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Chapter 288 Patrol of the Royal Palace at Sea

   If the seafood in the cave world was just delicious, if it was just green and environmentally friendly, the officers and soldiers on each ship would not praise each other. The most important thing is that after eating these seafood for 23 days, almost everyone was violent.


Those who were not one-star warriors in the past have become one-star warriors; those who were once one-star warriors have broken through to the three-star realm. By analogy, everyone's martial arts realm has skyrocketed. What is the reason for this? Naturally, it is the spirit fish spirit.

The meat is working.

Even on the surface of the North Pole, near the passage connecting the two interfaces, the vegetables grown in the greenhouses are all spiritual vegetables, and the livestock fed with spiritual vegetables all have spiritual flesh, and eating them can help increase the power.

Not to mention the spirit fish, spirit turtles, shrimps and crabs in the sea at the center of the cave world?

The vegetables and meat in the caves are not twice or even ten times different from the spiritual vegetables and spiritual meat on the surface. Officers and soldiers who have eaten spiritual vegetables and spiritual meat on the surface claimed after comparison that there are enough of the two kinds of food.

A tenfold difference.

The difference in quality of spiritual food is reflected in the martial arts of the eater. The combat effectiveness of the 170,000 troops carried by more than 90 warships has more than doubled. If Xun Chang's army had not been suppressed, they would have turned around and killed them.

Puppet army.

Of course Xun Changjun refused to let the soldiers kill this retaliate. Although Ding Junchao was not on the chasing ship, the dozens of "blood drops" from the aliens were unsolvable. Even the six-star grandmaster Yuan Haitao had no chance to fight back.

, isn’t sending others up there to risk death?

 Therefore, even if the combat effectiveness of his soldiers has doubled, few of them have reached the level of Yuan Haitao. They must not be sent to die unless it is absolutely necessary.

The underground cave world has day and night, but there is no distinction between morning and dusk. The light is always bright and consistent during the day, and then suddenly enters the pitch-black night, just like a sudden power outage in a darkroom on the surface.

This day was already the twenty-fourth day of the sea voyage. When the sky broke out, Xun Yuankun said: "Dad, the Sea Palace is almost here."

Xun Changjun and Luo Lie slept in shifts. When he was awake, he always faced the stern of the ship to prevent the puppet army's ship from accidentally catching up. At this time, hearing his son's reminder, he turned back to the bow of the ship, raised his telescope, and observed in the direction of his son's finger.


Through the telescope, a small island looms on the sea level. It is green and has very dense vegetation. Could this be the big ship of the Royal Palace on the Sea?

He was about to speak when he noticed that there were several black spots appearing and disappearing on the sea between the island and his fleet, so he asked: "What are these black spots?"

"Where are the black spots?" Xun Yuankun also raised his telescope, but then he said: "That's the speedboat of the Royal Palace on the Sea, and someone is coming from the other side."

The black spot is very fast, far better than the two fleets here that are escaping and chasing each other. When Xun Yuankun was talking, the black spot had expanded several times, and at the same time it had the outline of a ship.

 It was indeed a boat. It had no sails, but its speed was comparable to a speedboat on the surface. Xun Changjun couldn't help being stunned and asked: "What are these boats powered by?"

Xun Yuankun shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

There were ten clippers in total, and there were more than a dozen people standing on each boat. After Xun Yuankun finished his third sentence, Xun Changjun could see clearly that there were actually women on board the boats and not a single man at all.

Not long after, the incoming ship had sailed far into the Space Force fleet. The ship was in the shape of a spindle and its speed was astonishing. A woman on the ship said in Chinese: "Listen to the fleet ahead, this is the territorial waters of the Sea Palace, and outsiders are prohibited from entering."

, I order you to turn around immediately."

The woman's words clearly reached the ears of every soldier in the Space Force, and it was obvious that her internal strength was extremely strong. Xun Changjun immediately replied: "Hello, girl, I am Xun Changjun, the commander-in-chief of the Earth Alliance Space Force. I have something urgent to call you.

Zhuang Shen will discuss it."

The woman said: "Zhuang Shen is practicing in seclusion at the moment. It is impossible to meet any guests. You should go back first and come back in a hundred days."

Xun Changjun was stunned when he heard this. What kind of martial arts is Zhuang Siyu practicing, and he can't get out to see anyone for a hundred days? He quickly begged: "Girl, we can't go back, there are soldiers chasing us behind us..."


The woman said: "What does it have to do with me that someone is chasing you? What does it have to do with the Royal Palace on the Sea? You can't tell me what you said. I am ordering you to return immediately, otherwise don't blame my men for being ruthless."

Xun Changjun said quickly: "Girl, please don't worry. I want to ask you about someone. Do you know Xu Jingyuan?"

Unexpectedly, the woman said angrily: "Can you also call our Queen by her name? Now you can't even return home! Take it from me!"

After the two exchanged these words, the speedboat the woman was riding on had already arrived next to the Space Force fleet. The woman gave an order, and the six women around her got off the boat at the same time. They ran a few steps through the water and reached the side of the ship where Xun Changjun was.

, the hulls of the ships built by Xun Yuankun all have a certain height, and these women walked up along the sides of the ship as easily as climbing stairs.

Xun Changjun really didn't want to have a conflict with the other party and said hurriedly: "I didn't know she became your queen. She is my friend and comrade-in-arms. We are our own people. Don't take action yet. You will regret it if you do!"


The woman on the boat opposite seemed to have considered this issue, and then shouted behind her: "Dahuangluo, Dayuanxian, go and ask Her Majesty the Queen if she really knows this person."

As soon as she said these words, the six women who had already boarded the ship of Chang Xun's army stopped moving and stood on the deck to confront the soldiers beside Chang Xun's army.

Xun Changjun was secretly surprised when he heard that Dahuangluo and Dayuanxian were both names of the Earthly Branches, and he didn't know whether it referred to a person's name or a ship number. He raised his telescope and found that there were several black spots on the sea level heading towards

The "small island" sailing towards it should also be the patrol ship of the Royal Palace on the Sea.

The situation has eased, but Xun Changjun's fleet did not stop. The woman on the boat below said: "Why don't you stop the ship? Even if you are friends with our queen, you can't go any further until you get the queen's permission."

Xun Changjun smiled bitterly and said, "I don't dare to stop. The enemies chasing us behind are very powerful."

"Really?" the woman waved her hand and said, "Rou Zhao, Chong Guang, you go over and stop the fleet behind. If you disobey, you will be shot on the spot!"

At the same time as the woman gave the order, a speedboat left the fleet on each side of her ship, heading towards the puppet army fleet behind it like an arrow, leaving a snow-white wave line on the sea.

Xun Changjun nodded secretly. It seemed that these fast ships were named after the heavenly stems and earthly branches. Rouzhao and Chongguang were both named after heavenly stems. He couldn't help but remind him: "Girl, the enemy is very powerful. You must be careful."

  The woman in the lead said "cut" and said no more.

This chapter has been completed!
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