers, and the students all raised their heads. A piece of white chalk jumped out of the paper box, and with the sound of ticking footsteps, it began to dance happily on the blackboard.

"The first spell you learned was the Binding Charm... Of course, in Alpha Academy, the first spell was the Soft Legs Charm, and many students also learned it concurrently, so it doesn't matter."

"Because the first spell is, essentially, to help you understand the difference between the magic you learn in college and in middle school."

“The biggest difference is ‘borrowing’ and ‘passing on’.”

"What are you borrowing? Borrow the great power deep in the starry sky, within the scope of your capabilities, and use your own limited magic power to drive larger ones, relying on complex magic circuits that you can never complete on your own. For example, when using a binding spell, you

They will borrow the power of powerful true spirits such as 'Ge Zu' and 'Lei Zu'."

"Transfer what? Transfer the effect of the curse. For example, the weak leg curse, transfer and amplify the curse through 'my horse', and then release it, which consumes less and has better effects."

Professor Yao stood on the podium, facing everyone, and talked.

Behind him, several pieces of chalk of different colors jumped in an orderly manner on the blackboard, leaving neat and smooth pieces of writing; above the blackboard, elves in gray overalls sat neatly in a row, crossing their legs.

, tilted his head and looked curiously at the students under the podium who were listening carefully to the lecture.

In front of the professor, everyone raised their heads and looked at the book carefully - very few people took notes today. After all, what Lao Yao was talking about was what everyone had already learned. It was just what they had learned in the past class.

, like bright pearls, laid out in the depths of the students' memories. What he has to do today is to string those pearls together through sorting and connection, and turn the raw materials into exquisite finished products.

"In addition to the binding spell, you also learned the 'Yuan Chen Guardian' spell."

"This is a spell that can be used throughout your magic learning. It is a spell that can be very simple or very complex. It is a spell that is closely related to the path you are walking on and the future you want to take."

"Because it is so important, you must take it in the final exam!"

As he spoke, the professor turned around, grabbed a piece of chalk that was dancing happily, and punched the blackboard twice, making several very eye-catching white marks after the words "Yuan Chen Guardian".

In the audience, some students who were in a daze seemed to have woken up from a dream. They took out their quills and put a few red asterisks in front of the spell. Some students who were too nervous even used quills to carve simple words on the back of their hands.

Reminder charm.

"Ah, it's a required question! What an unlucky thing...I haven't been very successful in practicing this spell." Fatty Xin, who was sitting in the front row of Zheng Qing, bit his pen tip and complained in a low voice: "Every time I cast it,

I feel like my whole body has been hollowed out. I wonder if the magic power is flowing in the wrong way."

After Zheng Qing marked the asterisk, he put down his quill, raised his head and looked at the blackboard. Looking at the familiar spell above, he seemed to see his two small, strangely dressed, and strange-looking 'guardians' again.

This chapter has been completed!
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