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Chapter 163 The origin of the little white cat

 Jiang Yu had no plans to visit the campus at night tonight.

Especially now that it's cold weather, and the kitten she transformed into is just an ordinary short-haired kitten. It doesn't have long hair or thick fat to protect her from the wind and cold, so she can go out for a walk in this environment.

, it’s really not a wise choice.

But after dinner, when she hurried to Shushan Library, she found to her chagrin that the desk where she usually sat had been occupied by several unfamiliar faces. As the end of the term approached, more and more young wizards from the academy began to appear in the library.

, which makes some people who usually stay in the library feel a little uncomfortable.

For example, Jiang Yu, this is the second time her position has been taken.

If on weekdays, when she came to the library after dinner, she could find a spacious and comfortable corner to study. But unlike now, even if she scanned the library up and down, she could not find another free place.


After leaving the library, Jiang Yu came to the teaching building with one in ten thousand hopes - because the end of the semester was approaching, the school had specially opened a number of classrooms for everyone to review, and the opening hours were extended to ten o'clock in the evening - but there was no chance of leaving.

Surprisingly, every study room was packed with students reviewing. Among them were senior students with one, two, or even three lines of black trim on their robes.

The witch never realized that there were so many students in the school.

Of course, not every wizard who had occupied a seat was studying hard. In the process of searching for a vacant seat, the witch found more than one pair of lovers making love in front of the desk, and someone also placed a copy of the Brave and the Heroes next to the review questions.

I enjoyed reading the story book about the evil dragon with gusto.

However, no matter how much these people waste that precious position, the witch has no reason to let them get up and leave.

First come, first served, that's all.

With a bit of melancholy and unwillingness, after returning to the dormitory, the empty dormitory told the witch another fact, that is, Li Meng was not here tonight either.

Jiang Yu then remembered that Li Meng was going to Qingqiu Mansion tonight to help Su Ya pick pumpkins. She had already communicated this matter with Su Man, the head maid of Qingqiu Mansion, and it was indeed true. The two little girls did not


Without the chirping little troublesome bugs, the witch was delighted with the quiet and empty dormitory. She couldn't help but have a feeling of "there is no way out despite the mountains and rivers, and there is a village with dark flowers and bright flowers".

So what if there are no vacancies in the library? So what if there are no vacancies in the study room? She can definitely review in the dormitory!

However, after opening the textbook and simply doing a few exercises, the witch realized that she was still too young.

Dormitories have never been a good place to study - not to mention the footsteps of people walking through the corridors from time to time, nor the alluring smell of pillows, quilts and shower gel that fills the air.

A stuffed bear that wandered around her feet from time to time was a constant distraction.

This feeling became more intense after she analyzed a talisman and her train of thought was interrupted by a stuffed bear tugging at her trousers - the stuffed bear wanted her to help brush a cattail. Damn it, is this possible?

Don’t you know, Toumao Xiong, that girls have absolutely no resistance to small animals like cattails?

After playing with the stuffed bear for more than ten minutes, Jiang Yu suddenly realized that she was still reviewing her lessons. For a moment, the witch wanted to stuff the stuffed bear named Li Neng into the incinerator and burn it.

Turn it into ashes, or throw it into Linzhong Lake as a trophy for the fish people.

Immediately, she realized her mistake.

Especially her choice to study in the dormitory was a huge mistake.

That's right, if you can study well in the dormitory, why would the school set up a special study room?

Frustrated, Jiang Yu raised her head and glanced at the completely darkened sky outside the window. Listening to the crackling sound of the cold wind blowing on the glass, an impulse suddenly arose in her heart.

How about going out for a walk today?

Of course, what she meant by "going out for a walk" was not like other wizards, wearing robes, holding Dharma books, and walking along the promenade around Linzhong Lake.

Her "go out for a walk" is to go to the campus to track down the murderer of the kitten after her transformation.

Just do it if you think of it.

Jiang Yu put down the textbook and review questions in his hand, opened the desk drawer, took out a transformation potion from it, drank it directly without any mixing. Using this method to transform, although the taste is slightly worse, it is better than the transformation.

high speed.

She didn't want to be lying on the bed slowly deforming after Li Meng came back from Qingqiu Mansion.

When the moon rose above the slanting branches, the witch had already completed her transformation and appeared on the bluestone path outside the dormitory.

Because of the weather, before going out, she hung a magic jade pendant around her neck that could keep warm from the cold, protect and attack. As for the stuffed bear, she stayed in the dormitory to brush the fur.


It's almost eight o'clock in the evening.

Different from the noisy and lively atmosphere in summer nights, the campus in winter is extremely desolate.

Even a few pedestrians passing by were hunching their necks, putting their hands in their pockets, and walking in a hurry. Unless necessary, few students would waste magic items such as talismans to keep warm.

The little white cat walked lightly on the grass.

Compared with the bluestone road, her paw pads felt more comfortable walking on the dry grass.

If you are lucky, you might be able to meet the murderer of the kitten tonight; if you are not lucky, you might be able to meet the black cat who saved you before.

No matter how bad your luck is, nothing worse than helping Li Meng with homework or staying in the dormitory to bathe the stuffed bear will never happen.

Thinking of this, the little white cat's footsteps became much lighter.

This lightness made me hesitate for a moment when passing a fork.

To the left is the bluestone road leading to Linzhong Lake.

To the right is the road leading to the grove in the back garden of the school.

Logically speaking, the little white cat should turn left. Regardless of the clues she collected before or the highest possibility, she habitually limited the kitten's range of activities to the vicinity of Linzhong Lake.

But maybe, you can make some changes today?

The kitten put down its raised paw, then switched to the other paw, hesitatingly, and stepped onto the overgrown path.

Not long after she left, she was keenly aware of a wave of 'similar' scents in the air.

Soon, she arrived under the big locust tree.

Then raise your head.

She saw a tree of big kittens, hanging in clusters among the treetops like ripe fruits.

There was also a black cat with four paws on the snow and red eyes, squinting and lowering its head to look at her.

This chapter has been completed!
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