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Chapter 152: Exam Scope of the Curse Class

"In addition to the two basic spells mentioned above, in the past few months of study, we have also systematically practiced many spells with similar essences through extracurricular expansion."

"For example, 'Flowing Fire in July', 'Suspensing Frost in September', 'Peach blossoms shine brightly', 'Obi spring water', 'Birds chirping, begging for their friends', and also include what you learned in life class'

"Think of my private parts, thin my clothes," etc. These extended spells outside of class belong to the improvement part and will not appear in large numbers in the final exam...but there will definitely be questions that are meant to increase points."

"This means that if you can master these spells that are beyond the syllabus, you will definitely be able to distance yourself from other students. Students who are thoughtful must pay attention to this."

On the podium, Lao Yao continued to lead everyone to sort out what they had learned before, while holding a tea cup and sniffing the hot steam rising from the cup, using this method to suppress the urge to smoke.

Many students who originally didn't plan to take notes had to pick up their quills after the professor sorted out the "super-outline" content and began to remember the key points - compared to the knowledge in the syllabus, the knowledge outside the syllabus was too much.

It’s so complicated that it’s impossible to cover everything during review. So we can only review it in a targeted manner based on the parts that the professor has mentioned.

After sorting out the 'super syllabus' part, the professor paused for a short while. After all the students in the audience had taken notes and raised their heads again, he continued: "In addition to spells, the freshman spells class has another

The most important content to study is the Dharma books."

"The history of the development of the Dharma Book, the international standard of the Dharma Book of the Wizards Alliance, the working principle of the Dharma Book, and how to use the Dharma Book, etc. These sound commonplace and very simple questions, and they are also the focus of the final exam of the Charms class.

Part. According to past requirements, questions related to the Dharma Book part will probably account for about 30% of the total score."

Hearing this, there was a usual small but noisy complaint in the audience - many people may not really complain that the content of this part of the exam is a bit inappropriate, but they are just habitually reacting negatively to the professor's request as a way of doing it.

As a bargaining chip, I hope the exam can be slightly less difficult.

This method may not necessarily work, but what if it works? [¥ ¥#Free Reading]

On the podium, the experienced professor did not react at all to the lamentations and complaints below. He still sorted out the knowledge points at his own pace and unhurriedly:

"...For the magic class, although the magic spell is the most critical, it is not the most important - the carrier that can cast the magic spell, the Dharma book, is the more critical element."

"As I said in the previous class, 'The Dharma book carries the projection of the spell in this world, and the spell is just the introduction to evoke this projection'."

"Compared with the spells you learn, the Dharma books are actually closer to the essence of the magic we use."

"This is also the third key point that will definitely be tested in the final exam - your understanding of the Dharma books. Do you still remember the investigation report I asked you to do in pairs? Those students who made the report seriously at that time, congratulations to you, this time

You should be able to easily score 30% of the marks for the Dharma writing part in the final exam."

"I fooled my classmates back then. In this final exam, the test paper will also fool you with a random score."

Zheng Qing grabbed the quill pen and scratched his chin with the feathers raised on the back of the pen. He subconsciously turned his head and glanced at Jiang Yu, who was sitting in the first row of the classroom. His original report was about Jiang Yu.

Completed together, we wrote nearly 10,000 words.

At this moment, the witch was sitting upright in her seat, with her back straight and her expression focused. She seemed not to feel the gazes from the back row of the classroom at all.

This serious gesture made the young public-funded student couldn't help but think of that warm afternoon, the quiet cafe, the wrestling candy man on the plate, and the red-on-black plaid pajamas worn by the witch - until

Now, he couldn't understand where the popular combinations that the witch mentioned at that time were popular. Of course, he had never agreed much with this concept that tested people's abstract observation ability.

Just like the postmodern and abstract paintings he had seen in art books before, or the spring and autumn models' clothing displays in magazines and TV, whether they were strangely constructed or paired with weird color blocks, they all made him unable to


In Zheng Qing's opinion, those works are more like the result of artists transcending for the sake of transcendence and becoming possessed.

"Professor!" A slightly abrupt voice suddenly sounded from the front row, startling the distracted young public-funded student.

Zheng Qing came to his senses and found that the person raising his hand was Duan Xiaojian.

After getting Lao Yao's permission, the thin, hunchbacked young wizard stood up and asked slightly uneasily: "Professor, are you going to test the spells learned by Lieyue in the final exam?"

This question has aroused the interest of many people.

When hunting the moon, it seems that in order to match the atmosphere of the school at that time, the teachers included a lot of teaching content related to monster hunting when teaching.

For example, when Mr. Sima in the history class was lecturing, he directly skipped decades and talked about many contents of the 'Second Lich War' in the late 1930s - according to normal planning,

This part of the content should only be covered in the early second semester of the freshman year.

For another example, Professor Yi in the divination class also gave up the content of "Basic Yi Xue·First Year College" and taught the students how to use local materials, using dead branches, fallen leaves, yellow sand and leftover bones in the field to perform divination


Accordingly, Professor Yao is no exception.

In those spells classes, he not only taught the students the chaos spell of "The wolf stalks its beard and carries its tail", but he also divided them into categories according to "control", "attack", "disruption", "escape", etc.

In various situations, dozens of spells commonly used on hunting grounds were listed, and the students were asked to take notes.

There is no doubt that these contents are definitely not knowledge points within the scope of the syllabus. But if the professor insists on including them within the scope of assessment, it seems that there are not many reasons to refute - in any case, these knowledge are part of the classroom

It has been taught before, and the professor also asked everyone to take notes carefully.

But just like the 'super-class' spells mentioned earlier, no one will seriously remember the consequences of the different subtle changes in these spells, or the dozens of standardized use occasions of these spells, and the consequences of incorrect use of spells.

consequences, etc.

Most of them have just learned it and can copy it into Dharma books by themselves and release it.

That's all.

"Test." Faced with Duan Xiaojian's question, Lao Yao did not show off, but answered very seriously: "But the scope of the test is limited to the 'Chaos Curse'. You will still encounter this spell in your future studies."

, so it is included in the examination paper. Other spells are too complicated, and it is of no benefit to you now to memorize too many."

This chapter has been completed!
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