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Chapter 164 True Fragrance Warning

 From the first moment she saw the black cat, Jiang Yu knew it was the big black cat she was looking for.

Although she didn't know why the black cat's eyes turned red, its unique temperament and its satin-like smooth and shiny fur made her very confident in her judgment.

Besides, the four-pawed black cat is not a popular commodity. After staying in school for such a long time, Jiang Yu has never seen the second black cat with four-pawed snow.

I finally saw you, luckily I didn’t miss you.

This thought passed through the little white cat's mind. He was happy for a moment and couldn't help but snore a few times - since he could easily complete the small goal of finding the black cat, then the task of catching the murderer shouldn't be too difficult, right?


With this good mood, the little white cat took a few steps back, and with a short run, she jumped up to the big locust tree. After several experiences of transforming into a cat, she has been able to master some felines.

It's instinctive.

Such as night vision, such as hunting, such as climbing trees.

Although the locust tree is tall, its main trunk is not high. It only relies on the forked branches scattered in all directions to support its huge crown. Therefore, although the white cat is still small, it can still use a short distance to run

Jump up.

It's just that this locust tree is a bit old, and its bark is far more cracked and rough than other trees in the forest. The soft paw pads of the little white cat stepped on the bark, which was very uncomfortable.

But in order to catch the black cat, she pulled her ears and endured the discomfort.

After climbing over more than ten meters of rough tree bark and passing over the heads of more than a dozen large and small cats, the little white cat finally came to the branch where Zheng Qing was lying.

"Move over!"

The little white cat barked ferociously, raised its front legs and kicked hard, kicking the black cat's body to the side. The black cat turned back and glanced in other directions, seeming a little dazed.

The little white cat felt dissatisfied, raised its paw, and 'reminded' the black cat again.

The black cat finally reacted and moved a little to the side, leaving enough space.

The little white cat finally let out a long breath, shook his head and squeezed in, then lay down lazily.

Zheng Qing couldn't understand the meaning of the cat's meow.

Although he has been a cat for a long time, he can guess what these furry guys want to express through the different tones and tones of their calls. But this guess is not as accurate as verbal communication after all.

Of course, because cats' social life and way of thinking are extremely simple, he does not need to carefully figure out the subtle psychological changes of cats. It is enough to be able to roughly guess what they want to say.

Just like now.

This little white cat seems to want him to lean aside to leave some space for her?

However, doesn’t she know that this position is only for the leader of the cat group?

The black cat squinted its eyes, tilted its head and glanced at the little white cat that had wandered in. The tip of its tail was hooked, and there was some doubt in its heart. Moreover, the little white cat climbed up and passed so many big kittens, so why didn't any cat stop it?

Where has all the responsibility gone?!

Is this the work attitude of a subordinate?!

The black cat couldn't help but look back at the cats behind him.

I saw them huddled together in twos and threes, or licking each other's fur, or taking a nap with squinted eyes, or staring at the bark of the tree in a daze. There were also a few active guys jumping around in the small space, chasing each other.

The branches were swinging back and forth. None of them looked normal.

Zheng Qing couldn't help but slap a palm on his face.

He shouldn't have any expectations about the sense of responsibility in a creature like a cat.

Before his sense of self-blame subsided, another 'heavy' kick came from his waist. Of course, this 'heavy' was only a relative term. The black cat could feel that the little white cat had used eleven

She has a certain amount of power, but she is too small. Even if she uses power beyond her ability, the impact on the black cat will be minimal.

At best, it just serves as a little reminder to the black cat.

The black cat moved in the direction of the little white cat's kicks, squeezing out a few inches of space - well, forget it, big cats don't have the same knowledge as small cats. The world is so big, it doesn't matter if it gives her a few inches.

Maybe he noticed the movement among the branches of the trees above.

The ragdoll cat, which had been sitting quietly below, couldn't sit still anymore. He hesitated for a few seconds and tentatively climbed up a few steps. But it was only a few steps.

When it wants to find a few more inches of space between the black cat and the white cat, the little white cat will squeeze it in very stingily without the black cat reacting.

Precious resources are valuable everywhere.

The Ragdoll cat meowed "Meow Meow" a few times, and found that the black cat stayed indifferently, and even tugged on its ears, as if trying to plug the ear holes, and finally gave up the plan of going up and returned honestly

its original place.

There were a few dead branches and leaves hanging on the little white cat's body.

Maybe it stuck to her when she was walking on the lawn, maybe it hung on her when she walked through the bushes, or maybe she inherited it from another cat when she just climbed a tree.

Anyway, there were a few unsightly grass blades hanging on the kitten's white fur.

As a slightly obsessive cat, Zheng Qing could not remain indifferent to those leaves.

Of course, it was impossible to lick fur. He didn't even lick his own fur, let alone a little white cat that appeared out of nowhere. If it hadn't been for the fact that they had met several times before, and she was too young, Zheng Qing would have

Out of compassion, her act of rashly ascending to the 'throne' was enough for the black cat to knock her into the ground and beat her up.

Black Cat originally tried to pretend to turn a blind eye.

But the white cat was crowded around him, and the few dead leaves would inevitably rub against his body from time to time, making him feel uncomfortable all over.

After holding on for a minute, the black cat finally couldn't hold it anymore, moved its body outward, then raised its paws, plucked along the fur, and pulled the few dead grass off the little white cat.

The little white cat froze for a few seconds, seeming a little embarrassed.

But he still obediently moved his body closer to the black cat's paws, kicked up his paws at the same time, put his head on them, squinted his eyes and started to snore, and his little tail swung behind him, which was very pleasant.

The black cat was stunned, its claws that had not yet been retracted were raised in the air, not knowing where to put them.

Are you letting yourself tickle her?!

Does she think she is a queen?!!

Who is the boss of the cat group?

The black cat shook its ears angrily, but did not remove its claws. Instead, it pressed the little white cat's back fur obediently and started stroking along the fur.

Just take care of the children.

He comforted himself by saying that he was just petting cats. If a wizard can pet a cat, then the cat transformed by the wizard can naturally pet the cat as well. Logically speaking, there is no problem at all.

This chapter has been completed!
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